John Dies at the End
John Dies at the End
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John Dies at the End

John Dies at the End

Comedy, Fantasy
1h 39m
It's a drug that promises an out-of-body experience with each hit. On the street they call it Soy Sauce, and users drift across time and dimensions. But some who come back are no longer human. Suddenly a silent otherworldly invasion is underway, and mankind needs a hero. (imdb)

John Dies at the End

Comedy, Fantasy
1h 39m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 43.03% from 808 total ratings

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Rated 23 Nov 2013
A mess. But a rather enjoyably mental one. It's precisely what one would want to see at a Midnight Movie Madness showing, and it has cult written all over it in capital letters. It's daft and uneven but it's also confident and refreshingly different.
Rated 21 Mar 2013
Starts off well enough, begins to get tedious in the middle and by the end of it you're glad it's over with. Just like eating pancakes...or having sex with my wife!!! I kid, I kid...I don't have a wife. Forever alone.
Rated 01 Jan 2013
You'll never look at soy sauce the same way again. This is something that doesn't fit any box, and reminded me of the same kind of experience when I saw the Army of Darkness for the first time. I am looking forward for the obvious sequel.
Rated 26 Nov 2017
(Viewed on 16/07/15): It's wise to let your budget determine the size of your canvas. Coscarelli has blatantly ignored that advice and shoots for the moon only to miss the mark by a considerable distance. I can't comment on whether or not it's a faithful adaptation, but it's clearly apparent that he lacked the sufficient funds necessary to do justice to Wong's crazy effects driven Lovecraftian inspired vision. The random weirdness is amusing at first, but it looks too cheap to really work.
Rated 08 Nov 2017
"John Dies at the End" has the kind of hare-brained nonsense plot that I despised in "Naked Lunch," but instead of pathetic and moronic, this one is a hell of a fun movie. I'd put my money on Coscarelli for bringing it all together. He knows how to spin a yarn out of some dumb ideas. Hopefully they adapt the sequel with the same crew, if so, please take my money.
Rated 05 Sep 2015
The individual elements are good enough to make it worthwhile, but there doesn't seem to be anything holding them together. It seems more like the director's other cult horror franchise (which I love) than the cult horror novel (which I love) it was based on. But yeah, the phantasmal tone of the Phantasm series doesn't work for everything, and not here. I guess my complaint is that it seems like the plot of the novel was shoehorned into a Phantasm movie.
Rated 06 Jun 2014
Quirky and retro in the best sense of the words. but also mindbogglingly convoluted to the point where the story felt more inept than offbeat.
Rated 07 Mar 2014
Not a 'good' movie. But a fun movie worth a watch. Reminds me of the original fight night in that sense.
Rated 03 Jul 2013
This movie was a blast. You will probably enjoy it unless you hate pondering the ideas of aliens, other dimensions, alternative time-lines, and atomic determinism..
Rated 01 Jun 2013
Upon a second viewing the movie makes much much more sense. I'm glad I gave it another chance as it was more enjoyable the second go through. some movies just need more time. if you watched it once and are put off by it, watch it again, with a friend even. you might find that you like it more.
Rated 17 Feb 2013
You ever have a conversation with a friend that mostly consists of a series of tangents that never quite lead to a complete thought before going off on another tangent? That's what this film feels like. Everything feels like a rushed half-thought. It almost successfully evokes a very modern update of a typical B-movie feeling, with its silly concepts and dodgy effects, but it winks at the audience a bit too much. Could have toned down the terrible dick jokes, too. They were seriously awful.
Rated 04 Jan 2013
Had the perfect story to be gritty but instead they went the quirky route. I don't know what the point was either, they didn't really have much to say about anything. And when they were about to get into something interesting they just moved onto another scene, often for no rhyme or reason. Felt like a huge missed opportunity.
Rated 31 Dec 2012
Incoherent, cheap and loads of fun. The plot balances on the fine line between insanity and ingenuity.
Rated 18 Aug 2020
Can Coscarelli do no wrong? One of the better horror movies of the last decade, even if that isn't really saying anything.
Rated 14 Oct 2017
Most reviews of this film liken it to Bill and Ted, or Evil Dead, or eXistenZ, or a host of other odd little films. What to they have in common? They all have a cult following and John Dies at the End seems to aspire to be a cult film. It wishes it so much that it insists that every little piece of it be weird for weird's sake. There are definitely entertaining bits, but thrown together, the film seems like a collection of funny things some friends came up with while stoned.
