John Wick: Chapter 4
John Wick: Chapter 4
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John Wick: Chapter 4

John Wick: Chapter 4

Suspense/Thriller, Crime
2h 49m
John Wick uncovers a path to defeating The High Table. But before he can earn his freedom, Wick must face off against a new enemy with powerful alliances across the globe and forces that turn old friends into foes (

John Wick: Chapter 4

Suspense/Thriller, Crime
2h 49m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 56.71% from 1332 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 25 Mar 2023
I'm amazed that people have the stomach for 3 hours of stilted macho talk and relentless techno fights. Lots of time must have gone into the choreography and location work, but since it's all a cartoon there's no weight or wit to it. Some visual ideas pop out - there's a bird's view tracking shot in an apartment that's a sort of pre-viz masterpiece. But even that one goes on indiscriminately. Aesthetically it all represents a culture of excess that has become sick of itself and wants to die.
Rated 25 Mar 2023
Magnum Opus of Action movies!
Rated 06 Apr 2023
By FAR the best in the series. The best acted, best directed, best choreographed, best photographed… the action and fighting is all stellar. Similarly to how I felt about the last Mad Max and Mission: Impossible movies; it has no right being this damn good. It actually has a handful of very likable characters too, a first for the series in my opinion. I didn’t want to see anyone in harm’s way (except Skarsgård). It’s long, but every minute was GREAT. It was extremely well directed and executed.
Rated 28 Mar 2023
A nearly 3 hour dance choreography with weapons instead of jazz hands that has every critic raving because they spotted a Lawrence of Arabia hommage and Wilhelm Scream in the opening act. Remove every action scene and it's a short film about a drifter and his Emotional Support Animal.
Rated 14 Mar 2023
The film delivers on all fronts, with impressive world-building, excellent performances, and stunning action sequences that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats. While some of the dialogue scenes and the film's length may be minor flaws, they don't detract from the overall quality of the movie.
Rated 16 Jun 2023
Is John Wick a rebooted Matrix? Too much magick, not enough peril/struggle, and a useless heel.
Rated 30 Mar 2023
Turns out you really can show an old dog new Wicks
Rated 29 Mar 2023
Yes... Thing And i thought it was Impossible to beat Parabellum. Much better Build Up and Action Moments. Fantastic Characters and an emotional Finale. The best one easily.
Rated 24 Mar 2023
For the first half it's almost like a Bond film in how it recycles a familiar outline: the cool fight scenes, inventive shootouts, and hitman underworld. But then for the last half--after probably the best choreographed and filmed action set piece in the franchise--it really picks up. It also had some good feels to it; especially John's catharsis, the humor and Leone-esque mood. It's on the lower half of the franchise's entries, but that still makes it better than most action films out there.
Rated 14 Mar 2023
Overstuffed and way too long (you could cut the entire Berlin act without affecting the plot whatsoever), but it is just so goddamn entertaining. The action is stellar, the new characters are all significantly more interesting than the returning characters, and Donnie Yen steals the show. It’s a poor script executed in bravura fashion and significantly elevated. The story is not good, but the action is so great you might not care.
Rated 10 Apr 2023
a pretty damn great action flick. the dialogue is pretty mid, but honestly it doesn’t even matter. the action is well choreographed and photographed, the editing works well, it’s very story driven. the ending is pretty unearned tho, and the characters are bland and their potential unrealised. still the best of the sequels tho
Rated 03 Apr 2023
The plot is ludicrous, and it's 3 hours long. But it's 3 hours of the best action you'll see all year. Stunt people at the very top of their game. Some brilliant cinematography, just beautiful shots in there
Rated 25 Mar 2023
Good Lord Ares, this is a thumping great action film. Visually lush, with spectacular violence throughout. Might be a bit long for some, I lapped up every second. Wow.
Rated 24 Mar 2023
"John Wick: Chapter 4" is a visually stunning and action-packed film that struggles to balance its ambitious plot with meaningful character development. Fans of the franchise might find enjoyment in the spectacle and closure it offers, but those seeking depth and nuance in their cinematic experiences may be left wanting more.
