Hobo with a Shotgun
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Hobo with a Shotgun

1h 26m
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Avg Percentile 41.47% from 1100 total ratings

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Rated 05 Apr 2011
A shockingly realistic account of life in Maritime Canada.
Rated 31 Mar 2011
Awesomely hilarious gory action flick starring Rutger Hauer as the nameless titular hobo. While Machete was a decent homage to exploitation flicks, this one feels like the real thing...sleazy, cheap, over the top, and gratuitously violent. Hauer makes the perfect choice to never let on that he's in on the joke, playing the hobo straight as a somewhat confused and frightened old man surrounded by total insanity.
Rated 07 Apr 2011
In many ways this is the best of the recent "Grindhouse" pictures in that it plays its ridiculousness straight. Hauer especially grounds himself firmly in the face of chaos, delivering a ridiculous soliloquy about grizzly bears (as a metaphor for himself) as if it's the most serious thing he's ever read. It just makes it that much funnier, while the rest of the cast goes wild with their over-the-top roles. The neon aesthetic & graphic gore are the cherry on top of this deliciously absurd sundae.
Rated 17 Sep 2011
Of all the films in the recent Grindhouse revival, "Hobo" is the only film that seems like it was plucked straight from the sleezier side of the 70s, even if it does feel more like a Troma movie at times. Possibly one of the most entertaining films of the year so far, this features everything an exploitation fan could ask for and more. "I'm gonna sleep in your bloody carcasses tonight!"
Rated 16 Apr 2011
Hobo with a Shotgun blows away any of the other recent grindhouse or exploitation films and then keeps on going down path after path that you didn't think they'd actually go down and get away with. Filled with boatloads of black humour and one-liners, this movie is absolutely hilarious if you can get past or accept the ridiculous blood and gore. Everything is so ridiculously over the top that it's easier to accept than if it had been played straight. A true classic of Canadian cinema.
Rated 09 Jun 2012
As soon as this became a film about heads being ripped off, blood fountains gushing out of peoples' crotches, and fingers getting macerated in lawnmowers, I knew I had to love it. The humourously sadistic OTT violence is judged to perfection, while the dialogue and energy of each scene reveal that the people making it are having as good a time as they want you to have watching it. Jason Eisener is on the money once again and a young Tarantino would be jealous of his talent.
Rated 19 Apr 2011
Without a doubt this is a far better effort than Machete which quickly became a repetitive and relatively generic movie. Rutger Hauer manages to really give the most charisma despite how utterly absurd it is. He plays his role completely straight which results it far better comedy then if it had been played for laughs. Yes, Hobo with a Shotgun is full of gore but it's so over the top that it's impossible to take seriously. Highly recommended as a comedic take on the grindhouse genre.
Rated 23 Apr 2012
If you want an evening of pure exploitative sadism, you're in for a helluva ride! 'Over the top' doesn't quite fit the bill; this film rips the top off with a meathook and curbstomps the rest into the ground, where it explodes in a shower of blood and guts. It can't be taken seriously and that's exactly why it works. Great neon color scheme, great use of shitty music, and Hauer is delightfully twisted. I give it four burnt out school-buses out of five!
Rated 06 Feb 2012
Loads of gory, tasteless fun! Its no nonsense simplicity, compared to "Planet Terror" for example, completely works in its favour. The casting is perfect too, and it looks great. Displaying an admirable lack of decourm and a spectacuar amount of vino, this is grindhouse done just right.
Rated 11 Apr 2011
"Hobo with a Shotgun" is definitely the best of all Grindhouse adaptions and even better than "Machete". I've never seen that much splatter and gore in a modern movie since a long time and Rutger Hauer is stunning. A Hobo on the verge of a nervous breakdown who cleans up the streets of all the dirty scum? Just amazing. Even a pedophile Santa Clause gets what he deserve and his "statement" about the desperate future of society in the children's ward of the hospital is simply appropriate.
