How to Train Your Dragon 2
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How to Train Your Dragon 2

1h 42m
When Hiccup and Toothless discover an ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons and the mysterious Dragon Rider, the two friends find themselves at the center of a battle to protect the peace. (imdb)
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How to Train Your Dragon 2

1h 42m
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Avg Percentile 55.91% from 2872 total ratings

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Rated 21 Jun 2014
Excellent sequel. How to Train Your Dragon 2 is filled with nothing more than good writing, good voice acting, and really good animation. This is one animated sequel that plays along like a good one is supposed to. Awesome characters and even better animation than the first film. Adds much more emotion than its predecessor too. I was impressed. Definitely one of Dreamworks' better series' already.
Rated 24 Jun 2014
At times this feels almost like it could be a live action film. This next gen type of animated film doesn't try to overdose us on the kiddie themes and adds enough entertainment to make it interesting for adults. The flying and action setups are intelligent and well done. The lore and characters are predictable but it is all charming and a likeable child fantasy riff of adult themes we're all familiar with. The flawless animation and interesting art direction deserves praise.
Rated 25 Jun 2014
The title of the film seems a little inane seeing as literally everyone in the village has already trained their dragon. While I liked the film it did nothing that really shocked me and I always felt like I knew where the story was headed and was pretty disappointed when the film ended up tied neatly in a bow, instead of being open-ended like Empire Strikes Back, which the director has cited was a huge influence for him. The animation however was impeccable.
Rated 29 Nov 2014
Wonderfully animated again, the cast is likable and the story interesting. The main villain however was too generic. Not great but a solid sequel.
Rated 13 Jun 2014
A soaring sequel that falls just short of the dazzling heights of its predecessor, the script has a few hiccups(heh) but it still has a heart bigger than any dragon, and that emotional core allows it to be a thoughtful, compelling, and worthy follow up to the original film. If all of the sequels can stay true to that core then Dreamworks will have something special on their hands for years to come.
Rated 14 Jun 2014
The most satisfying non-Pixar animated sequel I've seen in years and easily the best film from Dreamworks Animation Studio. The first How to Train Your Dragon was a big surprise for me, and the follow-up delivers on every level with better animation, higher stakes, a broader world and a more emotional story. It's vikings riding dragons. Impossible not to walk away from it smiling.
Rated 14 Jun 2014
It's not bad, by any means, but there's not much character development here. Half the characters in the first one hardly need to be in the second one. The villain in this movie's been absent for 20 years, with no attempt to contact the village? Just feels... contrived. It's beautiful, it has a passable story, warts and all. But it's not as good as the first.
Rated 10 Jul 2014
Utterly formulaic trifle that treats its audience like a bunch of half-wits, blatantly spelling out every single plot development and emotion. And the title has become totally redundant by now, they don't train shit.
Rated 04 Jun 2014
i didn't see the first one, so i can't rate the film against that, but this one did fairly well on its own. i went in not expecting much, but was blown away by how adorably cute the dragon was - they did a fantastic job crafting that character and forming his relationship with hiccup. there were also some tear-jerkingly touching moments about love and family, which always get me. i can't say it's up there with my favourite animated films, but it did well and i enjoyed it.
Rated 24 Jun 2014
Profound, well written, and deeply moving, How To Train Your Dragon 2 is an excellent animated feature with a lot of ups and downs, beautifully animated and wonderfully entertaining.
Rated 14 Jun 2014
I liked this one just a little bit more than the first. Everything in this movie is better than the first. i mean the screenplay was clever and funny, the animation was spot on and the actors were a great choice. They did a great job on making the characters look older. I really liked this movie and i think anyone would; Action lovers, comedy lovers, anyone. This is one of those rare squeals.Well done.
Rated 13 Jun 2014
All of that makes this a film several degrees more complex in its portrayal of human (and dragon) goodness ... as well as in giving us a shadowy glimpse of the opposite. So while How to Train Your Dragon 2 is every bit as entertaining and engaging as its predecessor, it's traded some of the whimsical, childlike wonder for a more nuanced--and at times darker--examination of the clash between good and evil. (
Rated 16 Jun 2014
How To Train Your Dragon 2 is a goofy movie for a variety of reasons. For one, it almost seems like it goes out of its way to reinforce the stereotype that kids in animated movies can't have two living parents at the same time. Secondly, the villain is a ridiculous joke, and his scream -- which is about 75% of his communication power -- made me laugh every time. Wtf, Djimon Hounsou? Toothless and Hiccup are a good duo, though. I dig it. The animation is also much improved over the first.
