In campagna è caduta una stella
In campagna è caduta una stella
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In campagna è caduta una stella

In campagna è caduta una stella

1h 26m
An American starlet inflames two Italian peasants who forget about their respective fiance's. One of them even thinks of marrying her and begins to plan for the engagement banquet. When the girl decides to live the countryside harmony reigns again. (imdb)

In campagna è caduta una stella

1h 26m
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Avg Percentile 59.34% from 2 total ratings

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Rated 24 Jul 2015
Canadian born actress Rosina Lawrence actually did her final movie in Italy. Simply because she married Italian. She never had the most remarkable of careers, but she did play the innocent girl in Laurel & Hardy's hit comedy Way Out West (1937) along with appearing in several Our Gang shorts. This is a silly little comedy where Lawrence spoke deliberately poor Italian as the main joke. This had the potential of being funnier then what it was, but I guess it was alright enough.

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