Rated 23 Apr 2012
Watch this with a bunch of friends and laugh your asses off. It's so over the top and so awesome you can not hate this. Rutger Hauer is seriously badass
Rated 26 Nov 2022
Just silly fun watching Rutger Hauer do his thing against the most heinous villains since RoboCop. Molly Dunsworth holds her own opposite him. Did anyone notice that no women (aside from Dunsworth) were physically harmed? Fav scenes: anytime something terrible happens to Dunsworth and the next scene she's back with perfect hair and makeup.
Rated 30 Apr 2011
I can see 20-somethings not 'getting' it. Too bad, because this movie is the pinnacle of awesome-ness, right down to the eye-bleed inducing Technicolor. Why did I give it a 99? What do I look like, a mathematician?
Rated 09 Jul 2012
It's supposed to be a grimy, fun, exploitation film, and it gets two of those three right. The only amount of fun that anybody can get from this movie derives from how dizzy you get from all the grueling eye rolling. Just don't watch this.
Rated 15 Jul 2014
Headache inducing from the word go, with bright over saturated colours melded in odd garish combinations, which are only intensified during the night scenes, where they begin to resemble the cinematic equivalent of a rainbow sundae hurled on tarmac. Trashy on all levels, and insanely over the top, Hobo works mostly on the strength of Hauer's bizarrely committed performance, and for the director's gonzo vision, which is truly uncompromising, for better or worse.
Rated 11 Aug 2011
"When life gives you razor blades, you make a baseball bat covered in razor blades."
Rated 02 May 2011
Gory, with ridiculous kills, and even some crazy badasses (The Plague). It's kind of sad that I felt something during this movie because it's so silly. I think it's just because I naturally feel for homeless people. So it's nice to see the cheesy one liners, the intentional overacting, and the redemption. I also like the speech that Abby gives, that has the line (not exact): "They have the biggest home, the streets. We're in it, so you can show some god damn respect."
Rated 01 Sep 2016
Quite a lot of gory fun, this. Absolutely ludicrous schlock, obviously, but it has a certain over-the-top charm (the baddies are comically evil), and Hauer is excellent value for money. The tone means that the nasty bits never feel too unpleasant, and the quasi-explotation feel works well. Plus, it has the same credits music as the Raccoons cartoon, for some reason.
Rated 16 Jan 2013
Rutger Hauer with a shotgun going around blasting the shit out of assholes is just plain fun. I felt it lost a bit of steam towards the end (the quality of the scenes were inversely proportional to their quantity of dialog), but who doesn't love all that gratuitous violence?
Rated 07 Jul 2011
Amazing grindhouse tribute (or parody? I don't know) that delivers in almost every way. Full of insane moments that would never have made the cut if this had been in the hands of a big Hollywood producer. Some of the performances are a bit erratic, but Rutger Hauer owns the main role and is simply amazing. One of the best movies of 2011 so far.
Rated 03 Apr 2011
And so begins my foray into the films of 2011, and what better way to start it with Hobo with a Shotgun? Hobo with a Shotgun is about as stupid of a movie as it sounds, but it boasts this great saturated neon aesthetic, and hilariously sleazy over the top gore. Hauer plays the titular role straight without a wink to the audience, which is a great decision as it anchors the film. It's not the greatest film ever made, but it's a helluva lot of fun. Score is not a grade.
Rated 18 Jun 2021
Anybody else sing the title of this to the tune of "Girlfriend in a Coma" by The Smiths? I know, I know, it's serious.
Rated 16 Apr 2011
I'd say this is just about a perfect evocation of a mid-80's garbage action movie, up to and including the fact that it's unwatchably ghastly, just like most of the movies it's lampooning/paying homage to. The years have made us forget how thoroughly incompetent flicks like "Exterminator 2" and "The Annihilators" were; luckily, we've now got this thing to remind us. Grotesquely wretched in just about every respect, and it wastes a fairly poignant Hauer performance.
