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Comedy, Family/Kids
1h 43m
A young kid teams up with the niece of young adult horror author R.L. Stine after the writer's imaginary demons are set free on the town of Madison, Delaware. (imdb)


Comedy, Family/Kids
1h 43m
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Avg Percentile 35% from 625 total ratings

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Rated 12 Jan 2019
Too little for adults here, and it doesn't really adhere to any Goosebumps story, so there's not a lot for anyone who can actually fondly remember them. But as I would expect with any well funded movie, the effects are decent and it has enough going on that you can't call it boring. If you have kids, they'll probably like it, and if you have to watch it with them, it beats ripping out your own nails with a pliers.
Rated 05 Dec 2015
Far funnier and weirder than it had any right to be or that other people seemed to think it was.
Rated 22 Oct 2015
Like the Goosebumps books, it's pretty okay considering that it's squarely aimed at a younger audience. It's definitely full of stupid cliches, and it's more comedy than horror, but there's nothing wrong with that. Most points are attributable to Jack Black's meta version of Stine, who is ridiculous and hilarious ("Let me tell you something about STEVE KING!").
Rated 11 Jan 2016
Watched a bunch of this at a Korean karaoke bar at 1 AM. They were playing a Korean "American Idol"-esque game show, where all the singers wore these far out masks, and then they turned this on. Were rather few people in the bar, so I half suspected they switched on an Eng. lang. thing specifically for moi, which made me feel kind of guilty that someone might be missing out on their show.
Rated 13 Dec 2015
I'm cutting this some slack, simply because this is at least twice as good as a Goosebumps film-adaptation has any right being. Jack Black is in unusual form, and the goofy premise has a retro feel to it - I wish these ridiculous setups would come back in style. You could probably pick this film completely apart, but it has a lot of fun with itself, and I had fun with it too. I'm impressed, and in my opinion this is one of the best films in its category since Jumanji semi-sequel Zathura.
Rated 21 Oct 2015
I wish they used more of the goofier things like the spooky sponge, and hmmm uhhhh *THUNDERCLAP*
Rated 18 Oct 2015
A good, light-hearted, tongue-in-cheek horror-comedy for kids. Jack Black puts in a good comedic performance and it's a surprisingly well-made movie all around.
Rated 05 Nov 2017
I wasn't familiar with 'Goosebumps' but we had a similar book series in Denmark when I was a kid. I loved being transported back there. The humor, the monsters, I love how it's unapologetically a kid's movie. I enjoyed myself. TIL: Jack Black does an uncanny Mark Hamill voice impersonation.
Rated 02 Oct 2017
More entertaining than I expected and Jack Black was great, but I've never read a Goosebumps book and realized halfway through this that I could have written this script.
Rated 12 Oct 2016
I guess I forgot to rank this a little while back. Nonetheless, Goosebumps is a fun and adventurous family-fare. I liked Jack Black (of course) and the 2 leads were okay as well. It does end up getting slightly mellow-dramatic towards the end for me, but it's somewhat rewarding and it really brought the kid out in me.
Rated 14 Jun 2016
I was too old for the original series to have any impact let alone sentimental value for me, this on its own is a pretty silly monsters on the loose type film. That being said, Jack Black gives it his all, and is the best thing about it.
Rated 21 May 2016
I read a lot of Goosebumps books when I was younger and probably would have really liked this movie when I was 12. Unfortunately I am 31 and while I didn't hate it, their blatant and relatively boring attempts to appeal to a pre-teen audience really did nothing for me. Jack Black was pretty great though.
Rated 06 Mar 2016
The plot is entirely based on the spirit of the monsters-invade-town type Goosebumps books, which were always less interesting to me - I preferred more psychological and creepy Goosebumps books like "The Cuckoo Clock of Doom," "Let's Get Invisible," or "Say Cheese and Die." There is a nice tribute to "The Ghost Next Door" that comes close to actually giving the film a bittersweet, emotionally complex ending, but then they chicken out and undo it. Overall, some fun, but disappointing.
Rated 01 Mar 2016
Incredibly, incredibly boring start, couldn't make myself finish the movie.
Rated 25 Dec 2015
This movie will, in short order, be the go-to flick for ABC Family marathons everyone ignores during October.
Rated 06 Dec 2015
Goosebumps (2015)..... was saved by EVIL GARDEN GNOMES!!!