Rated 23 Mar 2023
Rated 23 Mar 2023
At nearly three hours, the film has plenty of room in which to work, but it only rarely feels like too much room. The film keeps getting more creative and visually striking as it goes along. In 2014, John Wick felt like a corrective to the chopped-to-ribbons action movies that obscured the action and recycled tired ideas. Nearly a decade later, the series is still demonstrating how it ought to be done.
Rated 08 Oct 2023
The first John Wick will forever be my favorite of the series for how streamlined and out of nowhere it was - but this could be argued as the best. There are several action sequences that look like they were UNGODLY complicated to shoot, I can’t imagine how elaborate the storyboarding and planning and camera setups and behind the scenes were. Makes 90% of other action movies look lazy in comparison. One of very few film series in recent years to actually come to a rousing conclusion.
Rated 23 Sep 2023
Ridiculously long and an overrated style with common lighting patterns and repetitive movement. Wick is neither a character in the traditional sense or a cipher, so why this series has continued for nearly a decade with increasing acclaim and success is somewhat baffling. Key takeaway: if you move your head up, down, left or right really quickly, you can easily dodge bullets at point blank range or close to it. The rest is Yen.
Rated 02 Jun 2023
Still enjoyable, but slowly getting tiresome.
Rated 01 Jun 2023
Even now, John Wick is still tumbling down those stairs...
Rated 27 May 2023
Not stupid like 2 and 3, but still a bit dumb. The marquis lumberjacks wear suits with combat boots, which looks bad. John Wick's bounty of $20 million isn't enough to rustle up hitmen, but $26 million does the trick! A blind guy with a cane is called Caine and he sees better than Daredevil--unable suspend my disbelief. JW4 features more iconic shots, and some nice ones. The top-down sequence with an incendiary shotgun is gold. Watched it at 1.2x speed because it is slow and relentless.
Rated 23 May 2023
People with guns keep running towards other people with guns until they're in melee range and therefore can't use their guns. Add the bad choreography and the lack of any story or interesting characters, and you're left with nothing worth watching.
Rated 23 May 2023
Fun Fact: John Wick 4 is right now one of top250 movies of all time, according to IMDb.
Rated 25 Apr 2023
More pretty, if hardly realistic, fighting choreography, and nothing else. Donnie Yen is always a great screen presence - it's a crying shame they've never cast him in anything genuinely good since his first starring role in "Iron Monkey".
Rated 20 Apr 2023
I can’t get over on the blind dude.
Rated 10 Apr 2023
John Wick: Chapter 4 is all about the fight scenes & a fitting end (if it is) for the franchise. The opening is a bit slow, but for a near 3 hour film composed almost entirely of combat choreography it's paced exceedingly well. The rules are essentially video game logic at this point, with cinematography to match...but in a good way. The song choices, dialogue & grunting all add a touch of humour. The best of the sequels with a nod to how it started, but slightly lacking in its emotional core.
Rated 03 Apr 2023
Far too much of this is not a relentless stunt reel. Its two hours of exhausting dialogue are staged with style to spare, but they just aren’t necessary - or I wish they weren’t necessary. Give me more nunchaku, more top-down shooter, more endless stairs, if you need to make your film three hours long, but hear me out - maybe two hours is fine, or even one and a half. Nip these hints of franchise in the bud, I beg you, they are making your films worse.
Rated 03 Apr 2023
Three hours of nonsense and headshots. Donnie Yen absolutely steals the show because of course he does.
Rated 02 Apr 2023
If this is to be the final movie, then overall I am definitely happy with it. My only real complaint is that almost none of the characters from the previous movies returned; I was expecting everyone to unite against or with the Table! But the overarching story doesn't necessarily need that since Wick is always the focus. The action, set designs, new characters and the themes of choices & consequences are all done so impeccably that it feels like the only real way to close this story.
Rated 27 Mar 2023
Furious masterpiece with some of the most incredible action set-pieces we've ever seen -- like the staircase one. Just awesome in every possible angle.
