Iron Man 2
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Iron Man 2

2h 4m
Wealthy inventor and former weapons maker Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) continues to fight crime as his alter ego, Iron Man, taking on villains intent on destroying humanity in Jon Favreau's action-packed superhero sequel based on Marvel comic book characters. But Stark's battle with the bottle may be his toughest challenge yet. Don Cheadle co-stars as Col. James Rhodes, with Samuel L. Jackson reprising his role as Nick Fury.
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Iron Man 2

2h 4m
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Avg Percentile 39.29% from 10516 total ratings

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Rated 09 May 2010
Pointless subplots, horrible writing, unnecessary characters and of course the most horrendous, shameless product placement I've seen in awhile. The CGI is endless and overbearing with enough explosions to try and make you forget that you are watching an awful movie. The writing is so bad that they spend an entire movie showing us the character of Tony Stark only to have Nick Fury read from a piece of paper his character traits because Favreau thinks you are stupid. +10 for Johansson's body.
Rated 06 May 2010
The script is poor. Most of the film is either uninteresting or too noisy. Downey has, for me, by now overstayed his welcome with his arrogance and smugness. I'm tempted to summerize the movie in a cheesy pun... Oh hell, here goes. My one-word review is: Leaden.
Rated 28 Apr 2010
Entertainment-wise decent, but neither as charming nor as packed with memorable moments as the original. And what's worse is that it doesn't really bring something new, something different or fresh to the genre - or the franchise. Quite indifferent, really - which is a word that you should NEVER have to use when describing a movie with Downey jr., Rourke AND Johansson (!)
Rated 06 May 2010
Doesn't break any new ground as far as superhero films go, but it is in fact a worthy and generally good sequel. Downey's irresistible charm, Johansson's superb acting and Rockwell's golden appearance really bumps this up a notch. Rourke while good, doesn't have a very strong background in the depiction of his Whiplash character. It just seemed weak and unneeded. The multiple subplots didn't really help either. Building up on the momentum and strength of the original, IM2 is a blast overall.
Rated 16 May 2010
The first 20 minutes of talking could have been cut down to about two. I don't want to watch c-span even if it is fake, this is Iron Man. Cheadle really phoned this one in, overacting his part and managing to make me pine for Terrence Howard, and the SLJ scenes feel like they're from another movie. Iron Man and War Machine fighting back to back made for solid action, and ScarJo is awesome eye candy. But in the end, it's RDJ who single-handedly almost saves a rushed and a poorly edited movie.
Rated 03 May 2010
I remember praising the 1st one for avoiding the many pitfalls most superhero films succomb to. I was really looking forward to this film but sadly enough, there's not much to recommend. Stark is accused of textbook narcissism, yet this film displays a similar attitude, oscillating between erratic storytelling and juvenile entertainment. I can already picture the producers and writers sitting in their boardroom, asking themselves: how are we going to appeal to the broadest possible audience?
Rated 11 Mar 2016
What a horrible waste of a Mickey Rourke.
Rated 10 May 2010
It feels like the heart of the first one got replaced by a $200 million dollar arc reactor; this sequel is purely a cash-grab. The Marvel Movie Universe and Tony Stark hardly advanced as a consequence of this sequel. The script has too many plotlines that get tidied up too conveniently (deus ex NEW ELEMENT?) leaving no time for development of new characters, and opting instead for incessantly enjoyable Stark wit. And like the first one, the final boss battle is short, cliched, and anticlimactic.
Rated 10 May 2010
Not good!
Rated 25 May 2010
As in the original, the film's strength lies within its star. Downey sparkles as the impish and cocky hero who actually enjoys being a superhero, unlike the tortured figures in other movies. The banter in this movie is the most amusing part, though occasionally it falters. Rourke's villain is a definite upgrade, but the other additions don't contribute much - Johansson's character is a forced and unconvincing retread of the cliched "sexy badass female", even Sam Jackson is used pointlessly.
Rated 29 Apr 2010
Rockwell's scene stealing performance and Johansson in general are the highlights. Even Downey got a bit dull. First installment weighed the comedy/action a lot better. The large list of characters screaming for screen time works against 'Iron Man 2' as the story gets clogged up especially in the one too many story arcs. Can't say I want to see it again any time soon either. *Update* It got worse on a second viewing.
