Jojo Rabbit
Jojo Rabbit
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Jojo Rabbit

Jojo Rabbit

Comedy, Drama
1h 48m
A young boy in Hitler's army finds out his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home.

Jojo Rabbit

Comedy, Drama
1h 48m
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Avg Percentile 60.09% from 3520 total ratings

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Rated 28 Feb 2020
I was expecting more of a parody of Nazi-Germany and more of a comedy than a coming-of-age story. It's still some good storytelling though. Both of the young leads are quite good, and I loved Rockwell. It's surprisingly heartfelt and touches on topics like family and acceptance very well, which is probably what makes it so good. I laughed often enough at the Taika Waititi humor and felt for the characters too. All in all, this was very good.
Rated 21 Dec 2019
I was nestled into the softness of comedy before the horrors of war tore me asunder. Fuck off, Hitler.
Rated 11 Nov 2019
Though it left me wanting slightly for more comedic teeth, Jojo Rabbit is an excellent comedy with some great anti-hate messaging.
Rated 13 Mar 2021
As someone concerned about how extremism can sneak into a society, I should dig this. But from the outset, I found the picture to be too cloying & mawkish to make a strong case on the childish appeal of fascism. It's really hard to root for the lead: a small thug who emotionally tortures a girl. And the emotional wish fulfillment targeted to the audience is way too forced. The point is good, but I just wanted more. Namely Brad Pitt to show up and scalp that little brat. Marginal recommendation.
Rated 30 May 2020
A compelling damnation and understanding of the indoctrination of youth. While the comedy is present, it's often a bit too black to get a laugh. While it might appear to be a full blooded comedy, it's heavy on the drama and is often too tonally schizophrenic for any one aspect to hit hard enough to count.
Rated 08 Nov 2019
You might think it's impossible to make a comedy out of Anne Frank. And you would be correct. Half hour in I thought to myself: "Oh no...I'm not going to like this." From an hour in, I thought "This is mind-bogglingly awful" I couldn't wait for it to end. It's like Wes Anderson's take on Nazi Germany. Ugh. Never laughed, not once. Never smiled, not once. Didn't enjoy a single frame.
Rated 11 Jan 2020
Tin Drum with slapstick. Waititi's nazi comedy is appropriately both funny and bleak, and does it quite well... so well it bugs me when it stays just a little too superficial, because both the talent and the setup is there for this to become truly great if it had just dug a little deeper beyond "nazism is BAD, kids".
Rated 11 Jan 2020
THE DAY THE CLOWN CRIED must really fucking suck.
Rated 01 Jan 2020
Waititi’s take on the German perspective of WWII has the whimsy you’d expect (and that the trailer promised), as well as the heart needed to balance the subject matter, but also a surprising amount of poignancy with regards to fanaticism, adolescence, and war. The whimsy and drama split the film into distinct halves, but both are well-acted enough to be engaging and entertaining. The accents are a little patchy, and the final moment didn’t land for me, but a very good film nonetheless.
Rated 21 Nov 2019
There are great moments of dark satire (see the training camp), but it's the more intimate scenes (some funny, some poignant, some both) of developing relationships that carry the film-that of JoJo and Adolf (a quirky friendship gets ugly as JoJo grows-see Adolf's anger in the kitchen), Elsa (McKenzie is excellent), and Rosie (see the riverside talk) respectively, and even that of Elsa and Rosie (see the cupboard convo). So the climactic battle felt out of place, but the dance after was perfect.
Rated 17 Nov 2019
The movie is funny, often hilariously so, but it will be the intimate poignancy which will stay with me: small moments brought to truly affecting life by the two young leads. The commentary and the heart of the film is in those moments; it does not attempt to be another movie about the holocaust or the evils of war and the Nazis, but rather tells the story of a boy, his mother, and his new friend, and their story is really quite beautiful.
Rated 09 Sep 2020
This Waititi feature ranges from childish silliness to tearful poignancy, but it often feels all style, no substance. Just a little too superficial to care, a little too sentimental to be irreverent. It's certainly a fresh take but it's cobbled together into a kind of Frankenstein that lopes along at the pace of a scribble on a cocktail napkin or an improv sketch stretched into a movie. Decent enough to watch when it's on, but I wouldn't really seek it out. Waititi is capable of better.
