Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park
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Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
2h 7m
Featuring incredible special effects and action-packed drama, Jurassic Park takes you to a remote island where an amazing theme park with living dinosaurs is about to turn deadly, as five people must battle to survive among the prehistoric predators. (Universal Pictures)

Jurassic Park

Sci-fi, Suspense/Thriller
2h 7m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 61.43% from 20489 total ratings

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Rated 28 Nov 2018
I watched this with my six year old son and when the Brachiosaurus sneezed all over the little girl he laughed so hard he shot snot on me. Does this qualify as life imitating art? The dinosaurs end up chewing far less of the scenery than Jeff Goldblum. His knee squeeze of Richard Attenborough coupled with his knee slaps before he explains chaos theory make it the greatest performance by an actor's knees since unspecified actor had to do unspecified act on unspecified producer. Topical.
Rated 30 May 2010
Wonderous, exciting and unforgettable. Marvel at the inventive set-pieces, the groundbreaking and still impressive effects and, crucial to the sense of adventure, Williams' magnificent theme. One of the best of its kind, this is exactly what a blockbuster should be and, tellingly, what makes it great isn't the very entertaining action parts; it's the build-up. Patience from a narrative standpoint is rewarded ten-fold. Contemporaries, take note, 'cause you sure don't make 'em like they used to.
Rated 31 Aug 2017
Rated 03 Mar 2007
A fantastic piece of entertainment containing a surprisingly large number of interesting subtextual elements (feminism, technology, capitalism, etc.). Far more than just a piece of popcorn entertainment, even while it succeeds wildly in that regard.
Rated 19 Apr 2009
One of a kind. Modern special effects still haven't been able to achieve the level of detail and sheer realism showcased in Jurassic Park. These days special effects just end up making everything on screen look cartoonish. In Jurassic Park you can see thousands of individual raindrops landing on the tyrannasaurus's snout, and the way all the dinosaurs move and react is incredible. Saw this on the big screen when I was 9 and I was scared as hell.
Rated 01 Mar 2007
So I was checking out my "worst TCI" criticker users and this dude put Jurassic Park in his tier 1. I don't know this man, but he has earned my eternal hatred. I mean c'mon man - dinosaurs. Fucking dinosaurs.
Rated 07 Apr 2008
It's Jurassic Park
Rated 11 Jun 2007
Quintessential giant dinosaurs running amok movie.
Rated 12 Dec 2021
Perhaps because it’s an iconic line of dialogue, my annual viewing of Jurassic Park always reminds me of Butterfinger. I allow myself one a year: just the one. It’s a perfect blend of texture and flavor, smooth chocolate and tart peanut; every year is the best Butterfinger I’ve ever had. But any more than the one standard Butterfinger, and I start to taste the factory stale, the homogenized chemical package, the sickly sweet coating. This score brought to you by a once-a-year screening.
Rated 23 Sep 2007
I wonder how they trained these lizards.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Effects that were insane for the time....still hold up almost 20 years later (with the exception of one or two scenes). The film is a lot funnier than I remember it being, and the Goldblum here is vintage Jeff Goldblum. The only thing I really had a problem with was deus ex machina ending, and the fact that it wrapped up *very* quickly.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Monumental. This is what you happens when you team up the best Sci-Fi/Thriller author with the best director and the best composer. The production equivalent of the 1992 Dream Team put together one of the most well known, epic films ever.
Rated 04 Jun 2016
The Oscar-winning director may have his critics, but he is one of only a handful in the world who is able to take our longing for the miraculous, and then make the miraculous accessible to the world.
Rated 26 Apr 2012
Someone on set had to make sure Goldblum's nipples were hard and exposed between takes. True story. Movie is silly in parts but overall MMHMM.
