Independence Day: Resurgence
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Independence Day: Resurgence

2h 0m
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Avg Percentile 17.52% from 1221 total ratings

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Rated 12 Oct 2016
The meeting room is stuffy, cigar smoke obscuring the old Omni Consumer Products execs. "Moving on, franchise product C9-B. Pandering to China is progressing nicely, and we got most of the employees from C9-A to return to work. We're filling the other slots with random assets picked by our TargetDemoBot. Revenue projection is acceptable". An intern nervously asks "Won't consumers be annoyed that we're basically making them pay for a more hollow version of the first one?". Silence, then laughter.
Rated 04 May 2020
The best thing I can say about this movie is that it made me appreciate the first one a whole lot more.
Rated 05 Aug 2016
Any movie that tries so hard to make me nostalgic for another movie I hated, for some reason didn't work for me.
Rated 25 Jun 2016
Is this whole thing Bill Pullman's Risperdal-assisted lucid dream as he's lying in his bed in the nuthouse letting his hair and beard get really long and bushy? I vote yes. Maybe that's why his daughter's suddenly Maika Monroe and Brent Spiner's somehow still alive and everyone seems sort of ambiguously gay. This is one of the worst movies of the year but it did allow me to cross "See a Charlotte Gainsbourg movie at the multiplex" off my bucket list.
Rated 22 Jun 2016
So, they had 20 years to write this script, and all they did was write the exact same shit movie again, and just add an extra boss fight at the end? For real? Some idiot pitched this idea, and the producers said, "Fuck it, let's do it, just make sure it hits the theaters before 4th of July." One point for every year they jerked off writing this abomination. again.
Rated 04 Jul 2016
You know what? Fuck it... It wasn't half bad. Moronic, sure, but (perhaps helped by the less-than-two-hour running time) inoffensively so. And I got immense enjoyment out of imagining, that Pullmann actually was supposed to play the role straight, but turned up drunk and disillusioned by by the current state of his career, looking like that, every day, until they finally replaced him with a cleanshaven cgi stand-in.
Rated 24 Jul 2016
Should've uploaded Internet Explorer this time around.
Rated 24 Jul 2016
Its so bad, its basically its own Asylum ripoff. Even the action sucks.
Rated 28 Jun 2016
Three word review.
Rated 24 Jun 2016
I think Roland Emmerich has forgotten which of his films is which. This is clearly 2012 2.
Rated 15 Feb 2018
Nothing wrong with a big, brainless sci-fi (see its predecessor) but it's got to have at least some dramatic weight, be decently acted, have a character to care about as well as some good one-liners. This film fails on almost all counts: The exposition and pep talks are beyond cheesy, the performances often bad, the characters too numerous and forgettable (save for Drs. Okun and Isaac's cute couple) and the one-liners in one ear out the other, save for one: "They like to get the landmarks".
Rated 10 Apr 2017
A better name would be Independence Day: Regurgitation
Rated 29 Jun 2016
Judd Hirsch is going to bring his meshugenah to the alien planet in part 3? Sign me up. Ridiculous fun schlock and nothing more. Bill Pullman's voice made me aware of my own mortality.
Rated 19 Apr 2017
This sequel had a long, and complicated birthing period. It was a miracle that this ever broke free from development hell. Just like the original, the movie was an empty action flick, forgettable and only entertaining on the surface, hard to even respect. Independence Day: Resurgence is like a cheap whore, hiding her ugliness behind suggestive clothing and caked on makeup, completely dead inside, but nevertheless somewhat pleasurable.
Rated 24 Jun 2016
Change your screenwriter, change the world. Roland Emmerich is Michael Bay with Down's Syndrome.
Rated 07 Jan 2017
165 million ... the same budget as Interstellar ... and they made this ... I LOVE the original as a leave your brain outside popcorn sci fi action flick, but this just doesn't hold a candle to it. I have NO problem with a sequel. This is just shit. A stripper in the last film is now a senior doctor? All our tech is now futuristic after only 20 years? A lunar labor craft that can also make taxi cab trips to earth? Plot, FX, everything ... just shit
Rated 21 Aug 2016
Abysmal sequel is a leaden, dead weight in every way - note the clunky exposition in the opening scenes, bland lead performances from Hemsworth and Usher, the complete waste of an unused Goldblum and a pitifully over-the-top Pullman - both actors work too rarely nowadays to be mired in dreck like this. The shoddy effects work would be amusing in a Syfy movie channel production - but inexcusable in a major studio tentpole. Spiner's scenes at least generate some energy and amusement.
