Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
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Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

Crime, Action
1h 58m
Jack Reacher must uncover the truth behind a major government conspiracy in order to clear his name. On the run as a fugitive from the law, Reacher uncovers a potential secret from his past that could change his life forever.

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back

Crime, Action
1h 58m
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Avg Percentile 27.64% from 937 total ratings

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Rated 27 Sep 2018
They probably shouldn't have gone back.
Rated 24 Oct 2016
I really wanted to like this but it was worse than I thought it would be. I loved the first movie, and while Jack Reacher: Never Go Back still has some good fighting, the story is far too generic and formulaic for me to enjoy it straight through. Cruise still has a little bit of his charm in here, but it's not enough to dismiss the film's cliches and the annoying girl... If another book is adapted, it better be something more clever than this.
Rated 22 Oct 2016
Somehow, Jack Reacher 2012 used its 'I don't give a fuck' as an advantage. Fast forward to 2016, and we have the Oprah Book Club version of our character. I promise, the audiences four years ago weren't saying, "this would have have way better if Reacher creepily sought out a girlfriend and had father-daughter issues." "And you get a leather jacket! And you get a leather jacket! And you get a leather jacket!"
Rated 12 Jan 2017
(Words that should have been spoken aloud by Tom Cruise's agent.)
Rated 06 Mar 2018
The first one was an above average crime/thriller with Herzog playing a sweet role and impressed me over and over again. But something happened between the two, and it had nothing to do with Cruise, who's serviceable as always. Round two has an uninspired plot, and tired villain, and Smulders is awful. Reacher, the character, and Child's books have never been top shelf, but the first installment led me to believe that something awesome would be made out of it. I'm having second thoughts.
Rated 17 Jan 2018
Like a crack fiend, I went back. And got AIDS. Never forget.
Rated 04 Mar 2017
Gleefully enjoyable nonsense. The story is some how even more basic than the first and it misses a moment of magic like a bizarre Herzog cameo, but watching the aging hobbit act his wet dreams is undeniably very entertaining.
Rated 06 Jan 2017
It lacks the style of the first Jack Reacharound flick (it lacks any style, actually), but still entertaining and often (inadvertently) quite funny. Tom Cruise has been working on his Clint Eastwood imitation. Clearly he's been spending a lot of time at the gym, yet he's somehow all puffy... I guess this is what an aging, closeted pretty boy looks like.
Rated 24 Oct 2016
Haven't seen the first one. Won't see the next one. Tom Cruise's nose has gotten kind of big.
Rated 20 Apr 2020
Midway through Jack mentions how he's not used to working with other people and that speaks for the film too, particularly with the addition of Turner-it's a bit of an awkward pairing that often undermines her supposedly strong character (it's still always Jack saving the day). Snarky and smart Sam is a better fit, fortunately (the climactic tie-in was great and yeah, I cried at the embrace). The investigative plot does its job once again, with an engaging fugitive angle added this time around.
Rated 13 Sep 2018
I couldn't stand the ugly ass teenage girl in this movie. Danika Yarosh plays her character so annoying I just wanted someone to punch her. Aside from that the story was basic but entertaining and Tom Cruise does well in this role. I found this to be a solid if unremarkable action thriller that passes the time well enough.
Rated 05 Nov 2016
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back begins with promise, then dives headfirst into generic blockbuster territory.
Rated 01 Nov 2016
Well-meaning but action and plot are lazier than an episode of a bad cop show. Tom Cruise has a hard time acting through his botox (or whatever happend to his face).
Rated 22 Oct 2016
Jack Reacher: Botox Gone Bad
Rated 19 Oct 2016
What should have been an exciting and fun follow up to the 2012 sleeper, Jack Reacher 2 falls flat in its attempt to humanize Reacher in adding a daughter element. Too much emotional nonsense and family-esque drama prevents Reacher from crushing skulls (although skulls to get crushed to be fair) and taking names. He doesn't have nearly the same authoritative punch and "don't fuck with me" attitude as he did in the first one and that is not good for business. Pass.