Rated 24 Mar 2008
people don't quite realize this, but jurassic park has given us one of the most iconic scenes in the history of cinema: the appearance of t-rex. It's a roller coaster ride through and through, an expertly directed thriller.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Spielberg at his most idiotic. Poop and snot gags, for Christ's sake. We're supposed to care about and be scared for the precious darling little children, but I was praying they'd get killed. As if the kiddies weren't annoying enough, the other characters were equally irritating, and paper thin. And don't get me started on John Williams' syrupy score, the orchestra swelling every chance it got, telling you how to react to every single moment of the film.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Undoubtedly some plot and science silliness but I found all of that overlookable. The real reason to see this is the special effects. Even today they're pretty damn amazing. I can still remember seeing this in the theatre when I was 10 years old and being completely memorized during the first T-Rex escape, which still blows me away to this day.
Rated 14 Oct 2011
Pretty much THE film of my childhood. A wise man once said that you measure films on how they are seen 10 or 20 years after its release. Jurassic Park is still a fantastic film!
Rated 25 Sep 2010
This movie isn't really a masterpiece, but DINOSAURS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rated 26 Apr 2009
Dinosaurs, Jeff Goldblum, Sam Neill, Spielberg. This an awesome movie makes.
Rated 18 Mar 2007
One of the most thrilling movies ever created. A spectacle that still is just as riveting today as it was in 1993.
Rated 17 Feb 2007
Cheesy but exciting. Neat concept, could have been much better.
Rated 08 Aug 2014
It's impossible to be objective about one of the greatest sci-fi films ever from the perspective of a kid who loved dinosaurs, so screw it. This movie is perfect.
Rated 07 Jan 2014
Yeah, I'd never seen it, fuck you. Bad stuff, but I really hate kids in movies, and whatshername and whatshisface were far too much of a focus, especially in a movie about dinosaurs. Also, I wanted to see a velociraptor get shot in the face. And the people who say the CGI has aged well haven't seen the movie since it came out. The rest is poop jokes and total cornball. It's such a Cornballer George Bluth would be ashamed. Possibly Spielberg's worst film.
Rated 08 Sep 2013
I'd already been taken to the movies a few times in my life before getting to see this as a five- (soon-to-be six-) year-old, but this was the moment I fell in love with going to the movies. It was terrifying to me then, and still packs a few scares, largely because the effects still hold up to this day. Most of that is due to the use of practical animatronics touched up by CGI, and it all looks gorgeous. Pure spectacle, but there's a real brain behind the brawn. The ultimate summer blockbuster.
Rated 30 Aug 2013
The classic. For 1993, the special effects are downright beautiful. Everything about this movie just works. It wraps around you like that hoodie your mother just washed. All warm and cozy. The suspense works, the action works, the smattering of CG and the emphasis on puppetry and animatronics gives everything a real feel that only can be relived from watching Alien or Predator, where the actors can actually have something to act against. Just a great, great, great piece of cinema.
Rated 16 Jul 2013
i wish SS used his great cast better and developed character and theme beyond the perfunctory 'family unit good unchecked capitalism bad' shit (jake cole suggests that hammond is "a wry autocritique of spielberg's worst impulses"), but the spectacle is so masterfully paced, exquisitely tactile and awe-inspiring he gets away with it. i've seen this at least 20 times and i still get goosebumps when the rain starts coming and the goat vanishes, or nedry's genuinely horrific death is impending.
Rated 07 Apr 2013
Some of the acting is a bit over the top but they're still believable and entertaining characters. More than anything, though, it's a film about dinosaurs and it delivers that in spades. It very much captures that sense of awe and wonder at nature and does it through a well crafted adventure story.
Rated 25 Dec 2012
Holds up amazing... still better looking than a ton of modern movies.
Rated 08 Jul 2011
I had this at 74 and then I watched it again and realized I WAS SO WRONG.
Rated 05 Jun 2011
I want to have this movie's children. Don't question how you have children with a movie - life will find a way.