Rated 03 May 2010
Disappointing in light of the first movie. Feels like it went in the Transformers 2 trap: More effects, more explosions, more fights, more characters, more over-the-top broad comedy and insanely stupid "intrigues" (the whole Hammer-character is implausible). Plot suffers, tension suffers, credibility suffers BIG-TIME.
Rated 30 Jan 2019
The fact that I only just now saw this speaks to the film's current reputation, which is not entirely unjustified. Plays like an overlong and indulgent stand-up routine, enjoyable only in brief spurts. (Sam L. and RDJr. walk into a donut shop...) In hindsight it does have some value: Tony's in-film arc from emotional teenager to adult burdened with responsibility matches Marvel's approach during this period, somewhat painfully transitioning from flippant creativity to a well-oiled machine
Rated 29 Sep 2010
As vapid and glossy as the original. The writing is even sloppier this time, with more attention paid to innuendo than making the story make sense. There are some entertaining scenes with Sam Jackson, Rourke is fun, and the highlight of the movie is obviously Sam Rockwell dancing to AWB, seeing as Stark is as dislikeable as he was in the first film. It's good to see Johansson playing someone competent and smart since the depiction of women is again very poor.
Rated 06 May 2010
Honestly it's more of the same and doesn't divert from the formula established in the first film but that's not a bad thing considering how entertaining the first Iron Man was. Robert Downey Jr. has a ton of charm and makes this series worth watching. The action is intense and entertaining and the supporting cast does an admirable job with the material they're given. Put bluntly this is an entertaining Hollywood blockbuster that doesn't break any new ground but it doesn't intend to.
Rated 27 Feb 2011
The main problem is that the film is completely toothless. Instead of any interesting discussion of Tony's family, or actually making him deal with realistic problems, the story hinges on him being poisoned with palladium and then he wizards his way out of it in an amazingly ho-hum and idiotic scene. After the explosions are over, you can't help but notice that nothing actually happened.
Rated 10 May 2010
The Good: RDJ is the perfect Tony Stark, Mickey Rourke is excellent, Sam Rockwell nails the Justin Hammer part, and the race track scene is the best in the movie. The bad would be the lack of Mickey Rourke (and a terrible job with his backstory), way too many characters, and the climax is terrible because you never really feel the main characters are in danger. It's a good movie, but the whole thing just feels like a missed oppotunity.
Rated 15 May 2010
Iron Man 2 was absolutely moronic on numerous levels. Tony Stark is an unrepentant asshole throughout, characters constantly act with little to no realistic motivation (especially the villain. Why are we supposed to care about his barely-existent back-story?), the dialogue is often times inane and un-interesting, the film laughs in the face of its audience's suspension of disbelief and willingness to stretch the realities of science, etc etc. I could go on and on.
Rated 21 May 2010
The first Iron Man posits Tony Stark as rejecting his family's legacy as weapons manufacturers, finding his conscience and trying (perhaps for ill) to make amends. Iron Man 2 seems like it's going to follow that strand, introducing a villain whose purpose is to make Tony question his attempt to whitewash his past. But then it turns out he and his father and his company are all morally beyond reproach, so... wait, what's the conflict again?
Rated 24 Oct 2010
Lacks a certain magic that made the first so great, but the acting is good and the first half excels. Technically, the visuals and sound are still incredible. Rockwell's Hammer though, while a solid performance, was a bit too annoying and Rourke is tragically underused. Even at 2 hours the film feels rushed. The ending was lacking development for all the plots: It's like they raced to the final 15 minutes, shoved a bunch of explosions at the camera, then wrapped it all up with a little bow.
Rated 28 Apr 2010
Obviously suffering from a lack of (sufficient) eyepatch, Russian gibberish and non-sequiturs. Also: Where was the awkward latex- and metal-ridden sex scene between Iron Man and Scarlett? I don't get it. But hey: EXPLOSIONS!
Rated 26 Jul 2010
What should have been a fun pop-corn flick, ended up a tedious drool. All talking, talking, talking and no essence, and when the action finally begins it is so awfully directed, cartoonish and predictable that you may wanna puke. The only redeeming facts about the film is one truly impressive sequence involving Mickey Rourke and some exploding race cars and the always worthwhile performance by Robert Downey Jr. On a side note, what the HELL has Scarlett Johansson doing in this film?
Rated 30 Apr 2010
I was really pleasantly surprised by this the first time I saw it. I feel like if I saw it again while thinking about the pro-capitalist stuff I would like it a hell of a lot less.
