Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
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Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Sci-fi, Action
2h 8m
When the island's dormant volcano begins roaring to life, Owen and Claire mount a campaign to rescue the remaining dinosaurs from this extinction-level event. (imdb)

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Sci-fi, Action
2h 8m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 24.9% from 1696 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 15 Nov 2018
Five movies into this series, and the only good one remains the original. Dammit.
Rated 25 Jun 2018
Don’t waste your time this is just a filler movie till they finish the CGI of dinosaurs comin’ straight outta Compton. They had the audacity to tease an ending for nonsense we saw 20+ years ago as an entire last act in Lost World. Bitch I remember the nerdy glasses guy being eaten in front of a Blockbuster you better have a fucking ace up your garbage sleeves.
Rated 23 Jun 2018
Relentlessly mediocre. I can't fault the direction or acting very much, but the writing is unforgivable. The villains are comically motivated by money, while the dinosaurs are lovable, soulful creatures (with tearducts??) that deserve to be let out into California to eat people and less deserving animals. The problems with the script are so pervasive and overwhelming that they drag down whatever fun the movie could have offered. At least the first one knew it was a shameless cash-in.
Rated 22 Jun 2018
There's a scene where everyone marvels as they watch 1 of those huge, harmless dinos slowly walk by as if the audience has NOT seen this exact same scene in every installment - that's this film. The 2 capable leads return as "characters" who aren't written as if they're in love, but as if they're following the dictates of formula. The only new thing here is the suggestion that the lives of these wildly dangerous creatures are of equal value to the lives of uninvolved passerby. PETA will be happy
Rated 11 May 2019
Completely forgettable sequel. I watched it a few days ago and I literally don't remember much. There was a clever Velociraptor hybrid who could play possum...and the sleeping T-Rex sneezed on Chris Pratt, and there was some woke bossy chick who wouldn't let any man tell her what to do because "#metoo" Wasn't there also some epic dino vs. dino fight on top of the Statue of Liberty or some shit. I think I'm mixing my movies up. I said, completely forgettable.
Rated 16 Jun 2018
ok, now we're supposed to feel empathy for these killing machines? what's this, species equality? "reptiles-too" movement? seriously man, they eat people. and again, like the first one, a t-rex and a velociraptor is loose at the end. maybe in the next installment they could make a buddy cop movie.
Rated 07 Sep 2018
In awe such a bad screenplay could get the green light.
Rated 22 Jun 2018
A little hard to rate. I could see Bayona becoming an effect director if given the right story. The scary scenes were scary, the action scenes are done well, and it boasts some good CGI. The acting is all good. However some of the dialog is cringe and some of it is predictable. At this point, this does feel like rinse and repeat. Don't get me wrong, these movies are entertaining, but I don't understand why it's so heavily praised. It does, however, open up for what could be a good sequel.
Rated 15 Jun 2018
Welcome to Jurassic Schlock. If you were expecting a decent sequel to a Spielberg classic, you'll be thoroughly disappointed. If on the other hand, you're cool with a two hour glossy and momentarily inspired B-movie cliche parade (paced so it literally feels you're watching it in 1,5 x speed) then there is a chance, you'll like it.
Rated 05 Oct 2018
Dinosaur lives matter... like the last installment, death is only bad if it's accompanied by sad music. Messy plop of a film.
Rated 05 Jul 2018
They used up all their clever points on the out-of-context "Nasty Woman" comment, so when they had to write the plot they just said "Fuck it, let's have as many nonsensical life threatening moments as possible." My favorite was the solution to get out of the locked room was a ladder no one noticed up until the exact moment they were about to die. When all the dinos were going extinct a second time, why didn't anyone just say that they can clone them again?
Rated 23 Jun 2018
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is a bland addition to a franchise that should be anything but. Seemingly two separate movies condensed into one with large chunks of their structures obliterated, it is a filler piece designed to achieve the setup for the franchise's next installment. It has a handful of thrilling and visually spectacular moments thanks to director J.A. Bayona, but this disappointing film has me more worried for the fate of the Jurassic Park franchise than any film before it.
