Hidden Figures
Hidden Figures
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Hidden Figures

Hidden Figures

Drama, History
2h 7m
A team of African-American women provide NASA with important mathematical data needed to launch the program's first successful space missions.

Hidden Figures

Drama, History
2h 7m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 55.86% from 1991 total ratings

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Rated 28 Jan 2017
An incredible story with great performances, though perhaps a tad sentimental and littered with some unfortunate white savior moments. "Deviation from the norm will be punished until it is exploitable: The Movie." However, it's important that the story be told. Hopefully it will spawn interest in the book that it's based on so people can have more historical context.
Rated 28 Mar 2017
I could watch sassy black women outsmart white people ALL DAY. Almost every scene could end with someone hooting "you go girl"
Rated 07 Feb 2017
I honestly had little to no interest in this movie at first glimpse, but after watching Hidden Figures, I can say that it well deserves the praise and Oscar buzz it's getting this year. Taraji P. Henson stands out above the rest of the cast and the supporting cast is either really good or at least tolerable. The story itself is very interesting and very well told. I never got too bored with it. If you're interested in the overall story and topic, definitely go watch it.
Rated 29 Jan 2017
It can get a bit pantomime in places with the characters but Hidden Figures is a story that needed to be told and it's told well with great performances from the leading ladies (Henson was robbed of an Oscar nod!).
Rated 10 Jan 2017
A very good biopic that's not really breaking any ground in the genre but does have a very good mix of fun to go with it's message regarding gender and race. The three women were great. Costner was great. And surprisingly (to me at least) Jim Parsons was actually quite good. I haven't seen him in anything besides his TV show so I was pleasantly surprised how good he was here. The black person walks into an area full of white people and they all stare in shock trope was a bit overdone.
Rated 03 May 2017
Extremely well-made, with good direction, cinematography, and set design; good special effects and use of archive footage; an excellent cast that gives good performances up and down the line. But it's *so* Hollywood, turning people's experiences of bigotry into a series of dramatic setpieces that don't feel anything like the daily struggle against sexism, racism, and systematic oppression. I'm glad there's finally a movie about these women. I just wish it was less Standard Hollywood Narrative.
Rated 03 Feb 2017
A little heavy on 'stick it to the white man' feel good moments as you got a double dose of Jim Parsons & Kirsten Dunst's caricatures serving the same purpose, but boy what a hoot Hidden Figures (2016) was! Excellent capturing the early times of the space program. A little puzzled by Octavia Spencer getting a Oscar nod and not Taraji P. Henson. With that said, all-round great performances by the dames, including Janelle Monáe, delivering a fine tribute to the black ladies of NASA!
Rated 06 Mar 2017
An important story delivered with emphasis on the positives, which on one hand waters down the obstacles faced by the characters but on the other fosters an atmosphere of optimism and emotionally charged inspiration that leaves a viewer smiling through tears.
Rated 08 Jan 2018
For a movie like this, it's hard to make it feel racially charged without going into melodrama territory, but the movie, more or less, sticks to real personalities, you've got your blatant racist people, closet racist people, and true to life, the majority are either ignorant or just don't care that much. The hardest part for me to wrap my head around is how there were that many black women doing master level mathematics with a high school education at a time where black schools were terrible.
Rated 04 Feb 2017
Had I seen it in time, it would have been comfortably inside my Best of 2016. I certainly see why this was nominated for Best Picture, though I do have to admit that there may not be a standout individual performance in the bunch. Instead, a strong ensemble performance and the thoughtful (if a bit cartoonish at times) treatment of uncomfortable themes and conditions of 1960's America propel it to its excellent score. It may play it safe and fail to break new ground, but it's more than watchable.
Rated 24 Jan 2017
HF is as equally centered on the indignities and discrimination that the three main characters experienced as being POC and women, in addition to the equally pressing tale of The Space Race. The tensions highlighted in this film are more than timely, and it's a well-acted effort towards restoring vital contributions by these incredibly intelligent WOC into the framework of canonical American history. It has some "white savior" and white pandering moments, but is a important-yet-light family film
Rated 13 Jan 2017
Solid biopic. One or two glaring "punched up" overly-dramatic moments that couldn't possibly have actually happened. And once again, a documentary on the subject would have been more informative. But it does its job well.
Rated 11 Jan 2017
Very optimistic message and that what makes the movie great. A simple, but compelling story. It does show some of the ugliness of the time, but could it have done more? It does shows that oppression need to be fought in multiple ways including from the inside. It show blatant and obvious gender and race issues, but also some of the more subtle things. I came out of the theater wanting to learn something new and blaze a path forward.
