Judas and the Black Messiah
Judas and the Black Messiah

Judas and the Black Messiah

2h 6m
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Rated 24 Feb 2021
Ryan Coogler is building a star system - and I'm all here for it. What Stanfield and Kaluuya are doing here is unreal. This is some DeNiro-Pacino shit and it's time we talk about it in these terms.
Rated 24 Apr 2021
I was pretty surprised by how good this is. This particular story revolving around Hampton and O'Neal should honestly be essential viewing. Kaluuya is phenomenal and Stanfield is also really good. I thought some of the directing felt like Michael Mann and the beautiful cinematography helps back that thought up. I do think the last half hour drags a bit, but it's otherwise a well paced, very investing drama with quite the punch. Very well done.
Rated 14 Feb 2021
Like Malcolm X or Selma, a Fred Hampton biopic is needed--both as a piece of history and an epic film. The story serves the collective liberation politics well, especially via a Kaluuya performance that shows the love and charm of Fred Hampton. But the picture slightly misses the movie by not fully dramatizing the two men in question--especially from the emotional fallout of the betrayal. Also, the film can be a bit too mawkish with its romance and period music soundtrack. Still, recommended.
Rated 13 Feb 2021
Full of power. A screenplay that feels refined, no fat. Sound casting. Excellent musical composition. The majority of it plays like Michael Mann directed Black KKKlansman, with a Battle of Algiers-edge. But where Algiers uplifts in the end by demonstrating the perseverance of the revolutionary pulse, Judas shows the tragedy and perseverance through healing. Excellent film.
Rated 21 Feb 2021
One of my first thoughts when I started watching the movie, upon seeing Ryan Coogler's name as a producer, was to question why they didn't get him to direct it. After finishing the movie (no disrespect to Coogler), I'm glad they didn't, because Shaka King did a tremendous job with this material. Kaluuya and Stanfield both put in excellent work in film-driving efforts. Between this and "Trial of the Chicago 7", we have an excellent spiritual duology of social justice in the late 60's in America.
Rated 23 Aug 2021
A light handed, taut retelling of the assassination of Fred Hampton. I particularly enjoyed the performances being sublime instead of over the top. Recommended.
Rated 09 Mar 2021
This film hits. Shaka King is someone I've never heard of before but is now someone who I will be watching with great interest. He helms this film so confidently and with oodles of swagger, yet never forgetting to make thematic points at every single turn. Daniel Kaluuya and Lakeith Stanfield knock their performances out of the park, but every cast member deserves a ton of praise for upping their game too; Jesse Plemmons and Dominique Fishback are quite noteworthy.
Rated 13 Feb 2021
Really well cast, with Kaluuya convincing as an inspirational leader and Stanfield adds to his impressive resume with another complicated and tortured character. I think Stanfield is officially on the short list of actors whose presence alone is enough to ensure something will be worth seeing.
Rated 12 May 2021
It's well told, concise, and clear, but also linear and missing some kind of spectacle, insight, or even tension. But the direction is ambitious, helped by some powerful performances (both actors of which are somehow both supporting).
Rated 06 Apr 2021
Excellent all around. Kaluuya and Stanfield stand out, but nobody is a weak link.
Rated 21 Feb 2021
Socialism, so hot right now.
Rated 24 May 2021
This incredible film manages to be a moving biopic about the life and death of an extraordinary man, a taut political thriller, and a provocation and a challenge to the inner Judas in all of us, that impenetrable core of inner selfishness that makes us sell out others for our own thirty pieces of silver.
Rated 24 Apr 2021
In the way it captures the injustice, high stakes, and high-running emotions of the revolution it triumphs, and loudly-the music, the sounds, the turns all scream for your attention (see especially Hampton's welcome home speech). As a whole it feels a bit scattered though, with biopic-obligatory-feeling side plots (see Jake's revenge), teased but discarded character dynamics (see Roy's discomfort with Hoover), and a titular relationship that doesn't quite live up to its dramatic potential.
Rated 25 Feb 2021
Fucking great. A real must-watch
Rated 21 Apr 2021
Glad to learn about this man. Fred Hampton is an insprational socialist killed by an operation by the U.S.A. I HATE AMERICA :(
Rated 20 Apr 2021
1841: i didn't know about this man. it was good to know about black panters and their leader
Rated 23 Jun 2021
Takes its time to build but the finale is amazing. Great performances.
