Jackie Brown
Jackie Brown
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Jackie Brown

Jackie Brown

Comedy, Drama
2h 34m
What do a sexy stewardess, a street-tough gun runner, a lonely bail bondsman, a shifty ex-con, an earnest federal agent, and a stoned-out beach bunny have in common? They're six players on the trail of a half million dollars in cash!

Jackie Brown

Comedy, Drama
2h 34m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 60.04% from 9914 total ratings

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Rated 11 May 2016
When I was a dumb teen, I thought this was just OK. But now that I'm a dumb adult I can appreciate Jackie Brown much more. Grier is so, so perfect for the role it's almost scary, and DeNiro playing against type was a nice addition. Its grounded, mature, low-key nature (for Tarantino standards) doesn't diminish the tension once it's needed. There's no real spectacle here and it doesn't feel like a movie that's trying to make you love it, and I think that's why I enjoyed this so much.
Rated 29 Dec 2015
Jackie Brown is a little different than other Tarantino flicks and it's all the better for it. It's mellow, it's grounded, it's less caught up in being cool for the sake of being cool and more focused on being a bit more real-to-life, even depressing. Hell, I was almost convinced by a romance in a fucking Tarantino movie. Weird. Pam Grier and Samuel L. Jackson steal every scene, especially when they're together.
Rated 21 Jun 2013
'Jackie Brown' moves at a relaxed pace. It has the same effect as 'The Big Lebowski', one of inviting you to come back and spend time with these great characters again. By far the least indulgent and most mature film QT has made. You root for Grier and Forster, and Jackson's Ordell is a marvellous creation. De Niro, Fonda and Keaton perform enjoyably as well. Underrated.
Rated 25 Feb 2010
Definitely the lowest-impact Tarantino feature outside of Death Proof in terms of both memorable characters and memorable moments, but still good. Jackson, De Niro, Grier, and Forster are all great. Also, the casting director is named "Jaki Brown," which made me laugh because I'm a juvenile idiot who laughs at stupid shit only I find funny.
Rated 03 Mar 2007
Jackie Brown is a much more subtle film than just about anything else Tarantino has made, and it's gone overlooked in his catalogue for that reason. But while I wouldn't rank it with his very best, it's a great film in its own right, and it retains many of his directorial trademarks - it's a QT project through and through. Grier, Jackson and Forster are great.
Rated 08 Jun 2020
On paper this sounds similar to QT's previous crime films. But he elevates this one to a social thriller by infusing society's perception of age, race, class, and gender as obstacles for our heroine to overcome. What's astounding is that at 34 he made his most mature story yet; with characters giving profound thoughts on aging. While he does reuse his old tropes (nonlinear narratives, L.A., movie discussions, heroes pretending to be someone they aren't) it's still clever. Highly recommended.
Rated 10 Sep 2016
Seems to be a forgotten film from Quentin Tarantino. Could be that it's based on a novel. While Jackie Brown may not boast a lot of [often gritty and gleeful] violence found in Tarantino's other films, this still has a great story and really good acting from basically the entire cast, which is all you need to make a good movie in my opinion. Still has his sense of humor too. I really enjoyed it. If you like Quentin Tarantino and somehow waited until now to watch it like I did, you'll like it.
Rated 20 Apr 2012
Michael Keaton walks like an asshole in every single scene.
Rated 12 Jul 2022
This one has grown on me over the years; I definitely didn't care for it first time around. It could have been a bit punchier, I guess, but theirs a lot to like here, mainly from the enjoyable cast. Reasonably charming.
Rated 11 May 2015
Uncharacteristically subdued for Tarantino, "Jackie Brown" still shows his handiwork in all the right ways. This love-letter to Blaxploitation may be one of Tarantino's most overlooked, but Grier and the themes of growing old and moving on make this one of his best.
Rated 12 Nov 2014
Long and plodding but in the end, the most coherent, subtle and well told story Tarantino has ever done. It may not be his most explosive or innovative work but it's my personal favourite. Too bad it flopped and caused Tarantino to regress and stop growing as a filmmaker.
Rated 15 Apr 2014
Underrated in the Tarantino canon, and it only gets better with repeat viewings. A great cast and one of the best soundtracks from any movie.
Rated 26 Jan 2010
Tarantino's best movie. He writes about real grown-ups here--for a change. I especially like the way he plays with time here, like Kubrick's does in The Killing.