Rated 26 Mar 2023
brutal sb&hj flashbacks
Rated 26 Mar 2023
There's very little plot remaining to the JW story, especially now that he's actively driving the action rather than just not being allowed to stop. But damn, it's an FPS take on Lawrence of Arabia; almost three hours of unbeliavable action (choppily edited down from FOUR) that never lets up. It buys into its own mythology with a "What ...OK, sure, we can work with that" that somehow manages to make it all work. Yen and Skarsgård are great additions. What's the name of this club? Just dance.
Rated 24 Mar 2023
Probably the best of the John Wick sequels? Still a lot of things that drag it down for me, but for a three hour movie it went fairly quick and seemed to conclude on a semi-decent level.
Rated 20 Aug 2024
Why do I keep watching this franchise expecting them to tone down the power scaling? Wick has ascended to a tier above superman, and now has access to perfect armor and overpowered weapons too. Guess he can take on the entire planet on his own. How about we also introduce a "nobody" character stronger than the whole world too. Ruined by its needlessly long runtime, terrible script, people forgetting they can aim for the head, and sabotaging of its own worldbuilding. Saved by its cinematography.
Rated 29 Jul 2024
Good action but little else of substance and huge aching pauses that left me quite bored. I checked my watch at 2:10 in the cinema. My least favourite of the John Wick films, the only one I wouldn't watch again.
Rated 28 Jul 2024
Maybe it's been too long since I've seen a John Wick movie but this film manages to blow me away with every action scene being a goddamn marvel and every locale being visually mesmerizing. While some may complain about the bloat, I've never been engaged with the overall narrative of past films so I was a lot more engaged with the colorful cast of characters in this film who all have some fun quirks that add to a scene. The ending was awkward and sudden tho, kinda felt forced.
Rated 12 Jun 2024
It may not convert those who didn’t like the previous 3, but it edges out Chapter 2 as my favorite. It actually has multiple likable characters this time around, which gives some semblance of stakes. While some of the early action scenes felt like slight rehashes, the second half of the film contains some of the best set-pieces of the series, with the traffic fight and aerial view scenes being fun and fresh respectively. Not to mention the ending itself is pretty good too.
Rated 01 Jun 2024
Yen and Sanada were great. But the whole franchise falls apart here.
Rated 14 May 2024
Holy shit talk about over the top! Packed with action, well rehearsed choreography and mindless shooting. At this point it just feels they're going for the movies kill record. It's like watching a video game but not playing. Very much liked the bird's view scene with flaming bullets, others are just more of the same. And passing of the time was before the sunrise was so awkward that I could barely stay focused. I won't be missing the series after such a bitter end.
Rated 06 May 2024
The action choreography continues to amaze. I did like the original's hinting at this weird underworld more than the actual built-out underworld we have now seen over three films, but it is nonetheless fun to see them finish that out, as well.
Rated 24 Mar 2024
Shimazu: "I want you to find your peace. But a good death only comes after a good life."
Rated 06 Mar 2024
It was too much fighting. There, I said it. The fighting is very good, but it just went on and on and on. Every scene was 10 henchmen and 20 minutes too long. I don't mind that it's fucking daft, but, as with the previous three instalments, it's crying out for some meat to be hung on the bones of the plot. It's the Big Punch Up from the Fast Show on steroids, that's it.
Rated 19 Feb 2024
W3E1P0S1V1M1A1R1. Still good of course, and obviously intentionally absurd. But absurd all the same.
Rated 12 Feb 2024
I'm coming around to be a John Wick believer. At first I thought these movies were silly because this secret network of assassins who do nothing but assassinate each other in turn was laughable, but after so much time past, I have to admire how hard the franchise leans into that concept. It makes absolutely no sense, but it's all in service of some magnificently executed action setpieces, and I can never complain too hard about that.
Rated 12 Feb 2024
In terms of action, lighting, music. this is the best in the sequel. I loved it.