Rated 29 Aug 2016
Some of Roland Emmerich's worst work, and that's saying something. Like a mix of Michael Bay rip-off and high-budget Asylum. Will Smith was right to run from this one.
Rated 10 Apr 2017
This movie is mostly "HAY remember that movie we did 20 years ago?!" with a bunch of "This is safe for Chinese investors!" and then following every single sci-fi formula established ever. I mean, come on, why even do a movie at this point? It did well in China, I guess, if that is what they were aiming for. No stakes in this movie. You know everything that's going to happen. Take what's in your mind right now; yes, that is what happened. Good, you can move on with your life and skip this.
Rated 11 Jul 2016
In Helsinki, Finland they opened two weeks ago a brand new Scape movie theatre. Wide leather seats, more room for feet, bigger screen, better Barco 4K laser projector, dynamic Dolby Atmos sound system through the total of 68 loudspeakers. Nice! Oh, the movie, yes, I saw this one in it. Some okay effects.
Rated 14 Mar 2017
I don't think the core ideas for this were particularly strong, and there were too many not-very-interesting characters. Chuck in some fairly baffling decisions and pace-killing exposition, and we have a bit of a dud. I had enough goodwill left over from the source film to get me through, Goldblum is always worth watching, and some of the destruction was entertaining enough. Hard to recommend, though, even for fans of the original.
Rated 23 Dec 2016
Takes almost everything the 1st did right and rehashes it badly. The first half is a downright bore, the characters all suck, the returning cast esp gets terrible writing, and the script overall has the pace and coherence of a scifi original. Devoid of any dramatic tension, the back half is pretty underwhelming. As a giant monster fan, I'll admit to loving the bits with the queen and even bad action can occasionally look cool when you burn a couple hundred million dollars on it.
Rated 05 Sep 2016
My partner and I were two of four people watching this in the theatre. We wanted to laugh out loud for most of it but kept it silent to respect the other half of the audience.
Rated 07 Jan 2017
Independence Day: Parody
Rated 28 Jun 2016
Aging actors perfunctorily step back into the least interesting roles of their careers, while the new blood fails to make any impression at all. This will not make a dent in the blockbuster landscape and doesn't deserve to; every mass-destruction-driven summer event movie of the past twenty years has been another Independence Day where it counts, and many have been bigger, smarter, and more original.
Rated 23 Aug 2016
This is like a big budget 90's throwback film, no cynicism, attempts at rousing speeches, confused elderly fathers, out of place accountants. It's what South Park made a career out of by mocking & it's back, one more time at least. I had a huge problem with the burst of extremely basic exposition coming from the white orb during the middle of the film. That coupled with countless plot holes, really led to a loss of gravity in the immersion side of things. Goldblum & Spiner stand out, as a plus.
Rated 11 Jun 2021
There is about 5% of this script that might be made into a somewhat interesting sequel. Another 5% is reused footage from the original. The final 90% is toxic sludge that infects everything about this movie. I didn't think I could possibly hate a Roland Emmerich production more than Godzilla but here we are. This makes the original look like Star Wars by comparison.
Rated 26 Jun 2016
What happens when you give a special effects company millions of dollars and realize last minute you should probably write a plot. Will Smith passing on this movie was the best decision of his career.
Rated 27 Sep 2016
They should have called it "Generic Sci-Fi Movie" and let David Zucker direct it. It's like 10 movies in one. And they're all bland, tonally inconsistent and have too many characters. Mostly it's just ripping off itself and Star Wars. In the most dispassionate manner possible. It's pretty much sharknado, but with more money, better sets, costumes, effects and performances. Maika Monroe was pretty great. But she sounded like she had a weird speech impedement in a couple of "scenes"...
Rated 23 Mar 2021
A relic of a more innocent time. When "the China virus" referred to paid Party propaganda and boring actors shoehorned into Hollywood movies, rather than a worldwide contagion that escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan.
Rated 04 Jul 2016
ID: Resurgence is one of the most unexpected and unnecessary sequels in memory. The original ID was a lot of fun at the time, but did we need this sequel 20 years later? There's no originality, it's horribly written, poorly paced and every character feels like a spare part. Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman and several other original cast members are nostalgically shoehorned in but are either underused or misused. Whilst there are far too many unnecessary new additions who either annoy or underwhelm.
Rated 09 Oct 2016
Less a sequel than a straight-up remake, borrowing pretty much every scene from the original except without the same oomph. Disjointed, incoherent, dumb.
Rated 12 Dec 2016
I quite enjoyed myself even if no one else did.