Rated 18 Jun 2014
Fantastic movie that's better than the original. It ticks all the necessary boxes of a god sequel: New character arc, switch out the side characters so we don't hear the same jokes, up the stake, and expand the world. Also refreshing to see some dark elements in an animated movie, added some twist I didn't expect
Rated 06 Oct 2014
I loved 'How to Train Your Dragon'. Sadly, the sequel is pretty bland. What was so great about the first movie were the endearing quiet moments. Here, all we get is action-filled nonsense. I'm not particularly angry with DreamWorks, just indifferent (and, yes, *very* disappointed). [I watched it again, and it's a little better than I initially gave it credit for. Not great, but - once my expectation were set to a more reasonable level - pretty enjoyable.]
Rated 23 Jun 2014
Dreamworks had a tall order trying to reach the heights that they managed with the first film (most were rightfully shocked that they even got that far in the first place, with the bullshit they usually churn out), but this sequel is a worthy effort in almost every way. It's a beautifully crafted world, it's funny, and this installment definitely goes straight for the heart at a couple of different points. This is safely better than anything Pixar has done since TS3.
Rated 05 Jul 2014
More epic, bold, and beautiful than the first film. But less charming.
Rated 23 Jun 2014
Improves on the visuals, but loses a lot in actual plot this time around.
Rated 23 Jun 2014
Nothing to complain about! Does a fine job expanding on the world, characters and themes of the first film. Keep these coming, DreamWorks.
Rated 18 Jun 2014
Seemed a little more broad than the first and the dramatic moments struck me as cheesy more than genuine. Also a whole lot of sequences that seemed ripped directly from the Lion King (which in turn was a rip off of the White Lion as I understand). Nevertheless, this world is a lot of fun and the animation was even better than the stellar animation in the first. Good, solid fun overall.
Rated 23 Jun 2016
Really picks up where the first movie left off. How to Train Your Dragon turned into a really interesting media franchise, and I'm glad I've got a little boy so I have an excuse to watch the series even. Movie does everything you'd hope a sequel to do.
Rated 23 Jan 2015
Bloody hell! Doesn't pull any punches, was tough for me at times so god knows how kids get on. Funny, dramatic and very well performed (although Jay Baruchel seems slightly miss cast with the character now). Frikkin LOVE Toothless.
Rated 30 Dec 2017
Solid sequel, with a good slice of the charm of the first one.
Rated 26 Jun 2014
The second part of "How to Train your Dragon" might not be a masterpiece,but it was still a beautifully and technically made piece of animation. it might not had the first awe-inspiring moments of revelation or universal tone regarding different perspective. It was still a satisfied journey of adventurous narrative and colorful character that at times could relate to. by no means,this dragon-rider sequel is the best sequel coming from Dream works studio since 2004 joyful "Shrek 2".
Rated 22 Jul 2014
Alternate Title: "Oedipus' triumph".
Rated 16 Jul 2014
Hiccup is definitely into leather
Rated 05 Jul 2014
The director of this said his primary influence was The Empire Strikes Back, and it shows -- Hiccup even has a little viking light-saber. As such, the film is good, but flawed, as it lacks Empire's willingness to be the open-ended middle chapter and leave some questions and answers lingering. As such, the film wraps itself up in a nice little bow, making this adventure feel less special and giving the third film no reason to exist. It's a shame, because these films are great otherwise.
Rated 30 Jun 2014
A beautiful film, start-to-finish wonderful. Where to begin? The lush, colourful visuals. The heart-rending journey of Hiccup and Toothless, whose lives are forever changed by the genuinely brave steps the plot takes. The utterly compelling action sequences, intense but never chaotic, keeping your mind thoroughly engaged alongside the visceral intensity. And the insanely heartwarming background antics of Toothless, the witty screenplay, the surfeit of freaking adorable dragons.
