Guardians of the Galaxy
Guardians of the Galaxy
Your probable score
Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy

Comedy, Sci-fi
2h 1m
In the far reaches of space, an American pilot named Peter Quill finds himself the object of a manhunt after stealing an orb coveted by the villainous Ronan. (imdb)

Guardians of the Galaxy

Comedy, Sci-fi
2h 1m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 59.16% from 9207 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 01 Aug 2014
Okay, this movie was pretty awesome! What makes Guardians of the Galaxy worth watching is the not only the writing, but also it's visuals, cool characters, good sense of humor, music, and the true spirit it has for adventure. It's not afraid to take risks but it is definitely one of the strongest movies I've seen from Marvel and it's full characters who (almost) all stand out. I left the theater very happy and excited for the next MCU film. I can't wait to see more of these characters!
Rated 05 Aug 2014
Great popcorn entertainment, wisely drowning a dull plot in colors, quirk and retro music. The post credit scene really underlined the whole experience for me. This was James Gunn talking directly to a fellow child of the 80s, highlighting the fact that in another life we would have been best friends. But what the hell was up with the first five minutes? Talk about gut-puncher. I sat there with tears streaming down my face, stammering: "I.. I was promised raccoons with machine guns..."
Rated 22 Jul 2015
I realize by hating this movie I officially declare myself old. Like, olde with an 'e' old. I hated all the characters like my grandpappy hates liberals. I hated all the jokes like my nana hates the Barker-less Price is Right. If GotG is what in tarnation this generation's whippersnappers call entertainment, well, brand me a curmudgeon and toss me in a rest home with Wilford Brimley, the Quaker Oats quaker, and that guy in the Werther's Original commercials, because I don't belong out here.
Rated 01 Aug 2014
86th If this wasn't your face during most of it you are a joyless husk
Rated 30 Jul 2014
Star-Lord Pratt breaks through as a leading man, and - while the humor is very hit and miss - his casually comic timing is one of the best things about the film. Cooper also entertains as the animation marvel (there, I did it again!) Rocket Raccoon. Not so happy with the antagonists and the plot (or, the lack of plot, I mean), but Gunn's heck-let's-just-try-stuff looseness of direction gave me a 'Firefly' vibe, and the soundtrack has its own special mojo.
Rated 01 Aug 2014
Guardians of the Galaxy is the best Marvel film to-date. It has great action -- CGI overloaded or not -- it's absolutely hilarious, and despite its weird but interesting cast of characters, you'll care about them and their fates by the point when things begin to get serious. It's different from previous Marvel outings, and that's a good thing. It has a great cast, a light plot -- that keeps things moving and little else -- and is one of the most enjoyable times I've had watching a movie.
Rated 02 Aug 2014
The greatest trick Vin Diesel ever pulled was convincing the world he couldn't act. Bravo sire, a mighty fine performance.
Rated 10 Mar 2016
Marvel goes goofy, and it's awesome. Captures the exact right tone for the space opera material in a way that's reminiscent of the original STAR WARS, while creating bizarre yet immediately likable characters. Totally lives up to the hype.
Rated 12 Aug 2014
Puts the 'fun' in 'fundamental concepts from Marvel's space setting are now introduced, huzzah!'. Taking a risk with a shift from the regular superhero fare and some unusual characters really paid off, with a cool as hell space adventure as a result that immediately made me want more. The cast delivers, there's a ton of details for fans of the comic/movie universe and how cool was Thanos I mean hoo boy bring on that Infinity Gauntlet movie baby!
Rated 01 Aug 2014
A living, breathing comic book and the perfect embodiment of its absurd source material. Star-Lord's false bravado expertly disguises his heart of gold. Rocket is a furious ferret with a Napoleon complex. Groot grounds him like the tree that he is and steals every scene. Gamora and Drax are muscle with funny bones. Comedy, drama, romance, action...there's something for everybody and anybody. The galaxy depicted is diverse like that. Why should its guardians be any different?
