Your probable score


Drama, Suspense/Thriller
2h 7m
When Ellen, the matriarch of the Graham family, passes away, her daughter's family begins to unravel cryptic and increasingly terrifying secrets about their ancestry. (imdb)


Drama, Suspense/Thriller
2h 7m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 61.27% from 3621 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 11 Jun 2018
Oh baby a film that relies on dread instead of jump scares to instil fear sign me up. I haven’t heard a score so full of dread (lol) since the shining horns baby. On a lighter note I would’ve died if at the end of the film it cut back to the kid smoking pot under the bleachers “dude you okay”
Rated 15 Nov 2019
At times unbearably tense or uncomfortable, this was exactly the kind of horror experience I didn't realise I was missing for a while. There's slow camera movement with long takes, a gripping score, creepy old naked people and it doesn't even use jumpscares. The heavy focus on Serious Drama halfway only helps build toward that satisfying conclusion where everything (tongue)clicks into place.
Rated 17 Oct 2018
This really is just well made all around. I personally thought some of the last act was really chilling, and the film is directed extremely well, with a fantastic score. It's a pretty evil movie and it's quite unsettling, so I don't really know if there's a certain mood you have to be on to want to watch it. Excellent acting and filmmaking all around, good pacing, and it's not at all overly confusing. Good movie, but you're definitely not prepared for it.
Rated 13 Nov 2018
A solid horror flick borrowing from a wide variety of classics, in the process coming up with an amalgum of elements that feel much more original than they really are. But originality is overrated, aside from being extremely difficult to come up with. What "Hereditary" does extremely well is draping a vast majority of scenes with a tension so taut it could stop a bullet, and pulls off an ending I didn't see coming, which is impressive in its own right.
Rated 19 Jun 2018
More like, Herediscary! Sorry, everybody. I'm still recovering from laying out a thousand terrible dad jokes from Father's Day. Ari Aster avoids making an Ari Disaster! Fantastic acting as the worrisome mother from Toni Co-fret! The freaky daughter left me "Chilly," Ms. Shapiro. I Wolffed down everything they gave me about the son, Peter. Big SPOILER ALERT for the untimely demise of Gabriel Byrne. Gabriel Byrne. Byrne. Hmm, I can't think of one for him.
Rated 30 Jun 2023
Want to watch Toni Collette have a nervous breakdown for two hours? This would be a very good movie even if it only had a so-so actress in the lead, but Collette tips it into masterpiece territory. Well, Collette plus whatever twisted hell that spawned Ari Aster’s imagination. I don't know what's happened in this guy’s life, but he’s working through it by traumatizing audiences.
Rated 10 Feb 2019
Really unsettling, really well made. really well acted. I can see this being divisive, but I was hooked. It feels like its influences are obvious (Rosemary's Baby primarily, perhaps), but it all felt fresh, unexpected and intriguing. I found myself trying to understand if the appearance of the colours red and green meant something, Might've been looking a bit too hard. Anyway, modern horror appears to be alive and well. Good work.
Rated 10 Jun 2018
Starts off well, with an intriguing premise, before completely losing the plot and going off the deep end. It piles up the weird stuff to such a ridiculous level that it's just not effective as a horror movie. There is some good stuff here, and it's well acted, but sometimes less is more.
Rated 09 Jun 2018
Greek tragedies are about the punishment for transgressing the law and acting against the tradition. Here, we have an alienated & dysfunctional family unable to grieve properly for their loss (grandma and Charlie). This leads to the brutal punishment of the father & the son (similar to Greek Gods' execution of a punishment in mythology) to recuperate the matriarch's law. Brings a few novelties to the genre eschewing the cliches of classical horror. Dream sequence was one of a kind. Good job.
Rated 30 Jul 2018
Rosemary's Pet Sematary, hmmm? Well, sort of. An absolutely brilliant first half then settles into an admittedly very well-made but not TOO original final act that leaves more questions open than it answers even as it strains to spell out things that didn't need spelling out. I feel bad for saying this, but maybe this one should have just stayed a dark family drama? That said, I was absolutely transfixed for 80% of the movie, and I do like that it kicks it old skool.
Rated 26 Jul 2018
Oh dear. I would love to love this movie for its horrifying core ideas (predetermined tragedy, externalized guilt), amazing performances (Collette for the oscar) & flashes of technical brilliance (first death, dream sequence). However, after the strong first act, the incessant repetition of needless effects & blunt exposition suck all the tension & mystery out of the finale. The inconsistent mix of originality & derivation make it extra frustrating. Aster is one to watch out for.