Rated 01 May 2010
Witty, well-cast and with some decent action, but so overstuffed with characters and subplots that it really loses its way.
Rated 30 Sep 2010
Some decent moments interspersed with lots of awkward dialog scenes. Alright but not as satisfying compared with the first. The problem is that the villain is a bit cheesy and could have used more thought even though Mickey Rourke is entertaining. Iron Man needs a real nemesis. Downey is still solid as Tony Stark and it's hard to imagine iron man without him although the background father/son exposition scenes dragged. It would have been nice if they kept away from the cliche romance too.
Rated 01 May 2010
An ok popcorn flick that looks pretty slick, has a good ratio of laughs versus 'splosions, and a whole lot of star power. The film could have used some more momentum in the middle, there is not really a sense of pressure or urgency. Would have benefited from a little more unexpected developments as well.
Rated 05 May 2010
The film started with great momentum that got lost along the way with trivial subplots. Still I enjoyed it more than the first one which totally lost me on the last quarter. Downey is charming whenever he isn't in the suit. Maybe they'll nail it on the third one. Nevertheless Iron Man franchise offers a bit different flavor then the ongoing superhero daze.
Rated 06 May 2010
I actually enjoyed a lot more than in the first movie; I'm not sure if the Charlie's Angels-like-Scarlett or more action scenes or just the fact I watched this movie in the cinema compared to the first one (which was on TV) was decisive, but I somehow brainlessly enjoyed in the hard rock destruction. The drunk Russian engineer is a big minus though, so cliche and used up it fails even with a new Iron-man-esque toys.
Rated 07 May 2010
Not ... terrible... for a sequel, but doesn't match the surprising quality and heart of the first film. I can't help like feeling like it was too paint-by-number, or like it was missing something special.
Rated 07 May 2010
Begins promisingly w/ original's focus on the man, not the hardware. Stark's most interesting enemies r the govt.& 1 that makes him despair in private, not Rourke's bad-ass. Unfortunately these r buried under obligatory action& Stark's blustery stream of ADHD. This emphasis on wise-cracks-per-minute grows so tiresome that Downey &Paltrow's attempts at banter might as well be coming from the Mummy's caricaturish Fraser & Weisz. Unlike the 1st film u'll find urself waiting 4 the hardware 2 show up
Rated 04 Sep 2010
Totally mindless. Essentially a teenage narcissist's wet dream. Even though the main character is slightly less horrible than the main character in the Transformers movies, the script for this film is exceptionally poor. The action was also abysmal considering the vast resources available for proper fight sequences. Also, Scarlett Johansson's "action" part was laughably awful. The only decent parts of this movie were basically Mickey Rourke, Don Cheadle and, surprisingly, Bill O'Reilly.
Rated 02 Jun 2019
The Flamboyant Fridge Man has returned! Life was going well for him after the last movie, but, oh no, the Troubles from the Past are catching up! Will the power of cheesy dialog and the heroic will to overcome a brutal childhood trauma (his dad may not have loved him much) prove sufficient to manifest in the better welding skill than the Evil Fridge Man? Where does Ms. Johansson come from (plot twist, so unreal!?!) and who will help the hero to navigate all the plotlines that lead nowhere?
Rated 23 Nov 2017
While the movie struggles from a incoherent story, impactful villain, and one Terrance Howard, Iron Man 2 isn't completely defined by its shortcomings. RDJ defined himself in this role as the comic hero badass, and keeps the charisma from the first one, and his supporting casts headlined by Johansson and Cheadle doesn't disappoint. Along with some impressive action sequences, and a somewhat well executed synopsis, Iron Man 2 doesn't live up to the predecessor, but is still enjoyable.
Rated 09 May 2010
Much worse than the first one. Terrible writing. Decent performances. Still watchable and amusing.
Rated 09 May 2010
With such star power, this blockbuster is definitely packed with great performances. Sam Rockwell is a scene stealer, while Downey Jr as Tony Stark is just brilliant. Johansson played a great mysterious heroin and Paltrow is gorgeous under stress. Mickey Rourke's character seemed unnecessary at times, but was good nontheless. Favreau brought together great chemistry for a superb sequel which ranks just below the first in my book.
Rated 31 May 2010
If I really cared more about Marvel's world building I might find this more interesting as one episode in a bigger story; unfortunately, I do not and this movie totally fails to deliver on all fronts. All of the dialogue is annoying, forced "witty banter," the action is anticlimactic CG cliche, and the plot is even less focused than Spiderman 3's. Unabashed product placement is the real kicker. Terrible movie.