Rated 12 Feb 2007
Better than Pulp Fiction. Yeah, I said it.
Rated 16 Jun 2020
I liked that it wasn't as bloody as other Tarantino films, instead focusing on quieter scenes, reflection, and dialogue. Everyone puts on a strong performance. Middle-aged Pam Grier puts on a convincing strong act that beats her younger work. Samuel L. Jackson was a scary villain but grounded in more realism. Robert Forster was deep. Whatever happened to Bridget Fonda? I couldn't unsee Tarantino's foot fetish. Fav scene: long shot of Forster in the dept store made me worried SLJ would jump out.
Rated 12 Dec 2016
Pam Grier walks down a hallway. Samuel L Jackson preaches for a couple hours. Samuel L. Jackson drives a shitty car from the 70s. Samuel L. Jackson pops some tapes into his cassette deck. DeNiro watches TV. DeNiro smokes a bong. DeNiro prematurely ejaculates. Somebody gets shot. Pam Grier walks down a hallway. This Elton John's circle of life. Does there exist any Tarantino-baked jive vomitory that doesn't contain some jarring scene in which he professes his unwithering hard-on for Japan?
Rated 28 Nov 2013
Jackie Brown in my opinion is Quentin Tarantino's most criminally underrated film. This is such a cool and fun experience that brilliantly pays homage to the blaxploitation films of the 70's. The cast is impressive also with great performances from Pam Grier, Robert Forster & Samuel L. Jackson in particular. With the addition of a strong screenplay, a stellar soundtrack and one of the coolest opening title sequences ever, Jackie Brown is definitely one of my favourite Quentin Tarantino films
Rated 27 Mar 2012
I guess because it's so similar in style to Pulp Fiction, it gets overlooked. But, wow is this movie great. It's a little slower than most of his movies, but it's incredible. And the soundtrack is the best I know of.
Rated 27 Jan 2012
Tarantino's subtlest movie. Shouldn't that be most subtle? Is subtlest really a word? Subtlest. Huh.
Rated 16 Oct 2009
Among other things, it is Tarantino's best soundtrack. I think that, in time, this'll be recognized as his true masterpiece. (two times)
Rated 22 Jan 2008
Made me really appreciate the crisis of aging. There are weakpoints, and some of the characters are uninteresting, but it doesn't detract from the relationship in focus.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Tarantino's least seen is also his least interesting effort. It's not bad, but it's more of a genre piece than his other, more colorful, work.
Rated 09 Apr 2022
None of Tarantino's later obnoxious self-indulgence; just a simple, straightforward, satisfying film with a compelling plot and fully realized characters.
Rated 28 Oct 2019
A little too long and wordy for my taste But interesting to watch play out
Rated 13 Jul 2019
I like sting films, I have come to realize. When they work, it's like *chef's kiss*. QT huddled over a typewriter like a kid on Christmas writing out the "n-word" as many times as he wanted.
Rated 05 Aug 2015
Less violent than the other Tarantino films, but it's still unmistakably Tarantino and his direction shines through with suspenseful scenes and clever dialogue.
Rated 20 Jul 2014
Brilliant story telling with comfortable pacing. Although it appears to be an unrestricted narrative, the plot unfolds in a well-planned order to create sufficient suspense and time for audience to think and guess. Besides, excellent cinematography with frequent long take and impressive choice of soundtrack representing each character.
Rated 17 Mar 2012
This movie is just fucking cool. As usual, Tarantino chooses a great fucking sound track. The biggest complaint I have is that they gave Sam Jackson that shitty hair and goatee.
Rated 19 Dec 2011
This is another great Tarantino film. This movie has a very strong cast with Pam Grier, Samuel L Jackson, Robert Forster and Bridget Fonda really standing out. The sequence that has the same scene from different perspectives is well done.
Rated 15 Dec 2011
A talented director's masterpiece; QT deftly interweaves his own iconic brand of dialogue and storytelling seamlessly with EL's brand and creates a great film, rewarding multiple viewings. Entire cast is sensational, but elevated especially by Grier and Forster at the forefront in a wonderfully touching not-quite romance, and Jackson's devilish riff on his own Jules from PULP. Pleasingly relaxed and mellow atmosphere distinguishes this from QT's usual frenetic (but effective) directorial style.