Rated 10 Jul 2016
The human race is once again facing extinction but this time no one really seems to give a shit. Decent special effects can't save such horrible acting and lazy script writing.
Rated 25 Sep 2016
it comes critically close to being so bad it's good again. good riddance maika monroe. i really thought the future had stuff in store for you.
Rated 05 Jun 2020
Painful. The sequel we did not need. Goldblum is charismatic as usual, but a film that does not make.
Rated 22 Jun 2016
Surprisingly watchable just based on special effects and action scenes alone that is can ignore Brent Spiner standing around in his underwear for 3/4's of the movie. The blubbering stupid dialogue. The awkward product placement for Chinese products. The wooden Chinese actress who just seems to be some kind of prop. Liam Hemsworth is probably a better actor than Hollywood gives him credit for in these frat bro roles. Jeff Goldblum looks old and tired these days.
Rated 20 Apr 2018
Another pointless and unnecessary film sequel. Some of the original cast is back, hopefully they had more fun than the audience did watching this movie.
Rated 21 May 2017
A putrid, leaden insult to movie-goers intelligence; chock full of ludicrous coincidences, ridiculous CGI, miraculous survival (assuming you were in the cast list, of course), and a script so monumentally pathetic that one can only assume Fitcher, Pulman & Goldblum have all gone through costly divorces recently and need to pay off their spouses. Simply inexcusable dross. If you want to create some sort of yardstick of "goddamn awful", this and "Identity Thief" are the two main contenders
Rated 24 Oct 2016
Bronze winner in the 2016 "Script that took much less time to write than the film does to watch" awards (11-14 age bracket)
Rated 04 Nov 2016
I was pretty bored for most of it. There was a lot of unnatural exposition, a bunch of unfunny one-liners, and plenty of pandering to the Chinese market. It was fun to see some of the old characters, but the new characters were exceptionally bland. Most of the action scenes didn't do much for me, and I don't appreciate the CGI aliens, when the practical ones were so cool in '90s. The climax was pretty good, but I didn't like the ending.
Rated 21 Nov 2016
Oh how the tedium tapdances on my soul. The ne plus ultra of Roland Emmerich's abominable oeuvre, a piece of cinema that wouldn't even deserve a four a.m. slot on the sci-fi channel, the schlock can't even get an opportunity to spread its wings because the dance floor is smothered in long stretches of dullness. I have never championed the original, a wholly disposable bit of naught/dull as a papal bull, but that turd looks flawless in comparison. Glad to see Brent Spiner getting work though.
Rated 12 Jul 2016
"We really gonna wait for the dog?! Guess so..." Yep. Goldblum's still got it.
Rated 06 Oct 2016
Bigger, slicker and more devastating. But such a pity. It's silly and grotesque too. My opinion here :
Rated 03 Oct 2016
Not good, certainly, but I don't see much difference between it and the original. Lots of stuff blows up, aliens attack, aliens die, acting ranges from horrid to decent, a complete spacial and temporal incoherence in the narrative, some ok characterizations stripped to the bone almost to the point of parody. About what I'd expect. There's an added "world unity" angle to the film that is kinda cool in theory, but is ineffective because the story's us vs them mentality undermines its ideals.
Rated 09 Oct 2016
Resurgence is the archetype of a modern summer blockbuster; great visuals but completely lacking in soul. Almost every character moment falls flat, occasionally throwing off the pacing, and actually working against building any cinematic tension. For a lot of the action sequences, I was more concerned with whether I'd seen it before in Star Trek or Ender's Game, rather than the plot. Then again when they blatantly suggested a sequel at the end, I didn't hate the idea.Dumb, but expected .
Rated 27 Jan 2018
Such a lengthy suspension of disbelief.
Rated 17 Jul 2016
Can usually forgive racism in a movie if it's actually good but it is just as stupid as the original. Maybe a little better because there seems to be at least a little bit of knowledge of the inane nature of the plot.
Rated 07 Aug 2016
eng; [Independence Day: Resurgence]; nach der ersten alien invasion hat die menschheit sich weiter entwickelt - und muss sich jetzt der erneuten invasion einer alien-königin stellen.;
Rated 20 Dec 2016
It has a couple "it's sooo bad it's good" moments at least.
Rated 19 Jan 2022
I liked this sequel at least as much. It has a weird necessity to re-use (almost) every character of the first one, plus a whole bunch of new ones. Of course all are underdeveloped. And the plot loses what's actually happening in the other plot threads. But it is more impressive in the entertainment department where it goes way more over the top, I mean a space ship that covers the whole North Atlantic Ocean. WOW! Apart from some spectacular moments, it is a very mediocre overstuffed movie.