Rated 23 Jul 2020
Important and good film, though it does have its fair share of typical Hollywood clichés. I find myself more forgiving of those if the story it's based on is worthwhile and interesting to me - which is definitely the case here. So I would easily recommend this, but wonder what a more true to life, less Hollywoodised film about this story would have looked like.
Rated 24 Jan 2020
This movie is so funny politically because every scene is like woman: "I need rights" --> guy: "no" --> woman: "women's rights are good, actually" --> guy: "oh ok, here you go then." Racism is probably why we lost the space race so bad
Rated 20 Feb 2018
Forgettable film about truly remarkable women. Great story packaged in the typical Hollywood formula. Overall it was comically unoffensive and lacked the real depth of despair that I'm sure the actual women felt. It was Disney level watered down. Still, it had some feel good parts and mega budget level polishing. Just left me wanting more.
Rated 26 Sep 2017
Kevin Costner will do any movie where he can fix racism, and this time he lucked into a decent one
Rated 29 Aug 2017
An important story, but maybe not the weightiest of adaptations. It felt like they were holding something back, glossing over something painful in order to get to the happy ending and not upset the audience too much.
Rated 12 Aug 2017
Hidden Figures is a wonderful story with three solid leads. While the story is heart warming and necessary for the times, I can't say that the film itself is anything above a paint-by-numbers Hollywood feel-good flick. Too many walking montages, nick of time plot devices, and monologues bog down an otherwise important piece of our history.
Rated 25 Feb 2017
Conventional but compelling story telling of a story that deserves to be told - against an understated background of the inequalities of the time, that make the achievements so inspiring.
Rated 22 Jan 2017
A heartwarming crowd pleaser; feels somewhat like a throwback to DRIVING MISS DAISY in its 'softly-softly' consideration of race issues in America, but the fascinating 'B' story as America races to the moon, and excellent performances all round make the sanitisation forgivable; Henson in particular is a stand-out as the 'everyman'; creating a rock-solid believable 'ordinary' woman subtly fighting back against the norm. Kudos also to Costner's fine work.
Rated 20 Jan 2017
Very amiable, by the numbers, self-help uplift pop ballad equivalent with commited, good thespians, a very nice story, and the unmistakable stench of pleez-pleez-like-me that stinks all of pop now. But you can take your little girls to this one.
Rated 15 Jan 2017
A fascinating story told in a perfectly fine manner.
Rated 12 Jan 2017
Hidden Figures inspires as it entertains. It acknowledges racial divisions while insisting that there's more than one way to fix them. And while it can be crass, its heart is good. (
Rated 09 Jan 2017
It's a story that needs to be told, but doesn't really lend its hand to making an interesting film. It's not entirely boring or anything, but it's nothing more than a straight forward biography tale.
Rated 07 Jan 2017
First Bodyguard, and now this? I think they should have let Kevin handle race politics back in the 60s. He's a neat guy = problem solved.
Rated 01 Sep 2024
You can read elsewhere about the dramatic liberties taken to show the impact of racism, but it didn't bother me too much. Maybe the lead characters have more of a chip on the shoulder than necessary, but the actresses did well regardless. I'm always a sucker for space race as a genre, it's the single most important event in world history as far as I'm concerned. Nice to see it from a perspective that hasn't been told before. Overall, too much human drama and slightly slow/boring.
Rated 08 Apr 2019
If you can look past the American pride in this film, it is actually a pretty good tribute to all the black women in America who were just hidden figures throughout history. Great performance by Taraji P. Henson.
Rated 05 Apr 2019
As much as I admire the history behind the movie, this seems like an agenda movie. Minority fanfare with not much critique and character analysis. Enpowering, yes, but in the same vein that Rambo is to little boys, this is to (self-)entitled little girls.
Rated 07 Nov 2017
I would recommend this movie most on the premise of it featuring African American women in a hugely important role that never received any spotlight in modern history. It highlighted three women and their big achievement with NASA, but it was portrayed in too optimistic of a way, imo. They downplayed prejudice and discrimination of the times and made it seem too easy, but it did make this period drama easy and light to watch. It does make you feel good.
Rated 22 Sep 2017
It's a very risk-averse formula film that doesn't break any new ground, and it's definitely adapted the story so as to make White people not feel so guilty about the whole segregation thing, but it still tells an interesting story and tells it well; with competent directing and great performances from the ensemble cast, not to mention with enough girl power and heart from the filmmaker to avoid it from feeling sterile.