Rated 12 Feb 2024
audiovisual 84 acting 70 overall feeling 79 avg 78
Rated 05 Feb 2024
Outside of a brilliant Hotline Miami-sequence and interesting turns from Donnie Yen and (a little less so) Shamier Anderson, this movie and the entire franchise itself is overplayed and overdone. John Wick as a character and Keanu Reeves (bless his heart) as an actor aren't able to carry so many movies. The locations and cinematography is more extravagant but the action that propelled the franchise is now trite . You can only wrestle someone to the ground and double tap so many times.
Rated 20 Jan 2024
3 hours long madness. but wick getting older, the action scenes are slow and weird. maybe I was paying too much attention. so thats why it was right point that he turned into jesus christ at the end. best chapter, good final.
Rated 17 Jan 2024
Rated 15 Jan 2024
Despite the running time, this is an impeccably paced capper to a franchise that defiantly keeps pushing itself in terms of quality and thrills. Reeves is in his worst form yet, each line delivered as if from an alien, but it's hard to blame him; he's pushing 60 and has to dedicate more energy to ten times more complex choreography than the last installment. But the cinematography and setpieces have only blossomed since the humble beginnings, and this is a riot from start to finish.
Rated 09 Jan 2024
There are only a few action films which are true to the art form. It's probably the most hated category for me, which is why a few outlier films shine through the brightest. This is one of them.
Rated 08 Jan 2024
A film that over promises yet over delivers for action fans. It’s inventive, violent, exciting, and exhilarating, with impeccably choreographed stunts and fights that provide a hefty dose of pure adrenaline.
Rated 05 Jan 2024
good movie
Rated 01 Jan 2024
An exercise in pure, gorgeous excess of violence is a mini-masterpiece of action film-making, grabbing you by the collar and shaking you up for three solid hours while never wearing you out or surrendering to tedium; stylistically over-the-top in the best possible way (the night-club scene might be one of the visual stand-outs of the year), with two action sequences at the deneumont (dancing in traffic and the blowtorch) which would be centrepieces in any other film. Great, delirious fun.
Rated 31 Dec 2023
There's no reason to change something that works and John Wick 4 delivers what it should: more JW action, simple and true. Somehow it manages to top the action in previous film.That scene at the stairs and at the club with the water and lights were awesome. This movie looks GORGEOUS. All those shots with so much color, neon light and light flashing through falling water look absolutely beautiful. Just so much eye candy to be had here, this movie was so damn pretty on 4K format.
Rated 30 Dec 2023
If I was facing a pistol duel at dawn, I would make damn sure to get a good night's sleep.
Rated 25 Dec 2023
Whole lot of beautifully shot nothing.
Rated 22 Dec 2023
I can't believe Donnie Yen has been typecasted as a blind guy.
Rated 19 Dec 2023
Boring unrealistic action scenes; felt more like a video game than a movie.
Rated 18 Dec 2023
Beautifully shot and with some fun ideas, but I don't get why it has to be this long. Also, too much rolling down the stairs.
Rated 22 Nov 2023
The latest and the last chapter in the John Wick series is the best one. The first movie was a revenge movie with nice action scenes that started as thrilling but had lost it tension by the end.Silly universe, plot armour and over the top fight scenes; these were what made Chapter 3 the worst entry of the series however these are also what makes Chapter 4 the best. Unlike the previous entry, it takes its over the topness in its heart, it uses it as fuel to give you fun almost like Hotline Miami
Rated 28 Oct 2023
It's so hard not to give this a 100, cause the action, cinematography, new characters, and especially the way the story explores the themes of friendship, consequences, and of course, death make for an unforgettable experience. YEs it doesn't need to be this long, it takes more suspension of disbelief, and some of the trademark moments start to feel over-used, but these are forgivable. I truly hope they end the main series here, cause few character arcs are as complete as this one by the end.
Rated 20 Oct 2023
It’s too long and too repetitive. For me, this is weakest in the series, but I am content enough to roll with the brilliant stupidity of Wicks world. Reeves still carries things well.