Rated 16 Feb 2017
A human space scavenger and his ragtag band of weirdos have to save the Universe from an evil alien who possesses one of the fabled Infinity Stones. It's a big, fun action movie that doesn't have a whole lot going on upstairs, but doesn't really need it. There's a solid cast, plenty of snappy one liners, wacky creatures, and frequent explosive action sequences. You can't go wrong, really.
Rated 01 Sep 2014
After Star Wars misery and John Carpenter of Mars ghastliness - it was a treat to sit through a sci-fi fantasy in the cinema and really truly enjoy it. Part caper/heist movie, sci-fi/fantasy, comedy/parody, super team origins story, it's just a little bit bigger and more surprising than any one or two of those genres combined, and is its own thing - a bonafide blockbuster that feels cool and fresh (if a bit light). Best compared to the Lego movie for its unexpected sense of fun and spectacle.
Rated 16 Aug 2014
What am I missing? This was pretty boring, particularly for a big summer blockbuster like this. It went for outright humor at every opportunity, which makes this more of an action-comedy than a straight action adventure. The problem was that the comedy failed 9 times out of 10. Points for Rocket, who is the only character that provides any consistent laughs. The soundtrack was fun, too.
Rated 01 Aug 2014
"I look around & you know what I see? Losers. I mean, like, folks who have lost stuff." There's GotG's mission statement. The extent to which that sentiment informs its humor and pathos varies across scene & character, but this is a movie about a bunch of ragged misfits who recognize behind each other's neuroses & tendencies to violence a painful loss. Take, for instance, the scene where Star-Lord's prickly father-figure realizes he's been tricked & reacts not with rage but exasperated amusement
Rated 05 Aug 2014
GOTG is the biggest surprise of 2014. Marvel ambitiously took big risks with the source material but the execution is flawless. The characters are all perfectly cast, instantly loveable & absolutely hilarious. Pratt, Saldana, Bautista, Rooker & the impressive voice work of Cooper & Diesel are all brilliant together. And the Awesome Mix Vol. 1 tape is one of the best and most inventive soundtracks of all time. GOTG is pure enjoyment, full of heart and I smiled and laughed from start to finish.
Rated 03 May 2017
The latest chapter in the "Marvel Cinematic Universe" brings us an intergalactic "Avengers"-lite. The biggest difference being not their abilities, but the fact it didn't take 5 movies to set this team up. Instead James Gunn and company hit the ground running with one of the most entertaining sci-fi adventure movies in years. The most impressive thing was not just the awesome world building, but instead the quality introduction to all the charming characters. Best film in the "MCU" released yet.
Rated 12 Sep 2014
The best Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back.
Rated 12 Aug 2014
Another CG-mass-destruction-with-casualties-we-can't-see film that tries to be the new universal event. It's fun as any cartoon kids will adore -- Groot pays homage to Hulk, cute raccoon, little tree; fucking really? --, features elements for nerds, adds a cool soundtrack to hipsters' mixtapes and even stuff for the critics -- losers fight patriarchal figures, recurrent theme on superhero films, and the expected self-conscious in-jokes. The Marvel equivalent of a DreamWorks animation.
Rated 11 Aug 2014
Sort of like if you chopped up a heist movie, mixed it into a comedy-action movie, sprinkled bits and pieces of Star Wars-esque mysticism and scope in, and then executed it all marvelously. (Of course, Star Wars was Kirby-inspired, so I guess they're both getting it from the same place!) It really could have used a few more quiet moments early on, and some of the jokes are pretty dumb (while others are FLAWLESS). Overall, though: FUN.
Rated 10 Aug 2014
One of the most beautiful sci-fi films ever made. Everything looks absolutely fantastic, even during the more mundane scenes. The other stuff is a mishmash of Lucas/Cameron/Whedon that won't fill you up, but never lets you down.
Rated 09 Aug 2014
Starts with five minutes of sadz, but after that it's all Whee! Dancing! Whee! Comedy! Talking racoon! Walking tree! Whee! Music! Whee! Bad guy and blue and green lady! Whee! Prison break montage! Whee! More music! More comedy! Whee! Attack! Whee! Then there's a genuinely touching moment when the whole fleet tries to stop bad guy from landing. And then it's back to Whee! Music! Whee! Kickass! Whee! Purple light! Whee! [spoiler] Whee! Music! Whee! Postcredit scene!