Rated 17 Sep 2017
Can be a bit dry - one wonders if it would have been better as a TV show just to give the plotlines a bit more room to breathe and allow a bit more if their personality to slip through. There is a lot more to the story than you can do in a couple hours.
Rated 17 Sep 2017
A truly incredible story marred by overly sappy Oscar hunting cliches. Still kudos to the cast.
Rated 04 Aug 2017
Oscar-baity, I like this movie more for its ideas than for its execution. Still, it has enough saving graces to make it good.
Rated 30 Jul 2017
I liked the idea of the movie more than the movie itself. All fairly predictable. Maybe read the book instead (assuming there is one!)
Rated 02 Jul 2017
By the numbers treatment of an important moment in the history of the US. Enjoyable, to be sure, but it feels much safer than it probably should (and no doubt did to these three women at the time).
Rated 06 Jun 2017
I mean, it's okay. My favorite parts were how Janelle Monae's character just randomly disappears halfway through and Octavia Spencer is the only person at NASA who can read. I'm pretty sure Pharrell won a contract to do the score for every movie about black people.
Rated 30 Apr 2017
An interesting, well told tale of some very important people
Rated 23 Apr 2017
At first sight, I would have let the movie pass since the movie was set in the 60s and starcast did not seem known. However, reading the glowing reviews and finding out that it is about some brilliant female mathematicians/programmers who turned out to be a driving force behind the US space missions made me change my decision. I was glad that I did. The movie is also relevant from the prevailing racial tensions in the US though things seem much better now then they were back then.
Rated 17 Apr 2017
Entertainment: 3.5 / 4. Spirit: 2/3 -- diligence, optimism, teamwork. Sustainability: 2/3 -- breaking the female glass ceiling and race ceiling.
Rated 16 Apr 2017
Very enjoyable. Lovely characters in a good story. I always enjoy Costner and luckily Parsons pulled off NOT being Sheldon Cooper. *Good
Rated 11 Apr 2017
tbh I'd recommend it for the Dunst-mailbox match cut alone
Rated 31 Mar 2017
Not a bad job. Resisted the urge to have people writing algebra on windows, like every other 'maths is exciting film'. I was expecting the usual, obvious biopic 'cringe' moments, these were mostly avoided. Good story well told.
Rated 28 Mar 2017
Really compelling story where 95% is really well told, but that other 5% including nearly all the use of music is horrid. You can feel the Hollywoodization of the story in the script and direction, and it hurts. Also every time they do math talk it made me cringe. Getting past that isn't too hard, though, as it's a very well acted film whose script balances all three leads exceptionally well, giving each a nice little arc where they each get to be active participants in their success.
Rated 28 Mar 2017
A satisfying movie with an interesting story and characters, where the epic scale of the space race is contrasted with the minutiae of a number of human relationships which (hopefully quite accurately) represent the reality of racial discrimination and changing social attitudes during an important moment in American history. All the performances hit the mark, the casting was good, period detail was nice. The film was just too by-the-book and conventional to deserve a truly standout rating.
Rated 27 Mar 2017
It's the cheapest kind of Oscar-bait, but it's pretty good. Meaning: The writing doesn't go beyond simple-minded (yet very positive) kitsch, but the way it's done (cinematography, score, casting, performances, etc...) rounds it all up and makes for some enjoyable entertainment.
Rated 19 Mar 2017
I realize my pedantry is catching up to me here, but as a space history buff, I had major issues with the liberties they took in telling the stories. The timeframe is completely out of sync, the characters are not that accurate, and there's a lot of extremely dramatized stuff in there just for the sake of the movie. It was, however, a good movie with its feel bad and feel good moments that were well built. If you manage to leave the pedantry behind, it must be really enjoyable.
Rated 25 Feb 2017
I think one of these genius clever woman could easily provide all the mathematical data needed to calculate the orbit, amount and velocity of my vomit - induced by this sugar coated hollywood history adulteration - so that it washes away all the liars of hollywood once and for all. That would be a much bigger service and a much bigger step forward for the human race than landing on the moon.
Rated 25 Feb 2017
Not a story I knew much about so I'm glad I saw this. When your main problem with the film is that you want it to keep going, then it's doing something right. The three main leads are just great and well backed up by the supporting cast.