Rated 29 Sep 2016
totally disaster
Rated 11 Aug 2016
I'm finding it hard to grade movies this week,Suicide Squad has fucked with my calibration.Everyone under 40 is a terrible actor in this,having said that Goldblum is always fun to watch.They have some great sci-fi concepts and loads of Chinese production money judging by the cast and QQ adverts,it's at least 5? better than Skwad I recon.N ot a bad sequel but not something I can recommend.
Rated 26 Oct 2016
I watched this earlier tonight and I'm still trying to figure out who the main character was. There was zero gravitas and zero at stake. There was zero intelligence and not a single note of originality. Despite that my love for the original could not be overcome and I enjoyed every second of this.
Rated 07 Jul 2016
I mean, It wasn't horrible. I thought it was VERY Hollywood, but it was entertaining. Though, it was quite over the top. I did like how it had some old characters in it, but it could've been WAY better. Eh.
Rated 08 Jan 2018
Resurgence is a tough sell to be sure. Roland Emmerich seems more interested in turning his sci-fi action film into a bankable franchise then actually making a suitable sequel. Adding plot point which have no payoff except to set up a sequel. The special effects are missing the practical spark they had in the original. Though it is hard not to enjoy the excessive destruction scenes and some of the cringy humor.
Rated 24 Jun 2016
Oh come on now, don't be so harsh on this one. I'm so glad to see old characters and liked the new ones. Special effects were really good. You should never take Emmerich's movies too seriously, they're fun to watch, and that makes me happy.
Rated 04 Aug 2017
A great cast is otherwise wasted in this boring, charmless retread of a much more entertaining original.
Rated 13 Sep 2021
Not as good as first one, but still enjoyable action movie. Plot was kinda like they combined Independence Day combined with Mass Effect and Star Wars.
Rated 27 Jun 2016
I can't name a single aspect of this film that is unique or valuable.
Rated 17 Jul 2016
Popcron Fun
Rated 08 Oct 2016
I don't understand all the negative feedback for this movie. I expected some fun with this movie and that's what I got. A worthy successor to the original in my opinion. Plus Brent Spiner is just great.
Rated 18 Dec 2016
stupid plot, weak one-liners, extremely unscientific and full of stereotypes.
Rated 29 Jul 2016
Generally an okay action movie gets a passing grade from me because I'm easier on the genre and find a lot of them to be an entertaining way to pass the time, even if they're insubstantial. This follows all of the formulaic elements that the genre is known for, but I didn't ever feel like the world was at risk. I know, there was no way that Earth didn't win, and there's a lot of disaster but it didn't feel it ultimately. That makes it hard to forgive the wonkiness in other areas.
Rated 24 Jun 2016
A snoozefest of a blockbuster, Independence Day: Resurgence is a movie we didn't need and shouldn't have, except that the original made an obscene amount of money, so, of course, it (eventually) got a sequel. Overstuffed with thin characters, the movie spends the majority of its running time rehashing or referencing the original, and trying to explain aliens. Its action is mostly competent, but not exciting. You won't care much about anything that happens.
Rated 25 Jun 2016
Pretty terrible
Rated 19 Jun 2017
Entertaining. Decent CGI. The plot is fragile and there is too many characters in the « good side », it is impossible to care about the good guys when their development is practically equal to zero.
Rated 03 Oct 2016
Better than predecessor. Suprisingly.
Rated 29 Jul 2016
The popcorn aspects of the movie were decent, but the character building was horribly flat. How am I supposed to care about a movie if I don't care about a single character in it ? Even worse, some of the characters were straight up annoying and useless, and made parts of the movie drag on forever.
Rated 27 Jun 2016
Was this supposed to be a very stupid Ender's Game prequel? I give it a few points because Bill Pullman is good at giving a rousing speech and Brent Spiner was dope.
Rated 31 Jul 2016
It's got a lot of hate, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
Rated 26 Sep 2016
Not the spectacular sequel it wanted to be... or was it just a cash cow it wanted to be? Yes it was. Alright brain dead destruction if one doesn't let irritate oneself too much about the clichés and illogic. Lives totally on references to the original instead of having anything unique to say for itself. Tries to out-do the spectacular spaceship warfare, but it all becomes artificial nonsense without a single human emotion shining through the CGI sets. The giggles are better then the killings.
Rated 22 Oct 2016
Not as bad as I expected. It was too obvious in trying to recapture the essence of the first film.