Rated 10 May 2010
The first half of 'Iron Man 2' feels like run-off from the original 'Iron Man'. This is enjoyable enough, as the original was very well done. Still, this doesn't allow the film to gain much traction either in the plot or character development. The second half of the film feels like a prequel for the 'Avengers' movie coming in two years. This leads to you feeling a little cheated when the movie ends, since you never really get that pay-off until the Avengers assemble in their own film.
Rated 17 May 2010
I'm going to have to quote film critic Liza Schwarzbaum in this mini-review for she said it best: " (Iron Man 2) is more about iron than about men." The action-packed sequences and the witty banter between Downey Jr. and Paltrow make for a fairly entertaining film but the slightly ho-hum plot leaves much to be desired.
Rated 17 May 2010
its like iron man, but again
Rated 18 May 2010
even though iron man 2 still retains its "feel good" premise, it doesn't quite live up to the first one, mainly because it lacks the novelty of iron man's creation. It doesn't have a big finish like the first movie, and frankly we were expecting a bit more of War Machine. Still, entertaining and funny as ever, and sexy as well, thanks to Johansson.
Rated 21 May 2010
Not nearly as fun or memorable as the original for reasons that I can't fully put my finger on. Downey's Stark is a bit too dependent on the quips this time out, and his constant, shrieking bicker fests with Paltrow wears on the nerves pretty quickly. But in the end, I'd still give it a mild thumbs-up for some quality action, the inclusion of The Clash's "Magnificent Seven", and Jackson's short cameos as Nick Fury. It had just enough of the original's blockbustery heart to get a mild thumbs up.
Rated 13 Sep 2010
The plot, writing and action is not nearly up to par compared to the first one, but it's a pretty good action flick and RDJ, Cheadle, Rourke, Rockwell and Paltrow are all top notch entertainment. For what the film lacks in decent writing or awesome action scenes (everything ends too soon and there never feels like there's much danger save for the race car attack) the cast is awesome all around and a blast to watch play off each other. Hopefully Iron Man 3/Avengers will impress after this one.
Rated 29 Apr 2010
An irritating mixture of poor acting, unfunny gags and mundane action. The best bits were the ones with Sam Rockwell.
Rated 30 Apr 2010
Cool action featuring cool actors playing cool people who say cool things while engaging in cool combat to cool background music. Favreau is two for two and proves his Iron Man franchise to be one to watch out for despite lame electric whips and a few roadbumps (that are quickly forgotten - I no longer remember them and i saw this film 15 minutes ago). Downey Jr. is his infinitely lovable self, Johansson is potent, Rockwell is gold and even Rourke is surprisingly good in his camp role.
Rated 30 Apr 2010
Disappointing sequel. Favreau blew the chance to develop the characters from the first one further and he wastes time introducing new ones like the senator or Rockwell's role. I usually like Rockwell but his scenes are so lame, especially when he's sharing screentime with Rourke who should have had 20 min more. Even the scene after the credits is disappointing. The Monaco sequence was the best thing about it.
Rated 11 Aug 2012
Not a big superhero movie fan or Downey Jr. fan and this one really did nothing to win me over. I found it sloppily over the top and had no attachment to the protagonist at all, often hoping in vain that he would be killed by his adversaries.
Rated 05 Oct 2010
This movie is incredibly boring and silly, and it never seems like anything is at stake.
Rated 12 Sep 2010
What can I say? Bigger, better, funnier and has more depth than the first Iron Man. Overall good performances and Downey shines as Tony Stark, once again. He even gets to kiss the girl. Definitely a super hero 'must watch'.
Rated 02 May 2010
Robert D Jr plays the character so well. It's only good when he's on camera, otherwise it just screams generic Hollywood cheese. Actually Sam Rockwell did a good job too as a character attempting to match the wit of Downey Jr and failing HORRIBLY.
Rated 03 Nov 2012
A pale shadow of Iron Man 1. The story was unimaginative and incoherent at times and there were so many negative character arcs. Despite Rourke having a lot of potential as a villain, the final 20 minutes was just a mindless crashing metal explosion-fest. Maybe I'm just old and grumpy but it ticks me off how blasé these films can be about the wanton destruction they depict. No more sequels please.