Rated 24 Feb 2017
I confess I didn't really care for the soundtrack, but otherwise this film is utterly magnificent. It brought me to tears.
Rated 23 Feb 2017
I really enjoyed the movie. I did find the drama side a bit boring and took me out of the immersion, but I understand why it was there. The only reason I have marked it down was I found it a bit preachy and it made out that the black women did every single little thing. Good nonetheless, and the women are finally getting recognition they deserve.
Rated 21 Feb 2017
More like 'Crouching Message, Hidden Story'. What a dud.
Rated 21 Feb 2017
It gets a bit too sentimental at times, and the interpersonal drama isn't anywhere near as compelling as the space-related stuff. I also wasn't huge on the many pop-music montages that really just don't fit that well in a 60's period piece. Nevertheless, this is a solid (if a little white-savior-y), well-acted adaptation of an important story that needed to be told, and I'm glad it's getting wide recognition.
Rated 18 Feb 2017
Though not always certain whether it wants to be an inspirational film or a statement on racial and social issues, Hidden Figures gets over the blatant and over dramatic dialogue in the exposition with solid performances and storytelling, and becomes an inspiring and meaningful tale of overcoming where it seems impossible.
Rated 14 Feb 2017
incredibly predictable and made to be a feel good movie, and it achieves it with an original topic and top notch acting of the ladies
Rated 13 Feb 2017
Important story, but the movie has some trouble balancing between the three women and gets a bit too "heroic" for its own good at times.
Rated 12 Feb 2017
HIDDEN FIGURES is a slick Hollywood historical fantasia that--for once--feels justified in molding and pruning real events to fit its dramatic arc. It successfully balances three compelling lead performances that illustrate not only the film's message about social uplift, but also the politics of America's space program. It might set a record for utterances of "That's just the way it is" in a film, but that just intensifies the impact of its righteous point--that things need not stay the same.
Rated 12 Feb 2017
It's very enjoyable and definitely the most well rounded and accessible films of the nominees for this year. The story is fascinating and well told. It combines historical moments and certain dramatisation quite well. Performances are great all around and the film also has a really fun soundtrack as well. It's perhaps not the first of these stories, but it still remains very relevant today, which is probably a comment on the times now.
Rated 11 Feb 2017
It was fine.
Rated 08 Feb 2017
Rated 01 Feb 2017
I am done giving these films a pass. Hollywood has been making this movie for thirty goddamn years now and I'm done. I'm done with the bloodless direction, I'm done with the characters who, because what they're doing is historically relevant, have to be picture perfect -- devoid of any complexity at all. I'm done. Selma was a recent film that approached this subject matter with fresh eyes and daring depth. I want to see stuff like that. Not what I've already seen twenty times.
Rated 30 Jan 2017
A well done biopic (I am not typically a fan of the genre) with great performances from everyone involved (the three leads really shine, though). Perhaps the strongest part of this film is that there are no racist caricatures. Instead, the film is about white people that unwittingly contribute to a racist system.
Rated 28 Jan 2017
Rated 16 Jan 2017
Pretty darned good.
Rated 10 Jan 2017
This is a very entertaining and well made drama. The three leads all do a great job in this film. The supporting cast is also good here. The script is interesting for the entire film. Overall I would highly recommend this film.
Rated 07 Jan 2017
Not to take away from their genuine accomplishment, but this is an uninspired, simple-minded, sentimental, exaggerated rewriting of history. Yes, there was a whole lot of that which went on for centuries, and a whole lot worse. But almost none of the prejudice happened as portrayed in the movie. RE:
Rated 03 Jan 2017
Did you know that three female African-American mathematicians, working at NASA in 1962, were instrumental in getting the Mercury program into orbit and winning the U.S. space race against the Soviets? Me neither. That's why Hidden Figures is such an instructive and wildly entertaining eye-opener.
Rated 25 Nov 2024
“I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.” ― Stephen Jay Gould. Other than the film's relatively understated exploration of this idea it is pretty pedestrian.
Rated 15 Nov 2024
Pitch perfect in tone. An essential story told in a way that will inspire, move and enlighten. Even if it does have a narrative trajectory that is more than a little familiar, it certainly doesn't explode upon reentry.
Rated 09 Sep 2024
The audience erupted with cheers throughout Hidden Figures. It was reminiscent of the only other time I experienced that kind of excitement in a theatre, when Rocky Balboa triumphed over that formidable Russian in Rocky IV. This film not only inspires but also celebrates the incredible achievements of the women behind NASA's success, creating an electrifying atmosphere that resonates long after the credits roll.