Rated 19 Jun 2018
CGI overload and another mostly forgettable Hollywood plot and script. Instead of awe and wonder they give us greed and corruption. The writing is just awful., but the graphics and animation is top notch. Sound is pretty good also. This has a few very satisfying moments, but unfortunately they are overshadowed by boat load of tedious nonsense.
Rated 08 Jun 2018
The only missing thing was Dwayne Johnson!
Rated 01 Dec 2021
A series that depends on pre-pubescent boys' obsessions with dinosaurs. When the original came out, I was seven, and it was awesome. Twenty-five years later, the series has long overstayed its welcome, and buff Pratt might be saving the dinosaurs, but he isn't saving the franchise from extinction.
Rated 22 Nov 2018
With every instalment it becomes more apparent what a good story the original was & how sequel unfriendly JP has always been. The story feels like a desperate stretch & the script is nowhere near strong enough to dig out the plot or any of the characters. Bayona occasionally hints at a more interesting horror inflected film, but such moments are snuffed out by a big studio playing safe. That said I far from hated it & Pratt’s amount of smuldering to camera is genuinely obscene.
Rated 22 Nov 2018
predictable to the point of being tiresome. Worse, it's boring. In a movie about dinosaurs, the best directed moment is a seconds long fistfight with Chris Pratt. Setpieces feel routine, dialogue is scorn inducing, and if the locale is different, the themes and ideas are just a mash-up of The Lost World and Jurassic World
Rated 10 Sep 2018
The aptly named Fallen Kingdom is a fitting descriptor for the state of the franchise. While Jurassic Park remains a masterpiece of the modern blockbuster, this nail-in-the-coffin is the epitome of what is wrong with them; A bloated plot, clichéd characters, unnecessary screaming, and a child. The shots ripped out of the first movie are more insulting than nostalgic. The dinosaurs actually look less realistic (i.e. worse). Its cardinal sin however, is that it's just not fun.
Rated 02 Aug 2018
It's fine. I actually enjoyed Jurassic World more, but they are both going for the same thing... which is also fine. In terms of big blockbusters there's a way to do them so they are much better, but this is passable and entertaining enough. I don't think there's anything good or bad, really, it just sorta exists as its thing. Like oh hey, there's Fallen Kingdom, that's a movie we watched and didn't hate.
Rated 12 Jul 2018
A loose remake of The Lost World: Jurassic Park turns into some kind of modern day Hammer Horror monster mansion film in the second half. I don’t think this one is going to have much rewatch value in decades to come (thanks partially to a few cringey “woke” moments that will age like fine milk). I don’t think Bayona is talentless behind the camera and there are a few well-composed sequences, mostly on the island. But overall I’d rank this fourth of the five Jurassic films.
Rated 07 Jul 2018
Maybe one of the worst movies I've seen in theaters. All I wanted was harmless entertainment - the bar was set extremely low. But this is weaponized stupidity. First the positives: the lighting is interesting in a couple scenes, and the visual effects are great. Negatives: every single element of the script. Characterization, causal logic between set pieces, pacing, the geography of the locations. Every intentional comedic beat but one (thanks Chris Pratt) doesn't land. Hot fire garbage.
Rated 28 Jun 2018
Welcome to the Lost World except it's 2018 and the CGI still looks worse than the 1993 classic. If you love a truly monotonous experience than look no further!
Rated 27 Jun 2018
The first half contains some really great sequences; the volcano adds an exciting natural-disaster element to the dino action (see the unique sound editing of the underwater drama) and the snarky Zia and fearful Franklin are welcome additions to the cast of characters. It really starts to tire in the predictable second half though, when we're mostly left with the two bland leads, a cliche villain, and an unexceptional big bad dino. The underlying dino-rights thread never really works either.