Rated 12 Mar 2015
A solid follow-up to the surprisingly great first chapter. The humor is spot-on, the voice-acting is never too annoying, and the animation is excellent.
Rated 23 Jun 2014
How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a better film than its predecessor, which was also a good -- if not great -- film. It's funny, charming, action-packed, a little scary, emotionally resonate, and absolutely gorgeous from start to finish. It struggles in the story department, and it's not particularly suspenseful, but it's well worth seeing. It's an improvement on something that was already good, and that's what you want out of a sequel. This is an enjoyable movie for both children and adults.
Rated 28 Jun 2014
This is an absolutely stunningly gorgeous film. Dreamworks' animation in the HTTYD films keeps blowing me away. As someone who is a big dragon nerd, watching Toothless move and emote is a joy to behold. And the textures and detail in this film.. hnng. So good. Story-wise it is quite strong, though the first one still has a special place in my heart. This sequel isn't afraid to be darker than the first film, and it certainly delivers some emotional blows. Go and see it on the big screen!
Rated 06 Sep 2014
An excellent sequel. If you like the first you should definitely watch this one too. Great fun.
Rated 04 Feb 2018
More excellent animation. Good family fun.
Rated 19 Jun 2014
Stunning animation with a mediocre story.
Rated 07 Apr 2015
Rated 27 Oct 2014
Unfortunately, I'm quite disappointed with this installment. It's decent entertainment, sure, but definitely not in the same league as the first one. Every aspect but one is simply a bit poorer than in the first one. The only better thing in this was the minimal, but nonetheless, increase in bagpipe music. - Good
Rated 05 Jul 2014
Generally entertaining sequel. I love Toothless a whole lot. Did feel disappointed that Hiccup's mother was built up as this total badass, but ultimately did very little in the final battle.
Rated 30 Nov 2014
There's some interesting developments in the plot that I really cherished and the flight animation has never looked better. I wish more was done with the villains and the design of them.
Rated 28 Jun 2014
I admire that it keeps a good amount of what made the first movie good, while it doesn't re-hash the same story. A lot of it seemed a bit heavy for a kids movie; I mean it goes from "Aww look how cute the baby dragons are" to "'Whoa he's missing an arm!" I'd have also liked to see more development of Hiccup and Astrid's relationship. All in all a good sequel.
Rated 18 Jun 2014
awesome movie
Rated 08 Jul 2014
It's fine, but nowhere near the quality of the first, so a disappointment. Weaker than the first in every aspect in my opinion. I really did not like Cate Blanchett's character, and I found the plot involving Drago pretty disinteresting. By no means a bad film and kids will probably still love it.
Rated 08 Jan 2015
How to Train Your Dragon 2 is a rare example of a sequel that surpasses it's predecessor. Everything that was enjoyable about the first film has progressed, from the scope, character development, incredible animation and spectacular flying sequences, this truly is a superior sequel. But most importantly Hiccup & Toothless are once again the beating heart of the story. This is definitely one of my favorite animated films of 2014 and there's great momentum for a third installment to follow.
Rated 15 Jun 2014
Holy shit.
Rated 05 May 2015
The film has some outstanding set pieces, and hopes for some Shadow of the Colossus-style grandeur and dramatic heft. It succeeds at this in moments, but if the movie would have slowed down to explore those quiet calms-before-the-storms, we'd have a film. Unfortunately, it beats the emotion into you instead of letting it linger. This makes it a little too quaint to be impactful.
Rated 29 Sep 2014
About on par with the first film. Enjoyable characters and its heart is in the right place, but it never breaks free of that feeling that you've seen it all before and while the execution is good it's not all that special.
Rated 19 Oct 2014
I was surprised to like this silly story. Many excellent characters and animations, but also a few poor ones that mar an otherwise very high quality production. They attempt many high and low emotions but only succeed marginally at conveying any intensity. A lot of interesting and fun action, but some shabby or lazy art direction drags it down a few notches. Mostly satisfying and interesting and sometimes funny. Nice voices and music, but some hokey sound effects too.
Rated 02 Jun 2024
My favorite of the trilogy, beautiful and haunting, and very comforting and awesome.