Rated 01 Aug 2014
I am Groot.
Rated 24 Oct 2016
It's not without its conventionalities but remains a very entertaining, amazingly quotable and at times surprisingly moving sci-fi diversion. The five heroes are extremely likable and, with a supporting cast that features John C. Reilly, Glenn Close, Peter Serafinowicz and Benicio Del Toro, as well as a deliciously retro soundtrack, "Guardians Of The Galaxy", at times warm, intimate, sweetly funny, at times reliably action-packed, is quite a ride.
Rated 20 May 2015
Absolutely loved it! I knew nothing of the story going into it, aside from a very vague memory of the raccoon being in comic books, and was rewarded with the finest comic book movie to date. It was funny, it was cool, it had great visuals, great music and great writing ("Nothing goes over my head.") I love all the tie-ins to the rest of the MCU but most of all I love Howard the Duck!
Rated 25 Aug 2014
I hoped for something truly original, for a movie that would actually break free from some of the comicbook-cliches that have troubled nearly every Marvel movie since the MCU started. What I got was a standard issue Marvel movie (ingredients: 1 planet being in jeopardy, 1 huge spaceship crashing into a huge body of water, 1 or more main characters dying but not really, 1 generic villain, and 9999+ generic bad guys who aim like Stormtroopers) with some hit-and-miss oddball humor thrown in.
Rated 08 Aug 2014
A really (good) fucked up kids movie.
Rated 06 Aug 2014
Big dumb fun, done right. Essentially Serenity 2: Electric Boogaloo, but you can never go wrong when you have The Runaways' "Cherry Bomb" playing during the "Let's kick ass" montage. Slips nicely in alongside "Tromeo And Juliet", "Slither" and "Super" on an increasingly impressive resumé.
Rated 05 Aug 2014
Star Wars Episode VII: Guardians of the Galaxy
Rated 04 Aug 2014
Lovable characters (well-played by all involved), good music, a great sense of humor, and an aura of charm and fun make this hard to resist. Underneath all that, some formulaic writing and CGI overload occasionally threaten to detract from the enjoyment. But if Marvel has found a formula good enough to deliver this caliber of a movie, who am I to complain?
Rated 01 Aug 2014
What the fuck is going on with blockbusters this year? Guardians of the Galaxy is another in a string of hits, and really, it's easily the best. It's funny, but appropriately so; it's heartfelt, but not cornily so, and it's full of spectacle, but not Man-of-Steel-oh-god-I-want-to-die so. The only thing keeping it down is its function as a portal to Marvel Cosmic, which renders some characters a tad too simple. But I'll sure as hell be there for the sequel. Ride or die, busta. Wait, shit.
Rated 01 Aug 2014
Just dethroned Avengers as favorite comic book movie. Top notch characterization and casting. Creative sci fi. Themes centered right on where they should be - the middle finger spirit of the outcast. Soul, companionship.
Rated 01 Aug 2014
This is most likely a case of this film not meeting my incredibly high expectations, but I entered the theater super pumped and expecting to be astounded. Unfortunately, I left barely satisfied with what was essentially a generic superhero movie with an aimless plot and hit-or-miss humor. The animation is gorgeous and Pratt's charm as a lead is undeniable, plus it was exciting to see Marvel lovingly adapt sci-fi from comic to film. It was better than the Avengers, but unaffecting nonetheless.
Rated 10 May 2017
Self-consciously takes the all-too-serious pomp and cosmic circumstances of the worst of the superhero subgenre, then throws Redbone into the opening credits. Rarely has there been such an infectious shot-in-the-arm in mainstream cinema. Relies on the audience wanting the characters to stay together - not get all VS. or Civil War on us. In a way, proof positive that nothing goes over the audience's head.
Rated 04 Aug 2016
Colourful loopy fun. The story is pretty tortuously formulaic, inconsequential and instantly forgettable but it has enough heart to pump some good old fashioned entertainment into the two hours. Like the best of Marvel movies it feels like there are some interesting and fun ideas in there that constantly have to fight against the behemoth of lame corporate productisation to shine through. In this case they do however. For the most part. The overtly comedic tone helps a lot.
