In the Heart of the Sea
In the Heart of the Sea
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In the Heart of the Sea

In the Heart of the Sea

Drama, Action
2h 2m
Based on the 1820 event, a whaling ship is preyed upon by a sperm whale, stranding its crew at sea for 90 days, thousands of miles from home. (imdb)

In the Heart of the Sea

Drama, Action
2h 2m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 42.51% from 833 total ratings

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Rated 08 Oct 2016
What could have been a raw, compelling tale of humanity pushed to its limits is neutered by the safe and pedestrian Ron Howard. The movie has a great cast and some striking visuals, and some individual scenes are memorable (whale innards!), but it chickens out when it comes to the stuff that makes this story unique (oh noes, cannibalism!). Also, the ill-conceived environmental message is dopey and ham-fisted. Maybe worth a watch if you love movies set at sea, otherwise skippable.
Rated 13 Dec 2015
Like Ahab, this movie is far too obsessed with the white whale. The story of men stranded at sea, who are split apart and eventually have to resort to cannibalism as they reach the edge of starvation is a great story in itself. I don't need the tacked on addition of corrupt early 19th century capitalist cronies, the literary frame story most recently seen in Great Gatsby, and an obsessed whale that would feel more at place in Jaws 4.
Rated 13 Dec 2015
Completely gutless, rips all the interesting stuff out of the story and replaces it with bastardized Moby Dick so that they don't ever have to risk telling an unpalatable story. Manages to destroy two basically unrelated books at once!
Rated 16 Dec 2015
"All this horrible gross shit happened but yadda yadda yadda" It was nice to see Rebel Wilson getting a decent role for once. A whale hits their boat then it hits it again, they float around forever while you think about floating down to the exit sign then it's over and "OH WAIT THIS WAS MOBY DICK" I can't tell if this was too long or too short.
Rated 14 Dec 2015
The story of the whaling ship Essex, whose destruction at the hands (fins?) of an enormous white whale proved a major inspiration for MOBY-DICK. This is emphasized in the totally unnecessary framing device, with Melville (Ben Whishaw) getting the story 30 years after from the former cabin boy (Brendan Gleeson). A handsome production and evocative scenes are badly undermined by the problematic script, choppy editing (which hampers the generally fine cinematography), and a lack of emotional power.
Rated 10 Dec 2015
In the Heart of the Sea is a fine movie, although it has some major issues that keep it from being a full-on success. Its framing device cuts away much of the scene-to-scene tension and emotional investment, while the second half of the film feels very generic. It has great visuals, a few fantastic moments, and another good lead performance from Chris Hemsworth, and I didn't mind watching it. A better movie is here, and it's disappointing that it wasn't made instead.
Rated 13 Mar 2016
I really enjoyed this movie. Chris Hemsworth makes a terrific & charismatic lead. Exceptional production quality in every aspect. Good CGI that felt real most of the time. The story also seemed authentic. A few truly chilling scenes. I was also impressed with the settings and the wonderful attention to detail. This is one of the few movies I'll want to watch again soon.
Rated 16 Jan 2016
Bless Ron Howard, the terrific talent that he is. But this giant movie is a bit of a giant slog. It's not about the whale. It's not about the at-odds Captain and First Mate. It's really an awkwardly-paced, occasionally engaging spectacle about...recalling a traumatic story?
Rated 27 Dec 2015
It feels like two different movies in one and the result is unfortunately not very good. A missed chance by Ron Howard as the source material was very promising.
Rated 09 Dec 2015
Fantastic images, gruesome story elements, a solid cast - this movie has a lot going on for itself. Still, it's not really remarkable. The characters are too shallow even though the movie takes its entire first half to establish the situation, and you're never really sure who you should root for. I feel like this could've been really great but it somehow never lived up to it.
Rated 06 Dec 2015
In the Heart of Sea is excellently made and its production values are well executed, but lacks a little in narrative and character focus. It plays as more of a docudrama with with an unclear picture of who and what the story is about, and the purpose of it being made. Overall, a very good movie that could have been fantastic.
Rated 03 Dec 2015
If we were left with the man verses beast survival tale this could of been something special. Instead, we swap back and forth to a dull well trodden cliche sample of storytelling. Everything at sea is completely enthralling with strong performances from Hemsworth and as usual in a great supporting act - Murphy. Particularly liked the whale head scene. Could and should of been more, ends extremely sappy with music that would make your nana cringe. Oh well, not like it could of been another Rush.