Rated 25 Jun 2018
Deus Rex Machina
Rated 24 Jun 2018
If the best thing I can say about this is that it's a low-rent "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" that scrapes the surface of the morality questions and slathers them in big, pretty action sequences, so be it, because that absolutely worked for me. It's big, it's entertaining, there's at least *something* to it storyline-wise, and it was unapologetic about going over the top and indulgent. Gotta respect that. Also gotta respect a movie like this taking a risk and veering into new genre territory.
Rated 24 Jun 2018
The franchise reaches new lows of dumb ideas. They compound to the point where I finally checked my brain out. Moustache-twirling villains, schlock that's worse than schlock. We're asked to care about dinosaurs one moment, then cower from them like they're mindless monsters. Just the sheer amount of dumb. And all suspense was drained from Universal's media blitz. Every. Single. Action sequence and great image was utilized to market this film. Everything was spoiled. Everything.
Rated 16 Jun 2018
This is the best movie for your eyeballs: the 3D is super pretty, and you'll work out those eye muscles from all the rolling they'll be doing.
Rated 05 Jul 2021
Eh…Fallen Kingdom is kinda confusing. I figured World laid down the foundation for a great sequel, and in turn…this just does everything the first one did. Owen & Claire spend the whole movie establishing a relationship that was already done in the first. They once again, are militarizing dinosaurs as weapons, and they also, break out in the dumbest of ways…again. This honestly feels like a setup, but World did as well…so what are we doing here? This is extremely disappointing.
Rated 10 May 2019
LOL this entire movie was outperformed by a 12 year old girl.
Rated 21 Apr 2019
Much like molten lava, Fallen Kingdom is lukewarm and mildly inconvenient.
Rated 02 Mar 2019
A good deal better than 'Jurassic World', but still infinitely weaker than 'Jurassic Park'. Bayona is actually a pretty good fit for the material, but with no interesting characters and barely a semblance of an honest to god plot, the film amounts to little more than a semi-fun hodgepodge. Which under the right circumstances might be just about enough, I suppose.
Rated 30 Dec 2018
Please,stops making new "kewl" dinosaurs,you have hundreds of millions of years worth of dinosaurs to pick from. And don't auction off an island of dinosaurs for less than it costs to make a movie about dinosaurs....
Rated 28 Oct 2018
Fallen Kingdom is a bland, thoroughly mediocre sequel to a completely unnecessary franchise reboot
Rated 21 Oct 2018
Don't watch this. It's 2 hours you'll never get back.
Rated 04 Oct 2018
If you want brainless adventure with decent CGI , you could do worse since the charismatic leads help keep you mildly invested. Its pretty goofy and everyone is an idiot.
Rated 10 Sep 2018
Fuck it. I enjoyed it. I'm not sure if I like the direction it's going but the current concept is milked dry, so who knows.
Rated 10 Sep 2018
Stop the computer tricks and let this series die. It had its moment under the sun, and it's gone.
Rated 07 Sep 2018
More bland, corporate bullshit. I'm willing to accept a contrived, preposterous plot if the filmmaking is self-aware or there's a sense of escapist fun in the proceedings. But Christ, how do you manage to make a movie about dinosaurs fucking shit up so un-fun?
Rated 07 Aug 2018
A hilarious disasterpiece of filmmaking that has cinematography that deserves better. I laughed hearty ironic guffaws throughout which redeemed it for me.
Rated 25 Jul 2018
(Rewatch. Dumber than I recall. Rifftrax 40/100; even they didn't couldn't salvage any jokes out of this except for a Det Pikachu line) Jurassic World 2: Dino Mansion. At least she has sensible shoes this time and they made sure to point that out to you. Hated the entire young girl plot---you knew then that nothing bad will happen to her. Watching this made me miss the daytime dino scenes in JW. Dinosaurs look all the same in the dark. I will say the camera angles in this movie were amazing.
Rated 24 Jul 2018
Ugh. This is just super disappointing because the original Jurassic Park still remains one of my favourites. The plot seems recycled to the point of exhaustion and has no fun. Even Chris Pratt's charisma can't save this one. The character motivations are all over the joint, the film overtly tries to compensate for the error of the first Jurassic World and they decide to drop a massive bomb as if it's a passing comment. It's a hot mess.