Rated 02 Jan 2015
In these rotten and postmodern times sticking to rules is the most refreshing thing. In this case it's what to do in order to make your thing fun and entertaining. You alternate the pace between blazingly fast so it's not too boring and comfortingly slow so it's not too overwhelming. You throw in a good dose of humor so it's not only fun but actually funny. And you keep your story simple, stupid but not simple hence stupid. You hire talented people to wrap it in pleasing aesthetics. Done.
Rated 14 Dec 2014
FUCK! This film was almost better than all the hype I gave it! Perfect! Great blend of humor and action. It's a comic book movie that passes itself off as an indy film with a budget. James Gunn worked MAGIC on this movie. The one thing is how unfleshed out the villains are. They don't make any sense. I don't really understand their motivations. But who cares!? I'm having way too much fun!
Rated 10 Dec 2014
Another very entertaining MacGuffin-based romp from the good people at Marvel. This film's main strength lies in its well-realised characters (the casting really seems to work well), and the script flows effectively between the impressive set pieces. Of course it isn't perfect, but it is so much fun it is hard to complain. Good show.
Rated 08 Dec 2014
A touch of flair and occasional wit mean that this rollicking but disposable space adventure yields a little more pleasure than most blockbuster fare. Pretty good for kids.
Rated 23 Nov 2014
Fun-filled space romp with great effects, great soundtrack (the Awesome Mix Tape #1 was a stroke of genius) and a solid line in humour. It doesn't take many risks with the plot, but that's to be expected for the first in a franchise. Leagues better than 90% of Marvel's usually disappointing output. The folk making the new Star Wars trilogy would do well to watch this. Minor gripe: Needed more Karen Gillan, her character was vastly underused.
Rated 16 Nov 2014
Possibly the most expensive iTunes playlist ever put to film.
Rated 26 Oct 2014
Don't even care what else comes out this year. Guardians is by far the years best. What an absolute banger. Succeeds in every way a good action flick should. I've been pretty critical of the Marvel hero series but this is just brilliant. Laughs everywhere, memorable scene upon memorable scene and actual truly great action sequences. Hell, I left the cinema and bought the accompanying lego set. Goes without saying but the soundtrack is a definite ten.
Rated 26 Sep 2014
Where to start? The plot was ridiculous. The script and acting were pretentious and childish. The characters are unique but just plain nutty. With all of that counting against it, it is still a movie well worth watching. It bowls you over with outrageous action, the special effects are horrible and fantastic at the same time. The wit is tiresome, but causes endless smirks and smiles. It's the best bad movie I've seen in a long time. I was riveted to my seat, but groaned frequently.
Rated 29 Aug 2014
SO. MUCH. AWESOME. It's pretty incredible how much fun this movie is. Very well made and pristine CGI quality. Everything about it is great, from the actors to the make up, to the script and story, the soundtrack, etc the list goes on. Like Downey Jr. said it is the best Marvel film to date, there's no denying. It sh-ts all over Avengers, basically. I was lucky enough to view it in 2D, as 3D is a crime against humanity. I am looking very much forward to the sequel. I am Groot, b-tches...!
Rated 17 Aug 2014
I want to write from a critical perspective about this, but all that's coming to mind while I type is how much honest-to-god fun it is.
Rated 14 Aug 2014
Ratings are mostly based on one's expectation. I gave Transcendence 65 (quite good considering my PSI was around 20) because I saw a bad film and expected Troll 3. I gave GoTG 70 because it's well-made and entertaining at times. But when I entered the theatre with the great Brian Michael Bendis-series in mind (who perfected the Star Lord-origin in GoTG #0), disappointment was ensured. The characters felt like talking joke books with little to no personality, which was a real deal breaker to me.
Rated 13 Aug 2014
One of the few movies that features characters so rich the downtime is more enjoyable then the action sequences, which are still entertaining. Fine introduction to what should be a fruitful franchise, but it could've used more scenes of Aubrey Plaza staring directly at the camera with a look of indignation.