Rated 21 Mar 2018
Herman Melville may have set out to loosely base a work of fiction on these true events, and Ron Howard a loyal account, but ironically "Moby Dick" is far more realistic than this piece of Hollywood tripe. I was rooting for the whales.
Rated 05 Apr 2016
I quite liked it. It was a good, well-structured story & was expertly directed by Howard. I wouldn't say this film is focused on the performances, but they're good nonetheless. My major complaint about the movie would be the visual effects. I mean, they're not bad & the scenes with practical sets are great, but the juxtaposition of the CGI-filled stuff is just a bit too harsh. The action sequences are still well done though, so it didn't bother me that much when it came down to it.
Rated 07 Mar 2016
Von was handelt In The Heart Of The Sea? Es gibt so viele Möglichkeiten, Ron Howards letzten Film zu beschreiben. Es ist die Verfilmung des Berichts "In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex" von Nathaniel Philbrick. Er folgt damit der Inspiration für Herman Mellvilles Roman "Moby-Dick"... mehr auf
Rated 06 Mar 2016
Visually good but i was expecting more from the story. Felt a bit cheap in many ways.
Rated 28 Feb 2016
Twas a big fish it was.
Rated 08 Feb 2016
good story, great effects, decent acting... one of the most engaging & powerful dramas of the year
Rated 15 Jan 2016
It's a pretty good film and a completely worthwhile watch, but if you're going to make this film make it about The Endurance, a far more unbelievable and gripping expedition. That way it would be less implausible whale monsters and more incredible human survival. Check out this instead:
Rated 06 Jan 2016
Thank God for Chris Hemsworth being there to drool over. I mean that from a heterosexual perspective (I think), for there was little else of interest in this Moby Dick story. The way it was shot you didn't even feel the sea, which is quite a feat considering most of this was out in deep waters!
Rated 05 Jan 2016
There wasn't really Moby Dick. But that Pollard fellow was a ... euh .... yep My opinion here :
Rated 05 Jan 2016
Content concerns take a more direct approach. The privations we see—and what is required because of them—can feel harsh and visceral. Language can be a tad rough. And I think many viewers, especially younger ones, will be more disturbed by the killing of one whale here than the death of several men. We're used to men dying in our movies, after all. The slaughter of one of these pretty majestic animals is rarer, and as such it hits harder. (
Rated 02 Jan 2016
Throw those dialects overboard, boys!
Rated 01 Jan 2016
This will be used as a case study in "what makes or breaks a film". There are many superb elements to this film. I loved the "story book" illustratitive look to the graphics. The attention to detail was breathtaking, the cast was generally good with Gleeson and Wishaw simply mesmerizing. That said, the pacing of this story is its downfall. The first half of this film is edge of your seat brilliance, but once the real star of the film is lost it is, regrettably, a slow lingering and painful death
Rated 23 Dec 2015
Quite good.
Rated 22 Dec 2015
Some good content but overall felt a bit lost and meandering.
Rated 21 Dec 2015
Life Of Moby Pi. As nicely done as it is (for the most part, there's some glaringly obvious CGI at the beginning), it does what most Based On A True Story films does: Showcases why Melville's fictional version became a legend and the true story a footnote in the history books.
Rated 20 Dec 2015
I loved it. "The devil loves unspoken secrets, especially those that fester in a man's soul." So true.
Rated 19 Dec 2015
Better than expected. Cut the storytelling bullshit out, cut out 30 mins, and would be a much better film.
Rated 16 Dec 2015
As much a work of fiction as Melville's book was (which drew its inspiration from two primary sources, not one), it nevertheless captures the brutality of the whaling industry and the mystique of the enraged white whale, based on the real life Mocha-Dick.
Rated 16 Dec 2015
A grimy, claustrophobic, lush-looking, realistic account of what the action at the center of "Moby Dick" might have looked like. The last half hour--with its abundance of scenes of guys sitting around looking miserable in rowboats--does drag a bit, but overall, this is one of the most fascinating and watchable adventures of the year, skillfully hitting on all the epic themes of Melville's masterpiece.
Rated 14 Dec 2015
Another enjoyable blockbuster survival film that shows us a glimpse of when men went out to sea for months in wooden boats and hunted fucking whales. All of the on-the-boat action is fun to watch, and gives plenty of underwater scenes to give us more of the whales' perspective, though what could've been the best scene where a young crew-member has to climb inside a whale's corpse is criminally short. Other than that, it's nothing groundbreaking or amazing.
