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Comedy, Drama
1h 50m
Inspired by the viral New York Magazine article, Hustlers follows a crew of savvy former strip club employees who band together to turn the tables on their Wall Street clients.


Comedy, Drama
1h 50m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 41.77% from 772 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 14 Sep 2019
I came to see J.Lo strip. Instead I saw Constance Wu cry, cry, and cry some more. This is a movie adapted from a magazine article, and it shows. It's not sexy, not funny, not thrilling, nothing to learn. My sister said it's a female "Wolf of Wall Street". Well, sorry Scafaria, you're no Scorsese. Critics said this is "very good" (RottenTomatoes "Certified Fresh"). Audiences said it is "bad" (CinemaScore "B -"). I got hustled by the critics.
Rated 08 Jun 2020
Better then I expected
Rated 24 Mar 2020
it wants to hit with the impact of The Big Short, rich dudes are bad they need some justice, but Hustlers doesn't stick the landing. I mean, it's still a bunch of Hollywood millionaires telling me how bad Wall Street millionaires are but Big Short convinced me with hard facts. Hustlers just winds up hollow as J-Lo tries to mimic the sentiment. Not a bad movie, in fact I'd recommend it even as a vanilla movie. But not for its own sake...for the hope of more like this -- just better.
Rated 18 Feb 2020
Nice and fun, but it's not without its faults. The ending really tried to shoehorn in some emotion that didn't feel earned or particularly justified by the rest of the story. But the meat of the story is engaging and, overall, worth checking out.
Rated 01 Feb 2020
On one hand, it's well shot, well acted and generally entertaining. On the other hand, it lacks any sense of thematic consistency - trying to both hail these women as feminist heroes and also condemn their actions as criminal, which naturally leads to the film failing at both.
Rated 24 Dec 2019
The interview framework seems unnecessary and cliche (we get it, the film is based on a newspaper article), and consequently the film feels longer than it needs to be. Its impact is also diminished by a focus on glamour over substance, but meaning still ekes through in the performances of Wu and Lopez (despite the script giving them little characterization to work with).
Rated 29 Nov 2019
Hustlers (or How I’m Learning to Ignore Critic Consensus and to Just Trust My Instincts) is a film that I found dull and meandering, with scenes veering too often into melodrama. The plot is pointless as it doesn’t truely hold any of the characters’ actions to account. Not a single one (not the strippers, nor Wall Street targets, nor police) is remotely sympathetic. Adam McKay was a producer on the film, and his smug remembrance for the 2008 crash comes through. A mix of meh and blah!
Rated 07 Nov 2019
At times, it comes dangerously close to excusing the protagonists, but ultimately its morals are in the right place. Good thing too, as the movie is actually well made and the cast is mostly good to great.
Rated 16 Sep 2019
A riveting first act gave way to a dragging midsection and not a lot of payoff, but the snappy dialogue and solid performances from the entire cast make Hustlers still firmly worth watching. It lacked a singular thematic focus though, almost trying to say too many things rather than centering on one of its many messages and delivering it well.
Rated 13 Jun 2022
The film slow-motion walks in high heels the fine dramatic lines of morally iffy but thrilling crimes and flawed but engaging characters with few missteps (the interview framework felt unnecessary). Fantastic performances (Lopez as the intoxicating matriarch Ramona and Wu as the volatile Destiny especially), great style (the constant music is perfect) and countless deftly crafted, naturalistic scenes (see first day at the club; rooftop in fur; laughs in the dressing room; lavish Christmas).
Rated 03 May 2020
This film has a good ensemble cast that work well together. The script has several interesting scenes and moments. Overall I would recommend this movie.
Rated 01 Apr 2020
Superficially entertaining crime drama is nevertheless frustrating in its lack of substance or insight into these characters and the appeal of their world - comparisons abound to GOODFELLAS, but this lacks that masterpiece's complex and interesting characterisations, making the characters difficult to root for or empathise with in the second half. Performances are fine but hobbled by the limits of the material; it's always lovely to see Ruehl turn up anywhere, even marginalised as she is here.
Rated 06 Jan 2020
Hustlers is better than it first appears, but struggles to deliver anything meaningful from its crime story line
Rated 05 Jan 2020
J Lo was stunning. Both with her acting and with her physique.. What a woman. The film is entertaining and keeps you interested but I do think it dragged on a bit too much. Still, a decent watch.