Rated 01 Nov 2015
Not unlike Gremlins, but Letterman ain't Dante. Still a wild, occasionally funny ride. Feels a little rushed, but I'd rather a kids movie be rushed instead of overly long. That kid with the buck teeth has a career as a slapsticky side character ahead of him. Luv u jack black
Rated 05 Nov 2019
For pre-teen horror, this is good. The premise of books bringing their horrors to life is a solid framework to unleash a menagerie of monsters, giving kids a taste of all kinds of fears all at once. It doesn't hurt that this is all sold to us by Jack Black, our most unsung great actor alive.
Rated 25 May 2019
A fun revisiting of the Goosebumps book series with some self aware parts from Jack black. Slappy was too powerful but useless at times. Cops tried too hard. Fav scene: trying to get away on the Olympia
Rated 04 Aug 2018
Cute remake. I love the cgi. Even if it looks like a copy of similar movies like Ink-Heart, it has something to offer. Pretty good movie to watch with your family, friends or spend your free time, you won't regret it.
Rated 24 Jul 2018
I've never read the books, so I don't have the nostalgic factor. Instead I'll judge this by how much it made me want to read the books and the answer is, not a whole bunch. Judging by this story, they are too formulaic and not very well written. So maybe one. Or two, since they seem to be short.
Rated 02 Jul 2018
Goosebumps is relentless and busy. The younger actors are talented but not especially unique. That being said, the movie is consistently funny, well animated, well written and Jack Black kills it as both R.L. Stein and Slappy.
Rated 30 Apr 2018
This was surprisingly funny and cute. Even the kid from 13 Reasons Why couldn't ruin it. Cop in training had the biggest laughs. Needed more Monster Blood.
Rated 14 Apr 2018
Starts off fun if generic and cliched but looses all steam by the midway point and drags itself to a lame finish.
Rated 01 Feb 2018
Much better than I expected. Almost like a PG prequel to Cabin in the Woods.
Rated 31 Jan 2018
I thoroughly enjoyed it. Jack Black makes this film work.
Rated 16 Nov 2017
You could think of this as the third part of the Jumanji trilogy without being at all wrong
Rated 15 Aug 2017
Quite a pleasant surprise: wonderful visuals, three very enjoyable teen actors, an abundance of great - and often wittier than you'd expect - laughs and a terrific performance by Jack Black. Why hide it? I'm an absolute JB fanboy. Even when he's just doing his shtick I totally get my kicks. Here though he was different, believably going from startlingly menacing to comically eccentric, and just having a ball with it. Good fun overall, despite the, maybe inevitably, slightly underwhelming finale.
Rated 10 Aug 2017
okay movie
Rated 09 Aug 2017
It isn't anything new but its meta approach, fun cast and excellent special effects keep it entertaining.
Rated 30 May 2017
Maybe entertaining for 10 year olds ... I thought it was a bit too crowded in the end. More reviews here :
Rated 27 Apr 2017
All the laughs are in the first half but this was nevertheless a great way to honour such a prolific and goofy series
Rated 21 Jan 2017
I felt like this missed its intended audience. The younger generation would have no idea what the books are and for the older, the film is a little too silly to enjoy. Jack Black seems to ham it up a little bit, though it did look like we was enjoying it all. It might have been best to adapt an actual book than create this meta-fluffy non-event. A so-so school holiday film at best.
Rated 10 Jan 2017
Jack Black fires up this crazy-scary-funny film version of R.L. Stine's bestselling kid-lit horror tales.
Rated 31 Jul 2016
An entertaining and nostalgic film that aims itself too much at children who never watched the show or read the books. The protagonist's "friend" is quite annoying, and the score is way too goofy. Despite these flaws, it features a nice twist and keeps you engaged throughout.
Rated 21 May 2016
An uninteresting new kid in town narrative doesn't get much of a boost from the main sci-fi plot: It's one-note (get rid of the monsters!), poorly founded ("one day they became real!"), and doesn't fulfill the potential of its meta aspects (Stine's backstory was left to a couple lines). Meanwhile, Minnette is fine and Black has his moments, but Rush (love interest) is forgettable and Lee (quirky friend) is just plain bad and unfunny. Only the inept cops of two scenes manage to generate laughs.
Rated 19 May 2016
It's cute and worth a watch due to Jack Black's lively performance. The rest of the characters range from boring to annoying, but Jack Black does his best to make up for it.