Rated 13 Dec 2015
Great Visuals: Absolutely Nothing Else! The film had zero pacing. It's climax was about 40 minutes before the end of the film. There was no character development at all: even when they were eating each other there was no conflict. The climax and every other event wasn't motivated by anything (or built up to), it just happened. If Ron Howard hadn't directed this it would have gotten a poor grade as a thesis film.
Rated 13 Dec 2015
very good 10 out of 10
Rated 09 Dec 2015
The graphics were sometimes great, sometimes not so much.
Rated 27 Nov 2015
Rated 01 Jul 2023
Hemsworth will be devastated if that's how he turns out
Rated 14 Jan 2023
just so tedious
Rated 21 Mar 2022
It's a decent movie bogged down by its inability to choose which story to tell: the historical retelling of the Essex or the fantastical tale of Moby Dick. It tries to do both at once and is the lesser for it.
Rated 09 Feb 2020
Hemsworth's over-dramatic lead and a few very iffy green-screen sections early on almost ended any interest I had in this, but the flash-forward scenes with Gleeson provided enough interest to keep me tuned in and the production overall becomes more focused and less irritating as the story moves on. Not memorable in the slightest but in the end, on a quiet night, it's just about watchable enough. I suppose.
Rated 16 Nov 2018
For a film with such a strong connection to the classic that is Moby-Dick, it should be a lot better. The attempts at profound writing come off as stilted, the special effects feel out of place with the tone, the central actors are sleeping for the most part and even the addition of some exciting scenes with the whale do nothing to bolster interest during the run time. Just read the book, it has a LOT more to say.
Rated 06 Aug 2017
Maybe too long and not as personal as Rush; Howard and Hemsworth still prove themselves to be an excellent movie-making team.
Rated 13 May 2017
A tale of a whale. This actually was a lot cooler than I was expecting. I was thinking this was just a Moby Dick movie, but it's actually about the author of Moby Dick getting the details about a giant whale attack for his story. I love that kind of framing device, just like Finding Neverland wasn't exactly just a Peter Pan movie. Brendan Gleeson, Cillian Murphy were really good. Chris Hemsworth was a great leading man...
Rated 25 Apr 2017
"Let's masturbate together over killing beautiful animals" - Ron Howard
Rated 08 Jan 2017
Only landlubbers would resist the rousing action of man versus leviathan. Sure it's old-school. So what. Howard puts heart, soul and every computerized whale trick in the book into crafting a seafaring adventure to rock your boat.
Rated 07 Aug 2016
First part was all d***measuring, before the whale showed up around the second part. Felt very long. Even the deleted scenes were long. Not awful in anyway though. I guess it ...didn't really float my boat! Wonka wonka!
Rated 04 Aug 2016
Chris Hemsworth is better in a movie where he can show his range and this film shows us that. The story developped at a good pace and it most definitely kept you interest through out. Tom Holland is goimg to be one hell of an actor if his script choices continue to give him emotional depth.
Rated 22 Jul 2016
A seafaring survival story that feels like a missed opportunity. The frame story--featuring Herman Melville getting the inspiration for "Moby-Dick" from an old whaler traumatized by his harrowing experience at sea--has more emotional resonance than Chris Hemsworth's twin battles with the elements and his American accent. It's not bad. It's just been done better.
Rated 14 Jul 2016
Some great and realistic whaling action, but the fake cgi/sets really stand out and take from the experience. The cast never feels like it's on open sean, it feels like they are in a big pool.
Rated 23 Jun 2016
Non me lo aspettavo ma è un buon film, avvincente e coinvolgente
Rated 08 Jun 2016
This is yet another passable, but mediocre Howard film. The frame story is cringeworthy, while the rest is solid but too self-important.
Rated 28 Apr 2016
Rated 09 Apr 2016
I used to expect a lot from Howard, but I'm beginning not to. Yet again he manages to make me feel absolutely nothing towards the characters in an otherwise good story with a boring pace. The real magic in this is Mr. Baños score. Exceptional score - nothing less. *Okay
Rated 26 Mar 2016
The special effects are ok, but the script and the acting are terrible. I felt numb watching this.
Rated 16 Mar 2016
wait a minute, does it really say "sperm whale" in the summary? ok, this movie is even more of a letdown now.
Rated 04 Dec 2015
Quite monotonic and slow, which is a surprise considering its huge scale.


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