Rated 29 Aug 2020
Good dark comedy, but you're not likely to bust out laughing. Sometimes it is silly and goes for humor, but the latter part of the film is more of a drama. I thought the Hitler character didn't always work.
Rated 01 Apr 2020
The first half didn't do anything for me. I didn't like the quirkiness and the humor, Hitler did nothing for me. The second half was more interesting to me, because the tone was more serious. The child actors are quite good and sometimes even better than the adults.
Rated 28 Feb 2020
I expected more humor, but came out preferring the drama. Anything involving the adults was good, as Johansson and Rockwell are fantastic actors, and Wilson was pretty funny. Unfortunately it never got more than chuckles out of me, with Waititi’s Hitler being more of a distraction than a focus. The last third was pretty solid storytelling, although I didn’t mind the Wes Anderson type of feel at the beginning. I dunno, feels like it’s more for Waititi fans and it won’t convert others.
Rated 10 Feb 2020
I thought this might be a little tiresome, but it turned out really great. Some of the comedy was totally brilliant and perfectly captured the movie's message, so it was thematically satisfying. Favorite part of the movie was mini Nick Frost, that kid was hilarious.
Rated 09 Feb 2020
It was a bit boring, awkward and cringy. I think the director had a good idea but he wasn't able to execute it. It wasn't very funny, but the young boy is a very good actor for his age. I also did not enjoy imaginary Hitlers end I was expecting something more dramatic.
Rated 05 Feb 2020
Fun at times. No idea what the takeaway is with these caricatures.
Rated 04 Feb 2020
I want to cry because i want to cry when a good movie ends.. This is ridiculous, whatever. The truth of the matter is that i have, i hate heavy-handed message movies. Whose needs more pain? BUT Yes but because it's so hard to turn it into such a scenario a difficult subject like racism . To achieve this, a high understanding of skill and humor is required. i don't have anything else to say, i just congratulate Taika Waititi. No i am not crying i got something in my eye....
Rated 26 Jan 2020
No one knew how to tie their shoes in 1945 Germany.
Rated 15 Jan 2020
At best, tone-deaf to approach Nazis as incompetent clowns in 2019. Neolibs will, and in some cases already have creamed over Waititi vaulting over the lowest anti-hate bar in all of fiction.
Rated 08 Jan 2020
Viewed January 7, 2020. Comedically toothless and dreadfully sentimental. Even calling this a satire is a stretch. Taika Waititi sucks, and this is one of the worst movies of the 2010s.
Rated 31 Dec 2019
The Taika Waititi version of Oscar bait, it doesn’t have quite as much bite as I wanted but it’s still a hilarious, irreverent, and often moving film full of world-class performances.
Rated 19 Nov 2019
I mean it's fine; It's a decent coming-of-age story, but its satire is pretty toothless, and its takedown of Nazis feels pretty weak, especially when compared to films like The Great Dictator, To Be of Not to Be or The Producers. There was a potential here for this to be a powerfully relevant film about the radicalization of youth, but instead it became another empty, feel-good "Don't Hate Each Other" Hollywood racism movie. It's not bad, it just could, and should, have been much better.
Rated 22 Oct 2019
Didn't enjoy this nearly as much as I expected but it was still quite good, just not great. The premise is fantastic. There were some good laughs but not as many as I hoped. Some unanticipated drama exists here and for the most part it was well done. Did what it wanted to well enough to be really good but not especially memorable.
Rated 14 Oct 2019
I laughed a little, I cried a little. Wasn't that special, but the formula works with great acting. In the end, feels like Waititi's pet project more than anything else. Worth a watch.
Rated 27 Mar 2020
The "I Want to Hold your Hand" sequence was brilliant. The movie itself is completely spoiled as it becomes a generic war drama.
Rated 11 Mar 2020
Nothing says "coming of age" like Nazism.
Rated 09 Mar 2020
I have loved everything I've seen Taika Waititi do. This is funny, but not completely focused on that. This allows it to have a moving story and Taika Waititi continues to impress.