Rated 02 Apr 2011
An absolute pleasure to watch. The script is tight and orderly making for an interesting narrative concept that also finds room to chauffeur a rather expansive cast for the first third of the movie, a rarity in regards to blockbusters. The score is beautiful to listen too and fits the film well. Special effects look great, despite their age, mostly having to do with Spielberg's care for details in choosing his shots. All the scenes with dinosaurs seem almost flattering to their designs.
Rated 03 Jan 2011
revolutionary for its time and still entertaining to watch
Rated 21 Apr 2010
A technological milestone, a movie rollercoaster from the one who does those best and an experience of a lifetime, for a thirteen year old kid, whose life so far culminated when seeing dinosaurs walk again for the first time. Much later in life I have to note that when you put TWO annoying kids in a movie, it'd really be no problem at all with the dinos eating at least one.
Rated 14 Mar 2010
Great direction, fantastic special effects that hold up even now, and some great set pieces, like the raptors in the kitchen. The kids' performances were pretty terrible, however, and the acting in general was pretty meh
Rated 28 Nov 2009
Through the haze of time, this film has lost a little of its in-your-face shock factor, but it's hard to care when you remember just how perfectly paced it is. I bet if you think about it, you remember that deep, slowly evolving dread as Nedrys demise gradually let the island's security deactivate and the Dinosaurs break free. Effects and especially sound are still premium today (except maybe the animatronics haha). One of the few times that a family blockbuster is also a genuine masterpiece.
Rated 14 Jun 2009
Steven Spielberg has done it again! After the futuristic aliens, he relives the extinct Dinosaurs in this jaw dropping action- adventure with some breathtaking visual effects
Rated 17 Apr 2009
The essential dinosaur fix and is still so damn impressive all these years later. Testament to the special effect team as it still looks incredible. Even with two highly annoying kids that make you root for the dinos, you have the always cool Goldblum to even things out. An entertaining blockbuster that despite faults stands tall as one hugely enjoyable monster mash.
Rated 22 Feb 2009
Rated 04 Feb 2009
When I think of this film a few things immediately pop into my mind. One: when they round the bend and see all of the dinosaurs for the first time...simply magical. Two: Damn you Newman!!!! >:(. Three: How come they could mix CGI so well with physical props back then but it seems difficult for studios to do it well today?
Rated 27 Dec 2008
Considering that when I was a child I thought I wanted to be an archeologist to dig up dinosaur bones, this movie was like a dream come true. Dinosaurs come to life in the modern day, what more is there to ask?
Rated 21 Dec 2008
This is the best movie ever. Prove me wrong.
Rated 14 Dec 2008
Hold on to your butts
Rated 26 Oct 2008
I watch it once a month, it keeps me going.
Rated 23 May 2008
I really can't rate this fairly as so much of my childhood has a stake in it
Rated 22 Feb 2008
My favorite movie ever made. The best dinosaur movie ever made. If you haven't seen it, buy it.
Rated 31 Dec 2007
This movie came out when I was in elementary school, so of course I have some fond memories, I saw it in theaters over and over. But watching it again almost 15 years later, a lot of it falls flat. The effects have held up VERY well, the cast is entertaining, and the dialogue is pretty snappy. But it's also very silly, and made to sell toys to kids like me. There's also a lot of very big mistakes and continuity errors, more than any major motion picture that I've seen.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
An amusement park ride given life (literally). It's perfect.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Spielberg's Jurassic Park is one of the era-defining films of the 90s, a sell-out blockbuster with pioneering modern special effects. Crichton's riveting, dense and scary novel represented a hugely challenging undertaking, but the director's vision was deftly managed: he took a science-fiction-thriller-thesis and produced family entertainment, only sacrificing the bare minimum of scientific content. A terrific rollercoaster ride with artful shot composition and nuanced ensemble drama. Iconic.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Seeing this in the theater when I was younger is one of my favorite movie-going memories. Still an excellent adventure film and the effects hold up (and often surpass recent films) after all of these years.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Jurassic Park contains special effects that still seem ground breaking. It looks great and the action is fun and fast. It's like an amusement park ride in movie form. Ignore that the science of it is absurd. Of course it is, they bring back dinosaurs, so they take some shortcuts when they get to explaining how. Either way, the film is a blast. Scary for children, exciting for adults, great for dates. Awesome!