Rated 15 Jun 2012
I expected this movie to be insane and it exceeded my expectations. Some may be put of by how violent it is, but if you can handle the violence then you have a very fun movie. It also plays the grindhouse elements with a straight face unlike say 'Machete'.
Rated 04 Mar 2012
Definitely better than Machete!
Rated 23 Apr 2011
No doubt the single-most bat-shit insane movie I have ever had the pleasure of viewing. What better way to counter-attack a world of absolute insanity, than to act absolutely insane yourself? But it's kind of a lovely thing to see Hobo act so insane but really have an admirable personality, world view, and response to the world around him. He answers chaos with chaos. But the most important thing is, he rolls deep with a boomstick and unlimited ammo. An indulgent delight, does everything right.
Rated 24 Feb 2013
One of the most violent movies I've seen. Also one of the silliest. Hauer is a pleasure to watch and it is a very entertaining movie if you can sit through it. I actually liked the directing quite a bit too. Worth watching at least for the insanity of it all.
Rated 22 Apr 2011
People didn't like this movie? Holy shit. Maybe it's because I watched it with a group, but this is the most fun I've had with a movie in a long time.
Rated 16 Apr 2011
All that one could want from a grindhouse flick: boobs, gore, vulgarity, shotguns. The most surprising aspect of the film was its emotional depth.
Rated 10 Jul 2011
so glad it was made. I really was afraid it wouldn't live up to the trailer.
Rated 28 Aug 2013
i stopped watching this shortly after the hobo got his shotgun.The time I had already invested would have been better spent watching mold grow.Can I meet the people who financed this movie?I have a whole book of movie ideas I wrote in crayon after I got my lobotomy.This is talentless hackery,the kind of movie that people on bathtub speed think is a good idea.5 points for Rutger Hauer, but considering he agreed to be in this, he probably needs more than points-he needs money.
Rated 26 Nov 2013
Batman, minus everything, plus the shotgun.
Rated 13 Feb 2011
This film is very much in bad taste - and that, to be sure, is the intention. Duplicating the aesthetics, acting style and clichéd elements of B pictures, there's a certain demented brilliance to it all and it's definitely more a tribute than a spoof. This is an awesome part for Hauer and even though the film isn't exactly good, it's cool and very entertaining.
Rated 29 Jul 2012
Rutger Hauer is seriously badass
Rated 12 Jul 2011
Disappointing. The movie is too self conscious (and too blue and orange!) to really be able to pull off what it is trying to do. I think it picks up considerably in the second act where the pace quickens. Massive kudos for the choice of end credits music though, why that hasn't been done before is a mystery to me.
Rated 27 Jun 2012
Rutger Hauer is awesome in this movie. Entertainment all the way through.
Rated 08 Feb 2012
I guess maybe the people giving this a low score expected something different; Hobo with a Shotgun is ridiculous and over-the-top, but it doesn't try or mean to be something other than that. It's a fun time and if you just go into it with the proper expectations, there's no reason to not enjoy it.
Rated 06 Apr 2011
Massive gorefest of a movie that manages to draw a line between "safe" violence(this) and violence for hate's sake(like Bumfights) and strongly condemns the treatment of the homeless. There's a great contrast between the heroes and villains, the two heroes are essentially regular people who think everything is going wrong, the villains are ridiculously over-the-top caricatures. Eventually having villains who are not only mentally impossible, but PHYSICALLY impossible as well.
Rated 10 Nov 2011
Rutger Hauer still has it. In the middle of an intentional cheesefest, he puts in a rock-solid performance as a bum who has had enough. As for the movie itself - very satisfying and pretty much just what I expected. There are tons of inside jokes sprinkled in (tiny incapacitating net FTW!).
Rated 24 Jul 2011
Purposefully bad and silly, Hauer takes it on with gusto. Worth watching once for the ridiculousness of it all.