Rated 04 Mar 2020
a great take at a dark period in history. I grew up reading Calvin and Hobbs and the imaginary nature of Adolf Hitler to JoJo really reminded me of that .. (as well as drop dead Fred). Super emotional ride though. did not expect that. love love loved it!
Rated 27 Feb 2020
Too flat as comedy, too shallow as drama.
Rated 25 Feb 2020
I thought just the idea of this film was unnecessary. It just feels trampled on. Maybe inspired by every other Hitler comedy and the Jimmy Stewart film "Harvey" with his imaginary rabbit friend. It just didn't reinvent much with its sources.
Rated 23 Feb 2020
Sets itself up as a comedy and falters at every step. Has a couple of chuckles, to be sure, but too few given the propensity for absurdity. There is one good scene in the market square towards the end, which shows clever directing, but it's not enough. It's not that the film has too much drama, it's that the drama isn't that great and less so when paired with mediocre humor.
Rated 12 Feb 2020
Rated 05 Feb 2020
A funny and sweet film. Honestly we've been beat over the head with so much media that incorporates Nazis it's actually kind of interesting that stuff that feels fresh can still be made out of it. The acting was quite good and my only real complaint is that there wasn't slightly more humor.
Rated 05 Feb 2020
A feel-good movie about Nazis? Fuck you, Waititi.
Rated 30 Jan 2020
Was this even worth a try? Nope.
Rated 26 Jan 2020
Davis carries the film well. It's sweet, but not nearly as funny as Waititi's best work. 'So-so Rabbit'.
Rated 20 Jan 2020
A very heartfelt and sometimes brilliant and moving satire. Sam Rockwell and Taika's version of Hitler really are the best spots of the movie. Their characters are hilarious and the two actors play them perfectly. The rest of the cast is also great, the child actors are incredible talents. Sadly this movie feels lacking and like it reaches its peak with its potential. It's missing something to really elevate it.
Rated 19 Jan 2020
Almost all the individual pieces here are delightful but it does not coalesce into a cohesive whole. Roman, and the direction he must have received by Waititi, is outstanding, completely believable in every scene. The acting in general is excellent. Waititi brings a lot of vivid colors and manic energy to the direction. The big problem however is tone, especially with Waititi's Hitler. He is just too meta, bringing me out of the movie in a bad way.
Rated 18 Jan 2020
It's wildly uneven, but its heart is in the right place and the performances are hard to argue with.
Rated 16 Jan 2020
[insert DOWNFALL meme]
Rated 16 Jan 2020
More light than dark. More whimsical than edgy. The middle part drags. The bespectacled kid is great.
Rated 05 Jan 2020
This is terrible oscar-bait that first misleads us into thinking we're into a goofy (unfunny) parody, but then uses true, historical suffering to facefuck us into loving it's message. The worst kind of movie.
Rated 26 Dec 2019
worthy of benigni.
Rated 15 Dec 2019
The first hour is fun but it's a bit over half way in that you realise what Waititi really wants with the movie - and when it gets really thought-provocing.
Rated 11 Dec 2019
This ain't it, chief.
Rated 27 Nov 2019
This was utterly endearing. The humor is gut-busting, the characters are beautifully defined, and the subject matter is well balanced between comedy and drama. Waititi rides a very fine line -- understanding that to laugh at Nazis is to diminish them, but also that we must solemnly acknowledge the suffering they inflicted. I guess because Nazis are back, many of us expected this to shred into them, but I didn't expect this to commentate much, rather just tell its story, and I felt rewarded.
Rated 08 Nov 2019
Starts off pretty silly but gets better.
Rated 03 Nov 2019
I would probably have enjoyed the book more. I understand that the story is told through the perspective of the boy but I did not enjoy the mode of story telling which more often then not bordered on the ridicule.
Rated 22 Mar 2023
first they came for the Jews, and I was having fun -- the child's mentality of a fascist
Rated 14 May 2022
Moronic feel-good "satire" with the backbone of an eclair. Feels like a prank, especially the ending. More Holocaust/Nazis material might be like this as it slips out of living memory and becomes just another genre. Oh well! I will admit, though: between this and Wilderpeople I think Waititi speaks well to that condition of young boys that, you can raise them well and teach them right from wrong, but they will so often gravitate to the most psycho and morbid shit, just for its own sake.