Rated 27 Jul 2018
For the first 45 minutes or so I was totally emerged in the wonderfully atmospheric world, but then somewhere around the halfway mark the story turned downright pedestrian as most of the ambiguity is done away with in service of a -for the genre- familiar storyline and many of the clever details turn out to be red herrings. More of a well crafted greatest hits of genre tropes than the new horror classic it could have been.
Rated 12 Jul 2018
Stylish, but ... 1) I didn't like Colette's performance 2) The film felt very long 3) The ending sucked
Rated 09 Jun 2018
Hereditary is a deeply unsettling horror film, skillfully relying on the dread of the inevitable rather than the shock of the unexpected. Toni Collette's turn as a heartbroken daughter and mother perfectly balances the tension of her character's maternal role and her gradually unhinging emotional state. Ari Aster's writing and direction evokes the techniques of horror classics, using the camera as a way of peering into this emotionally-charged domestic drama that quickly becomes terrifying
Rated 04 Nov 2018
Most horror movies like to give their viewers breaks in the tension where they can catch their breaths, regain their bearings, and unclench their bladders. These breaks usually involve someone going to the local library to study up on the town's secret past. Here, the audience knows nothing is going to scare them. They can relax and prepare for the coming shitstorm. From torturous camera angles to discordant electronica, however, Hereditary is ALL shitstorm. That includes the one in my pants.
Rated 09 Sep 2019
What a bitch, more like her attitudey. Also more like her head, it teary? This had me going for a while with it's artsy approach but lost me at the very end. Shit that's scary - grandma's resting witchface, mom on the ceiling, voodoo dioramas, the regular out-of-shape people just standing there naked *shudders*. Shit that ain't scary - overly specific arbitrary demon lore.
Rated 26 Oct 2018
Baffling horror drama squanders a terrific first half establishing a poignant and unsettling paranormal manifestation of familial grief, before jumping the rails to absurdity, ultimately taking the least interesting path possible to tie up its strange tale. Collette's sustained, intense performance is laudable, but plot developments land her with some unfortunate bad laughs; recurring motif of scenes constructed to look like doll's house miniatures is an interesting idea, but where's the payoff?
Rated 01 Aug 2018
Red Herediherring.
Rated 14 Jul 2018
I'm generally not a fan of most horror films since they're usually kind of dumb, predictable & often feature painfully uninteresting teens as the protagonists. None of that's true here. Although the pacing is a bit slow at times, this takes the time to develop fully realized characters (!) w/ top-notch actors. The director is also incredibly skilled at creating a great deal of highly effective creepiness & dread. He also doesn't muddy his waters to appear deep which makes the climax extra creepy
Rated 25 Jun 2018
On the surface, Hereditary seems like a dumb horror flick. I didn't have the highest expecatations for it and I was pleasantly surprised. I was more moved by how the family handles traumatic and adversity filled moments more than anything. It comes down to being more phycological than I expected, similar to the Babadook from a couple years ago, and for such a slow paced movie, it works extremely well. The ending and how it all comes to fruition is...interesting to say the least. Very solid
Rated 25 Jun 2018
Ari Aster's horror flick is one that I won't soon be living down. In a day and age where horror films aren't often "bite your nails scary," Hereditary absolutely kills its horror aspect with effective scares and chilling tension. The cast is incredible with Toni Collette taking control, however, the real star is behind the camera, with Aster taking on a visually challenging and horrifying new film. Will not be forgotten.
Rated 10 Jun 2018
An absolute clinic on how to ratchet up a sense of dread and Hereditary does it so well it is literally uncomfortable. I cannot recall many films that made me this uneasy. Toni Collette is the glue that holds everything together with a blistering performance that goes from zero to bonkers at frightening speed.
Rated 10 Jun 2018
A horror that is quite exhausting with its agonizing moments, right up to the end. I found myself in a constant state of panic and anxiety living through the characters - simple elements support this, whether it be the change in shot/focus, the disturbing sounds, or the score. It feels spotty at times, but the plot almost rejuvenates the horrifying effects in film. The cult-like, ancestral connections with the devil/evil spirit is certainly spooky and well put together.