Rated 23 Aug 2011
Entertaining through-out, no scene feels like a 'filler'. Liked all the performances and good directing aswell
Rated 15 Jun 2011
A lesser work from Tarantino, but that still implies it's pretty great, and his dialogue skills are still top-notch. The character and subtlety works in its favor, increasing the tension and making the stakes feel real. Unfairly overlooked, as it proves Tarantino can do more than what he's usually known for.
Rated 21 Sep 2010
Usually the forgotten film in the Tarantino collection, stands up quite well on its own. Typical big talented cast and snappy dialogue.
Rated 09 Sep 2010
Pam Grier is a hottie. Again, great snappy dialogue and a very pronounced style. It was a little longer than I'd like for what it was, and I thought some more editing could've been brought into use.
Rated 08 Sep 2010
Chris Tucker gets murdered. Awesome.
Rated 12 Aug 2009
While there is no such thing as a perfect film, for me this is as close as it gets. Jackie Brown is endlessly watchable, with an unexpectedly amazing cast, a huge amount of great dialogue, and not a boring moment in its over 2 1/2 hours. I notice something new every time I watch this movie, and I look forward to watching it many more times.
Rated 26 Apr 2009
Nice Movie
Rated 14 Mar 2008
Tarantino's most character-driven film, and definitely his most under appreciated. Robert Forster's soft spoken, contemplative character is so precise and realistic that it's almost hard to tell he's acting. All of the players do excellent jobs, and there are lots of great lines. But this isn't the in your face, "look how quirky I am" Death Proof-style Tarantino; this is him at his most refined and mature.
Rated 05 Oct 2007
(after repeat viewings) Arguably Tarantino's most conventional effort, with nothing in particular standing out. Aside from Jackson being an intimidating mothafucka, the performances were pretty flat and the camerawork from Navarro rather one note. I get that Pulp Fiction was a tough act to follow, but at least he found his groove back with Kill Bill and later films.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Tarantino's least interesting and least entertaining, but still fun (though a bit too long).
Rated 14 Aug 2007
My favourite of all of Tarantino's films. I think this film offers more character depth than in his others.
Rated 14 Jan 2023
Some fans argue it's a 'mature' Taratino film, that the human interaction feels more 'real' and 'genuine'. Yes, it does, but it also comes at a price, and for JB that means a rather standard plot with a multi-perspective section that doesn't work nearly as well as it did in Reservoir or Pulp. For all its virtues, it just doesn't snap, crackle or 'pop', and therefore lacks the same impact. Nonetheless, Grier is great, and Forster proved he was more than a reliable B-movie staple.
Rated 15 Aug 2021
Tarantino at his best
Rated 07 Jul 2021
A predictably great performance from Samuel L. Jackson and a very subdued turn from Deniro hold everything together. Probably the least Tarantino feeling of his films, but there are some signature moments that remind you who you're watching. While the conclusion was overly convoluted and ultimately unsatisfying, the characters and story are more than enough to make up for it and keep you interested until the end.
Rated 21 May 2021
Certainly a crime classic. I can rewatch it all the time because I just personally love the sense of humor and filmmaking of it. Still, it is over screenplayed from the book and some parts are certainly unnecessary. Its pacing problem cannot be ignored. Jackie Brown though, a unique piece of cinema.
Rated 01 Aug 2020
Rated 08 Jun 2020
Weak for Tarantino, but something different from him. It fails in large part because Tarantino, trying his best, can't make more than a good, but thin mimicry of black film. Sorry, white boy. More black noir than blaxploitation. Still, a good ride and a fine film.
Rated 04 Jan 2019
#2 favorite Tarantino film
Rated 17 Dec 2018
Tarantino's most conventional film yet gives his filmmaking skills some much-needed breathing room, creating an airtight thriller with some expert camerawork.
Rated 05 Sep 2018
Jackie Brown looses a bit of its Tarantino charm due to being based on a pre-existing novel. However the movie still looks great and the stylized dialogue is still there. It's nothing close to Pulp Fiction, but earns points for rare subtlety from the director and fantastic performances from Pam Grier and Robert Forster.
Rated 16 May 2018
Tarantino's least Tarantino-y film is fantastic. Still stylized just more traditional in its execution the movie is a joy to watch thanks to some great acting and good yet subtle direction. The intro title sequence is edited perfectly as well.
Rated 22 Jan 2018
Awesome cast, clever story.