Rated 02 Dec 2021
A gung-ho member of the Nazi youth discovers a Jewish girl hiding in his home, much to his horror, and that of his imaginary friend, a manic Adolf Hitler. Waititi deftly handles some pretty touchy subject material, delivering a sweetly romantic story against the nightmarish backdrop of WW2 Germany. Mixes a surprising amount of humor in with the darker stuff to keep the overall tone fairly light and fable-like. Stephen Merchant's gestapo agent is simultaneously hysterical and terrifying.
Rated 15 Nov 2021
I don’t even like Scarlet Johansson. But everything & everyone was perfect.
Rated 14 Feb 2021
Taika Waititi impresses again. He's certainly got a style about his film-making, and it makes for a solid contrast when shit gets real in the second half of this movie. Looking forward to more of Waititi in the future.
Rated 30 Dec 2020
This film has an inventive script with an interesting mix of humor and drama. The cast does a great job, especially Archie Yates who steals every scene he is in. Overall I would recommend this movie.
Rated 21 Nov 2020
Sometimes it is poignant and funny. At other times, it is like a bad SNL skit. Overall quite good.
Rated 04 Oct 2020
More cute than funny. Failed to engage me emotionally though.
Rated 22 Jul 2020
Really difficult one to process first time around. The tonal shifts are pretty wild in this one from the extremely hammy performance of Waititi as Hitler, to the understandably emotional impact of WW2 war crimes. Overall I don't think this worked for me but I respect the bravery of those involved in the production for trying something different. The kids outshine the adults here, Archie Yates especially perfect in his role. As hilarious as he is, I think the film would work better without Hitler
Rated 22 Jun 2020
really disappointed, felt like a bunch of skits, would have made a good musical, but not super funny or engaging
Rated 10 Jun 2020
SPOILER. 65+ million dead, millions more maimed, Europe in ruins, your mommy hanging dead in the square and you decide to have a dance party?
Rated 13 May 2020
When it works, it works. When it doesn't... Hoo boy.
Rated 12 May 2020
Maybe could've worked if Waititi went more Dennis Potter than Wes Anderson. Instead, it's embarrassing.
Rated 04 Apr 2020
Definitely not bad but definitely not great neither. Some scenes are brave enough to quit the politically correct bullshit, some other scenes are suffocating because of -their way too obvious- contemporary political hints/references, or annoying feminist overtones. In short: Brave but not brave enough, deep but not deep enough, funny but not funny enough. The film's biggest weakness though is that it is not committed enough to keep the childhood perspective for the entirety of the movie.
Rated 16 Mar 2020
I'll continue to ride or die for Waititi, but I was not in love with this as I hoped I would be. Its often very cute and very funny, but I don't think it is nearly as poignant as it thinks it is. The film finds this awkward middle ground between dark comedy and farce that left me shrugging my shoulders. Creative? Absolutely.
Rated 03 Mar 2020
i can't completely hate on a movie with scarjo and thomasin and that surprisingly moving passage from the butterfly to the stabbing, but this is really just another saccharine middlebrow holocaust drama filtered through a ten year old's puerile, smart-aleck sense of humour, a combination which creates little friction since both are equally pandering and facile. if only this was funny enough or offensive enough to deserve its salty horde of whysoserious defenders.
Rated 02 Mar 2020
You do wonder if they aren't taking the Nazis seriously enough, don't worry, they do. Taika flouncing about as Hitler is counter-pointed throughout. The changes JoJo goes through are mirrored in his projection of Hitler. Scarlett Johansson is really good too.
Rated 25 Feb 2020
A melancholy tale about a child living in the Nazi era. The story starts to shape a little bit late. Otherwise, great acting by the lead actor and great cinematography.
Rated 24 Feb 2020
It's a satire full of cliches. But little Roman Griffin Davis is so adorable that made me appreciate this movie very much. Then there is Hitler that is just awfully portrayed and I loathed every second of his appearance. Scarlet is a master of her profession, this is shown over and over. Overall feeling is odd and cheap. Props for going over the top, especially the non-conventional editing choices (shooting with a gun at the beginning - very entertaining). Not forgettable, not rewatchable.