Rated 08 Jun 2018
Aster, inexplicably confident and bold with his very first feature, has a phenomenal eye for vivid horror imagery and a knack for exploring those little things that crawl right under your skin. More than just a spookshow though, this also manages to be a searing portrayal of inherited pain and the family dysfunction that arises from it. Toni Collette gets a rare leading role worthy of her talent and she tears into it with astonishing visceral power and subtlety in equal measure.
Rated 22 Mar 2018
Rosemary's teenager.
Rated 09 Jan 2019
This is not my normal type of horror film and everything I usually hate and find wrong about a film it does But somehow it manages to work in a strange wonderful way Toni Collette gives an amazing performance
Rated 17 Sep 2018
Dark, gut churning drama gives way to messy horror nonsense that goes completely off the deep end. Which is not all bad, as I'm rather partial to stuff that goes off the deep end. Sadly, they squandered that goodwill by overexplaining the finale in that long, penultimate shot. Still, for a first feature it's an impressively fucked up little film.
Rated 01 Sep 2018
A truly torturous twisting of unbearable family drama and bone-chilling horror, with the strength of the former (great performances all around) providing a deep sense of dread to be accented by the terrifying visuals of the latter. Starts to unravel a bit in the final act, but it's no less riveting thanks to the continued strong cinematography and sound(track). Superbly directed (I don't think I've ever been more on edge or left more horrified than I was with that pivotal accident scene).
Rated 28 Aug 2018
Does anyone know how can someone sell his soul to the devil and how much the price is? Asking for a friend.
Rated 28 Aug 2018
I have a good stomache for horror but this was another level. The acting, the sound design, the cinematography, the gluttal tick.. it all contributed to making this a movie I experienced as pure terror. It was extremely unsettling and I just wanted it to end to be relieved of the nightmare it was watching this.
Rated 26 Aug 2018
Someone must have written about how awfully the horror genre deals with endings. It's such a curse. One a few brilliant ones can overcome it. This is not one of them -it spells everything so much you'd think it's a denounce piece, and its formal gimmicks are left out as loose ends-, but what a genre ride it is.
Rated 24 Aug 2018
For a while, I could barely tell this apart from the swarm of rubbish allegorical haunting movies that has plagued the screen in the last two decades. Ari Aster surprised me. He isn't just a horror film geek, he's a discerning one; harking back to certain 1970s classics, he avoids the common mistake of over-explaining paranormal things. And as the film progresses he comes up with more and more uncannily fresh scares for a genre mired in cliches, culminating in a proper crescendo of terror.
Rated 19 Jun 2018
An excellent mix of almost Leigh-esque family drama and spooks akin to Kill List or The Witch, with two amazing lead performances from Collette and Wolff, a wonderfully atmospheric score, and some genuinely unique visuals. The last quarter isn’t as strong and takes away from the movie’s power a little, but it’s less of a sharp turn off a cliff than it initially appears. Gonna be clicking my tongue for weeks.
Rated 16 Jun 2018
I am rarely uncomfortable being far from the norm in my reaction to a movie. But I am here. This feels good, feels the way it probably should feel, and I'll never deride anything artistic for being different. But I've got to be honest, this just didn't work for me. It's very insistent on its tone, which is good, but then proceeds to shit itself with unrealistic, over the top reactions. I'm not a cynical viewer, I like much more often than dislike. But this made me laugh too much to unsettle me.
Rated 14 Jun 2018
One of the very best horror movies of recent years; a throwback to the slow-burn pacing of 70s horror. It's a truly unsettling experience. I really hope Toni Collette gets an Oscar nod (not to mention the sound design and cinematography). Not for the faint of heart, as you will be thinking about this movie a long time after you leave the theater.
Rated 14 Jun 2018
A completely dull and predictable movie that masquerades as a deep psychological story while being so shallow that it couldn't drown an insect. This ends up being up being a watered down and less interesting version of Babadook with an ending so laughably bad that you'll actually wonder if the movie was a comedy the entire time.
Rated 13 Jun 2018
To provoke terror, every detail matters: the wide framing within the cold, spacious home, the washed out palette, the space to breathe while your clenching your asshole looking at one corner of the frame, and Toni Collette's godlike performance.