Rated 21 Apr 2007
Used to be my favorite movie as a kid. Watching it again more recently, yeah it gets cheesy and stupid at times, but it's still a whole lot of fun. It's extremely quotable, the effects still work today, and the score is one of William's best. Spielberg knew exactly how to balance the CGI and animatronics to make it look convincing. And really, it's just so much fun to be able to see Dinosaurs up on the big screen.
Rated 16 Mar 2007
Come on its jurassic park!
Rated 26 Jan 2007
For it's time it was mind blowing. Even now it's a great movie to go back and watch.
Rated 24 Dec 2006
I watched it again on cinema in 3D. I have a soft spot for ambitious projects and this is such an ambitious undertaking. The special effects were done only by an 11-persons team and they did not age at all. That moment of amazement when you see the dinasours is still there and who can bring that enthusiasm about nature better than a member of the Attenborough family? If of all the geological periods everybody specifically knows Jurassic, then you have done something amazing. Bring on the 4th!
Rated 19 Feb 2024
Despite being generally idiotic and cliched to the point where it is painful to endure certain scenes of 'tension', I do acknowledge that Spielberg has crafted the film laboriously, which results especially in a very neatly composed screenplay. Looking out for the dull ironies that litter the film is a bit more interesting than its plot development.
Rated 20 May 2023
The premise and the effects are great, but the narrative is somewhat middling. I didn't care much for some of the more likeable characters getting deaths that felt more cheap and pointless than anything. Scifi-wise, things like the slideshow explaining how they cloned dinosaurs and the bits in the lab are great, but all that is kind of undone with dumb stuff like "this is Unix, I know this!" Which would have been more forgiveable if we saw an actual Unix terminal instead of some 3D hacking game.
Rated 07 May 2023
I once heard someone say Witless and artless
Rated 14 Apr 2022
I love Michael Crichton, whose books are full of ideas formed by carrying thoughts to their conclusion, but detest Spielberg movies generally, since they consist of little vignettes with symphonic accompaniment and lots of drama where real-world people would have been busy acting sensibly or dying. "The Bourne Identity" was the rebuke to Spielberg's style, and it was overdue. Despite some great moments this film is like Disney trying to be sci-fi.
Rated 29 Sep 2018
I remember seeing this when it came out in high school. It blew everyone away. It was a magical experience at an AMC Burbank.. I still remember the chills to this day. The magic of John Williams and beautiful island arrival scenes captured the wonder of the park before all hell broke loose. The kids might be a bit cornball but the characters were all relatable and well rounded so you were actually concerned about their plight. I probably still have this poster somewhere rolled up.
Rated 18 Sep 2018
Even a quarter-century later the effects are still outstanding. The pinnacle of adventure film making also features Spielberg's fantastic character work and a simple, yet poignant, message. Jurassic Park is a classic for a reason.
Rated 21 Jul 2018
Can someone please straighten Sam Neill's glasses it's bothering me
Rated 30 Jun 2018
While "Jurassic Park" may be a less timeless film than many of Spielberg's other masterpieces, it's an awe-inspiring and technically marvellous jaunt nonetheless, and one that any other director would be proud to call their best work. The restraint Spielberg shows in revealling his dinosaurs never ceases to amaze me, at first showing us mere glimpses, then a majestic landscape inhabited by them, and then, over an hour in, the main event, in all its rain-slicked, twilight glory. Cinematic magic.
Rated 20 Nov 2017
Witless and artless.