Rated 15 Mar 2015
A very interesting piece of cinema. It's charming and it's a sort of faux-intelligent that just makes it seem more creepy and strange. I personally really liked it, from the convoluted and extremely nonsensical "Supernatural" themed story, to the hilarious acting of Paul Giamatti and doorknob turning into a dildo. Cheesy and fun, and good at making me write words I never thought I would before.
Rated 13 Aug 2013
It's on the stranger end of the spectrum for sure, feeling like a spiritual accessory to Slaughterhouse-Five, Ghosts/Aliens, etc., with nice infusions of comedy and a really brilliant screenplay and dialogue if you commit yourself to following it as closely as you possibly can. I haven't read the book but the movie is a loosely-connected-but-wildly-entertaining 100-minute ride. I have an instant affinity towards this director and will search out his other work. You should definitely watch this!
Rated 10 Jul 2013
Derivative of far superior works - the most obvious being Naked Lunch. All the film really succeeds in doing is demonstrating just how talented Burroughs and Cronenberg are that attempts to imitate fall so flat.
Rated 06 Jul 2013
I really enjoyed this. There are a lot of cool ideas. Wonderfully campy.
Rated 06 May 2013
Didn't completely enjoy the ending. I saw John Dies at the End to be a very fun watch. It's crude and bloody but I got some laughs out of it. Totally cheesy, but I don't care. Should entertain Coscarelli's fans. Cast really works too. Rather or not it's good, it's still a fun watch.
Rated 17 Apr 2013
Wonderfully incoherent and silly
Rated 10 Apr 2013
What a trip! Swaying wildly from completely silly to surprisingly dark this film does like to catch you off guard with its randomness. Yet it never strays too far into the territory of trying too hard. The script is at times brilliant and hilarious but starts to fizzle out when they try to wrap everything up.
Rated 01 Apr 2013
Almost impossible to describe. I would say it's a cross between these three movies: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Brick and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. It was full of mystery, randomness and zany comedy. I still can't tell you exactly what this movie was about. It's one of those movies you have to see it to believe it. It most definitely isn't for everyone. I'm still not even fully sure I liked this movie, it just intrigued me to no end. Very, very weird.
Rated 16 Feb 2013
John Dies At The End is a post-modernist, demented devil spawn of a film vomited sporadically upon an unsuspecting screen. It's a film about determination, drugs, friendship, identity, fate, the end of the world, demons, phantom limbs, weird mask wearing cults, meat monsters, t.v. show clairvoyants...ahh, who am I kidding, I have no idea what this was about.
Rated 05 Feb 2013
The movie brilliantly sets the tone with a comedy-horror version of the Theseus ship paradox: Say you behead a man with your ax (a cheap one from Home Depot). The handle breaks so you replace it. Later on the blade gets chipped so of course you replace the blade as well. As the reanimated body of the dead guy comes back to haunt you, you grab your ax again. Now the question is: With none of the original parts left, is it the same ax you used the first time?
Rated 20 Jan 2013
Feels like a cross between an adult Scott Pilgrim and the X-files. Roller coaster of immersion with some drawing scenes bookended by lazier ones. The CGI is sci-fi channel standard.
Rated 07 Jan 2013
Does not manage to really bring the dark, twisted world(s) from the book to life in a satisfying way. The film can't really build any momentum because it rushes through the contents and skips important parts that help flesh out the ideas behind the seemingly random weirdness. Definitely has some cool/fun parts, but it never really adds up to a satisfying viewing experience.
Rated 06 Jan 2013
Zany and fun for the first half but continued to die down as things started to make more sense.
Rated 16 Feb 2024
Not as good as Bubba Ho-Tep. I was interested enough to see how it ended but it wasn’t particularly funny or enjoyable.
Rated 15 Sep 2022
I still consider THIS MOVIE IS FULL OF SPIDERS, SERIOUSLY DON’T WATCH IT and WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST WATCH not existing as proof that we’re not living in the best possible world (also, anybody who enjoyed the movie should really give the book a shot, about half it‘s plot was excised from the movie for what I assume were budgetary reasons).
Rated 23 Jul 2022
Engaging and entertaining.
Rated 25 Jun 2022
Amusing and original to start, promising interesting philosophical/existential consideration during its hilariously droll prologue, but ultimately feels like a whiteboard full of ideas that never cohere into a whole, like being stuck with a group of stoned people telling wildly fanciful stories. This may be the point, but it ultimately becomes tedious and lacks an overall point or resolution. Good cameo work from Giamatti and Turman stand out from the otherwise amateurish performances.