Rated 25 Jan 2012
Set in some post apocalyptic rebuild society where anarchy reigns a little too freely and the atrophying human dialogue changes trajectory mid sentence, Hobo With a Shotgun is super grunge, mixed with 80's arcade and neon overkill coloring. Spot the forced continuity errors would be a fun drinking game coupled with this film. Rutger Fucking Hauer
Rated 24 Jul 2011
Rutger Hauer is a hobo with a shotgun. Need more? OK, so it's not a good film on it's own but measured as exploitation it works pretty well. The gore is gory, the villans cartoon and the plot blessedly straight-forward. I had fun with this and that's the point. Also, the closing song is "Run With Us" by Lisa Lougheed. From the Racoons. I shit you not.
Rated 07 Apr 2011
The Plague, bitches!
Rated 24 Dec 2014
Having spun off from Rodriguez and Tarantino's gleeful Grindhouse exploitation throwback sandbox, it manages to be cruder, sicker and dumber than anything else from it. It's actually so over-the-top, excessive and outrageous that it's exhausting, pissing on any and every perception of good taste or even production value after about two minutes with neverending senseless perversion and cruelty. I had a pretty good time.
Rated 02 Aug 2012
I can't say I didn't enjoy it some degree, but it wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it would be.
Rated 08 Apr 2011
a few excellent lines and a lot of gore
Rated 18 Mar 2012
Great soundtrack, great look and style but fails to capture the charm of the films it's trying to evoke, and becomes this gorier Hot Shots for the genre. Overall, great fun.
Rated 15 Nov 2011
It's Rutger Hauer. Playing a hobo. With a shotgun. ...That's really all you need to know. Sure I could say it's an over-the-top Taxi Driver with Rutger Hauer instead of Robert DeNiro, a hobo instead of a taxi driver, and a shotgun instead of a revolver. I could tell you it's based on one of the fake trailers for Grindhouse. I could talk about the most garish use of technocolour since the 60s. But ultimately, it's Rutger Hauer in Hobo With A Shotgun. This movie is this movie.
Rated 10 Sep 2012
an ageing Rutger Hauer shows he still has some chops.
Rated 07 Apr 2011
gather your wife and kids, disconnect the phone, bring out the chips and popcorn, lean back and watch this! you'll grow closer as a family, people should do this more often nowadays...yeah right, what ever happened to family values? i mean come on, get together and LOVE each other, man! seriously...
Rated 08 Jul 2011
Beautifully shot with pretty good acting and surprisingly high production value. Also plenty of great one-liners and interesting themes. Easily one of the best Canadian films I've ever seen.
Rated 19 Jan 2012
you get to the point where it's OVER disgusting and it's all fun and games from there.
Rated 08 Oct 2013
I had high expectations for this film when I read it's coming out. I mean it looks like fun neo-grinhouse flick, and bad movies+weed is a match made in heaven. I was wrong. Eisener's sense of humor is simply pathetic. Dialogs gave me brain zaps.
Rated 20 Oct 2011
If you didn't like this movie, then you took it far too seriously. If you have yet to see this, don't be critical, because its not out to win awards, its out to entertain, so give it and yourself a break. Just enjoy it for what it is.
Rated 10 Jan 2012
Hobo with a Shotgun isn't a good film, but it isn't trying to be. It aimed to be terrible, look awful, feel dated, and so on. But that's part of the fun with these kinds of films, and if you enjoy trashy, exploitation movies, you'll probably like this one. Those of you who don't, avoid it at all costs, as you won't have a good time. You might want to head to Canada with a shotgun and shoot the people who made it. Take justice into your own hands.
Rated 01 Jul 2011
Rated 01 Sep 2011
Gets the grindhouse job done, much in the same way Machete did (although I wouldn't rank it as high as the awesome Planet Terror). I laughed when I realized the villain's son/henchman was the kid from Everwood.
Rated 20 Dec 2011
Over the top shit, but that was the point. Great gore effects.
Rated 17 Apr 2011
I really wanted to like this, I am big fan of Hauer, but this is just barely watchable. It's packed with cheesy one-liners and bad acting, except for Hauer. If you're really into Grindhouse like Machete, give this a go. Otherwise skip it.