Rated 20 Jun 2021
It's a very good film, that does a fantastic job of telling us who Fred Hampton was and what a tragedy his death was. It would have been a great film if it gave us more insight into O'Neal's tragic situation.
Rated 11 Jun 2021
Tacky Hollywood tripe adorned by an interesting historical subject. Every minute of it screams "I'm a movie".
Rated 30 Apr 2021
Some of the best acting of the year, and I was thoroughly surprised and entertained. I didn't have too many expectations for this movie, but It was nothing that I had imagined. It maybe had a but of a sour ending, but that's life and I find it refreshing when movies don't end how you want them to. Definitely give this a watch if you're a movie buff.
Rated 15 Apr 2021
What a powerful and special story. I don't know if I should admire Kaluuya or Stanfield more, they were both fantastic. Jesse Plemons, typical villain as always. It was very meaningful to see O'Neal's real-life interviews. We see painfully how police violence and racial discrimination, while that Fred's speech scene ( huge credit to Daniel Kaluuya ) is the top moment of the film. I don't like to compare, but I think it's better than The Trial of the Chicago 7, at least I liked it more.
Rated 19 May 2021
All of which are American dreams. All of which are American dreams. All of which are American dreams.
Rated 19 Aug 2021
The acting and story was good but the pacing didn't keep my attention very well so I ended up not really knowing what was going on or even caring much. I think people felt obligated to rave about this to stay politically correct.
Rated 08 Jun 2021
Usually when you say “a movie is ## minutes too long” you can’t pick out the exact sections but in this case it is like EXACTLY the 15-20 minutes before they get onto the assassination bit. Aside from that, really good stuff - fantastic performances, great script, lively, powerful filmmaking.
Rated 25 Mar 2021
An undeniably powerful story and movement is no more than serviceably rendered behind the screen—blandly written and uninterestingly constructed. The film's focus is the period and the delivery of the historical beats, to the detriment of any character study; Stanfield's Bill shows up to participate, but is never a compelling centrifuge. A polished TV movie.
Rated 25 Apr 2021
Unexceptional, but completely watchable.
Rated 14 Feb 2021
A great story and excellent performances from Stanfield and Fishback. I didn't really buy Plemons as an asshole cop, but his exuberant whiteness plays well with the subject matter. It's hard to keep track of all of the characters, but there are some great bit performances throughout.
Rated 13 Feb 2021
Well paced, well acted drama. The acting from the two leads is fantastic.
Rated 09 Apr 2021
Really Good
Rated 01 Mar 2021
This is just a well written movie, built on the two central performances of Kaluuya and Stanfield. They absolutely nail their characters. Fishback also puts in an extremely strong supporting effort. Plemons' and Sheen's characters on the other hand felt more written and less natural. While the majority of the film feels very fresh, they hold it back slightly by being more cliched villains/antagonists. BTW I can't forget the score/soundtrack. Another good example of how to combine music and film.
Rated 13 Nov 2021
Important but uneven biopic that's mostly watchable due to Stanfield and Kaluuya's performances.
Rated 15 Feb 2021
Much love to Kaluuya and Stanfield, who drive a lot of this film. While the ending itself is rather crippling, I did find that the movie tapered off a bit at a certain point. Up until then the tension and drama was building and I was really compelled by it but then it became a little less special. Even still, that was late enough into the film that it remained really great. The story is still interesting but that's the only gripe. Directing, acting, music--all memorable.
Rated 14 Feb 2021
yes to Shaka King, yes to Daniel Kaluuya, yes to Lakeith Stanfield (c'mon now...) but most importantly: yes to motherfuckin' Dominique Fishback.
Rated 21 Jan 2023
Excellent supporting actors.
Rated 06 Aug 2021
Whoever edited that trailer deserves both an Oscar and a prison sentence, because everything, from the characters to the writing, was incredibly underwhelming. Like witnessing a bunch of juveniles play fighting with their toy guns. Either I haven't seen it, or no one has made the definitive movie about Black History or racial inequality yet. I should probably watch 13th or Do the Right Thing again.
Rated 30 Mar 2021
The movie has all the right ingredients to be an angry classic but it doesn't quite get there. I believe the reason is a confused screenplay where the story is stretched too thin. None of the moving parts are fleshed out enough to coalesce into something that delivers the righteous gut punch the movie is aiming for. Kaluuya delivers a powerhouse performance but he is sadly miscast. He looks too old to play 21 year old Fred Hampton.