Rated 09 Jun 2020
Not as good as the first one, better than the last one
Rated 25 Aug 2022
He got kinda hot
Rated 08 Sep 2014
I loved that movie as much as the first one, but I'd prefer How To Train Your Dragon stay as one movie. More than a child movie, I have to say, it's a successful project for everybody.
Rated 06 May 2019
Not nearly as good and the twist with his past didn't sit well with me. The film still manages to thrill and entertain, in fact I liked it so much I'm looking forward to seeing part 3.
Rated 02 Sep 2014
A sequel which far surpasses the first film, in scope, character development and emotion. The animation and music were breathtaking, making the flight sequences even more enjoyable. The only problems with it were the somewhat mustache twirling villain, and that stupid girl twin. Other than that, one of my favorite animated films in recent years which makes me want to revisit it soon.
Rated 28 Nov 2014
Doesn't make any sense or go anywhere.
Rated 05 Apr 2019
The mom character feels like a wasted opportunity, but other than that, you'd find little here to fault for a sequel.
Rated 09 Aug 2017
It's not as good as the first one, even though the animation and voice cast are just as great. Its problem is that it got too lost in world-building and forgot to tell an engaging story.
Rated 17 Nov 2014
Pleasant, if a little bland and formulaic. It's let down by a so-so middle act and a listless uninteresting villian. There are however several really nice moments and laughs, the design is again wonderful and the animation impressive. It's a nice companion piece to the first movie and would, if left alone, be a well thought-of duo of family movies. However I expect the DreamWork's to well a truly rinse the franchise now.
Rated 09 Apr 2015
Really good sequel, saw it a while ago but just remembered that I needed to rate it.
Rated 12 Oct 2015
This sequel seems series killer; bad; worse! Only for kids! No story, no action, only emotions!
Rated 16 Aug 2014
Unnecessary sequel. Felt forced.
Rated 15 May 2015
"How to Train Your Dragon 2" is held down by pacing issues, comedic missteps, and script issues that keep it from reaching the heights of its predecessor, but it nonetheless manages to be a powerful and maturely written second chapter in the "Dragons" series.
Rated 13 Nov 2014
For the most part this is a very winning sequel that surpasses the original.
Rated 30 Jan 2016
3- not worth your time, not good
Rated 23 Aug 2023
Solid animated follow-up to the first entry has a touch more emotional heft than the first, but the third act feels severely rushed, with major events being all smushed into like 20 minutes.
Rated 24 Feb 2019
With a two-dimensional villain and weaker script, the sequel to How To Train Your Dragon can't help but pale in comparison to the first. Nevertheless, when it works, it works. It's still heartwarming family-fantasy entertainment with characters most viewers at this point have come to enjoy and won't want to give up this far in.
Rated 02 Sep 2014
Anyone who rates this movie lesser than 100 either does not like it or has high rating standards i.e never gives any movie 100 similar to a teacher who never gives full marks.In other words, in the latter case he/she is a snob.
Rated 03 Sep 2014
Look at all those dragons!!...Doing absolutely nothing. Lazy laaazy writing with some good moments littered throughout makes for a mildly entertaining movie but a bad story.
Rated 14 Aug 2022
I don't understand how the first movie charmed me so thoroughly and the second movie left me so cold, but there it is. I never cared about any of the characters, even the ones I already knew. The villain was silly and forgettable, and the other dragonrider storyline... listen, you can't show me someone and say "look, they love & care for dragons, they're good!" and then tell me "oh and also they abandoned a child, but look! DRAGONS!" and expect me to still like them.
Rated 07 Feb 2019
It's rare that a sequel can keep up, well, this one does, an it does really well. The expansion of the world and characters is done really well, it holds together and is a full story in itself and still is N enjoyable ride.
Rated 17 Apr 2015
I still don't know how to train my dragon.
Rated 17 Sep 2017
A mess of subplots
Rated 23 Jul 2014
In many ways better than the original but the message it delivers is oddly muddled and not very good.
Rated 04 Nov 2014
The only black dude in this was a vicious warlord who couldn't be reasoned with? Sigh...
Rated 19 Oct 2015
Love Animation :)
Rated 18 Nov 2021
Disappointing sequel. Alas.