Rated 18 May 2020
okay movie
Rated 27 Dec 2017
Cobie Smulders is smouldering as usual.
Rated 26 Dec 2017
Seems generic. Plays all the typical action cat-and-mouse cards.
Rated 23 Dec 2017
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back.
Rated 15 Oct 2017
Not bad, but louder and dumber than the first one.
Rated 08 Jun 2017
25 really solid minutes, then the 15 year old girl is introduced and the rest is typical Disney movie clichés.
Rated 30 May 2017
so bad
Rated 21 May 2017
The story is not half as good as the first one, and even though Danika Yarosh totally blew it, I'll give Smulders points for not making me think of How I Met Your Mother every time she was on screen. *Okay
Rated 12 May 2017
Very poor sequel.
Rated 03 May 2017
The first one was good. This is just a routine action movie.
Rated 07 Mar 2017
Pretty generic thriller stuff; blends invisibly in with a hundred similar films. Which isn't to say that it isn't sometimes mildly enjoyable in ways akin to those films, but it sure don't stand out from 'em either. Which is surprising coming from Ed Zwick - I haven't liked everything he's done but this may be the first time I've ever found him to be unambitious.
Rated 07 Mar 2017
I enjoy tom cruise. His presence makes it entertaining enough to keep the movie from my lower tiers. The story relies on multiple contrived moments, moments that would give me pause even in a straight action movie but utterly tear apart thrillers such as this. Abundant cliches and abundant broken suspension of disbelief ( nobody SPRINTS through off limit areas of airports in 2016). The direction is competent if lackluster.
Rated 06 Mar 2017
I saw the original Jack Reacher before I joined criticker and I have zero recollection of it. After watching this sequel I'd expect I would find myself thinking exactly the same in the future if I didn't rank it now. It's not the worst film I've seen but it's entirely mediocre and pretty forgettable.
Rated 14 Feb 2017
I like jack reacher but just hated the side story. Why add a daughter and love interest.
Rated 11 Feb 2017
Rated 06 Feb 2017
Dime-a-dozen. With another lead actor it would have been straight-to-video.
Rated 05 Feb 2017
Meh.. amusing action flick, nothing more.. boring story
Rated 01 Feb 2017
same ol' same ol'
Rated 27 Jan 2017
Overly long and unlikely with some wooden acting here and there.
Rated 25 Jan 2017
Jack Reacher is a franchise that is better than it has any right to be, and this is solely down to Cruise's screen-charisma. Unfortunately, as a sequel, this film offers nothing new nor even ups the ante. Worse still, the film starts well by establishing the titular character and hinting at fun-times ahead, but with each action scene devolves into the generic and forgettable. Smulders is a decent addition, but again every other performance is mediocre at best.
Rated 04 Jan 2017
Slightly above-par action thriller let down by some utterly baffling plot holes. It's way below the surprisingly high standard of the first, as it shoes in a never-convincing estranged father/daughter side plot and turns Cruise's Reacher into somewhat of an asshole. Which is probably true to the character but Cruise's natural charisma fights against it at every point. Still, it's fast-paced, full of action and never dull.
Rated 03 Jan 2017
Tom Cruise, putting a dimmer on his mega-watt smile, is back busting heads in Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, once again playing the ex-military-cop-turned-road-warrior in defense of the disenfranchised. Critics were snotty four years ago when Cruise first played Reacher, because the 5'7" actor is the physical opposite of the six-five, 250-pound bruiser that crime novelist Lee Child created on the page. Get over it.
Rated 31 Dec 2016
Jack Reacher 2: By da numbars
Rated 12 Nov 2016
Predictable by-the-numbers follow-up to the hard-edged original.
Rated 12 Nov 2016
With the Reacher series/MI and Edge of Tomorrow Cruise is leading an action flick revitalization. This one wasn't as good as the first took waaay too long to end and was plagued by the same stuff most films of this nature are but for the most part I enjoyed it. Continues to play into Western tropes and all that.