Rated 15 Dec 2019
It works pretty well as a Big Short counterpart for one hour or so, but it can't quite sustain the pace in the second half because it doesn't go full grindhouse and, when it tries to bring emotional stuff to the stage -- Wu and JLo's friendship --, it just feels too calculated and heavy-handed. Also, it really annoys the amount of handheld cam when you've got such a talented cast to work with.
Rated 27 Nov 2019
Never mind the derivative film itself - is feminism nowadays the power to sell one's body at the price and the conditions you set for it?
Rated 21 Oct 2019
The story and the characters in it are not interesting enough to sustain anything longer than a 15 minute read. The acting, cinematography and direction don't exactly elevate this above its source material.
Rated 20 Oct 2019
Don't understand the critical praise this is getting, at least I wouldn't if I was not already aware of how reviewers dishonestly inflate their ratings of anything with enough women/ethnic diversity. I even saw some call this movie empowering. How strippers turned criminals could be considered anything other than sad and scummy is beyond me. This film shows such little regard for men that there is no follow up on any of the victims. What became of Doug and his autistic kid? Who cares, he's a man
Rated 29 Sep 2019
Lopez and Wu were the highlight of the film. They carried the heavy dramatic themes and did so with conviction and believability. The third act seemed to switch to a humourous approach with running gags and making light at times of the seriousness of the actions. Perhaps that was to downplay it just a little more to make it appeal to audiences. I wish it had gone the opposite. Fully invest the time and energy into showing the impact this had. All I saw were fancy houses and Hollywood stars.
Rated 27 Sep 2019
I didn't enjoy "Nick and Norah" or "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World" so I think Scafaria's writing just isn't for me. Hustlers continues her streak of scripts that are heavy on tone-juggling. There's abrupt moments of melodrama that don't resonate because the film spends too much time on scenes of conning men and spending lavishly, and too little on actual character development. Wu, in spite of top billing, is given way too little to work with.
Rated 25 Sep 2019
An above-average crime-comedy with clean, stylish directing, smart performances and an impressive level of empathy for it's characters. I think the praise for this film comes less from it's quality, because it has problems, and more from the fact that in a world of Hollywood mediocrity Hustlers is a mid-budget film that's different, unique and heartfelt, feeling like it belongs to a sub-genre of it's own, and I can get behind that.
Rated 22 Sep 2019
Speaking of musicians who deserves Oscar noms, I think Usher is going to get a Best Supporting Actor nom in 2020.
Rated 22 Sep 2019
Rated 13 Sep 2022
great movie funny made me feel like a bad bitch
Rated 06 Mar 2022
Constance Wu is the clear stand out don’t get why so many people were in love with j-lo in this who was fine! Lots of stuff that obvs bugs me politically but this is a fun enough sort of take on a post market crash tale. Don’t feel it quite hits all the emotional cues it wants but nonetheless
Rated 03 Mar 2022
What can I say I just love to see a girlboss winning
Rated 15 Jan 2022
The strongest points of the film are in the chemistry between the leading ladies during their highs, but their lows aren't nearly as engaging and its smear on Wall Street types is eye rollingly superficial. The film has silly overuse of flashbacks and is limp on leaning into any visual eroticism. On the other hand, its use of music elevates its sense of glamor and I actually dug the interview framing considering it allowed for Dorothy to have some degree of hindsight of the narrative.
Rated 23 Jul 2021
Weirdly one-note.
Rated 16 May 2021
This was surprisingly great. Everything about this was above par, and Lopez's performance is simply great. The third act could've been tidier but it doesn't need to as it's still perfectly enjoyable.
Rated 15 Jan 2021
In Scafaria's third attempt at directing (See 'Seeking a Friend For the End of the World & Ricki and the Flash) she hits the highest yet. Personally the needless gratuitous scenes surprised me for a female director but I guess women can also fill a stripper movie with pointless T&A like men as well. I don't plan on further being Scafaria's guinea pig in her directorial pursuits. The suffering plot never seemed to express how the director, writer and characters felt about the true story.
Rated 02 Jan 2021
'Hustlers' follows the true story of a group of former strippers during the financial crisis in America. They decide to join forces to give an ear to seedy stock market traders. By drugging the men, they manage to get hold of their credit cards and steal a lot of money.
Rated 18 Nov 2020
It's good for the most part, but it doesn't have the ending that it deserved to have (difficult, I know, given it's based on a true story). The cast is fantastic and it is entertaining especially in the first half. Perhaps it's the way the story is recounted or just the connections weren't strong enough, but it leaves you a little unsatisfied.