Rated 11 Jun 2018
Hereditary is a great horror movie. It does a wonderful job of marrying its horror elements and its themes in order to strengthen both and create an unsettling film that buries deep into your brain and isn't easy to shake. It's strong on the technical side, it has great acting—especially from Toni Collette—and while it runs for just over two hours, it doesn't feel long. It's sometimes a slow burn, but it's never dull, and that burn allows it to build a fantastic sense of atmosphere
Rated 09 Jun 2018
So on a technical level, I bow down to Hereditary. Objectively, the movie is pretty damn incredible - from the opening scenes, I was filled with tension and dread, the cinematography, score, performances and design all combining to create this utterly intense, anxious experience. I initially disliked the ending, but renembering all of the little subliminal touches that brought everything togeyher, it truly clicks. The overall experience is a thrill ride.
Rated 08 Jun 2018
Expertly paced and visualized. Toni Collette is outstanding - with nuanced restraint, evolving to something like manic desperation. My difficulty comes from the let down of such emotional honesty established in the first half. I know it's a genre piece but it's a testament to the family dynamics established early on that I was genuinely emotionally invested. Byrne does a fine job, but his character is the least defined. A satisfactory visual experience overall, though the logic loses me at times
Rated 08 Jun 2018
For better or worse this may be one of the most slow burn horror films I’ve ever seen. It’s really more of a tense and depressing family drama about super unlucky people for like 85% of its runtime before finally introducing horror right near the end. I guess how much you like that will be pretty much how much you like the film. Personally I was really feeling its long runtime by the end. Toni Collette and Alex Wolff give very strong performances.
Rated 07 May 2020
This is definitely not a main stream horror movie. The Mystery Machine won't be showing up at the end, where the gang pulls off the mask off the monster, to reveal it was old man Farnham all along! It's more of a an unwinding cryptic puzzle, that can only be solved once the film ends. I had to retroactively go back and connect the dots to understand it. Great acting and cinematography, and the influence of older horror films can be seen throughout.
Rated 15 Jul 2019
Toni Collette is superb and carries the weight of this patiently unwinding, sinister tale. The visual and aural atmospheres are utterly effective, if one ignores the black-dot CG flies: the darkness literally swims within the eerie, dragging cinematography. The twisted grief of the first half is more compelling than the supernatural finish, but it doesn't feel incongruous. An effective horror flick.
Rated 24 Jun 2019
Oops watched this at 2am and now everything scares me.
Rated 02 Feb 2019
Grief tears great gaping holes, and the attempts to fill them reveal the most severe secrets, pressures, anxieties, and demons. It's a cliche to invoke The Shining for each excellent modern horror piece, but in this film's nervy depiction of familial agitation, the comparison seems appropriate. It's a dreadful movie, its terrors closer to the ground than more standard entries into this genre, at least until it crescendos during the last act into something outrageous and totally fucking metal.
Rated 14 Jan 2019
I am really starting to appreciate A24's commitment to the unnerving. This is a slow burn horror hybrid. It's unsettling and depressing and it lingered with me for a while after viewing. Although not a period piece like The Witch, it feels similarly bleak and hopeless. The whole cast is good, but Collette and Wolff stand out.
Rated 24 Sep 2018
Hereditary is difficult to rate. It’s not very enjoyable, but it’s very well made and unsettling. It’s a slow burn dark family drama for the first half, and gradually shifts more towards straight horror in its second half. The acting is strong all around, with Collette being a standout. I think Ari Aster did a phenomenal job directing this film. A lot of the shots are creative and well done, and the film isn’t littered with jump scares like most horror films.
Rated 23 Aug 2018
They created a very spooky atmosphere, so many points for that. Toni Collette made the most of a crummy role. The pace and music makes this feel drawn out and boring. The horror imagery was not special. The story, plot and premise is ridiculous and unsatisfying. This was simply too full of supernatural nonsense to be great. Also, the ending was pathetic.
Rated 22 Aug 2018
The first hour or so is mostly a really compelling drama about loss and a family falling apart, outside of some ominous music and atmosphere. Because of this, it earns its dread later. I love the way Aster filmed this, mirroring the family with the miniatures, the transitions and camera angles used to do so, to make the house a character. The ending is almost played off as happy/triumphant but is actually the worst thing that could ever happen to the world, great stuff. Collette was amazing.
Rated 21 Aug 2018
Not as scary as some would have you believe, but fantastically acted (by Toni Collette and Alex Wolff especially) and well-made in all departments. Slightly overlong, with an ending that spells out too much, but that can be forgiven.
Rated 21 Aug 2018
That first death scene was so great.
Rated 21 Aug 2018
Gave me similar vibes to "The VVitch". Had a lot of elements I liked including strong performances. A tense gripping ride.