Rated 16 Nov 2017
Jackie Brown is very much a slow burner but it's well worth the wait. With intricate plotting, stylish direction and an impeccable cast including an outstanding Michael Keaton and hilarious Robert De Niro this is a cool, well written masterclass.
Rated 17 Sep 2016
My gut feeling is that I liked this slightly less than Pulp Fiction, but more than Death Proof. Apparently my immediate reaction to DP was way more positive than I figured. I feel like I probably missed out by not being familiar with Grier and Forster, but I liked them both right from the get-go, and enjoyed the film as a standalone experience. It had the off-kilter cast + dialogue I like from Tarantino, and it came without the usual off-putting bits, though maybe that made it pop a little less.
Rated 10 Oct 2015
Tarantino's least flashy and most mature film. Pam Grief is fantastic, such a great example of a strong female lead.
Rated 20 Aug 2015
Seen: 3x
Rated 17 Aug 2015
Jackie Brown - the Q man's first feature as a writer and director since Pulp Fiction, in 1994 - scores a knockout just the same. Loaded with action, laughs, smart dialogue and potent performances, Jackie Brown is most memorable for its unexpected feeling. Tarantino adapts Elmore Leonard's 1992 crime novel, Rum Punch, without losing the author's compassion for compromised characters who defy the reduced options that come with age.
Rated 06 May 2015
Wow this movie is boring
Rated 11 Feb 2015
This is such a cool movie - probably, I think, Tarantino's most underrated, and possibly my favorite of all of his work. It's such a slow-burn, which I like, and what an amazingly well-choreographed climax it has. An underrated classic.
Rated 11 Oct 2014
I think this can be classified as middle of the pack Tarantino for me. It's not spectacular like some of the others, but it's still a fun time. The problem is that it dies out too often and it's almost a little too predictable - something I couldn't say when watching any other Tarantino entries (Reservoir, Pulp, Inglorious, Django).
Rated 30 Jun 2014
Witty dialogue and fantastic characters are Tarantino necessities. Unfortunately, this is one of his weaker entries as he leaves a lot of this movie a little boring and also doesn't use actors like De Niro and Keayon to their potential. A fine Tarantino movie but not his best
Rated 24 Dec 2013
Quentin Tarantino draws his inspiration from many sources but his biggest idol is undoubtedly the dung beetle. Here he has taken a lot of fancy pieces from various puzzles and forcibly rolled them into his sprawling, boring ball of excrement in which everything happens just because. Remember, it's not racist if *insert cognitive dissonance*!
Rated 23 Dec 2013
Tarantino's third film, fashioned as a comeback vehicle for star Pam Grier, offers typical wit and charm -- and is typically overstuffed.
Rated 12 May 2013
meh. generous 70, just not that good
Rated 22 Feb 2013
Tarantino's most forgettable film. Just rather dull and plodding compared to the rest.
Rated 20 Jan 2013
Film is a litttle too long and the pacing suffers as a result, and acting can be off-kilter. The subtle sexual tension between Grier and Froster is incredibly well done.
Rated 13 Jan 2013
Tarantino adapts an Elmore Leonard story to the screen, merging intrigue and conspiracy with blaxploitation, a good dose of humor, excellent performances and a good heart - characters don't act as pawns to serve the plot here, unlike in a fair few other Tarantino films.
Rated 07 Nov 2012
Filmmaking by soundtrack, and faces, and jive-talkin thugs. In other words, a Tarantino flick, and possibly his best. The considerable differences between Pulp Fiction and this, as well as the massive influence of the former, makes a comparison hard to judge though.
Rated 30 Jul 2012
Great Trantino film! Arent they all...
Rated 06 May 2012
Great cast and intricate story. Tarantinos homage to 70's blaxploitation cinema and he pulls it off masterfully.
Rated 15 Nov 2011
I love how this movie is, at it's heart, such a quietly toned romance. And Robert Forster got an Oscar nomination but Pam Grier didn't? What? Musta been some tough competition that year...
Rated 05 Sep 2011
Whilst Tarantino's previous effort gets worse on every viewing, this one gets better because it doesn't waste time on stylish pandering/wanking. Everything in this film serves the story and does so well with some top-shelf narrative trickery that Tarantino is known for. And Jackson's performance is one of the best of the '90s; how does that man spit so fast?!