Rated 15 Oct 2023
Rated 18 Aug 2023
I'm probably going to love any space-race movie that provides more factoids about that time period (especially ones I knew little about). I thought the soundtrack was distracting here, and it felt like the important commentary on race was shoehorned into a typical underdog Hollywood cliche. But the performances were strong, and it certainly made me want to read the book for more information.
Rated 29 Jul 2023
Good story, average film
Rated 19 Dec 2022
Interesting story but did I need to be lectured whole time about racism or sexism is bad?
Rated 15 Aug 2022
Couldn't finish. Did give it a shot as the word of mouth was so good, but I have to admit that the drama/history/bio genres are not genres I typically seek out or enjoy.
Rated 14 Jul 2022
Important story and well told even if a couple of scenes are slightly corny.
Rated 05 Jun 2022
One can only feel sorry for the vastly overqualified cast that had to slog though such a disgustingly revisionist crap about racism once more getting abolished back in the day, and of course through the power of a white man.
Rated 28 Nov 2021
Excellent movie
Rated 06 Aug 2021
Rated 09 Jul 2021
The great story of three awesome women who deserve to be known to all and brought into the light. Pioneering math, programming and engineering, while dealing with so much more bullshit than their white male coworkers.
Rated 16 Mar 2021
This ended up being a well-paced, uplifting, and well-acted film that was much more fun to watch than I was expecting. There are some flaws and I wished we got more time with Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson as well as the side characters and their interaction. Also, the book that this was based on featured four women, why were only three of the women featured in the movie?
Rated 13 Feb 2021
Nicely made and well performed, even if it perhaps glazes over it’s more difficult issues without wanting to get its hands too dirty.
Rated 27 Nov 2020
this was a great movie, but what really put it over the top for me was inventing a nice white man and giving him a small helper role. I adore all three of these black women but I really needed that before I could admit it
Rated 21 Feb 2020
Very special and need to bring surface story of African-American capable women in NASA.
Rated 03 Feb 2020
Considering it's a film about ladies doing maths (plus racism) it's really good fun. Absolutely loved the three central performances, particularly Janelle Monae's.
Rated 23 Oct 2018
Hey there's an unresolved plot thread with that Kennedy fellow who gives a speech but is never seen after 1963
Rated 01 Oct 2018
Rated 25 Aug 2018
Loved this movie full of role models for any woman, especially women of color. It was funny and interesting.
Rated 30 May 2018
85.50+1.21+1.50 = 88.21.
Rated 31 Mar 2018
A solid film that tackles a real life inspirational story. Lead by an amazing all star female cast Hidden Figures has all the elements a sucessful drama should have. It had a lead character you could get behind, pacing that kept her story on a linear focus and three acts that each served their purpose in creating the beginning, middle and end of this inspirational drama.
Rated 16 Jan 2018
Not a great but it surely is enjoyable. Everyone is awesome in this movie, especially, beside the main three, Kirsten Dunst.
Rated 28 Dec 2017
A story that needed telling. Shame it was told in such a boring, sentimental and clichéd way.
Rated 03 Dec 2017
Serviceable for what it is, a pretty loose dramatization with broad appeal.
Rated 21 Nov 2017
Rated 27 Oct 2017
Güzel konu, kötü anlatım
Rated 06 Oct 2017
I just love mathematics in movies. White saviour was useless falsification, but just a detail.
Rated 20 Sep 2017
Hidden Figures is a well-acted, feel-good film that is very hard to dislike despite its many flaws. These flaws can be summarised by a lack of subtlety. It's almost as if the film can't decide whether it wants to a biography honouring the women involved, or a soapbox to cry about racism past and present. While definitely a presence during the time period, the film lays it on too thick, almost going as far as to "cure" it by the end. But it's a feel-good film, more than a drama true to history.
Rated 13 Sep 2017
the politics are eye-rollingly blatant at times, but entertaining enough
Rated 04 Jun 2017
Watch: Netflix | A great story with fun actors! Gonna be honest: if the subject wasn't NASA it would be less interesting to me.
Rated 04 May 2017
I've been to math lectures more tense than this. But don't get overexcited, the extremely breathtaking movie Bland Figures is as much about drama as it is about science. What it is really about - is racism. Yet someone had this great idea, that making it nasty, would upset people. And upsetting people is bad. You know what else upsets people? Racism does... only not anymore. This then draws a parallel to Martin Luther King Jr. saying: "I could've had a dream".


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