Rated 03 Jul 2018
This premise is garbage. Every Jurassic Park film to date has taught us that these dinosaurs are bad news. This film gives us no reason to buy that the very obviously best solution, given a premise where all the dinos are trapped on a volcanic island about to erupt, isn't to just let them die. Save the dinosaurs! No, let's not. The script is woefully dumb in many other aspects as well; I could not get on board.
Rated 03 Jul 2018
not exactly sure how they made such an uneventful dinosaur film. even when something happens, it's either straight out of the original film or too shallow to begin with. ewww the budweiser product placement ewww toby jones doing trump for some reason ewww all of this, take the money and run, goldblum!
Rated 27 Jun 2018
Despite the film's polished visuals and decent performances, it comes off as silly and forgettable; it's not really a kid's movie, it's neither full of wonder nor adventure, and it vastly overreaches with the laughable morality upon which the whole film is based.
Rated 25 Jun 2018
I had very low expectations for this one, and you know what? It was fine. I knew it was a dumb dinosaur movie going in, and that's what I got. I liked that they took the series in some new directions. Direction was pretty good, and the visual effects were nice. The overall story really isn't great and they didn't push things far enough. The characters suck. Pratt really just isn't trying. If you don't take it too seriously, I think you can have a decent time with this one.
Rated 22 Jun 2018
"Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" is the final nail in the coffin for a franchise that should've ended four films ago. Although it does try to evolve conceptually, moving much of the action to a lovingly realised gothic mansion, the film still can't seem to handle even the most basic of scenes, with Pratt and Howard having even less to do as leads than they did in the first. It's an action film that isn't exciting, a thriller that isn't scary, and a series that'd be better off extinct.
Rated 18 Jun 2018
not so good
Rated 15 Jun 2018
Jeff Goldblum has a single, solitary scene in it. He testifies about man-made, cataclysmic change, whereupon dinosaurs will forever be fighting each other, running after scientists in tight industrial spaces, eating lawyers and other capitalists. I've honestly hit a wall with these things.
Rated 10 Jun 2018
Better than my (very low) expectations: It's a standard CGI-action blockbuster. It has dinosaurs. The plot is decent. The characters are poor and insufferably exaggerated cliches, which made a lot of the movie annoying to watch for me. It wasn't a bad movie though.
Rated 09 Jun 2018
Even more stupid than its predecessor? Maybe. It doesn't really want to ask questions about the responsibilities of science and scientists, even though Goldblum (yeah!) and Spall (yawn!) talk a little bit about it. The first half is just boring. The second half has a light gothic horror touch, but of course, horror never got hold of me. But in the end there's still some cool stuff with dinosaurs.
Rated 08 Jun 2018
* Wish I had read my review for the previous film before going to this one and I wouldn't go. Everything is the same but worse. For a film with a World title, 2 thirds is spent inside a fuckin mansion. This is a dinosaur film guys, wake up.. And I think Pratt has 3 lines in the movie, he filmed this in his off days or something?
Rated 07 Jun 2018
It looks absolutely stunning. Bayona makes great use of light and darkness and sets up some set pieces of the type you may have fantasised about as a kid. As that implies though, the plot is still very, very silly. I blame Trevorrow.
Rated 06 Jun 2018
I was pleasantly surprised by the end of this movie. The island part of the movie doesn't feel like a slog to get through. If you were expecting action and dinosaurs, you'll get that, but one thing that surprised was there were quite a few emotional scenes in it. The themes of greed and extinction lead to some interesting scenes spread throughout the movie. The acting is decent. The CGI/Special Effects feels more polished here and the directing seems much more solid compared to Jurassic World.