Rated 27 Jul 2020
Started off interesting yet absurd but got completely erratic and about nothing towards the second half. - **Content warning for people who are arachnophobic or generally afraid of insects.**
Rated 27 Jan 2020
Eu estava curtindo a jornada até o momento em que a Amy é a única capaz de abrir a porta de outra dimensão e ao mesmo tempo a única a ser deixada pra trás. Sério? Sério mesmo? Pffft. BlurayRip RARBG.
Rated 17 Jun 2017
A lot influenced by Lovecraft or Barker. Its weirdness leaves as cold at the end.
Rated 10 Jan 2017
While still decent, this is more of a visual companion to the book, which remains a better telling of the story, if only because it has much more time for all its shenanigans.
Rated 25 Oct 2015
I can appreciate the balls-to-the-wall comprehension of this film, despite having a strange setup
Rated 17 Jul 2015
A hugely entertaining movie that was surprisingly good.Well acted for the most part and full of interesting ideas and visuals which is what I've come to expect from Don Coscarelli. The exploding eyeballs and the cameo from Angus Scrimm were my favorite parts. The movie did start to slow down and lose steam at the end. A really great cross between "limitless" and "Naked Lunch".
Rated 07 Jul 2015
Placeholder score until I can rewatch
Rated 14 Jan 2015
Hated this less than the book.
Rated 22 Dec 2014
This is one of the few films I've seen that was likely better than the book. Far fewer juvenile jokes and perhaps a bit more coherence. It still is totally irrational bullshit, but it isn't poorly done as an adaptation.
Rated 05 Nov 2014
Doesn't translate well at all from internet story to the screen, last part when they're in the alternate dimension is especially terrible. Just weird enough to be watchable though.
Rated 27 May 2014
i love SPACE GHOST and EYES WIDE SHUT too guys but that doesn't mean i'm gonna high five every self-congratulatory douchebag who namedrops them.
Rated 24 May 2014
This is a very strange, weird and original film. The script is bizarre at times but it clearly keeps things interesting. The cast all seem to be having a good time during the movie. Overall I would recommend this movie.
Rated 10 May 2014
Has some interesting quirks, but they are difficult to appreciate amidst the misogyny and juvenile humor.
Rated 28 Jan 2014
6- pretty good, decent :: Moments of brilliance ...and stuff that completely cancels it out. With another ending, this could have been soo great.
Rated 21 Jan 2014
I feel bad rating this because I've only seen this movie once, while sober, and I feel like if you watch it high out of your mind it doesn't feel like a big waste of time. The movie forgoes character development to try and explain a story that tries to be to big and to deep for its own good . Ideas are brought up and then tossed aside for new plot points. Acting (not including the unnecessary Paul Giamatti cameo) is god awful and so are the effects.
Rated 07 Jan 2014
I really wanted to like this. There are some parts that are really good, but then a lot of it just fell flat for me. I liked a lot of the monster effects, some of the lines were pretty humorous, and the soy sauce premise was interesting, but I thought the film went on too many tangents and didn't have much payoff.
Rated 29 Dec 2013
"Look at me - I'm such a crazy movie! Wow, I'm really far-out!" Bullshit...
Rated 02 Nov 2013
Asa film it makes very little sense, but without having read the book, I honestly can't tell if it's even trying to or if it's just happy to take the viewer on an entertaining eXistenz Light-type trip into 21st-century ghostbustin'. Survives on low-budget attitude and a few quite well-done scenes.
Rated 27 Oct 2013
Starts off very well, with an amusing opening sequence, but becomes progressively less interesting as it goes.
Rated 08 Oct 2013
It was okay. A bit better than average. Lacks any real cohesiveness.
Rated 30 Aug 2013
There's something shamelessly mediocre about this flick and yet you sit through the entire thing anticipating it to improve. Every scene is loaded with potential, but instead you have anti-climax after anti-climax.
Rated 10 Aug 2013
Rated 22 Jul 2013
A cheesy and fun indie film led by the likable characters played by Williamson, Giamatti and Mayes.
Rated 14 Jul 2013
sort of a philip k dick/robert anton wilson mashup. totally zany and nuts. loved it.
Rated 09 Jul 2013
One of the best posters I've seen in a while. Movie itself is entertaining, different, and pretty strange. All the characters are likable and there are some thought provoking things, but it wasn't quite what I had hoped for. Regardless, I'd probably watch it again.
Rated 02 Jul 2013
Kind of a miss, but a reasonable adaptation of the book. The end is muddled but the rest is pretty funny.