Rated 30 Oct 2016
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back is a bland and instantly forgettable sequel. I didn't think the first film was much to get excited about either, but at least it had that great car chase. Whereas this film feels so dated and there's a real lack of filmmaking ambition. Tom Cruise is better than this franchise and he does his best to carry the poor standard of writing, set pieces and performances. I was uninterested for almost the entirety and I'm struggling to pick out a memorable or exciting moment.
Rated 29 Oct 2016
Worst movie I have been to in quite a while. Save yourself the disappointment. Watch the first Reacher movie again. Tom Cruise is a good action star but the writing and direction are so bad. Zwick please stay away from this genre in the future. The only thing that is correct about this movie is the name, apparently, they never went back to do anything, which they should for about 90% of the film, from early draft script to one take of bad acting, you can pick.
Rated 23 Oct 2016
Too much cliche in dialogues. Worse than the first one...
Rated 21 Oct 2016
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back is a mundane and pointless sequel to a movie that didn't make much of a splash at the domestic box office and only barely made enough internationally to justify its existence. It's a cash-grab, basically, telling an uninvolving mystery, delivering inconsequential action scenes, and featuring a lot of running. Maybe Cruise just wanted to be paid to exercise? This is boring, rushed, and not worth your time or money.
Rated 19 Oct 2016
Standard, boring, Tom Cruise money machine doing what it always does, and this time, pretty sub par. But I do wonder if the name "Lee" makes people do incessant cameos.
Rated 19 Jun 2023
Jack Reacher, chaotisch-guter Ex-Militärpolizist mit Autoritätsproblem & Neigung zur Selbstjustiz. Landstreicher, der ziellos durch die USA trampt. Aber geschniegelt & gestriegelt, sauber rasiert & frisch frisiert, mit überlegenen Fähigkeiten in Nahkampf & Sturmbahnlauf, photographischem Gedächtnis & einer Deduktionsgabe wie Sherlock Holmes. Woher er das Geld für die Motels nimmt, ist fraglich. Möglicherweise verdient er es dort. "Unterschätzen Sie nie den Charme eines schäbigen Motels."
Rated 10 Nov 2022
apparently the worst of the series
Rated 11 Jul 2022
Sure, it's not as unique or interesting as the first movie but it's still fun.
Rated 28 Mar 2022
I hate it when lone wolf characters get secret kids and then the whole movie is just the same tired jokes and some babysitting and the kid just acting up at the worse moments. Jack's domestic adventures bring nothing new to anything except maybe to jumping off buildings.
Rated 13 Jan 2022
Although certainly watchable and even mildly gripping at times, it's a big step down from the first film. The script is chock-full of clichés, the stakes low, the dynamics between the protagonists handled hurriedly and the action underwhelming, but worst of all there's no subtlety to be found, as key character reactions and plot devices are presented in an unabashedly obvious manner, from the dialogues and photography to the music and editing, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination.
Rated 16 Dec 2021
Might be a marginal improvement over the first one, but it's still nothing new under the sun.
Rated 16 May 2021
Saw it on TV. Instantly forgettable to the point where one would forget what he'd seen moments ago before the commercials break. The film was very formulaic in its entirety, with some pop cultural polit-correct trends popping up here and there too. Some of the fight scenes were decent, with the end one being - albeit still generic and contrived - somewhat less forgettable.
Rated 24 Apr 2021
Jack Reacher is a kind of Bourne-style action movie.
Rated 20 Jun 2020
Viewed June 19, 2020. It's more of the generic 90s-style thriller that the first entry in the series was accused being, without any of the flourishes and idiosyncrasies of character and plot that made Christopher McQuarrie's Jack Reacher so lively. Only the scene where Reacher punches a guy through his car window comes close to matching that off-kilter energy.