Rated 21 Jun 2011
I didn't enjoy watching Jackie Brown. It didn't hold my interest until the final act, and even then, it relied on the single gimmick of characters double crossing one another to get what they desire. While the characters were developed really well, the story failed to be engaging. In a slow-burning drama, the story needs to draw you in or else you'll end up wanting to turn the film off. That's what happened here -- I wanted to stop watching.
Rated 26 Dec 2010
Didn't much like it at first, but after watching it more and more, i came to really enjoy it as a professionally constructed film.
Rated 19 Nov 2010
Another great movie from Tarantino. The dialogue, script and the acting by all the characters are just great. It is a entertaining movie. Probably not up there with pulp fiction but still a good watch. The film could have been shorter, the soundtrack is awesome as always. A must watch flick.
Rated 08 Nov 2010
Tarantino can actually do low-key pretty well, as he does here. The movie is a little too long but Greer and Forster are excellent.
Rated 29 Sep 2010
This film doesn't get the amount of love it deserves.
Rated 15 Aug 2010
How can moving pictures be this boring
Rated 13 Aug 2010
The subtleties and restraint of Jackie Brown can make a first watch boring and confusing, but with each repeat experience, you begin to notice the little acting, plot, and editing ticks that make this film one of Tarantino's best.
Rated 24 Jul 2010
Slick and entertaining. Quentin clearly worships Grier.
Rated 22 Jul 2010
Probably my favorite Tarantino film. Remarkable writing and acting.
Rated 20 Jan 2010
Great style with an awesome story
Rated 02 Sep 2009
I'd say it's a tie between this and Inglourious Basterds for my favorite Tarantino film. The problem I have with many of his works is--although he creates very memorable characters--I just don't often find them likable. Yet, Jackie Brown works perfectly, especially the stand out, time-twisted mall sequence.
Rated 31 Jul 2009
Often considered the runt of the litter as far as Tarantino is concerned, "Jackie Brown" is still a great movie. The script is typical Taratino dynamite, & the cast are supurb. There are also several very memorable scenes, & a totally engaging plot. However it does not quite hit the heights of what he had made before. For me that is because this film is a tad too long for its plot, even if the plot is very good. It sags in the middle and loses its focus, unable to quite hold your attention.
Rated 19 Jul 2009
Very underrated, very meta.
Rated 05 Jul 2009
One of the most underrated movies of all time. I don't like it as much as I used to, but it's still amazing and one of the best book adaptions I've ever seen.
Rated 28 Apr 2009
Tarantinos most mature movie up to date - great performance by Pam Grier Bonus points for Helmut Berger
Rated 19 Dec 2008
This is so underrated that it makes me sad. Pam Grier is hell of a woman!!!
Rated 11 Oct 2008
I think with Tarantino's movies it's never a question of good or bad, because, honestly, I've not seen a really bad movie by him. They may be silly at times, but they are always creative and innovative. The same counts for this movie: Maybe it's not as cuckoo - completely positively spoken - as all his others, but it is cunning concerning narrative because it is hardly predictable. DeNiro surprises another time and Samuel L. Jackson is cool as ever.
Rated 26 Aug 2007
Jackie Brown is a great movie that is overshadowed by Pulp Fiction (seriously, how could he top that?) It also has one of De Niro's last great performances and Pam Grier is all kinds of sexy and kick ass.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Quentin Tarantino always puts together a movie you want to see, but not always a great movie. It is even harder to say this, since Pam Grier and Robert DeNiro are in the movie, but I never felt the movie got where it needed or wanted to go.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Nice sense of style but terrible pacing; the first sign that Tarantino really needs a better/more vigorous editor at times.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Everytime I get on a plane I thin the flight attendant is smuggling drugs.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I can't point out a single thing that isn't right, but something just doesn't click for me like it did in PF and RD. Still a great movie.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It's just not as funky as his two other movies!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
My favorite Tarantino film. Not flashy or gimmicky, but just a very well done movie.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A great caper. Tarantino's second best.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I have scored this below PULP FICTION but it would not surprise me if a subsequent viewing of both movies produced a different outcome. My recollection is that this was the more interesting and "grown-up" of Tarantino's cinematic efforts (to that point), but that some of the characterisation and plotting did not quite work. Grier and Forster were very good.
Rated 23 Jun 2007
I think this one will age better over time, it's perhaps Taratino's most sophisticated movie thus far.
Rated 12 Jun 2007
An underrated crime thriller. It's cool, laid-back, kind of weird, and well worth a watch.


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