Rated 16 Oct 2023
What you will get when you watch this movie is exactly what you expect from it.
Rated 10 Oct 2023
At this point, you either love or hate John Wick, because the movies all follow the same basic formula. This one is the biggest, at nearly three hours long, and occasionally, especially in the middle, it does feel like it could have been much shorter. But the epic finale and perfect conclusion to John Wick's character arc makes it worth watching and the film continues to up the ante for how action scenes should be shot. I really hope they don't make any more because it ends just right.
Rated 22 Sep 2023
eng; [John Wick 4; John Wick Chapter: 4]; der auftragskiller möchte seinen namen wieder etablieren und bekommt es dabei mit seinem französischen verfolger zu tun, eine Jagd durch die Welt bis ihm ungewöhnliche freunde helfen.; (one by one they die, manchmal auch zwei gleichzeitig.);
Rated 21 Sep 2023
Ambitious in terms of the amount of action but if I hadn't second-screened almost throughout my guess is that I would've found it exhausting.
Rated 13 Sep 2023
Rated 12 Sep 2023
this time, the pooch does not get screwed
Rated 04 Sep 2023
Best of the series so far. Great action and plot. Absolutely loved the nod to the Warriors movie with the radio chatter ahead of the final duel. I wonder how many got that? Not Dead! Part 5 in the future? I hope so.
Rated 28 Aug 2023
Two and a half hours is too much when it's mostly quantity over quality, the same stuff you've seen before. The whole Berlin section could have been cut out without missing anything. *spoiler* Hopefully this is the end of the franchise unless they make Keanu Doomguy in Hell or something.
Rated 21 Aug 2023
I quite liked this but honestly it's barely a movie. Action scene after action scene and it doesn't even try to stand alone but is just a continuation of the previous film. It is definitely too long and bloated, almost becoming a parody of itself. But it's still entertaining, looks cool and has tons of great action - although I'd say that tons becomes too much in the end. Terrible villain though, and I found Donnie Yen quite mediocre as well.
Rated 04 Aug 2023
Gun fu: Last fricking chapter.
Rated 31 Jul 2023
Rated 29 Jul 2023
The individual scenes are ludicrous but entertaining but the story has just gotten stupid by this point. By this time John Wick doesn't win because of his skill or because he is better, he wins because he is John Wick and the story demands it. For me, each movie has gone downhill in terms of story and overall enjoyment even while the set pieces have gotten more impressive if equally bloated and unrealistic.
Rated 29 Jul 2023
Like all the movies in this series the action is non-stop, impressive and exciting to watch. There was a lot going on here, it slowed down at times but mostly felt like it was at a breakneck pace. It met the standards of what I'd expect for a John Wick movie. Very cool seeing Rina Sawayama have a role in this one. Another case of where I was already a fan of the style and it delivered on what I expected.
Rated 26 Jul 2023
could not watch the movie until the end! totally crap
Rated 23 Jul 2023
Aksiyon sahneleri akıcıydı. Kareografiler güzeldi ama biraz şalteri kapatıp izlemek gerekiyor. Sumoların çıplak elleriyle mermiyi engellemeleri olsun , merminin işlemediği zırha John Wick`in bıçak saplayabilmesi olsun baya uçuk şeyler de vardı. Üstten çekilen aksiyon sahnesi baya özgün ve tatmin ediciydi. Senaryo kısmında ise tamamen salmışlar. Köpekli abinin karakterinin hizmet ettiği tek nokta ilk filmlerdeki köpek göndermesi olmuş onun harici bomboş bir karakter.Sonunda ölmesi de saçma olmuş.
Rated 22 Jul 2023
The saga jumped the shark at the end, sadly. I liked the saga lore, but the duel is such a lazy way out. About Chapter 3 I wrote here "waiting to get tired of this": i got tired. More repetitive, less creative, more self-serious, longer, and those energy shields disguised as suits are starting to look silly. And what's the purpose in the plot of the black guy with the dog? My highlight of the movie is the fat guy with golden tooths: damn was agile. And Donnie Yen, he's great as usual.