Rated 05 Mar 2024
Solid but rather formulaic biopic about Fred Hampton's life and assassination by the FBI. I liked that it didn't totally sugar coat the Panthers or their activities, but it contextualizes their violence and films like this go a long way toward balancing the historical narrative around the group, showing the unambiguously good sides of the organization as well. Kalugya is fantastic as Hampton.
Rated 25 Apr 2021
Not as good as a political film as it is as story about myth. Mostly an actor's film than a fully accomplished biopic, but still engrossing in its own angry and conventional way -- it would've been great if this were more confrontational and had less FBI material (which are pretty bad) and more "inside job" about the Panthers Party.
Rated 14 Sep 2023
Very strong acting and unusual nuance and complexity of emotion
Rated 01 Apr 2023
Maybe I will join the Black Panthers after all.
Rated 15 Mar 2023
Good performances and pretty faithful retelling. I just wish they showed more of the community organizing done by the Black Panthers.
Rated 11 May 2021
Wow, what a cast! Excellent film.
Rated 09 May 2021
Didn't BlacKkKlansman already do this? Felt like the same movie, in a way. The guy from Get Out is great in this. This film feels very topical for today's political climate. But it just felt too dragged out at times, especially two thirds of the way in. The cinematography bump this one up.
Rated 05 Aug 2024
Judas & The Black Messiah is very heavily carried by its cultural and political implications of the time. Seemingly, it seems decently accurate to many of the controversial events/influences of the characters and it their representation. In a full scope of a theatrical adaptation, it does however become a very slow burn that feels uneven in its pacing because it lacks of a lot of that “it factor”. Still, it’s a very interesting story that deserves its spotlight in a sociopolitical landscape.
Rated 05 Aug 2022
The Black Panthers were an interesting organization. They were undoubtedly fighting injustices and corrupt feds, but it's not just a question of what you are fighting against. It's also a question of what you are fighting for. I have to say I think this movie was disingenuous in the way it portrayed communist themes like that is somehow compatible with being the good guy. Fuck that. A lot of good acting, though.
Rated 12 May 2021
Kaluuya is incredible, and the narrative is a graduate-level course in social movements.
Rated 04 Apr 2022
This film tells an interesting story. The cast does a great job in this film especially Daniel Kaluuya. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 11 Sep 2021
Stanfield and Kaluuya make this movie
Rated 12 Mar 2022
Çok daha iyi bir film olacakken potansiyelini pek kullanamaması filmin olması gerektiği yerden düşmesini sağlıyor.
Rated 04 Mar 2021
Rated 16 Feb 2021
An example of how revolution only happens if the powers that be want it to happen. History has shown that those who stand to unite mankind are always slain. Great film with great performances.
Rated 11 Mar 2021
Good acting and excellent production values. But essentially mostly boring liberal propaganda.
Rated 22 Apr 2021
Good stuff, and didn't gloss over the death cult, "we'll kill them all or die trying" violent philosophy. Powerful performance by Kaluuya, and keep in mind he's British innit!
Rated 20 Apr 2021
Mediocre straight-to-Netflix product that only stands out thanks to a few good performances.
Rated 12 May 2021
Somewhat by-the-numbers biopic but an interesting slant on an underrepresented historical figure, well directed by Shaka King. Stanfield and Kaluuya are both electric and cannot be turned away from.
Rated 12 Jul 2022
THE CONFORMIST meets THE DEPARTED has it about right, although if you know the story going in, there's not much suspense.
Rated 20 Jun 2022
It's missing an element that I can't put my finger on, and it drags at times. But this is a powerful, timely, gut-punch of a film, with great performances, engaging cinematography, and a subtle, effective score.
Rated 22 Nov 2021
Em honra do dia da Consciência Negra. Considero o documentário The Murder of Fred Hampton uma obra prima combativa, talvez por isso Judas and the Black Messiah não tenha me entusiasmado tanto, se dá muito espaço para o Judas e o império romano do que para Jesus e seus ensinamentos em si, esperava mesmo um panfleto dos Panteras, não vou mentir. Mas também não tem como negar que é um filme que arvora uma indignação emocional salutar à combatividade. BlurayRip R-A-R-B-G.
Rated 13 Feb 2021
A well written and well polished script this is how you tell a story of revolution, loss, complex people with conflicting inner turmoil. Kaluuya and Stanfield bring so much depth to this story as one is likable leader figure and the other is stuck in the middle of a war. It's a captivating film all the way through thanks in large part to a large cast who all play their part in bringing this story to life.