Rated 11 Aug 2014
marvel seems to hit the jackpot again: considering the relatively obscure characters, so-so cast and the forgetteble space opera script, guardians comes out swinging. pratt reincarnates "solo" perfectly, and since the tongue never leaves the cheek in this movie, the outlandish setting and cartoon villains are easily overlooked. already waiting for the sequel.
Rated 11 Aug 2014
A highly entertaining mix of sci-fi action and comedy makes Guardians of the Galaxy one of the best Marvel films to date
Rated 10 Aug 2014
Though Guardians of the Galaxy shares many tropes with other MCU films, its greatest asset is it's not a superhero film, but rather a rip-roarin' sci-fi blast -- a sweet treat moviegoers don't get very often, especially one with such resources. It also leans heavily on humor, maybe more than Iron Man 3, and be as cynical as you like but it's a fantastic ride. I'd consider it more of a sister film to Avengers than a lead-in, and fuck it, it's even better than it too. One of the best of the year.
Rated 08 Aug 2014
In the most unlikely place (a relatively-unknown, third-tier comic book) Marvel Studios finds the most freedom and ambition of any MCU movie. The freedom to be irreverent, romantic, goofy, heartwarming, even touching at times, all while never forgetting to be funny. They took characters I didn't know or care about, and 2 hours later, I wanted to hug them all for being in my favorite Marvel movie to date. Phenomenal.
Rated 07 Aug 2014
the story is just as dumb as the rest of these marvel films, however this one NAILS the right combo of cast, characters, humor, and action to compensate. despite being a fan of james gunn, i wasn't expecting much of this at all, but dammit this movie was cool in a way movies have not been in years. and they curse and murder people plenty so it's exhilarating to get away from that uber family friendliness of the rest of the marvel series.
Rated 06 Aug 2014
Star Wars for the new generation. Sporting epic characters, fantastic visuals and quite a few stellar performance. Pratt, Saldana, and Cooper are great in their parts and Groot is fantastic! Bautista is less stellar and Ronan is pretty one-sided. Yet despite this, Guardians comes out on top and is one of my favorite movies this year.
Rated 05 Aug 2014
Gone are the days of the tortured self hating emo heroes, who just wants to be loved and understood. The Guardians are a bunch of a-holes. Egotistic and proud of it. GotG is a rebirth of the happy-go-lucky sci-fi movie. The Guardians live in a bright futuristic world, where a tree can talk and a racoon can have a Napoleon complex. If Han Solo ever had a true heir his name is Peter Quill... but you might know him as Star-Lord. Star-Lord? No..? aww come on!
Rated 03 Aug 2014
The right balance of hilarity and sincerity in the form of a legitimate sci-fi adventure with memorable, colorful characters and you know what I'm gonna stop right here I don't need to defend myself on liking this shit, it's tight as fuck.
Rated 02 Aug 2014
GotG showcases one of the most interesting sci-fi universes the industry has seen in 10 or 20 years, and though that would be enough to give this a movie a go, Gunn's tight direction and tighter script makes this a must-see. I guess you don't need me to tell you that, every other human being is saying the same thing for good reason.
Rated 01 Aug 2014
The tone of this is definitely new marvel style comic writing combined with action slapstick, pop culture references, and millenial type humor. Its "try hard" hip irreverence gets a bit annoying at times. However, it's hard to dislike this and it works as a glue franchise to join together the marvel universe. The plot itself is pretty weak but it's just the introduction franchise so this can be forgiven. Groot and rocket raccoon pretty much steal every scene they are in from the human actors.
Rated 01 Aug 2014
It feels like every comic book super hero (ish) movie now-a-days wants to be Batman. All dark and broody with room for very little silliness or comedy outside of one wise-ass character. This movie does a wonderful job of avoiding that now very boring trend. I got a lot of laughs and enjoyed much of the action. It didn't blow me away and will probably end up being overrated, but it's still very fun which is the reason I go to the movies in the first place. I recommend it.