Rated 19 Aug 2024
I like this new trilogy; at least it is trying to tell a new story, albeit a bit clumsily, without being overtly self-referential like other reboots of classics like Indiana Jones or Star Wars. The characters are entertaining and the dinosaur parts are good in the sense that the mesh of the CGI and the real world is well handled. It is a tad bit too video-gamish for my taste, but it is entertaining.
Rated 23 Jan 2020
A step forward for the franchise for what it implies for the third sequel and it's well enough acted that it did hold its own. The rescue from the island was a visual spectacle and it played more to the strengths or the horror aspect. Pratt and Howard are serviceable but not great as their characters are thrown into a plot that doesn't really require them per say in the bigger picture. A solid follow up to a mediocre film with very big aspirations for the next big budget sequel. Can't complain.
Rated 25 Sep 2019
This is absolutely terrible film making. Basically fan service based on a middle school kids jurassic park fan-fic. Sooo many cheesy cliches, easy, eyerolling humor, cheap setups etc etc. narratively this is far bellow garbage. Set against the first jurassic park, this is so bad its an insult, movies this narratively awful used to ONLY come on straight-to-video. Simpleton cash grab insult of a movie. And childish in a way that it will make your kids dumber. Film standard has dropped so low..
Rated 15 Mar 2019
I don't think this was a bad film, but I think my idea of what it could have been exceeded the film too much. For instance, this Jurassic was clearly horror inspired, but I was hoping for more dread-inducing scenes. Not only this, but where was Goldblum?? It lands about where you think it would, being a sequel to an already average reboot.
Rated 10 Jan 2019
I almost want to give the film credit for going completely off the rails instead of following in the footsteps of its inoffensive yet hyper-successful predecessor, but in the end it just gets way too dumb for that.
Rated 01 Jan 2019
Eventhough I love Bryce Dallas Howard, this movie was very forgettable. Really brought nothing new, lame story and crappy acting. Better luck next time.
Rated 29 Dec 2018
the Batman Forever of Jurassic Parks
Rated 26 Nov 2018
Mostly fun but didn't hold my interest after they left the island. It needed more Resident Evil spooky mansion but with dinosaurs, and 50% more Goldblum but interacting with other characters- maybe in the next one? Was the girl supposed to be related to someone we've seen before?
Rated 27 Oct 2018
This franchise is getting a bit repetitive. Still entertaining though.
Rated 21 Oct 2018
One of the most disturbing movie i have ever seen. you fucking cheap bastards. They totally use the people's animal friendship empathy to get points from it. It is so cheap
Rated 27 Sep 2018
I'm not one of those purists that hate CGI, but this film is a prime example how too much of (bad) CGI can actually hurt a film. CGI isn't the only problem the film has, but since it's a visual medium, it's a pretty huge deal. Utter garbage, but since it made a lot of money, we can look forward to even more garbage in the future. Huzzah!
Rated 19 Sep 2018
Weak 3 stars if generous. Drink, smoke or bang ur head first & it's tolerable DUMB 'fun'-ish Doesn't totally screw franchise but doesn't elevate it either. Even few moments, I felt CGI wasn't great [SHAMEFUL in a tent-pole summer BB sold on effects.] Like some recent The Rock efforts; If U dig Chris P, it's like drunk-riding roller-coasters/partying with ur coolest buddy/Mr Jock Charisma but it isn't much more. Quality actors (Jeff G, James C, Toby J) wasted/spoiled. Kid parts annoying.
Rated 10 Sep 2018
Dumb. Dumb and weird. Entertainingly dumb. Groaningly weird.
Rated 08 Sep 2018
Fails at most of what it's trying to do. With cringeworthy results. Very rarely it's gorgeously trashy. Mostly insultingly shitty, though. It is an entertaining movie, but in a very condescending way. Like if you're teacher and a student clearly didn't do their homework and you wanna scold them for being so bold and such a liar but the way they're trying to cover up for themselves is very entertainting so even though you already know he's gonna get an F you're gonna let 'em talk.
