Kämpfende Gewalten oder Welt ohne Krieg
Kämpfende Gewalten oder Welt ohne Krieg
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Kämpfende Gewalten oder Welt ohne Krieg

Kämpfende Gewalten oder Welt ohne Krieg

This film tells the story of the fictional Dr Barnay and recounts his experience of the First World War. He works as a doctor in a military hospital and has always been committed to bringing about the end of war. When his wife dies in an air raid, he spends all of his time working on an anti-war invention to distract himself, and in the process neglects his new wife and his child. When the child is killed in an accident because of his machinery, he ends up pushing away his wife.

Kämpfende Gewalten oder Welt ohne Krieg

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Avg Percentile 34.04% from 1 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 09 Dec 2014
Almost an German anti-war movie. I barely knew that existed. However it isn't a very good dramatized story. Acting was the worst part. Story was so-so, but at least it had a message.


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