Rated 13 Jul 2023
Rated 11 Jul 2023
Visuals, choreography, Keanu Reeves cool demeanour. All these are as good as ever. The social comment from depicting a world where ultra-violence has become the norm is also interesting. But I must admit I'm a bit disappointed in how this 4 films long story of a man defying a dystopian social system of killers concludes by showing us how even the most powerful hero is powerless to change even marginally such a social system ...
Rated 04 Jul 2023
Would be brilliant if you had not seen 1 to 3. As it is its same old, same old. Still enjoyable but nothing new.
Rated 03 Jul 2023
Laughably bad.
Rated 25 Jun 2023
More than anything, these films seem to be about the arrangement of colours. Given the care with which that arrangement is composed, it’s slightly disappointing that there is still quite a bit of “orange and teal” to be found here. The fight scene among the nightclub patrons at the midway point is very effective, the overhead shot later on is very memorable and impressive, and the last hour’s scenes scattered across various Paris landmarks are all pretty hilariously excessive.
Rated 22 Jun 2023
The Best Part!! (hopefully the last one)! the Man should wear in a Nice Suit, when Married or Barried!!!
Rated 19 Jun 2023
I like Keanu. We all like Keanu, and I want to like his movies, but damn he's not making it easy with this latest outing as John 'Immortal' Wick. This one's way dumber than Parabellum, and I'm sorry but a 3 hour long action movie is just wrong - there's only so many overchoreographed fight scenes I can take without tuning out, and this is the FOURTH time around. It's just too much. On a side note it's also annoying that nothing that happens throughout the whole movie makes any sense. Please stop
Rated 15 Jun 2023
Ridiculous, disappointing end to a series that began with such great promise. When will filmmakers learn that failing to abide by the laws of physics and biology results in films with no dramatic tension.
Rated 11 Jun 2023
The Osaka continental is basically them doing Tokyo Drifter level stuff and that was amazing. Right from the start you get a glimpse in what they’re going for with the brutality and length of it all with a simple match snuffing and it’s added onto with spaghetti westerns homages.
Rated 10 Jun 2023
Great action, with realistic fighting.
Rated 08 Jun 2023
I said in my review of John Wick 3 that the bar had been set disconcertingly high for Chapter 4. Instead of trying to top Chapter 3 in terms of quality, this installment just gives you WAY more of the same. Keanu, Donnie Yen, and Hiroyuki Sanada are all fantastic, but as the fight sequences tick past 20 minutes in length, it becomes apparent that the (very talented) filmmakers are running out of creative steam. Hopefully this is the end of John Wick's saga, and we see them try something new.
Rated 05 Jun 2023
Reeves cant even say a single sentence convincingly.
Rated 05 Jun 2023
I'm torn between the Keanu fanboy I am and the fact that this movie is not that good. The apartment scene is the only one that is really original (and the Sumo brothers). At the end it's 1h too long. Nice to see Donnie Yen and Laurence Fishburne. And a dog :)
Rated 04 Jun 2023
Xiao Xiao to the max! Visually stunning and the fighting choreography is amazing. Make sure you're comfortable, it's a loooong ride.
Rated 29 May 2023
Hell yeah!!!
Rated 29 May 2023
We cannot avoid learning from the summation of all four episodes that style is substance! ("...such is life")...and did you know that the Arc de Triomphe roundabout scene is ENTIRELY CG, just WOW!
Rated 26 May 2023
Action extravaganza that doesn't disappoint. Very long, but it's able to keep the fight going throughout. Quite a solid entry. Beautifully shot and choreographed. Suspension of disbelief at an all-time albeit expected high. 8.4 splattered headshots /10.
Rated 25 May 2023
huge. has its ups and downs, but the ending is quite satisfying. hard to find such coherence in an action movie saga. they have truly made something special with these movies
Rated 25 May 2023
1957: exaggerated! hard to believe! near BS!
Rated 24 May 2023
I enjoyed every second of it. Hats off!
Rated 23 May 2023
Bullet ballet.


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