Rated 09 Sep 2017
I've seen Jurassic Park about 20 times, but I just realized I never did a review for it. Y'know, I've never watched Jurassic Park under normal circumstances. I've watched it in a hospital room, drunk, in a cabin out in the middle of nowhere, even more drunk, in one of my film classes, and plenty of other places. My dad also coerced me into going on the Jurassic Park at Universal Studios, making me almost shit myself in fear and ending my fascination with dinosaurs. Well, thanks for listening.
Rated 24 Aug 2016
i liked when there be the dinosaurs in the movie
Rated 07 Feb 2016
Considering that this movie has two children delightedly yelling "It's an interactive CD-ROM!" the effects really are great even by today's standards. The movie itself has both drama, suspense, a message and memorable one-liners. The only thing missing was for the two annoying children to get eaten. But I suppose we're all to blame for continuing to hand Spielberg ridiculous amounts of money, without ever demanding a proper child sacrifice in return.
Rated 23 Aug 2015
I didn't like it as much as others seemed to but still good
Rated 24 Jun 2015
Everything about the first hour is fantastic. The sense of sophistication and adventure, the effects, the characters, etc. Climaxing with the still-incredible T-Rex attack. Sadly, the films loses more and more steam the longer it goes after that, and the finale with the raptors is just downright disappointing. Still, it earns its legacy and is a blueprint for what Blockbusters should work from.
Rated 13 May 2015
THE EFFECTS! *jizzes pants*
Rated 10 Feb 2015
My personal favorite Spielberg movie. It's utterly mesmerizing - not least because of yet another iconic John Williams score. The main Jurassic Park theme might be my favorite John Williams melody (and the version that plays on the piano as they fly away at the end always brings a tear to my eye).
Rated 13 Nov 2014
Pretty much a perfect film for the child in you. Strong morals, cool ideas, exciting action & suspense, WOWing set pieces & effects, memorable characters and fantastic pace. Not quite brilliant but very very good.
Rated 18 Aug 2014
Watching this as a kid in the 90's, I remember the sense of awe seeing the Brachiosauruses for the first time accompanied by John Williams' iconic theme. I remember the terror and suspense when night fell and the T-Rex was free. So many films do not stand the test of time; fortunately Jurassic Park is not one of them. This fantastical adventure is exactly what it needs to be in terms of plot, pacing, direction and cast to deserve its place as a modern classic.
Rated 11 Aug 2014
A real cinema signpost, presenting wonder- and terror-stimulating highlights that determine it as the meteoric forerunner of a mint entertainment kingdom. Even while seizing the imagination of its enormous audience, this film sets the stage for the amusement park rides, sequels and souvenirs that assure the Jurassic Park event would continue for over a decade.
Rated 30 Jun 2014
Rumor has it they motion-captured Keanu Reeves and Matt Damon to make the dinosaurs seem more animated and less life-like.
Rated 06 Mar 2014
Jurassic Park is the ultimate summer blockbuster. This is Steven Spielberg's most ambitious creation to date and it changed the way we look at filmmaking. This was a major part of my childhood and I remember playing the VHS to death. Sam Neill, Laura Dern & Jeff Goldblum are all great, but the main stars here are the magnificent Dinosaurs. Stan Winstons animatronics and all the special effects set the standard and they still hold up amazingly. Jurassic Park is a monumental piece of filmmaking.
Rated 21 Dec 2013
Perfect film. Every aspect is handled flawlessly.
Rated 10 Oct 2013
Awesome. Nice parable about science and ecological destruction. Extinction is forever, and nature finds a way.
Rated 30 Aug 2013
One of my favorite movies of all time. The characters are very well balanced and the movie carries a charm that you won't find in many other films.
Rated 12 Jul 2013
Well done, Mr. Spielberg. A top notch thriller, and one that even 20 years after its release feels just as refreshing as when it was first introduced.
Rated 09 May 2013
While the special effects are the marquee feature (though it's mostly animatronic work), the core of this movie is the acting. Basic expressions of fear and wonder have rarely been so strong and pure. I'm reminded of Die Hard in how every character and scene interlocks so tightly with the narrative, with zero waste. Each element of the park is iconic. The humor works. The scares work. Even if the science is made up, the theme of 'respect for nature' works. A masterpiece of the subgenre.