Rated 24 May 2020
When it came out, I treated as an attempt to squeeze money from the success of the Avengers. The GOTG is a rather obscure corner of Marvel even for a Marvel buff like me. But that obscurity turns out to be its trump card; they went wild with it, and with great results. The mixtape trick was a touch of genius and Drax, Groot, and Rocket (Rocket really reminds me of myself, I really identified with him) were wonderfully depicted. These galactic tales are hard to get right, but they did splendidly.
Rated 20 Nov 2017
This marks a tipping point from where Marvel movies went beyond good, or a touch below amazing action blockbusters to a powerhouse of a franchise approaching mainstream nirvana. Which is quite an achievement for a lesser known group of Marvel characters. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has a long way to fall before they stop getting my money and I pray to god that they can pump out a few dozen of these 70's sound tracked, thrill ride, laugh fests before they get stale.
Rated 06 May 2017
Hey, I finally found a good Marvel movie!
Rated 17 Apr 2017
good movie
Rated 06 Nov 2015
Supremely well directed and tightly paced comic book action movie with spectacular visuals. Perhaps a little light on dramatic content, and certainly lacking in character backstory - but at the same time, it's nice to see a film with strong, positive themes which are tied into the narrative and embodied in the actions of the characters, rather than verbalising them every five minutes. A worthy successor to Star Wars for this generation of kids. Oh - and Dave Bautista was fantastic. Who knew!
Rated 23 Sep 2015
The most colorful movie I've seen, the body paint popped! Chris Pratt's acting isn't stellar when he's not being goofy (the script doesn't help) but David Bautista surprises as a frequent scene-stealer with great straight-faced comedic timing. The retro tunes work but I can't help feeling they were used a bit too often. Jumpy editing left some climactic action sequences a bit flat but at least a consistent theme is followed through to the end - friends are stronger for sharing in their burdens.
Rated 02 Dec 2014
Howard the Duck: Guardian of Mallard Moxie!
Rated 24 Nov 2014
Thank God this movie was a little bit different, because I'm in danger of hitting total Marvel burnout.
Rated 11 Nov 2014
Vin Diesel reprises his role as The Iron Giant, this time disguised as a tree. was the exact same character, with the same ending. I loved seeing Thanos, ever so briefly, but at least he talked. I always knew he'd sound like Josh Brolin! Can't wait until the Infinity Gauntlet is finally created, gonna be oh so sweet!.
Rated 14 Sep 2014
2 hours of rushed zero-stakes setpieces over which 5 characters that are solely introduced via expository dialog somehow bond a magical friendship and become the titular group because...well, they have to, don't they? Most of the vastly overdone puns are lukewarm, everything looks way too artificial and the cast just isn't that great. NO, it's not. Another disney-movie for people who are easily sidetracked by shiny objects and the rape of classic rock music.
Rated 01 Sep 2014
This movie actually made my year. It pulled off the lots, and lot of good humor. The kind of humor that you actually laugh at loud. Not just a smile. Not just a inner heckle. An actual life. It was a play on science fiction and action of all kinds and a breath of fresh air, right from the very beginning. From the very beginning, you know this was going to be something far different from the norm. I don't know of anyone who wouldn't enjoy this fill. I truly did.
Rated 30 Aug 2014
Better than the Avengers, it felt like a Star Wars prequel that we deserved instead of the pile of shit we actually received. Quite funny too, enjoyed every minute.
Rated 21 Aug 2014
The film's best moments, unsurprisingly, are the ones built around the characters & developing their relationships. Fortunately there's enough of this as well as just enough successful stabs at humor & unexpected flashes of sweetness to overcome the plot's stew of done-to-death set-ups and tropes.
Rated 16 Aug 2014
Beat-for-beat a silly Phantom Menace in traditional, rote superhero movie structure, but is elevated by nuanced characters and world-building
Rated 15 Aug 2014
Typical childish Marvel crap only with more (rarely successful) attempts at humor. Story is awful which isn't a big surprise, but action scenes were mediocre and slow motion annoying. Anything good? Decent music and I've spotted Lloyd Kaufman somewhere in the prison crowd. PS. Might be worth watching if you're a child. I'm pretty sure that 10-12 year old edkrak would dig it.