Rated 15 May 2016
Not enough fantasy to sustain a well-crafted children's horror story, but you gotta give credit to the amount of freaks that come out of Stine's books -- a crazy mummy, zombies that don't eat flesh (!), a talky scientist. Too bad that Letterman just can't give these monters a proper personality -- Slappy is the only exception: the movies relies mostly on comic bits and escape scenes.
Rated 17 Feb 2016
"Let's make a really bland and confused movie. Our intention is to make a movie hinging on nostalgia... we think? What's this about again? Goosebumps? It should be a screwball tween comedy! Why should it be creepy? We'll reference a few titles of the books. Jack Black will be in it. WHY THE SHIT COULDN'T THESE BOOKS BE ABOUT TEENS IN A FARFETCHED DYSTOPIAN FUTURE WHERE THEY MUST REBEL FOR SURVIVAL!?" I did laugh a lot though... There are parts I find really funny and have come to love quoting t
Rated 11 Feb 2016
goosebumps is alongside the likes of pokémon & ff vii in my personal nostalgia pantheon, and the first act struck the perfect tone. didn't mind the shift to jumanji territory (i adore jumanji), but the meta-narrative lacks internal logic, and the references are picked seemingly at random and utilised thoughtlessly with a couple of delightful exceptions. the final pair of twists were telegraphed & nonsensical respectively, but the joke setting them up was good. a mixed bag. spooksville next pls?
Rated 10 Feb 2016
Apart from some nostalgia, it doesn't have much value to me now. The plot and general structure are very by-the-book, but at least the dialogue is decent, with a couple of genuinely funny lines. Black isn't very interesting in this, and I found him also voicing the Slappy character very distracting. One possible reason for waiting this long to do a Goosebumps movie would be the technology, but the CGI in this really isn't very good. A 'good enough' movie for kids, but that's about it
Rated 04 Feb 2016
Well, that movie was exactly what I expected it to be, and I had low expectations. So I guess at least it didn't disappoint me? It's a decent teenage flick, with some kinda funny bits and some decently intense bits. The movie would be better off without Champ, his character is plain annoying. I'm going to have to lower my rating just because of him. Go watch some episodes of Are You Afraid of the Dark instead for some good teenage pseudo-horror stuff.
Rated 03 Feb 2016
A fun and creepy romp. Kind of reminded me of Robert Englund's movie where Freddy haunted him, but for kids. Goosebumps can get truly creepy sometimes, so probably best for ages 10 and up.
Rated 28 Jan 2016
For what it is, which is a horror movie for kids based on the bestselling (and childhood favorite) scary story series, it does a decent job. It's obviously meant for laughs, but some of the thrills are there. The main villain is actually frightening (a talking, murderous, hellbent puppet) and reminded me way too much of Chucky. Comic relief is everywhere and unintelligible actions by many (or all) characters led me to question certain actions, but hey, it's a kids movie.
Rated 21 Jan 2016
There's some wit in this script and even a surprise here and there. I didn't expect that. While I can't say the "Goosebumps: Greatest Hits" approach benefits the movie (or the potential sequel), this is a good romp for kids, and I enjoyed it.
Rated 18 Jan 2016
Black delivers several amusing performances in an otherwise disappointing film. Goosebumps offered a chance for a nostalgia-flick that could have been zany, constantly breaking the forth-wall, and entertaining for adults and children alike. Unfortunately, this film only hints at these aspects, delivering too much mediocre high-school drama, over-used CGI, and style and substance borrowed from better films (like Inkheart/Jumanji). Overall a decent kids TV movie, but nothing more.
Rated 17 Jan 2016
A perfectly watchable and enjoyable tale filled with assorted creatures and monsters doing all sorts of things one would expect from same. It's fun, it's perfect for the whole fam-damily.
Rated 11 Jan 2016
Maybe because I never read the books as a child, it feels like an anti-horror PG version of Bret Easton Ellis's 'Lunar Park'. And a lot of other things. But apart from some very mildly amusing moments, the film really seems utterly devoid of interest, and ultimately cliched and conformist in form and content and text and subtext, with the narrative (and some subplots barely gestured toward) given largely unearned supposed pay-offs and resolutions. Were the books like that?
Rated 07 Jan 2016
All Danny Elfman and no Tim Burton makes Goosebumps a dull movie.