Rated 09 Aug 2018
good movie
Rated 07 Aug 2018
I just couldn't break away from how much I felt like this could've been made by Cassavetes if he were into it. Creepy stuff
Rated 28 Jul 2018
Half family drama that get you to get into the characters, half horror of the ordinary kind that get you scared. But since you care about the characters, you ARE scared. Also, acting on the level not usually seen in horror movies.
Rated 23 Jul 2018
Hereditary really does bring a wide range of emotions to the table, which is exceptional for a horror movie. Moreover, it's shot, lit, scored and acted incredibly well. But story-wise, it goes from The Babadook to Paranormal Activity so quickly that my disappointment ran off the charts. All mystery and tension derived from real-life situations is deflated in favor of cheap horror cliches. Hereditary is interesting – and very well-made in many regards – but ultimately disappointing.
Rated 16 Jul 2018
Surprised me in a good way. Hereditary works on many more levels than recent creepy house films like Insidious or The Babadook, and keeps you guessing to the end. Aster's attention to detail is impressive. I thought killing off the creepy daughter so early was a possible mistake, but in hindsight it didn't matter. Toni Collette is as solid as you would expect, but what makes the movie work so well is how every character, location and plot point contributes equally towards the final destination.
Rated 13 Jul 2018
Shocking, draining, and impeccably directed, but not as wildly unique or innovative as I'd hoped, and it's far more stock than I dreamed a movie with this level of acclaim would be. If you've seen The Witch or It Comes At Night, you know more or less what you're getting into with the slow-burn narrative, moody atmosphere, and striking imagery in service of a fairly conventional set of horror tropes. That said, there are some interesting flavors here (notably the dollhouse/miniature motifs).
Rated 25 Jun 2018
A horror film with quite a bit to chew on, as it's often surprising and pretty much never boring or tiresome. The spooky atmosphere it builds up in the first and last scenes are excellently done (particularly for a debut), though I do wish there was actual ambiguity used for the more supernatural moments, which is when the horror seems to be more alleviated. This quibble aside, this is an inventive and absorbed horror film that's disinterested in how modern horror films are usually made.
Rated 20 Jun 2018
It do really be like that sometimes
Rated 18 Jun 2018
This thriller shocks you in a new way I have not seen before. Scenes blur from day til night at which point the family has to experience some of the most bizarre spiritual occurrences.
Rated 17 Jun 2018
Extremely harrowing, original and well-acted. Genuinely disturbing, be warned.
Rated 16 Jun 2018
Utterly overwhelming, a huge achievement. Could it be the Mulholland Drive of horror movies, presenting just one character's bizarre rationalization of what really happened?
Rated 15 Jun 2018
There's something worth celebrating in the mere existence of something as horrifically inventive as "Hereditary". From start to finish the film's narrative defies explanation, perhaps even more so after having actually seen it, and so consistently subverts what we've come to expect from modern horror that it becomes truly unpredictable. Despite some indelicately handled exposition throughout, Ari Aster's directorial debut is an endlessly unique and genuinely haunting glimpse into the unknown.
Rated 13 Jun 2018
The critics hailed it as a classic, but opnening night audiences gave it a "D+" CinemaScore (that's bad, that's bottom 3% of wide-releases bad). Perplexing. I didn't hate it, but it did seem like a lot of elements just fell flat. There weren't any jump scares I can remember, and nothing had much of an impact (eliciting a "so what?" instead of an "oh shit!"), including the ending which shamelessly rips off that flick from 1968.
Rated 13 Jun 2018
That was messed up. :O
Rated 11 Jun 2018
Over-hyped, but I quite liked it. The direction and cinematography are wonderful. It does have a few truly unnerving moments. It does, however, have some pacing issues. I was really intrigued at the beginning, but during the middle, the film felt a little directionless and I felt dissatisfied. Everything does come together fairly nicely in the third act. I will say that the film is a bit of a puzzle, in a way, and it was fun putting together all the pieces when discussing it afterwards.
Rated 10 Jun 2018
More unsettling than spooky. If the Oscars recognized horror films more often, Collette would be up for an award.
Rated 10 Jun 2018
8/10s of the film is a spiritual successor to The Shining and Collette's performance is among the best of the genre. And yet... the logic is lost once the mystery explains itself. It talks down to us once we know precisely how and what the (demon from) hell is going on. What it gained in mystery it lost in expository relevance, and the lack of mystery in the third act feels like the wind got knocked out of the movie.