Rated 24 Dec 2016
For a sequel that seems to have been gestating forever, INDEPENDENCE DAY: RESURGENCE feels tremendously rushed. It somehow manages cram in a bunch of moldy and outdated ideas while cynically chasing modern blockbuster trends, with no idea of how to make any of it work. At least the nostalgic pandering can elicit a chuckle or two, especially when Jeff Goldblum is involved, but rarely does a $160 million movie feel this cheap and chinzy.
Rated 05 Feb 2018
Remember the first movie? Want to watch it a second time, but this time everything is worse? Then do I have the movie for you!
Rated 07 Aug 2016
Rated 10 Aug 2016
Bonus points for giving me a good laugh at the fact that this turd had five screenwriters involved ...
Rated 16 Aug 2022
it is okee
Rated 04 Aug 2016
why was this so bad. just why
Rated 20 Jul 2017
Hollywood at its most Hollywood
Rated 21 Jan 2017
Now there are a few criticisms I can express about Independence Day Resurgence, but I'll hold back. I just enjoyed watching it and had a trowback to the 90s' (felt like it was yesterday). It's a pleasent movie to watch. 68/100.
Rated 07 Jul 2016
Passes the time.
Rated 14 Jul 2016
Nothing good or interesting about this movie, at least it is watchable.
Rated 27 Jul 2016
I don't understand why this movie didn't do well at the box office -- probably it has more to do with the overall economy (and perhaps some political comments by those responsible for the film) than with its quality. Some good acting with nice comic touches, a cheesy, overdone finale, and a deus ex machina. Oh, and great special effects. Did anyone say "space opera"?
Rated 25 Jul 2017
It's certainly bigger than the original. Look, for nostalgia's sake, it was good to see some of the characters again, but it's not like it was a sequel we needed. You'd think 20 years would allow for a decent plot but this one is a mess. It's so disjointed, it almost feels like a bunch of writers got a character, came up with a story and glued it all together. Pity, because the original has become such a classic.
Rated 05 Nov 2017
A whole movie that does a thing and then immediately forgets that thing for the next thing. Made me nostalgic for Randy Quaid and that recurring gay rape joke - which created more character and empathy than this entire $165 million budget.
Rated 05 Jan 2017
You get to see Brent Spiner's ass crack. That's all you need to know about this poorly directed and badly acted sci-fi mess.
Rated 28 Jan 2017
Just another Roland Emmerich CGI-fest. *Bad
Rated 01 Jul 2016
One of the worst movies I've ever seen. I just wasted my time.
Rated 30 Jul 2016
some good effects, otherwise pathetic
Rated 12 Dec 2016
So I'm not really sure why this movie gets all the hate, I mean this isn't a great movie but it's not that bad either. It could be because the first film is considered a classic and it took 20 years for a sequel. I personally thought it was a big, loud, dumb, exciting popcorn flick that had me smiling and laughing with my wife the whole time for all the right reasons and I can ask for more than that from something like this.
Rated 05 Jun 2017
Rated 23 Jun 2016
Wall-to-wall nonsense though one can't deny a certain charm that has survived from the original movie. I'm pretty sure one can thank Jeff Goldblum for that.
Rated 04 Jun 2017
Certainly not great, and short of the original. But it isn't a bad sequel to the cheesy original. Good destruction early and seeing some of the old characters back was kinda cool. A couple of really dry jokes, although most miss the mark. It's impossible to shake how terrible some of the cast is though. Goldblum is only half trying. Hirsh is terrible and his mini arc is a waste. Usher is awful as kid Hiller. Pullman and Spiner help to mitigate the issues. Too many characters and kinda boring.
Rated 07 Jul 2017
Independence Day: Resurgence does not completely crash and burn, in fact, it ends up providing perfectly suitable popcorn entertainment; but, if you are looking for a deep and compelling story, turn away now.
Rated 25 Jun 2016
Big, dumb, loud fun, with a script loaded with unnecessary cliches that are just about well-written enough not to be unpleasant. There's a lot of Jeff Goldblum quipping and driving a school bus away from a gigantic alien, which is fun.
Rated 16 Jul 2023
don't remember it
Rated 16 Jun 2017
not so good
Rated 26 Jun 2016
Rated 03 Jul 2016
The filmmakers seem to believe that the first film's success had something to do with its forgettable characters, and so these characters are all trotted out as if we were seeing Han Solo again, when in fact, the typical reaction will be "Oh yeah, that actor was in the first one too". Except for the giant alien at the end which turns this into something like a Godzilla movie, there are no surprising visuals either. With so many characters you don't care about, it's not just familiar, but generic


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