Rated 04 May 2010
Iron Man 2 was a great movie. Not because it was particularly good at anything, but because it was pure joy to watch. Fast paced and with great dialogs. Jon Favreau did a great job directing and the cast is superb. Sam Rockwell steals the show as a bubbly, slightly incompetent Tony's rival. All in all I highly recommend it, even if it will disappoint people who expect non stop action, because it is much more character driven then the first one.
Rated 04 Sep 2010
I was never in with the super hero comics, neither war stuff. Iron Man's got the worst of them. Really I went to see extremely hot Scarlett Johansson and she actually saved the movie. Rourke was also okay.
Rated 14 Jun 2010
Shoehorning in the SHIELD subplot was a big disservice to the film. Imaging the film without those elements, trimming the running time and maybe adding a little more time on the main characters would have made this perhaps better than first, something that those comparing this to Spiderman 2, Dark Knight, etc should consider. Give this film credit for what it was able to accomplish while saddled with the responsibility of "previewing" upcoming Marvel releases. A practice they should cease.
Rated 17 Oct 2010
an incredible cast ruined by a stupid plot, bad script and lousy and boring CGI... (by the way I also want Scarlett to bring my watch collection and ask me which one Im gonna wear)
Rated 19 Jan 2020
The simplest way to lionize private big tech is to make the bad guys an even worse big tech company. Props to Libatique for some of the better-looking ludicrous budget CGI blockbuster scenes.
Rated 11 Jan 2012
Definitely not up to the standards of the first movie. This serves more as a character study than an action film. The action and fighting, when present, are very solid. Still loved Jr. in the lead role and Cheadle and Johansson are welcome additions. Rourke, while fine, doesn't have a very compelling backstory. Visual effects and editing are all great too. It pales in comparison to later MCU films, but it's entertaining and way more solid than people say.
Rated 02 Jun 2016
The good outweighs the bad in this sequel: The "new" Rhodey is meh, but the rough and reserved Vanko and the annoying Hammer are each uniquely entertaining villains. A messy script fumbles its multiple plot threads (the requisite Avengers teasers don't help), but Stark's increasing ego and decreasing health, along with his government clashes and sinister copycats remain intriguing, if neglected. Finally, the robot-loaded climax feels weak, but the racetrack action mid-way through is great.
Rated 28 Sep 2010
Slightly better than the first one with less slapstick and a better villain. Goes nowhere for a little too long in the second act and the final fight has a quite disappointing solution.
Rated 06 Mar 2018
It delivers in some parts but was not polished enough as a final product. The film feels like a setup or prequel for another movie, a bunch of great characters are introduced but not well developed, nor given enough screen time, and some important plot points are missing in the final cut. That said, the special effects were clearly better than in its predecessor and the action was through the roof. Definitely an enjoyable and fun experience, and a must watch if you liked the first movie.
Rated 08 May 2010
A mess; flies sharply against the Spider-Man 2 / X2 / Dark Knight tradition of superhero sequels bettering their originals.
Rated 14 May 2011
Good: Samuel L. Jackson and Robert Downey Jr. are awesome. And Scarlett Johansson is HOLYSHITHOT. Bad: I wish my dad left me vague bullshit about atoms in a model city that will solve my future heart problem.
Rated 20 Apr 2013
Grown-up children dress up and play with guns. Some amusing moments and the enthusiastic, likeable cast works hard hamming it up, but the computer-generated, computer-game-like action is all just a bit much after a while. More or less on a par with its predecessor, except for the unfortunate diversions from the narrative in order to set up future films.
Rated 09 May 2010
Not as good as the original, but still a fun time. And I probably would have enjoyed it even more if I was more familiar with the comics.
Rated 10 Jul 2010
Mickey Rourke is amazing. The movie has better action scenes than the first film, and War Machine was cool to see, but it felt like a lot of this film was just a set-up for the Avengers movie. Guess it's a decent watch for a Superhero sequel. Not as good as the second X-Men film, or the second Spider-Man movie. Or the Dark Knight. There have been some shitty superhero sequels though, right?
Rated 09 May 2010
Crowded and uninvolved. There were some great parts, but this movie - bizarrely - gets worse the longer it goes on. The first hour is a 90, the second a 30.
Rated 24 Nov 2020
Iron Man 2 is basically the same movie as Iron Man 1, except worse. Stark is a shallow arms dealer again. He does some stupid shit. Lots of pointless engineering scenes. And at the end he fights another guy in a robot suit. Somehow this movie actually manages to be more boring and idiotic than something like Batman v. Superman. It's an embarassment to everyone involved.