Rated 13 Feb 2021
Fred Hampton's story is such a tragic, shameful piece of American history. raise your hand if you've heard it. thought so.
Rated 15 Feb 2021
Lakeith Stanfield utterly crushes it the entire movie, what a performance.
Rated 19 Apr 2021
The film lacks the exclamation marks that one has come to except from this genre/subject, but arguably that's also why this is a fresh take. Kaluuya is great, Stanfield is greater. We need a lot more movies about the 60s and COINTELPRO.
Rated 22 Feb 2021
Great performances, great filmmaking, needs better editing.
Rated 19 Apr 2021
It's hard to assess the political accuracy and the extent of stifling the revolutionary influence of the Panthers when you're already leftpilled (you sort of subconsciously fill in the gaps yourself), but I can't say I noticed any glaring missteps. Probably about as good as you could expect from something running the typical awards circuit.
Rated 08 Mar 2021
Shaka King's follow up to the wonderful Shrill is gorgeously photographed and well staged. It is the two central performances, however, that steal the show. Kaluuya's fiery performance is well deserved of its praise, but I found Lakeith Stanfield's nervous energy drew my attention even more. The informant role can be tricky because it has been seen so much before, but he just nails the highs and lows so well.
Rated 12 Mar 2021
These types of historical biography films are a double edged sword - they inspire me but they also make me incredibly sad. Daniel Kaluuya as Fred Hampton was inspiring. Lakeith Stanfield was generally wonderful but there were times when I was bored by his performance. I can understand if it was just the direction of the character but it still left me wanting more from him. The final moments of the movie saved his performance. It is a hard movie to watch but it's important none-the-less.
Rated 12 Mar 2021
incredible performances, beautiful cinematography, and a great story; a fascinating and unique look at the history of modern political-socio-racial tensions
Rated 13 Mar 2021
Kaluuya's forceful and charismatic performance is the highlight, with King internalising the sensibilities of Scorsese and Lee while bringing his own distinctive touches to bear. Hampered by its centering of the narrative on Stanfield's "Judas" – we learn so little about him except for his superficial interactions with Plemons' stock FBI Agent, which means that he can't hold his own in this otherwise compelling narrative. A still compelling and fascinating tale.
Rated 13 Mar 2021
Confidently directed by Shaka King, Judas and the Black Messiah is a fiery and frequently gripping look at brutal racism and division. Lakeith Stanfield and Daniel Kaluuya are completely terrific. I also feel like this should be getting a lot more attention in craft departments - the production design and costumes are excellent.
Rated 24 Mar 2021
It's a fine movie, and Stanfield/Kaluuya rock it out of the park. As for the awards controversy, I'm pretty sure Stanfield should be the protagonist and Kaluuya the supporting, if we all agree that it's not necessarily related to actual screentime. The movie reminded me of Blackkklansman - I had a pet peeve with that which is that the informant in the actual events spent years infiltrating the Black Panthers.
Rated 29 Mar 2021
I kind of digged this movie, but I see 1 great flaw: the main character is a mess. It's interesting they show the real Bill O'Neal in the end, which made it clear that this man was not hindered by an educated, internal conscience. The fictional Bill, however, struggles every minute of the movie with his overflowing conflicting emotions. This should have been played fare more conservatively and unscrupulous, like, a young denzel washington could've done (if he had the courage!).
Rated 30 Mar 2021
Rated 02 Apr 2021
The incredulity of the events in the story would be laughable if they were not based on history which sort of takes away from the impact of the proceedings. I never heard what Hampton sounded like so it's hard to know if Kaluuya was overacting or not, but he put in a borderline powerhouse performance. Stanfield was lacking, only compared to the A+ work he usually delivers. Overall, a solid entry into the canon about an undercelebrated figure in American History. Jesse Plemons was also excellent
Rated 03 Apr 2021
Like any of these movies you're never going to get a fully realized portrait of who Chairman Hampton was but at least this one acknowledges the class first consciousness that he had. Agree with many that have said O'neal for being the lead is underwritten mainly because the second act flounders. Interested in more from Shaka King
Rated 05 Apr 2021
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Rated 19 Apr 2021
This movie has a great cast and tells a story I hadn't heard before and which deserves to be told, but after a number of similarly well-made recent (and probably long overdue) films reckoning with events of that era, it didn't stand out of the pack for me.


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