Rated 30 Jun 2013
I couldn't follow this shit. I have no nerd cred.
Rated 23 Jun 2013
Tongue in cheak silliness gets you past some of the cheap effects and super silly scenarios. Witty and entertaining mess.
Rated 18 Jun 2013
Rated 02 Jun 2013
Original and quirky, for sure. But for me, it didn't work. I need to see it again, I am sure.
Rated 02 Jun 2013
Fun in places, irritating in others. Not nearly enough Clancy Brown. Worth a look, but slightly disappointing if you're a fan of Coscarelli's other films.
Rated 05 May 2013
Wow that's wacky
Rated 14 Apr 2013
Interestingly bizarre, I felt John Dies at the End would have been better if it had been more fleshed out. I was never really sure what was going on, and I thought the ending was poor. If it were more coherently structured, I think this would have been better.
Rated 10 Apr 2013
The first scene got me hooked and was enough to carry me through the movie but the film is extremely disjointed. From the looks of how much was shoved into this movie it should've been a TV series or miniseries instead of a 90 minute movie. Despite that it is funny and weird and has its own sense of style about it. It was so all over the place that I didn't want to stop watching though. Take that as you will.
Rated 06 Apr 2013
twisted and fun alternate universe story... to hold the ghost door knob with a phantom limb is a great detail...
Rated 03 Apr 2013
It managed to keep me guessing and is somewhat Lynchian at times, so points for that. Didn't really feel for the main characters at all, and there was a fair amount of self-conscious weirdness, 'wacky' dialogue, etc. Still, I appreciate the effort. Another movie in which Paul Giamatti appears for like 5 minutes to blow everyone else away, then peaces out.
Rated 31 Mar 2013
Although at times it seems like a forced attempt to deliver the quirkiest B-movie ever made, this has its fair share of clever and funny scenes as well as trippy moments. I have the feeling reading the novel would be more rewarding. Regardless, it's criminal that ten years have passed since Coscarelli's last feature film. I want to see more from him.
Rated 24 Mar 2013
The beginning was too dark for the feel of the movie, and the ending was a letdown. Overall though I enjoyed the movie, just not enough to re-watch, or invest my time in a sequel.
Rated 16 Mar 2013
Like someone saw Kaboom and asked what it would look like if it weren't cinematic whatsoever. Also, it's obnoxiously deadpan, which is a combination of words that has heretofore appeared on the Internet only 22 times, so congratulations on that.
Rated 13 Feb 2013
At times hilarious and quirky in that B movie sort of way. If that's what you're in the mood for it's worth the 90 or so minutes sitting your but down in that barely comfortable movie house chair. I have a greater appreciation for the darker and grittier, but somehow I got the Meat Monster and the hot dog cell phone. Bark Lee was my only hero in this movie, oh and well, Paul Giamatti of course.
Rated 11 Feb 2013
Off-the-charts berserk, but I've always responded to stuff like this, and at its best, JOHN DIES evokes the Sam Raimi of the EVIL DEAD flicks, the David Lynch of LOST HIGHWAY, and the Cronenberg of NAKED LUNCH. A highly amusing, trippy horror cartoon for awhile, until it goes way overboard on the ostentatious oddness near the end. Still a worthwhile, one-of-a-kind experience, though.
Rated 31 Jan 2013
Pretty twisted, but doesn't fully commit with the weird stuff. It's pretty to look at, but, in the end, there isn't much to look at.
Rated 26 Jan 2013
A fun ride, but too fragmented for its own good,
Rated 25 Jan 2013
It's alright, but it's one of those movies that's based on a funny book wherein a good amount of the comedy comes from the writing style and doesn't translate to the screen very well. Like the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" movie, you'd be better off just reading the book instead. Also, the movie has to cram a lot of different set-pieces together and it gets a bit jumbled, it only works in the book because it reads like a collection of short stories.
Rated 20 Jan 2013
More than once it promises to get good, but never goes through with it.
Rated 04 Jan 2013
Some of the dialogues were surprisingly deep and true. I was amazed how well they did the monsters and the special effects, but then most of the background feels completely fake. Bottom line, I like the effects, dialogues and script in general, but they tried too hard with the penis jokes and the jokes in general.
Rated 30 Dec 2012
Messy and incoherent, but also witty and inventive so I didn't really care. A fun watch. Also, bonus points for "The One Ball Inn".
Rated 24 Jun 2012
The good parts of this movie are fantastic, but ultimately it feels a little muddled and rushed.


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