Rated 15 Apr 2013
Is there any blockbuster movie with a better sense of fun, fear or foreshadowing? JP is just perfection. The acting, the monster-movie vibe, the BRILLIANT production design, the special effects (amazing then, hold up well now), Jeff Goldblum slowly removing his clothes, the endlessly fun script, and some dinosaurs which highlight both the wonder and the terror of life. Perfectly paced, and every little detail set up in the first half pays off in spades in the second. GOD I LOVE JURASSIC PARK
Rated 14 Apr 2013
I got to see this for the second time in my life on the big screen. This time in 3D. The 3D did not impress me at all but what did was how well this movie has aged over the last twenty years. The special effects are still amazing. The scenes are still terrifying and there are still very many heartwarming moments. Sam Neill and Laura Dern really carry this movie well. The soundtrack by John Williams is also one of his best. Hold on to your butts, this one is still a classic!
Rated 21 Jan 2013
I can watch this movie at any time of day and be totally engrossed. Amazing on so many levels. One of my all time favorites.
Rated 06 Sep 2012
Jurassic Park has been one of my favorite movies since I was in grade school. It's just such a great blockbuster, with a fun cast and what still has to stand as some of the best CGI ever used in a movie.
Rated 30 Jul 2012
Spielberg + Dinosaurs = One hell of a good time. Doesn't have the fantastic narrative and characters that Jaws had to complement its thrills but equally entertaining.
Rated 10 Jul 2012
Jurassic Park is a spectacle of special effects and life-like animatronics, with some of Spielberg's best sequences of sustained awe and sheer terror since Jaws.
Rated 27 Jun 2012
Maybe nostalgia talking, but I think the special effects in this movie have yet to be topped.
Rated 26 May 2012
One off the best movie ever made and will be hard to beat.
Rated 10 Mar 2012
When I was younger (probably around 7 or 8) I was absolutely obsessed with dinosaurs, and that probably is one of the biggest reasons I love this film.
Rated 11 Jan 2012
Very good! Jurassic World has aged quite well: Spielberg's directing is still top-notch and the CGI is used really well. A classic for sure! Acting was pretty good and the story fits the score and directing! Worth a watch if you have not seen it yet.
Rated 07 Jan 2012
I remember applying the logic of standing still to almost all uncomfortable situations as a child.
Rated 07 Dec 2011
Having not seen this for 10 years it wasn't as good as I remembered it. It's still one of the more thrilling films I've seen when it comes to the action, Williams' score is breathtaking, and the production and CGI still hold up, but the writing and the acting is hit-or-miss. Most of the characters are grating (especially the two kids, and excepting O'Neill and Attenborough) or one-dimensonal and I ended up cheering for the dinosaurs to eat them.
Rated 06 Dec 2011
this one rules
Rated 29 Nov 2011
Great action, great special effercts, and one of the best directors. What more can you ask for.
Rated 29 Nov 2011
1993 was probably the pinnacle of practical effects, and this film really was the junction point between practical and special effect. Other than that, great kids movie.
Rated 22 Oct 2011
One reviewer writes, "this was basically Jaws for people my age", which I assumed would be the saddest thing I read today, until I looked a bit further down and saw: "how many people knew a thing about dinosaurs before this movie was released?" Good night everyone, and good luck.
Rated 26 Sep 2011
A great homage to 1950's sci-fi monster movies.
Rated 05 Sep 2011
Not a film for particular interesting or well-acted or likeable characters, but the combination of animatronics and CGI of the dinosaurs is amazing and introduced the world to this incredible world of dinosaurs being brought back to life.
Rated 24 Jul 2011
The beautiful thing about this movie, is that it isn't all horror and action. You get a sense of wonder with the way these dinosaurs are portrayed, rather than just being some one-dimensional scary monster.


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