Rated 17 Feb 2022
A bunch of really horrible stuff happens to a family and then it turns out it's witches or something stupid. Technically really well made, with some eye catching cinematography and an excellent performance from Toni Colette....but man, the script is dumb and predictable. The second Joan started her "seance" I knew exactly what was going to happen for the rest of it. And it's not really scary at all: Oh look, it's a weird creepy girl just standing in the shadows....again. Fuck off, movie.
Rated 28 Aug 2019
There's an indescribable heightened sense of awareness that permeates every scene of the film, almost as if you're standing in such thin air that you feel aware of your own breathing. Every camera movement slow, deliberate, smooth, the setting itself chillingly unnatural, heightened even further by the ever-present miniature models that mess with even your sense of scale perception. Penderecki would be proud of Colin Stetson's warped score.
Rated 19 Nov 2018
Strong candidate for best horror film of the decade in a period that has seen a resurgence in the art of the scare. The tension starts high and only ratchets up relentlessly higher. Gains as much suspense from its lingering, discomforting camera shots as it does from graphically disturbing imagery. Reminscent of The Shining and Rosemary’s Baby in the best way possible.
Rated 14 Nov 2018
Firstly, let's talk about the cinematography. The gorgeously set-up camerawork channels Kubrick, with the innovating shot movements of Polanski at his best. There's also an admirable level of commitment to occult works that manages to strike a good balance between the audience-friendly Skeleton Key and the esoteric A Dark Song. And the dollhouse motif really ties things up with the ably-constructed ending. A few issues in superficial characterization mar an otherwise stellar piece of cinema.
Rated 12 Nov 2018
The worst thing about this and the Witch is that it makes all the other modern horror movies seem cardboard in comparison. Truly unsettling.
Rated 04 Oct 2018
Toni Collette's good, and it doesn't have stupid jump scares and loud music cues to 'scare' the audience, so that's a plus. But that's as far as my good will extends with this humdrum horror hokum. It's cliched from the start, tries far too hard to be 'unsettling' when in reality it's just boring, then it gets dumb and dumber as it progresses until it just becomes annoying trashy nonsense. Next!
Rated 16 Sep 2018
V FINE! As ambiguity fades & Conc nears, quality dip from 5 to 4*. JUST missed being exceptional. Miniatures inherently unnerving & opening shot gold. 1st 65min = superb setup & as grief drama. POWERFUL acting (Collete ON FIRE & Wolff: V Imp) ?: GB's last scene quite poor & cheap. ?: Slow, calm Dir style, no jump scares. If I'd left @ second candle flared I'd predict end = 'lose ur head for' stunner. Sadly, didn't quite land (or poss I just prefer Alt routes) but STILL V V Good
Rated 02 Sep 2018
Would have preferred a more subtle ending. However this was pretty fucked up in a good way.
Rated 30 Aug 2018
Creative and chilling. One of the best horror movies of the past decade.
Rated 28 Aug 2018
I'm not a big fan of using children in horror movies, but in this case it's very well done. The daughter looks like she just came from one of the 'Hills have eyes' movies. She's creepy as fuck. Although the build-up is quite slow, the finale is something quite 'special'.
Rated 28 Aug 2018
Extremely solid build-up, a (still concrete) story with plenty of plot twists which doesn't overindulge you with background in the beginning or embarrass itself with jump scares. Safe, to a degree in its ambiguity, which is also drawn upon for its mystery and scares. The unfamiliar aspects of the possession kept it fresh. The demon initially sharing the body of the young sister, the HEREDITARY nature of the possession, and coming to discover just who is being haunted and why were all original.
Rated 28 Aug 2018
Definitely one of the best horror films in recent memory. Incredible visual storytelling with some really tense scenes while avoiding old horror cliches.
Rated 25 Aug 2018
A modern horror classic. Reviews comparing Hereditary to The Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby seemed a bit sensational but were fairly spot on.
Rated 24 Aug 2018
*tongue pop*
Rated 17 Aug 2018
A quite good and unnerving modern horror, focused on tension and emotion more than its genre contemporaries; instead of relying on lame tropes, it adds some original thought and perspective to a genre overstuffed with boilerplate spookfests and slashers. The boil it builds is exciting, and could probably stand to lose a minute or two of static, but elements are well composed to make the time ultimately worthwhile and compelling.