Rated 24 May 2020
Never go back to watching this. Once is too much.
Rated 17 Apr 2020
Tom Cruise does not belong in this role by a long shot. He's not the tall, "corn-fed white boy" that Jack Reacher is supposed to be and the movie itself is just okay. It's a somewhat rare misstep for Tom Cruise but a definite one.
Rated 30 Jan 2020
I'm not sure what all the hate is. The second Jack Reacher movie was cliched, dumb action but it wasn't any worse than the first movie. Were people really that invested in the first movie? I thought the first movie was generic. It was The Bourne Identity but a different actor. The plot in Never Go Back was interesting; a PMC murders some soldiers and frames another soldier. It's basic but so are all spy movies. The acting was good. Danika Yarosh was good. Smulders was good. Cruise was there.
Rated 04 Jan 2020
I never understood why Tom Cruise wants to persist with this series whose protagonist feels so bland and stereotypical. I mean you can say the same about M:I, but that series has the history of extravagance and death-defying stunts. Jack Reacher is the poor man's [insert any heroic character]. The movie was moderately entertaining but as formulaic as anything.
Rated 04 Jul 2019
Worst than first one but sill way better than today's regular terrible cqı action-flicks.
Rated 16 Jun 2019
Why are people so hard on this? It's fun.
Rated 31 Jan 2019
Quite a mess of an action film; this should've been filmed in Eastern Europe, perhaps Bulgaria, starring Steven Seagal! If this was the case the existance of Never Go Back would make more sense. Tom Cruise looks quite... loose in the face. Maybe he was tired.
Rated 02 Jan 2019
I must say, I'm surprised. My PSI is quite far off this time around. Never Go Back is far superior to the first installment. Sam might be a little irritating at first, but the relationship she develops with Jack more than makes up for it. Cobie Smulders is a delight to watch as well. I do wish I'd paid more attention while watching it -- I know there are some things I missed. I guess that gives me an excuse to watch it again soon!
Rated 13 Oct 2018
While being just a long as the first 'Jack Reacher', this one just goes on and on and still goes on for 20 minutes after the case is solved. Also the entire daughter mystery just feels out of place, but that's probably the problem of the source material too.
Rated 18 Aug 2018
Standard flick, but with evil mind this could pe called Jack Reacher and the Baby or Home Alone Jack Reacher.
Rated 16 Aug 2018
Richard Wenk writes the most generic garbage. The editing is much worse this time around and McQuarrie's directorial presence is missed even with the first film not being very good. Somehow the music managed to get even more stock which I hadn't thought possible when watching the first film.
Rated 18 Jul 2018
I'll give it this: like with the first one I appreciate how old school grounded the action feels. Just some gun play, fist fighting and a bit of reckless driving. Not the usual OTT CGI enhanced mayhem that makes up most of the genre these days. On the other hand... the script sucks, so big whoop.
Rated 03 Jul 2018
W2E1P0S1V1M1A0R1. I'm thinking maybe the only thing I liked about the first one was Rosamund Pike. But this one also lacked the detective angle, had massive plot holes, and I don't even understand what the title of the film means.
Rated 03 Jul 2018
eng; [Jack Reacher: Never Go Back]; ein ehemaliger spezialagent kommt einem geheimnis auf die spur, wodurch seine kollegin des geheimnisverrats bezichtigt wird - er stellt nachforschungen an.;
Rated 20 May 2018
Entertainment: 3.5/4. Spirituality: 0.5/3. Sustainability: 1/3
Rated 20 Jan 2018
I don't know why Cobie Smulders keeps getting jobs.
Rated 14 Aug 2017
The best thing about this movie is by far, the trailer, that is because a) it also happens to be the least bad scene and b) briefly raises your expectations. The only thing that is original is different order of "words" and "pictures" that were never used in this exact order.
Rated 09 Jul 2017
Considering my review on the first Jack Reacher (27/100) I wonder why I watched number two. But I did. I feel like it is a little better, but the story is so uninspiring and unoriginal that it doesn't make me feel like it is worth watching. 35/100.