Rated 08 Sep 2018
Terrible sequel that is actually boring. Some of the movie is chase scenes on volcanic island with relentless screaming. The rest is a deadly dark dumb dino mansion where Peter Quill switches off lights. Blue, as the loyal and friendly raptor, is just a moronic angle to give some cute baby dino videos. So much of the movie is about posing CGI dinos in cool shots. Goldblum doing the intro and outro is a weird attempt at saying, "we're not dumb." Yes, yes you are.
Rated 07 Sep 2018
Fallen Kingdom is a step up from the previous film as far as Special Effects and gorgeous camerawork. It's even on par as far as the quality of the screen play. The movie is fun to watch and pretty exciting at times. The biggest issue comes with the need for a final twist.
Rated 04 Sep 2018
I didn't mind it. maybe Pratt makes it all acceptable. dinosaurs still scarier than a motherfucker
Rated 13 Aug 2018
I mean... not that I do not like it but I fall asleep the last half hour and I do not care.
Rated 07 Aug 2018
Maybe worse than the first one which for some reason people defended to death.
Rated 02 Aug 2018
Completely trash-tier story that alternatively makes no sense, is boring or is just plain stupid.
Rated 22 Jul 2018
C - The first act is so weak, really follows on from the previous film, which is not a good thing. There are some interesting ideas after that, and it does get a bit of energy, but the end is a strange letdown.
Rated 19 Jul 2018
It's a fun B movie, monster flick but not as fun as the first. The indoraptor's escape was beyond stupid, it makes the indominous' escape in the first film look brilliant by comparison. Owen touches lava, he's fine, and then right after he goes into a pyroclastic flow, those gasses can get up to 1,830 °F, but he's fine. It's really annoying how the trailers spoiled everything notable. Resetting Claire & Owen's relationship was lazy and stupid. Why do everything all over again? So dumb.
Rated 14 Jul 2018
Kind of perfectly medium and forgettable. It's worn off the novelty of what was introduced from the first Jurassic World - Chris Pratt's engaging character, the theme park shenanigans. Some good single moments, but none of them are wrapped in the right pacing and context to appreciate them. You get the sense that Jurassic World could be a much more involved universe, with true sci-fi dilemmas, but they haven't been ambitious enough to do anything but another dino action flick.
Rated 13 Jul 2018
Though at times it resembles a compelling disaster movie, the contrived JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM feels like a collection of transitional scenes begging you to stick around for something bigger and better. Little about this film belies its purpose as part of the mechanical churn of franchise filmmaking. The series as a whole is emblematic of movies that take their own mythologies far too seriously, and wind up in a deadly zone of indifference.
Rated 13 Jul 2018
Not much new. Great action near the end, but don't expect to be thrilled by the story, just the special effects and the scares in the last 30 minutes. There is also some well placed humor
Rated 07 Jul 2018
Theater had technical difficulties. For some reason it failed to show the guy and his two robot friends down at the bottom making wisecracks about this good on special effects but otherwise B movie material. Also, cute little girl gives hugs to guy she's never met before.
Rated 04 Jul 2018
The pacing of this movie is utterly absurd. It just throws you from scene to scene, with seemingly no connective tissue. I sincerely wondered for a moment around 30 minutes in whether our theater had accidentally skipped forward in the movie. Tough watch.
Rated 03 Jul 2018
Rated 01 Jul 2018
Meh. It wasn't very good, and it seemed to be all about how many dinosaurs they can kill and how many hearts they can break. It was disappointing, and I took the film way to personal, to be honest. I wouldn't recommend seeing it if you weren't planning on it to begin with. Also, Jeff Goldblum is in it for like 2 minutes and he was one of the only reasons I wanted to see this film.
Rated 26 Jun 2018
Great seeing dinosaurs on screen, as always but something was missing in this one. Entertaining and action-packed but somewhat forgettable. The series could end here, or if it continues needs to go down a different path.
Rated 24 Jun 2018
I didn't really connect with anything in the first half of the film. However, once the indoraptor is revealed, the tension ratchets up and it becomes an exciting monster attack thriller.