Rated 29 Apr 2012
By playing it so straight, it has the feel of a bad straight-to-dvd Troma film. I prefer the more tongue-in-cheek approach offered by Grindhouse and Machete.
Rated 16 Mar 2013
Stylistically ace and hitting the right notes when it comes to sadistic ultraviolence, but that basically all you can subtract from this; the hipster of exploitation remakes. Watch some authentic Trauma instead.
Rated 14 Nov 2012
This movie is what you would get if you hired a comic book obsessed 13 year old boy to make a revenge/vigalante movie. Just stupid
Rated 16 Mar 2013
A sort of "Gran Turino" meets "Dead Alive". Great, gory entertainment from start to finish with, surprisingly, real characters that you actually care about. Hauer and Dunsworth brought a lot of charm, wit and emotion to their characters and whilst the film doesnt take itself seriously, the way Hauer portrays the Hobo is simply masterful ... constantly amazed at the insanity around him, totally disgusted by it all, and yea, you believe he might just pick up that goddamn shotgun. Brilliant fun
Rated 10 Apr 2011
Ugly colors and bad acting by everyone but Hauer. Otherwise it was pretty funny stuff.
Rated 24 Jan 2012
5hit yeah this movie has style, all kinds of crazy characters and a quick pace to keep your eyes glued to the set the whole time. Great movie i loved it.
Rated 04 Jul 2014
Misses the mark horribly. The people behind this movie misunderstood what makes grindhouse films so enjoyable and instead delivered a completely joyless experience, nearly nihilistic for no reason. Hobo With a Shotgun is misguided and what was a potentially fun concept, spinning off the fake trailer, is squarndered.
Rated 21 Aug 2011
REAL FUN!!! The best of all Grindhouse adaptions i think :)
Rated 07 Aug 2018
If you don't mind a little violence and gore in your movies, this is a pretty good one. The story is a little crazy, which keep things somewhat different. Hauer is awesome, with his well worn face, this is the role for him. I had a pretty good chuckle with the main baddie being named Drake.
Rated 22 Apr 2013
When a movie is called "Hobo with a Shotgun", one does not expect it to be subtle. It isn't.
Rated 23 Nov 2011
a perfect exploitation grindhouse themed movie
Rated 30 Aug 2011
This should have been a blast but I was doped up on painkillers and a little on the tired side so I'll have to give it another go when healthy again.
Rated 18 Apr 2011
Just a fuckin waste of time...
Rated 04 Jul 2012
Rated 01 Nov 2020
Absolutely amazing, but I knocked it down a bit because, apart from the one liners, I honestly didn't even pay attention to any of the conversations.
Rated 11 Feb 2015
It plays a bit like Sin City meets Natural Born Killers. The aesthetics were pretty authentically grindhouse and the gore was creative. Unfortunately, some of the scenes were just a miss for me.
Rated 16 May 2011
I did not quite know what to expect from this movie - apart from the title , which after having seen the movie : summarizes it quite well . - yet I was amused within minutes after starting it . The story itself is a rather funny one ( according to me ) and even though it's a movie the belongs in the B-genre , it's the kind of movie I enjoy watching . Funny dialogues , lots of -gruesome- yet funny action . So if the title appeals to you : go watch it :).
Rated 12 Nov 2012
I liked the score and some of the lighting and dark humor. It still feels less like an film, or even a tribute to grindhouse films, than a mindless hour and a half of the most disturbing imagery the writer could think of. I still respect its aspirations to make a point about diffusion of responsibility and the way society treats its most vulnerable.
Rated 21 Sep 2013
Its not often you get to see a pedophile santa get a shotgun to the face. I felt dirty for the majority of this film.
Rated 31 Jul 2018
I can do some over-the-top B movies, I can't do this.
Rated 29 Jan 2013
Had so much potential, only to squander it. I think Hauer is actually unhinged, though!
Rated 24 May 2012
Some stuff is really cool.