Rated 25 Sep 2020
Overpoweringly a film made by women for women. The entire thing was like that planet ruled by women in Rick and Morty. Every scene was women supporting women, complimenting women, respecting elder women, nurturing young girls, buying shoes/clothes or usually a combination of all of the above. If women enjoy this movie, then great and make more of them for women, but this just doesn't work for or interest me in the slightest so I'll just stick to my testosterone fuelled macho action flicks ;)
Rated 15 Mar 2020
The best Scorcese film of 2019.
Rated 04 Mar 2020
Cardi B must be the most annoying person in universe, right?
Rated 15 Feb 2020
Can a movie have too many montages? You're about to find out.
Rated 09 Feb 2020
Easily the most bored I've been with a movie in a long while. The entire 2nd half of this movie is an absolute chore.
Rated 01 Feb 2020
A surprisingly fun movie about crime and friendship that takes inspiration from Scorcese but puts its own spin on it. Jennifer Lopez is the real deal in this.
Rated 28 Jan 2020
Doesn't maintain the momentum or hold pace throughout yet it definitely has some stand out scenes/moments. Lopez the definite standout.
Rated 25 Jan 2020
Got slow and repetitive pretty quick.
Rated 25 Jan 2020
Rated 13 Jan 2020
Great and stylishly directed, the surprising Wall Street adjacent film I didn't know I needed. The cast was great and JLo was 'da bomb'. It's not judgmental, but it's also not enabling, so that hits a nice middle spot. It did have a weird, unfocused structure and some tonal issues.
Rated 10 Jan 2020
jlo izlemesi keyifliydi. başka bi numarası yok. zor bitti.
Rated 07 Jan 2020
The main character is driven by her desire to be independent yet when she's independent in the film she's an utter failure. Almost everyone in this film is a deplorable asshole, but it has a cool aesthetic and looks nice so it gets a few points for this. Lots of materialism coupled with a loose feminist theme makes all of this seem incoherent and jumbled
Rated 05 Jan 2020
Rated 02 Jan 2020
Jennifer Lopez is great. The movie around her? Not so much.
Rated 11 Dec 2019
Viewed December 10, 2019.
Rated 26 Nov 2019
I never would have watched this had people not said that it's surprisingly good. I don't think it's a great film but I was entertained for most of it. By the end I was starting to feel a little tedium, but the chemistry Wu and Lopez had shined through and carried the film. It has some heart, a few good laughs and a good story.
Rated 23 Nov 2019
Drags at times but ultimately the severely good direction brings it home. The final message is perfect.
Rated 09 Nov 2019
J-Lo is great in a surprisingly well-made and entertaining movie.
Rated 24 Oct 2019
This was a nice surprise; full of energy and expertly done dance numbers. You could argue that the film presents the pre-crisis years in too glamorous and innocent light. Lopez has earned her praise as she's both gorgeous and believable in the role. The friendship between the main characters is the backbone of the film. Like Goodfellas etc., the highs are more entertaining than the lows, and it loses steam during last third. It's too limited by the origin magazine article to rise to next level.
Rated 20 Oct 2019
Other than its distracting PC "wokeness" (I'll buy that THE swankiest NYC club can find a spot for a middle-aged JLo, but monied execs are into this much diversity & fat chicks? No), I'm not sure why critics are buzzing over something so predictable. It does feel honest when characters rail against Wall Streeters getting away w/ (legal) scams of their own, but not when it suggests that drugging people & robbing them is just like being a CEO or romanticizes these sharks or their "sisterhood".
Rated 10 Oct 2019
A tepid, pale imitation of Scorsese. All surface ... no depth.
Rated 24 Sep 2019
The first half is spectacularly fun. The second half isn't smart enough to be aware of its own limitations. But sure, JLo!
Rated 20 Sep 2019
This is legitimately one of the surprises of the year for me. It's not just the performances, which are stellar and believable (both individually and as an ensemble). It's not just the way it's shot, which is polished and professional. It's not any singular element that really makes it stand out. This is just a bloody entertaining movie. J-Lo does command every second that she's on screen, though, if there WAS one element that could be said to be the film's strongest, it'd probably be her.
Rated 14 Sep 2019
capital G Good movie and a capital G Great JLo role and performance
Rated 14 Sep 2019
j.lo yorumlarını duydukça yine ödül sezonunun klasik abartmaları başlıyor diye dövünüyordum ama abartılmıyormuş. genel olarak casting başarısını ayrıca not etmeli. bir dergi yazısını format olarak dağıtmadan, belli bir tempoyu tutturup olaya odaklanarak anlatma konusunda çok başarılı olduğu gibi 2008 sonrasına dair filmler arasında da en başarılılarından.


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