Hotel Mumbai
Hotel Mumbai
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Hotel Mumbai

Hotel Mumbai

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
2h 3m
Hotel Mumbai tells the astonishing true story of the victims and survivors of the devastating attacks on Mumbai in 2008. A story which fearlessly tackles the defining global issues of our time. A story about ordinary people. Real people. People of all races, all colours, all creeds, binding together in a gruelling fight for survival. A story that celebrates humanity's highest ideals - compassion, courage, resilience and an unwavering desire to live. (imdb)

Hotel Mumbai

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
2h 3m
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Avg Percentile 57.79% from 301 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 06 Mar 2019
Another human tragedy “ripped from the headlines” film used as a vehicle for easy emotions and cheap thrills. “Low Hanging Fruit” would be an apt alternate title.
Rated 20 Feb 2019
Unpleasant in every sense. Often intense but shamelessly staged as a pumped up action movie.
Rated 05 Dec 2019
Unpleasantly manipulative and shallow "terror porn" movie is at least well-filmed, but at this point there have been enough powerful cinematic (and real world) depictions of violent, terrorism related carnage that this fairly superficial accounting doesn't really pass muster; not helped by the attempts to supercharge certain scenes and characters for "DIE HARD" dramatic effect (the opening "Based on 'true events'" is an ominous harbinger).
Rated 30 Jun 2019
It feels unnecessary to make a film so brutal about a true story that took place only a decade prior. It feels like it’s trying to be an action thriller instead of telling the story, but it passed the time and had some clever scenes.
Rated 05 Jun 2019
There's absolutely no way this is a true story. The terrorist attack sure. The character decisions? Only people who get moved forward because they're pawns in a movie plot act like that. The violence was brutal, the depiction of the terrorists however, childish. They should have left out the terrorist half-assed backstories and motivations completely and it would have felt more real.
Rated 07 Apr 2019
A harrowing film that has no qualms displaying the viscerality of terrorism. The gore elevates the drama perfectly - it creates a genuine sense of terror in the main cast generating greater cause for tension. On the other hand, the characterization is a bit thin and there could have been more coherency and exploration of the terrorist motivations. Speaking of which, why are people claiming this film is Islamophobic? If anything the film is the opposite.
Rated 11 May 2024
Not sure how accurate it is to the real events nor I really care. While the cast is game, the movie doesn't really do much with them; it's more interested in showcasing the violence and pointless death over and over.
Rated 29 Nov 2023
Yikes. Workmanlike, but nonetheless very effective direction. Judging it for what it is, an excellent film.
Rated 05 Oct 2022
Solid 7.4. Horrifying account of true events. Well acted, palpable sense of dread developed throughout.
Rated 28 May 2022
This is a pretty decent action thriller film. I remember seeing the live news footage when this particular attack happened - it was a scary time. The film fetaures a decent cast and lots of tension. There's the usual thing of text and photos/library footage shown at the end of the film, before the final credits, to finish the story and put a bit of context to things. Not a bad film at didn't feel/seem disrespectful to what was a tragic and very scary time to live through. Recommended.
Rated 03 Apr 2022
Adheres to the disaster movie formula to a T.
Rated 17 Oct 2021
Takes a sort of Irwin Allen disaster film approach, introducing us to key staff and then unleashing the violence. When violence occurs, it's quick and brutal, and the film does a very good job of depicting the psychological terror. It doesn't really do any more than this. While it does depict the actual gunmen as somewhat naïve puppets of greater forces, it does not put these events in any greater historical context. It's a fine example of fairly limited ambitions executed masterfully.
Rated 27 Sep 2021
Оценка - 60 Общая - 67 Нарратив - 3 Сценарий - 2 Сюжет - 3 Постановка - 3 Целостность - 4 Монтаж - 3 Выполнение своей цели - 5 Флоу - 4 Жанр - 4 Атмосфера - 4 Эмоции - 4 Актерская игра - 3 Саундтрек - 3 Синематографи - 3 Визуал - 2 Звук - 5 Продакшн дизайн - 3 Костюмы - 3
Rated 06 Aug 2021
Rated 04 Jan 2020
What an amazing film. Unless you are going to swap the perpetrators to Coptic Christians bombing a Buddhist hotel in the middle of Tibet (or some other less sensitive religious combination), I am not sure how you could make this anything other than a story of mindless Islamic terrorism. Sure, I doubt any of the action happened, or any of the characters acted as portrayed (in the same way as the characters in Titanic were a fiction), but the story was a compelling tour de force from start to end
Rated 26 Nov 2019
A bit un-heart-felt, dry and formulaic. It could have used some more historical details-facts and or more hollywood glitter
Rated 20 Nov 2019
amazing film and story based on real events.
Rated 08 Jul 2019
An unflinching look into the horror that a calculated terrorist attack leaves in its wake. Patel is the likable relatable face as a family man who does all he can to save as many lives as possible. Isaac's Russian Spy character was a bit overwhelming through out but he got one last heroic scene before his demise. It's a very emotional film as it is relentless in the depiction of violence in order to capture the atmosphere and the realism of a hostage/terrorist situation.
Rated 28 Jun 2019
2008 yılı Deccan Mücahidin, Hindistan'da yaşanan terör olaylarını Taj otelindeki vahşeti izliyoruz. 4 kişilik terörist, taramalı silahlar ve el bombalarıyla yaptığı ölümü abartısız izliyoruz. Soluksuz izlenilecek 1 film. Çok fazla kan yok. Korkuyu içinize işlediği 1 film. Fakat panik olmaktan mıdır? Bilinmez. Filmde aşırı saçma sahneler var. Mesela çıkış yolu olan 1 yerde niye salonda tıkılıp kalınmış. Terörün dini, dili, ırkı, coğrafyası yoktur.


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