Rated 22 Dec 2013
Take a drink every time you see some blood.
Rated 04 Mar 2012
I know it's a self-aware throwback to supposed trash/exploitation of yore, but I don't see why that makes it any less stupid and vile.
Rated 25 Jun 2023
Done in the ultra-violent style of something alike Tarantino, it does the 80's colors and mood along with hilarious one-liners and wild violence. The plot is very straightforward because it's got just what the title promises. It was hilarious in some parts and done in a style fitting for this kind of sleazy, ultra-gore movie. It's certainly got some scenes I've never seen in another movie. A school bus and a flamethrower come to mind.
Rated 08 Jun 2018
Way better than I though it would be. I was expecting some smirking ironic kitsch but this is gleefully nasty in the best way. Some hilarious one liners too. The Perturbator to Drive's Chromatics.
Rated 06 Oct 2013
Exploitation, as in exploiting nerds with fascistic tendencies out of their dad's money.
Rated 24 Aug 2013
Bad acting in a trashy film is one thing but so many actors 'doing' bad acting grates to unwatchable.
Rated 12 Apr 2023
Hobo with a Shotgun is such a stupid concept that it should have worked for me but I really didn't enjoy this movie. I did enjoy moments of this movie and I can see where brilliance is trying to shine through but it never really came together for me. There are lots of people out there who will eat up the gratuitous violence of this movie. I don't mind gratuitous violence but I need something more. Hobo gave me more during the later half; comedy, love, hope, etc. It was too late for me.
Rated 16 Aug 2011
Perhaps one of the most unambiguous titles ever conceived - with Hauer playing the eponymous character, it's probably already everything you need to know. Graphic violence makes this not for the squeamish, but under the circumstances, well acted and crafted; Hauer's touching performance, along with the two Tom Cruise impersonators, stands out. Unlike many modern "Grindhouse" films, there is no sign of artificial wear and tear on the "negative" - thankfully. Fun if you're of the mind to enjoy it.
Rated 19 Jul 2011
By all accounts a bad movie. The acting was almost entirely bad and the script was exceptionally ludicrous. It's incredibly gory, and to it's credit there were moments where I said to myself, "I haven't seen that before." It will probably become a cult favorite, but it just wasn't my thing.
Rated 10 Feb 2017
Brightly colored, ultraviolent trash with terrible acting and score. Was probably made by a second year film student. -- With a more capable director, could've been a cult classic.
Rated 20 Jun 2011
Competently made trash.
Rated 17 Jan 2019
It's all blood. Rutger Hauer is all blood. It's a bloody ride what else do you want
Rated 17 Jul 2011
Disturbing. Violently, horrifically disturbing. And this is the kind of thing I normally LIKE.
Rated 21 Jul 2012
It's fun.
Rated 15 Aug 2022
Starring an excellent Rutger Hauer and a great Molly Dunsworth, this is a startling delight: an exploitation film to die for - not only is it exciting throughout, but the gore and violence get stunningly shocking in a way few films can - and yet at heart, despite its hyperboles, a socially aware movie about outsiders, complemented with beautifully retro visuals, occasional jolts of humour, a few awesomely unexpected oddball moments and a potent dose of poignancy. Nothing short of a blast.
Rated 10 Apr 2011
Rated 07 May 2011
This bit of exploitation just didn't connect with me. Is it homage? Parody? The "real" grindhouse movies didn't *try* to be bad. Neither do recent homages like "Death Proof". This movie exists in a weird limbo where it's gleefully trying to be bad, thinking we'll be exhilarated when it succeeds. It's tonally perfect, and the practical effects are fun and inventive, but the movie that holds it all together just isn't good.
Rated 02 Jan 2015
totally perplexed. it is fun, it is cheap, it is bloody. is there any point, value? I should have read Kant's 'Critique of Judgement'.
Rated 21 Jan 2017
Some people got a bed to sleep on, where they can crawl under the covers and have a good night's rest. But other people, they don't got beds at all.


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