Rated 24 Jun 2018
Nowhere near the best in the franchise, of course, but damn if it isn't emotionally arresting a couple of times and genuinely surprising in others.
Rated 24 Jun 2018
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is a mediocre movie, one that doesn't have the characters or plot to carry it through its multiple dull segments. It has some fun moments, a couple of horror-lite scenes, its cast has solid chemistry, and it leaves itself open for what could be a truly bonkers sequel, but on the whole feels like a disappointment over the amusement park ride that was its predecessor. It feels like it treads water for a lot of its running time. It's unnecessary viewing.
Rated 23 Jun 2018
Still not exactly sure how everyone involved managed to screw up a movie that's part "dinosaurs on an island with an active volcano" and part "dinosaurs in a haunted mansion," but here we are. This is, in many ways, a better film than the first Jurassic World, but I still prefer the 2015 entry, because even though that reboot was terrible, it followed the golden rule for these kinds of monster flicks: If you aren't going to make it good, at least have the decency to make it gratuitous.
Rated 22 Jun 2018
An embarrassing fever dream. I was mortified to be watching this, and abandoned it halfway through its runtime.
Rated 22 Jun 2018
At its best when it lets Chris Pratt play any one of HArrison Ford, Jeff Bridges, Jerry Lewis, etc. and its worst when it continues to waste Bryce Dallas Howard, despite her supposedly being the focal point of ~1.5 films. Dinosaurs are scary, not cuddly, not cute, not something to be saved. Jeff GODblum is, as always, right.
Rated 18 Jun 2018
Some poor dialogue and the usual bad decisions from good guys and bad guys alike make this a mediocre monster flick.
Rated 17 Jun 2018
Great directing. Decent story, but could have been developed better. Chris Pratt is awesome. More Jeff Goldblum and maybe Sam Neill would have been a good move. A few scenes nod heavily to the original Jurassic Park, which seemed predictable and unnecessary. WARNING: The end of this movie turns into a horror film for any child under the age of about 11.
Rated 17 Jun 2018
The days of Jurassic Park, a high level suspense movie are long gone. Today it is just about the visuelle value and more teeth. Maybe not for the best but oh well, give me Dinosaurs, a dumber than everything plot and at least some good ideas and I'm fine with it. But realtalk. This movie could've been so much more. The plot is executed poorly and doesn't nearly touches what it could be. Acting is weird. The dialog is dumb. Characters are bland. I loved it anyway but...UFF...
Rated 11 Jun 2018
Bryce Dallas Howard's laughter saved a lot for this roller coaster without a driver.
Rated 07 Jun 2018
A vast improvement over Jurassic World, the first half in particular, despite the same narrative structure as The Lost World.
Rated 24 Aug 2024
Ian Malcolm: "We've entered a new era. Welcome to Jurassic World."
Rated 07 Aug 2023
Zehn Prozent für das nette Haus und noch mal Zehne für den Velociraptor Blue.
Rated 12 Sep 2022
That scene where the dino is on the pier and they sail away without it?? I am sobbing
Rated 09 Aug 2022
I've never been a massive fan of the Jurassic Franchise, even the original which after an exceptional first half faded dramatically for me. However I like a good big budget monster movie and on that level the Jurassic films tend to serve up a basic level of entertainment. That was until Fallen Kingdom which was a whole pile of uninteresting dull nonsense that I would prefer never to have to sit through again.
Rated 30 Jun 2022
It just exists. Nothing thunderously bad, but not a lot of great to pull it up. There are better films to kill time with, unless you really like the stars or dinosaurs.
Rated 06 May 2022
From the moment this movie started to the movie it ended I wanted all the dinosaurs to die. I had no idea why anyone wanted these things to not die. What are the redeemable qualities of these fucking things? Why did anyone in this movie do anything that didn't lead to the dinosaurs dying? I mean if they literally did nothing the dinosaurs would die. The dinosaurs just screamed and smashed glass all throughout the movie and I get enough of that when my uncle comes for Christmas. I hate dino.


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