Rated 11 Aug 2018
As I've come to expect from Aster, having seen most of his short films, the film is played mostly for cheap gimmicks and shock value rather than narrative intrigue and genuine tension. Combined with his total lack of restraint as a filmmaker and a story that fails to strike any meaningful chord, Hereditary is about as grim and unpleasant an experience I've had at the movies for quite some time, and I don't mean that in a good way.
Rated 06 Aug 2018
Wonderful tension and suspense (and the restraint of not using jump scares) and great performance by Collette, but I felt like the first and second halves were somewhat disconnected.
Rated 03 Aug 2018
The atmosphere is oppressive throughout, in large part due to a great soundtrack. Maybe gets a little too reliant on horror tropes as it nears the climax, but the first two thirds or so are very unpredictable and make the supernatural forces seem volatile in a way horror rarely manages to present them, to the point that a common seance scene had me on the edge of my seat because I had no idea what was gonna happen. Completely unintentionally my 666th title ranked.
Rated 01 Aug 2018
I commend the cinematographer; this looks great. Toni Collette Toni Collettes it up; she would have been more effective had the director restrained her a bit. I did like the scene where the son sits in the car in shock at what he's done, and what immediately follows. That's the only real horror that the movie has to offer. The rest is disposable melodrama. Unintentionally? funny. There's a theory that this is actually a really dry parody of horror movies. Maybe!
Rated 25 Jul 2018
A superbly made, majorly unsettling and scary portrait of a grieving family with deeper mysteries along their heritage. Toni Collette is amazing, as is the rest of the cast.
Rated 03 Jul 2018
Wow! What a great performance by Toni Colette. This was a great movie with some original elements. It was a creepy atmosphere throughout the movie, but not many scares. The ending was a bit suprising, but good!
Rated 01 Jul 2018
Toni Colette is once again a serious Oscar contender, brilliant performance.
Rated 30 Jun 2018
Toni Collette deserves best actress nomination. Scariest movie I have ever seen, great tension buildup from music, reminded me of It Follows music wise. Haunting. A+ for horror, B + for plot
Rated 27 Jun 2018
Great skuff from a complete newcomer. Although parts of the ending get a little rediculous it's still one of the most subtle and unsettling horror flicks in recent years.
Rated 26 Jun 2018
Hereditary is a solid film, laden with all kinds of quality, however: it's overlong, pacing could 've been tigher and more effective, style wise it sometimes feels like oil and water crammed together, the ending being the worst part of the film. You know what they say about horror films with shitty endings, right? You dun goofed! In all seriousness, it is what eventually makes or breaks the film, therefore I cannot award it with '3', good. 'Beast' however is a must watch and underrated.
Rated 21 Jun 2018
Smart, Inventive, and Original, "Hereditary" combines a traditional haunted house story that centered around a family drama with a tale of demonic possession and symbolism. What you get is a slow-burn, disturbing journey of one family descended to madness and eventually hell, quite literally. Toni Colette gave a performance of her career as she steals every scene as the mother who has to cope with being haunted by her own estrange mother. Simply, a horror classic in the making.
Rated 19 Jun 2018
Advertised as an instant horror classic, it was not as scary as I expected. It worked better as a family drama/thriller to me. Some quite intense and horrifying scenes for sure though.
Rated 19 Jun 2018
Hereditary is tense throughout but it isn't really a horror movie until the last 20 minutes.It mostly follows this family's struggle to cope with a tragic event that really sets the movie into motion, and what makes that really riveting is the great writing and the impeccable performances by the entire cast(Toni Collete deserves an Oscar).And when it actually does become a horror movie it's dark,brutal,intense and wonderfully unsettling so you're not going to be disappointed either way.
Rated 18 Jun 2018
A very unsettling psychological horror. The movie creates a building tension that climaxes in the most WTF way that I've seen in some time. People could not keep their laughter at the absurd elements of the film. There is too much in the movie to really grasp in one viewing. Toni Collette is incredible as an achingly haunted woman who is desperately clinging to her family as they all plunge towards surreality. It doesn't frighten you with scares but it disturbs you from the inside.
Rated 17 Jun 2018
Rated 16 Jun 2018
* ı went in blind to this movie and was blown away. The atmosphere it creates with center frame is just amazing. Very well directed and amazingly acted, very good film. I couldn't believe that it was connected well in the end, and for the first time in a movie, what the haracters did made sense, surprising..


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