Rated 24 Nov 2015
That's certainly more than you can say about the Brothers Grimm. And the movie hews to the same vibe. A handful of jump scenes might have very young moviegoers surging backward in their chairs. But in the end, you know everything is going to turn out all right, just like those children's movies back in the '70s or '80s before everything was about how graphic you could go and still toss it to kids. (
Rated 11 Nov 2015
The monsters in Goosebumps are pretty entertaining, but the world set up around them is complete kid movie cliche.
Rated 09 Nov 2015
The new kid in town (Dylan Minnette) falls for the girl next door (Odeya Rush), and butts heads with her father (Jack Black)--who happens to be R.L. Stine, who keeps the monsters of his novels locked up in his manuscripts. Of course, they get loose, and everyone must pull together to save their small town from destruction. Generally very energetic and amusing homage to a book series I once loved, with an especially good performance by Black. Marred by one decidedly misguided, illogical subplot.
Rated 02 Nov 2015
I saw this in a rather barren theater with 3 other 20 year olds, so that should tell you something about the success/failure of a movie based entirely on nostalgia.
Rated 29 Oct 2015
A fun kid's film that is like one of those films that you see and go "hm, I enjoyed this" but can't really elaborate on any further.
Rated 22 Oct 2015
Why doesn't he just write the kid a new dad? I don't get it, no stars.
Rated 21 Oct 2015
It actually had decent writing, and there wasn't necessarily anything bad about it. It's just a bit bland is all.
Rated 18 Oct 2015
really funny
Rated 17 Oct 2015
Goosebumps is a loving greatest-hits compilation, but it's little more than that. It's nice that it doesn't have a seething hatred for both its source material and its audience, but that's not enough to make it a good movie. Thanks to a lack of scares or laughs, mediocre special effects, and bad acting from everyone not named "Jack Black," Goosebumps is a movie whose greatest appeal is to children who haven't learned that there are much more sophisticated stories out there.
Rated 16 Oct 2015
It's got its heart in the right place, and kids'll dig it--basically, it wants to be a bright, colorful, scary-funny kiddie classic in the vein of 80's humdingers like GREMLINS and MONSTER SQUAD. It's not scary or funny ENOUGH, though, and the plotting is pretty squishy, and it just sort of sits there. Kids'll dig it, though. Maybe that's enough.
Rated 07 Jul 2024
The lesser 2015 Joe Dante rip (tho there were presumably several dozen more than this and KRAMPUS). The approach in this case seems a little off, material kiddie. Unwilling to get it to even GREMLINS gruesome, or able to get within a mile of GREMLINS 2 funny. Some meta, but words not music. I usually like Jack Black but found him pretty annoying. I usually like Jillian Bell and found her the only funny. I don't think I've reviewed ROOM 104 yet, but she contains multitudes.
Rated 16 Oct 2023
Not silly enough for kids and not enough of that deep, 'Bumps lore for nostalgic adults.
Rated 12 Oct 2023
This would be a good pick for Halloween and also a good introduction to horror/monster flicks for pre-teens. There's nothing too scary or violent, but it's still clearly more mature than something like "Casper". I enjoyed the 1st part more with the small town setting and focus on the characters. 2nd part is too CGI-heavy and while the FX are good, it gets too overwhelming and the characters take the back seat. Jack Black was good and the young stars also did a good job.
Rated 12 Aug 2021
I'm more generous with kids movies, and it was better than the trailers let one believe. Might not be fully appreciated for people who didn't read the books or saw the series since there are references to their concept (more than actual plots), so parents showing the movie to their kid would benefit from giving some context first.
Rated 25 Feb 2021
Somewhat surprisingly Jack Black is the weak link here, but even more surprisingly this is still pretty fun. It takes a bit too long to get going - too much focus on teenage insecurity early on and too few monsters - but once it does get into gear it is entertaining and in some parts quite hilarious. Also seeing Amy Ryan made me want to watch 'The Wire' again.
Rated 20 Dec 2020
ger; [gänsehaut; goosebumps]; ein jugendlicher trifft auf einen horrorautor für erwachsenenliteratur und entlässt versehentlich dessen imaginäre dämonen in die wirklichkeit.;
Rated 21 May 2020
Rated 10 Mar 2020
Liked this more than I thought I would. It's enjoyable, but I don't know if I'll want to watch it again. I do like Odeya Rush though, I wish she would get more roles. Jack Black is always fun of course.
Rated 19 Oct 2019
I liked it for what it is: a trip to memory lane crossing nostalgia street.


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