Rated 12 Aug 2014
What "Guardians" really has going for it is that it's willing to have more fun than the average modern super hero movie. Its best moments are actually in the dialogue between the interesting oddballs which make up the main cast, and I especially enjoyed the first half or so when it showed signs of being a more low-key adventure. But then came all the "end of the universe" talk and giant space battles, and what I initially saw as a more subversive comic film became unfortunately bloated.
Rated 10 Aug 2014
A funny action comedy that uses very familiar imagery, downright cliché, as a shorthand way to get the audience "on board" with the setup and world; as unfortunate side-effect, the movie never lets anything permeate and skips over all the minutia, with very few elements fleshed out. So in the end, you do have a functional plot, but it being there is irrelevant since the movie could function without it.
Rated 10 Aug 2014
Okay, I get it. It's funny... check! It got some great visuals... check! It has some great characters? Hmm... okay whatever, check, but other than that, I'm not impressed. It never gets boring, sure, and I definitely had fun with it, BUT! (artistic pause), that was ONLY because I never took it seriously. Then again, neither did Gunn, so I guess that's a positive thing..? Alright, go watch it kids - You'll have fun! - Good.
Rated 10 Aug 2014
Outstanding balance between the humour and adventure. Every character is given opportunity to shine. Any shortcomings are pretty easily ignored because of how gleefully and insanely fun the whole thing is. It's an origin story that eschews the typical trappings of such a story. And while there is a lot of exposition, there are scenes that give hints to the larger workings of the universe at large.
Rated 09 Aug 2014
This movie is a fun filled super hero action ride. Chris Pratt is great in the lead role and the film is filled with many other fun supporting performances. The film is great to look at and there are many well done action sequences. I highly recommend this film.
Rated 08 Aug 2014
The villains are underwhelming, Zoe Saldana is average, the universe isn't that interesting, the exposition and genuine attempts at sentimentality border on ridiculous, and things can get a bit predictable. But you know what? With a cast this strong, and humor this hilarious, these characters negate the problems of the film they're in. I haven't had this much fun with a movie in years, and I more than welcome a franchise. 'Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it.'
Rated 08 Aug 2014
The Avengers is still the best, but this comes pretty close. The entire cast is great, with Dave Bautista being a surprise highlight. The film looks nice, the effects are good & it succeeds in creating a world that's both fantastic and believable. What I appreciate most about the movie is that it's fun, which is what superhero movies should be like, in my opinion. There are plenty of funny moments, good action scenes, & a groovy soundtrack. I loved it and I can't wait to see more of these guys.
Rated 08 Aug 2014
The first film to show that "Marvel" is not a genre. Instead, GotG gives a light-hearted space opera that is one of the summer's best blockbusters. It is popcorn entertainment, but in the best way with its sharp dialogue, exciting set pieces, and great characters. A welcomed, fun film in Marvel's brooding collection of darkness.
Rated 07 Aug 2014
Not bad. Not bad at all. I had fun, but the obvious high-wire stunts took me out of things a little, and throwing together five characters they way they did felt a little rushed. Plus, why is Yondu a space redneck?
Rated 05 Aug 2014
Fucking rad! (and more deserving of a 80s score than anything else this side of 1989)
Rated 05 Aug 2014
A Ghostbusters for my generation, a funny sci-fi movie that is still so verifiably, inimitatbly James Gunn that you just have to love it. Truly, we are all Groot.
Rated 05 Aug 2014
The best Marvel Cinematic Universe film since the series kicked off with Iron Man, with more laughs and originality and visual panache than The Avengers. Damn solid space opera.
Rated 04 Aug 2014
Riduculously enjoyable. MCU goes from strength to strength. It hits every beat wonderfully, retaining a genuine sense of warmth and good humour amidst the balls-out action and neat emotional beats. The characters are obviously a wonderful set, each bringing something compelling and unique to the table, and GOTG does complete justice to their inherent potential. A fun, funny, instant summer classic (with a brilliantly-curated soundtrack, to boot).
Rated 03 Aug 2014
Second best Marvel movie after Avengers, just above Winter Soldier. It's like someone made an excellent Star Wars movie.