Rated 22 Feb 2020
A good satire that looks the overused material of WWII from another perspective. I am not usually a fan of children actors, but their acting was absolutely great, in line with the tone of the movie. Elsa was lovely, and the development of intimacy between Jojo and Elsa was both funny and poignant. It drags a bit about half way into the film, and I felt the imaginary Hitler character was a bit unnecessary, which is odd considering it is one of the things that make it different from other movies.
Rated 21 Feb 2020
Ready for the next work from Taika Waititi. Scarlett Johansson was a pleasant surprise.
Rated 19 Feb 2020
Cute and endearing for the first half, and then the abrupt second half was tense but just right. Would have liked more Nazi humor coming from someone other than imaginary Hitler. Sam Rockwell always plays the redeemed bad guy. Scarlett Johansson did a good job. Rebel Wilson was fun. Fav scenes: Nazi Youth camp activities; the Gestapo stopping by and all the Heil Hitlers.
Rated 18 Feb 2020
Has its wildly hilarious moments but in a way lacks a deep enough soul. All the elements are there - incredible acting performances, subject matter that cuts deep. But the film spends a bit too much time in its playful cheeriness and doesn't jump into its deepest cuts.
Rated 16 Feb 2020
It had some good moments but overall if fell a bit flat for me. I loved Roxana Hadadi's review on Jojo Rabbit is a surprisingly, sometimes disappointingly, conventional Holocaust film
Rated 14 Feb 2020
I absolutely loved this film; for the boldness of the approach; to the comedy (from slapstick to witty dialogue); for the juxtaposition of that comedy to a truly heart rending "growing up" story, and a fantastic, likeable cast. Jojos swing from childish idolatry and idealism to horrific truth and reality (perfectly played by Davis), is brought about by two opposing, fighting views; the internal propaganda of his "make believe" Adolf, and the external reality of Elsa. The ending is simply sublime
Rated 13 Feb 2020
With the exception of a few choice moments, it's a straight-forward "learn to relate with the other side" Oscar bait movie from someone who's capable of more daring stories and funnier jokes. Easy to recommend, also easy to share greater examples.
Rated 10 Feb 2020
I really liked the Hitler-part in this movie... and then Waititi made me hate him just because of who he is.
Rated 09 Feb 2020
Disappointing effort from Waititi suffers oddly from a failure of nerve - as a "Hitler comedy" it doesn't go far enough to grapple with the underlying rot of Nazism and the Holocaust; Watiti's Hitler himself is a strange, buffoonish creation, lacking any genuine satiric edge. While it's overall a better effort than LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, it has the same problematic way of shying away from the true ugliness of its targets. Sequence with Merchant ("Heil Hitler!") is the comedic highpoint.
Rated 08 Feb 2020
Waititi is channeling his inner Wes Anderson here. Excellent comedy and decent drama.
Rated 06 Feb 2020
I loved ScarJo and Thomasin Mackenzie, and I thought the kid was great, despite some cutesy mannerisms I wish Waititi or the editing had papered over. Taika himself was obnoxious and the whole conceit of Imaginary Adolf just plain didn't work. Tonally messy; otherwise I don't have a whole lot to say. Left a weird taste in my mouth.
Rated 06 Feb 2020
A bit too Screenwriting 101 for my tastes. Feels like a bunch of cheap tricks to me. Still mostly likeable.
Rated 05 Feb 2020
Should I rate a film when I saw less than a quarter of an hour of it? Maybe, maybe not, but it's all I could take. So, there's your 0% Jojo. My apologies if the remaining hour and a half is entirely different and brilliant. Somehow I doubt that's the case - hence my pulling the plug after 10 minutes.
Rated 01 Feb 2020
It took a while to get acclimated to the film's tone, and the wackier humor stayed a little hit and miss throughout, but the back half of this film is very good and emotionally satisfying.
Rated 26 Jan 2020
I laughed. I cried. I gasped. It had it all. The underlying theme is a familiar echo of many past films, and some of the accents could have been better. That said, it was fully enjoyable.
Rated 23 Jan 2020
Not as funny as most of Waititis other films, but it has the biggest heart of them all. These kids could pretty much carry this entire thing on their own, Moonrise Kingdom-style.