Rated 14 Jun 2017
Never Go Back certainly isn't gonna win any awards, and while it is a bit watered down, Cruise excels as the character of Reacher. While the script and plot of the movie isn't special, and in the case by the books, Cruise gives it all he can and for the most park it works. Actions sets are quite nice and the movie does have some heart. Aside from someone rather uninteresting scenes and a movie 20 minutes too long, Jack Reacher isn't bad, but a decent side gig for Cruise from Mission Impossible.
Rated 10 Jun 2017
After an intriguing first 25 minutes, and maybe even a decent 45 or 50, this goes down quite terribly, quite fast. Ridiculous at some points.
Rated 27 May 2017
Much like the original, this sequel has nothing spectacularly wrong with it, but fails to ever catch fire, mostly due to Cruise's very perfunctory performance. This time around, director Zwick seems a bit lost at sea with the material; a tauter, leaner telling would have helped considerably. Certainly watchable, and the 'domestic family' moments actually come off best (leading to a touching finale).
Rated 22 May 2017
Tom Cruise returns as Jack Reacher in this sequel based on Lee Child's bestselling novel Never Go Back, which finds the itinerant problem-solver accused of murder, and learning that he may have a child he has never met.
Rated 28 Feb 2017
Unbelievably generic action movie with literally nothing cool or badass about it
Rated 17 Feb 2017
#17#, exp2, rw2, popcorn, prequel
Rated 13 Feb 2017
Looking more like Alec Baldwin than Tom Cruise, and unrecognisable as the Jack Reacher we know and love from the books, JR:NGB is a hideously stupid film, where apparently it is easier to beat 4 people simultaneously to a pulp, than it is one person, although I suspect this has more to do with the macho haircut than anything else. I saw this film two days ago, and am trying to remember what happened, other than a lot of running about akin to 'Inferno'. Perhaps that's all that needs to be said.
Rated 04 Feb 2017
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016) is a perfectly okay action movie. Nothing new, nothing bad. Simply Tom Cruise doing his thing again.
Rated 02 Feb 2017
Rated 29 Jan 2017
Simplistic action movie that fails to deliver. It's time Tom Cruise thinks about trying something different, this type of character isn't really working for him anymore.
Rated 11 Dec 2016
I really can't believe that people don't enjoy these films. They seem to fly under the radar but they outdo for instance most of the M:I films in every way that matters. Like the first a thrilling, engaging ride from start to finish, and while the plot doesn't offer anything revolutionary it has a lot of interesting things going on between the characters. Slick and on point, the Jack Reacher series is really my favorite thing Cruise has ever done.
Rated 08 Dec 2016
Worse than most B-movies; in concept, script, and execution this was a shockingly cheap sequel to a film I had held some esteem for.
Rated 11 Nov 2016
This an enjoyable film. You should enjoy this film if you liked the first one in the film series. The script keeps things interesting and the cast all seem to be having a good time. Cobie Smudlers is a nice addition to the cast this time around. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 09 Nov 2016
Way more like a standard action flick. The first one was shot well and had a weird angle to it, but this one is a by the numbers action flick. It's not bad, and Tom Cruise is good.
Rated 06 Nov 2016
Rated 27 Oct 2016
Good action flick. Gets way more hate than it deserves. The plot was solid, the acting good, the writing decent, they even managed to make a child actor fit in without ruining the experience which is quite an accomplishment. I liked it.
Rated 23 Oct 2016
Far better than its predecessor which made its cartoonish 80's-style hero the protagonist in an incongruously modern mystery thriller, this puts him in the center of a well-made 80's-style action thriller where he belongs. It also manages to plausibly give the stoic loner an ersatz family (Smulders plays "mom" & mostly pulls off a convincingly tough major) which both raises the stakes & helps distract from the film's only weak link: the character himself who may be the most generic badass ever


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