Rated 07 Jul 2014
20% more fascism. Gunz, girlz, carz, and dickz, it's the AmeriKKKan way.
Rated 11 Sep 2010
The first was much better, the action was alright but the ending required much more building up. A lot of the stars were wasted .
Rated 10 May 2010
Over the line product placement. Too many actors / characters. Didn't make sense / Poor story / Holes. Tried harder to get you excited for the future (Avenger movies) than they did selling this one. Overall it's just a flashy setup flick with cheesy one liners and special effects. At least it wasn't as bad as Spider-Man 3.
Rated 08 Apr 2020
This movie makes no sense. A whip? seriously? That's your bright idea? How about a FUCKING LASER GUN that can SHOOT FUCKING LASERS?
Rated 10 May 2010
A superhero movie not overly reliant on action scenes. Snappy dialog, good humor, decent pacing (though it dips in the middle), Iron Man 2 is a great movie. It develops the characters we saw int he 1st movie while setting up for future installments.
Rated 09 Aug 2010
A whole lot of "meh". Not even close to the quality of the first film and a pretty huge disappointment.
Rated 15 Oct 2010
A poor follow up to the first--which by all comic book movie standards excelled. I'm happy with all the actors chosen, they all fit their parts well. I'm unhappy with Jackson's minimal screen time, on top of that Rourke doesn't get to shine as much as I would have hoped. The biggest disappointment is that there simply isn't enough iron man action in this. Hopefully Favreau and Downey Jr. keep on for a third with some better writing and some more action.
Rated 11 May 2010
All, or at least most, of the charm is gone. Someone put the good start of "Iron Man" and forced it into their hollywood blockbuster movie mold. It likely would've been great if it was simply a "War Machine" origin story or just the "Russian version of Tony Stark" scorned story. In it's place is a clutter of drivel that needs the impressive visuals to hold it together. They do, but they can't make this a great movie.
Rated 09 Apr 2019
The pacing is atrocious, with a convoluted plot that overshadows the inherited well-done script and acting from the first film. The action and CGI is really improved, making for a more exciting climax than the first one, but in overall it's a badly executed sequel that deserved a better editing and pacing.
Rated 16 Nov 2011
The director and special effects guys and Downey do everything to distract us with flashy graphics to hide the fact that there's no script. Sure, there are fun one-liners, there are villains, there is a threat to the world, there is a technological problem for Stark to solve, but there's no plot. There's no conflict. Here's what happens in this movie: Tony Stark builds a slightly better suit. But still, it's the best movie with an AC/DC soundtrack since Maximum Overdrive.
Rated 01 Oct 2016
Has a bunch of good actors to charm up the endless exposition but there's still an unwavering staleness to it.
Rated 08 Jan 2018
Sam Rockwell is wasting his talents here; but not as wasteful as Scarlet Johansson's character curling her hair before she can help with an emergency. +RDJ was less of a penis, but they're still trying to sell you the impression that this is badass. Maybe if you sprinkle a little more AC/DC sauce on your baked potato, Favreau.
Rated 19 Jan 2018
(With apologies to FrederikA.) That Downey Jr. was born to play Stark is not enough to camouflage the fact that this movie is too long and everything happens at random. Potts is still annoying, Rhodes is pretty awesome. Black Widow's cameo made no sense at all, but her fight scene was pretty cool so I'm going to give it a pass. Worst part was the villain, who was so forgettable that there's a painful vacuum in my brain where memories of him should have been. The senator was fun, though.
Rated 11 Oct 2010
Felt more like an in-between chapter than an actual movie. Entertaining, but there didn't seem like much of a story arc at all, just a preview for something.
Rated 03 May 2011
Don't get the complaints, I loved this. Truly the first Marvel Universe movie where it feels like there's a whole world out there. Great acting, great action, what more could you ask for? Actually, a bit more on Tony's drinking. But that's about it.
Rated 05 Jun 2010
Not as strong as the original and sometimes messy, but the acting by Downey Jr. and Rockwell saves it. Quite a lot of fun, an example of an entertaining summer blockbuster. Also, suitcase suit = badass.
Rated 15 May 2010
Better than the average Marvel movie, by which I mean they actually employed a few decent actors and allowed them a few chuckles, but the apparatus they stuck them into is still a joyless cash cow, now with more marketing than ever. There isn't an ounce of tension anywhere in this film. Samuel L. Jackson, please retire.