Rated 21 Jan 2020
Throughout for many years, we've watched WW2 movies in almost every perspective but this is first of its kind. Brilliant acting, successful editing, convincing set and most important thing; every second of the movie can make you feel like you're in the scene. Not sure about the Oscars but it definately deserves good attention.
Rated 17 Jan 2020
I'm a huge fan of Taika's work and his take of 1940's Germany is certainly a fresh one.It hilariously satirizes the Nazi culture which is very hard thing to pull off.Also very much like the director's previous work it has a lot of heart and it's very sweet.The main kid is wonderful and Sam Rockwell and Scarlett Johansson give very likeable performances.The only problem here is that the shift from a wacky Watiti comedy to a true WW2 drama is a little bit wonky.
Rated 17 Jan 2020
Jojo Rabbit is a funny and, at times, moving story about a difficult subject
Rated 11 Jan 2020
So much good.
Rated 10 Jan 2020
It was a drama comedy about the WWII. Or should I say comedy drama, in that order since it was a growing up story. The balance between comedy and drama did not succeed all the time. The least successful adult actor was Taika himself. Actually the story did not lay much on adult actors. The plot and kids did the thing. Directing was also okay.
Rated 17 Dec 2019
I'm a fan. Hilarious and heartbreaking on the same time. Roman Griffin Davis is one of the best kid actors I've ever seen - brilliant. This will stick with me for a while. *Very good.
Rated 12 Dec 2019
Pros: Acting (esp. Taika/Scarlett); gut punch; satire; toes line Cons: abrupt tonal shifts
Rated 19 Nov 2019
You guys, when Hitler leaps through the air his limbs take on the shape of a swastika. Them shoes were uber well set up. This worked for me, but I don't think it quite reached its full potential.
Rated 15 Nov 2019
A lot of the movie is amazing, but its not perfect. The performances are all top notch. RGD gives easily the best performance I've ever seen from a child actor. The humor works perfectly, and the art direction and cinematography couldn't be more on point (obvious Wes Anderson influence). Unfortunately Waititi opted to not make it a pure comedy. The more poignant moments aren't bad at all. They just feel as if he's saying "Comedies don't win awards". Well incorporated, but typical by comparison.
Rated 10 Nov 2019
The depiction of Hitler is clever as his hammy goofiness perfectly conveys the childish admiration a Hitler youth would have for him. The comedy in the first 30 minutes also lands for the most part. However, don't watch beyond that expecting a comedy film. The drama is heavy here, and it's a bit of a mixed bag. There are some scenes that are powerful, but the plot plays out in a predictably cliche fashion with a pretty lame final act. Overall a watchable if uneven film, but nothing stellar.
Rated 08 Nov 2019
Its dual stories remind me of the structure of The Great Dictator, even as it struggles to grapple with the dramatic shifts in tone (in contrast to Chaplin's film). The final act settles in and concludes the film on a meaningful note, portraying an embrace of true humanity. Some really nice moments throughout, sometimes funny, sometimes evocative: the grenade charge, the letters, Jojo reading his book, and especially the blue butterfly sequence.
Rated 26 Oct 2019
good movie
Rated 10 Oct 2019
Moonrise Kingdom with Nazis - and neither the film nor the ideology were very good ideas to start with. Sure, dancing Hitler is funny, but Waititi utterly fails to find a balance between comedy and drama (most of his story actually would be better dealt with as drama). He also resorts to a cliché Hollywood story line whose telling is excruciatingly obvious. Feels like a missed opportunity.
Rated 11 Oct 2024
What a wonderful and heartbreaking, multi-layered story. Jojo Rabbit definitely divides opinion and I respect anyone who feels the whimsical style applied to the Holocaust misses the mark. For me, the combination of dark humor with moments of pure devastation works for me and moved me throughout. I think that Waikiti finds a very fragile story to tell against the backdrop of history and to frame so many of these events through the eyes of an indoctrinated young boy brings new perspective.
Rated 09 Sep 2024
WW2 comedy, is that even appropriate? I don’t know, but I can’t think of another movie that depicts the absurdity of racism better than JoJo.


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