Rated 09 Feb 2020
Dull sequel again suffers from sometimes too hectic pacing and vocal performances, with all and sundry overdirected to hammer home every joke to its audience. Lightweight and innocuous enough in its messages to be passable, with Blanchett adding little as a "dragonlife" warrior; spectacular CGI animation makes it at least pleasant to look at.
Rated 20 Dec 2014
Loved it almost as much as the first one. It does feel a little samey at times with similar themes about proving to someone that dragons can be trustworthy. I still liked it a lot and enjoy that it's a chilren's movie series willing to have a dark theme I won't mention for spoiler reasons.
Rated 12 Apr 2015
A fine little adventure, just as the first time around. I know it's a tall order for a animated sequel, but the story they're trying to tell would have worked a lot better as live-action and aimed at at least pre-teens rather than 7 year olds.
Rated 04 Jul 2015
It seems to have lost all the charm of the first, which I recall really enjoying. The supporting kid characters are annoying as hell this time around!
Rated 05 Jul 2014
very good quality animation but fails to reach the heights of the first film
Rated 09 Oct 2021
The less far more adult and less fantastic story - propelled by themes of identity, inheritance and domination are less likely to resonate with children who haven't grown with the series, but there's plenty here for mature audiences.
Rated 21 Nov 2016
Step down from the first
Rated 27 Jul 2015
Nice sequel, in the same mood, and fuck yeah, some dragons have some really stupid faces!!!
Rated 19 Nov 2014
Not much in the way of the substance here. Not as charming as the first yet still holds a bit of charm. Watchable.
Rated 26 Jan 2015
Surprisingly manages to improve from the first one. The Empire Strikes Back - influences are quite clearly visible.
Rated 02 Jan 2019
W4E1P1S1V2M2A1R1. A decent follow up to the original, though a little bit too redundant in many ways. Happy for the redundancy in the score and animation, though, which are still great.
Rated 24 Mar 2016
I just hope there isn't a third one, this one was not actually needed.
Rated 18 Oct 2014
beautiful animation.. almost as good as the first one, hope to see more of it
Rated 16 Apr 2021
Damn Jay Baruchel's voice is grating. The movie on a whole is inoffensive and watchable.
Rated 27 Jan 2021
Liked it more than its predecessor
Rated 20 Jun 2014
Baruchel is never going to outdo Hiccup.
Rated 05 Jul 2014
A big step-up from the original, with some impressive and interesting art direction, a less generic fantasy setting, some brilliant sequences (especially in the second act) and some storytelling moves which really push the dramatic boundaries of a film like this, without falling into the Pixar trap of being essentially for adults or overtly tugging at heartstrings. The animation is absolutely brilliant, and the character development is good for a sequel too - things are kinda complex sometimes!
Rated 09 Jun 2016
Not bad but could have been stronger. Astrid got demoted to the background group. Spoiler: The story felt rushed, the ending was too close to the death of a main character.
Rated 18 Aug 2015
An absolute delight, even better than the first film; a gorgeously animated ode to peacemaking, nonconformity, and sticking to your principles in the face of ultimate adversity.
Rated 27 Feb 2015
It's checks all the right boxes, but it definitely lacks a lot of the charm of the first.
Rated 23 Mar 2015
Amazing visuals in this one, they did a good job of expanding their universe. leaves me wanting to explore more alpha dragon hives.
Rated 26 Jul 2015
Rated 02 Sep 2014
More of the same, really, but considering how beautifully animated, genuine and funny the original was, how can I complain? Although it has no reason to reinvent the wheel, it does make a good effort in world building and raising the stakes. The villain is terribly one dimensional, which is unfortunate, but the heroes are all likeable and compelling enough.
Rated 22 Nov 2014
The thematic richness that made the first film surprisingly good is largely missing in this sequel which often mistakes mawkish sentimentality for emotional truths.
Rated 30 Jan 2015
Scottish/Irish/Jamaican(?!) Christian monarchist vikings in a tired rehash. In contrast to the first movie, the sequel doesn't try to have a message or a moral to the story, and the godlike "alphas" exist only as plot devices and come and go without explanation.
Rated 10 Dec 2014
very well made. original concept, i didn't see the first one jet so.


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