Rated 15 May 2010
RDJ is back as Tony Stark and it could not have come soon enough. We missed Starks ego and narcissism these past two years while we waited patiently for this film to be released. The newcomers brought their own style as well. Rourke went out and learned russian, Johansson brought a sexy kickass attitude and intelligence to her role. Rockwell brought arrogance to Hammer yet we didnt like it from him. Cheadle brought a new toughness to Rhodes, having to stand up to Stark. Cant wait for Iron Man 3
Rated 04 Aug 2023
I liked an action scene near the end and a couple of lines. Otherwise I found this movie to be annoying and stupid.
Rated 16 May 2010
Doesn't break any new ground, but is thoroughly entertaining, especially in the second half. Everyone puts in solid performances, and the characters are as charming as they are witty. The action is very good, too, although the villain fight was a bit of an anti-climax. Still a very good sequel, and a sign that Marvel films aren't slowing down any time soon.
Rated 28 Apr 2011
A solid sequel that overcomes its overstuffed story thanks to its excellent cast, improved action scenes and snappy wit.
Rated 16 May 2010
Rated 19 Mar 2019
Not as groundbreaking as the first, but still a great sequel that delivers on the action and characters. But maybe more importantly, it serves as our first proper set-up for the universe that's being formed.
Rated 20 May 2023
Mostly tedious and annoying. I liked the fake-Russian guy who likes birds and most of the last 20ish minutes, mostly because it's mostly cool fight scenes at that point, which you unfortunately need to slog through the rest of the movie to get to.
Rated 17 May 2010
The thing that most critics and viewers of this movie are not getting is that this is one part of a much, much larger story. The events in this movie are for the most part setting up the Avengers film, and will have repercussions across the universe they are building. I take the film like an Issue 2: this is building the characters and the oncoming conflicts, not tickling the fancy of people looking for instant action. I really liked it, and I'm looking forward to the next Marvel films.
Rated 11 Aug 2018
Yes, it has Robert Downey, Jr., and Scarlett Johansen, and Mickey Rourke as a pretty creepy bad guy. And all the cool technology. But the story never even tries to get you engaged. Two stories, really, barely connected and equally disjointed and unbelievable, with a too easy ending that undoes any hint of suspense you might have felt.
Rated 25 May 2010
What makes Tony Stark so great as a character isn't just what an awesome job Robert Downey jr does with the role, but that the guy is unapologetically having a great time with being a superhero billionaire, rather than being an introspective whiner. The action is still as good as the first film (better often), the characters are still great. It may be coasting off the success of the first film, but the franchise is nowhere near exhausted.
Rated 01 Sep 2013
more like BORING man 2!!!!!!!!!!
Rated 20 May 2010
Nothing new here but certainly not a step backward in any way. The same entertainment value of the first, with a slightly better ending battle.
Rated 20 May 2010
While not as good as the first, a worthy sequel with a solid cast and enough action to satisfy.
Rated 06 Oct 2010
Cons: Overly long and inconsistent, dull action sequences (evokes memories of the Power Rangers), superfluous sub-plots and characters. Pros: Interesting premise (private enterprise vs the common good enshrined by the government), decent cast and watchable scenes of romantic banter. One decent action set-piece. Overall, boring and cluttered. Despite having so much to process, the result is utterly forgettable.
Rated 20 May 2010
I have a huge soft spot for Iron Man, but make no mistake this is not anywhere near as fun or as substantial as the first film. Downey Jr, Rockwell, Paltrow & Johansson all do their best, but the plot falls way short. It's all too lightweight, but that doesn't mean there is no fun here. The action's great, the effects classy, & Iron Man looks good. For fun brainless action, this is a film I will go back to, but sadly it's no more than that. I liked the 1970's style F1 cars at Monaco though!
Rated 05 Jun 2010
Take it for what it is: Connective tissue between the original, and the next sequel... There's still some fun repartee, and chemistry between certain characters(actors). And the action is still pretty fun...
Rated 27 Nov 2013
While it doesn't do much in terms of raising the bar from the first film, the decent performances (Downey in particular), and the well-handled action scenes make this fly past. The baddies don't really add a huge amount of flavour to proceedings, and the film's focus occasionally wanders, but Stark's journey remains interesting. A fun sequel, albeit not without its flaws.


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