Rated 01 Aug 2014
They aced it. Arguably Marvel's liveliest, most untethered offering yet, and unarguably its funniest. Sure, there are some grim moments, and stuff's at stake, but this is basically Marvel's first straight-up comedy, and it's structured as such. Upbeat and unfailingly imaginative; everybody's clearly having a gas, and it couldn't be more infectious.
Rated 01 Aug 2014
The 3D is as ineffective as ever (paying for 3D is a waste of money until it shows some consistency), and the villain is rather forgettable, BUT, it's EXTREMELY entertaining. Good story that contributes well enough to the overall MCU. Very likable characters. Baller-ass soundtrack, and a surprisingly-solid mix of action, drama and comedy (succeeding in not allowing the often-great comedic moments to cut the balls off of sentimental moments). The MCU continues to deliver in a big way. Loved it!
Rated 31 Jul 2014
Dave Bautista was my favorite, he had me laughing at every line. I do like the fun style of rag-tag heroes, refreshing. It moved along, but still felt like it was just act one to a bigger story--one that I'm excited to see more of, but still a little lacking as a stand-alone story. Very funny script, good visuals, good acting. Characters need a little more fleshing out, so hopefully we will get more of that in Part 2.
Rated 31 Jul 2014
A.K.A. the movie Avengers wanted to be.
Rated 23 Jul 2014
This is why Han Solo is not the protagonist of Star Wars.
Rated 17 Apr 2019
An outstanding space adventure that put the new Star Wars trilogy to shame, only because it accomplishes what the legendary space fantasy franchise seems unable to achieve for long now. A light-hearted adventure with quirky characters who quickly grow on you, the signature Marvel action and witty dialogue feel right at home in this film, since it never takes itself too serious. The fast pacing and over-the-top villain sometimes get in the way, but the whole experience is extremely satisfying.
Rated 14 Jul 2015
Follows the same Hollywood blockbuster formula that has been done to death even in the Marvel film empire alone. The only difference being it doesn't take itself as serious at some points, which for a lot of people seems to be refreshing enough to let the film get away with all the clichés, not me though. I didn't enjoy this film, the characters and writing were uninteresting I thought. Didn't like the soundtrack. A slightly better film than most recent Marvel flicks, but that's not saying much
Rated 19 May 2015
A fun and eclectic superhero movie that doesn't take itself too seriously. Humour pops up in the most dramatic of moments, and an awesome retro soundtrack delights as it contrasts with the slick futuristic galactic setting. The five distinct guardians form a gang of outcasts that are easy to root for in what is admittedly a typical and lackluster "stop the bad guy, save the world" type adventure story. Standard plot-line aside, this is an entertaining flick with even an emotional moment or two.
Rated 03 May 2015
A good but largely overrated movie that is far more like the other MCU movies than its fans will ever admit. e: this is kind of a dumb review, it is more MCU-adjacent than some say but it’s also a hoot!
Rated 23 Feb 2015
Top quality sci fi blockbuster fare. Surprisingly the funniest non straight out comedy I've seen in years. The writing and casting is excellent and storyline is solid although as with most Marvel films you just know it's only one piece of the big puzzle.
Rated 08 Feb 2015
The soundtrack makes it, tbh. And GROOT.
Rated 19 Jan 2015
Follows the same plot structure as Star Wars, has many of the same characters, the dog fighting is equivalent to an X wing fight, the list never ends really. And yet despite being a huge ripoff in every conceivable way it is an amazing, fun movie. The cast is great and Vin Diesel was born to do voice over and drive American muscle exclusively. Great soundtrack too. Marvel's best outing to date.
Rated 13 Jan 2015
The best of the Marvel movies, which admittedly isn't all that high praise, but it's fun and funny. It tells an entertaining adventure story without taking itself too seriously and the leads all work well together.
Rated 09 Jan 2015
For my money, more enjoyable than the Avengers films. The ensemble cast is awesome and has great comedic chemistry. Sure, some of the villains just exist to move the story along, but the focus is rightly aimed at the rag-tag team of flawed heroes.


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