Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire
This latest entry in the Monsterverse franchise follows up the explosive showdown of Godzilla vs. Kong with an all-new cinematic adventure, pitting the almighty Kong and the fearsome Godzilla against a colossal undiscovered threat hidden within our world, challenging their very existence – and our own. (Legendary)
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Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

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Avg Percentile 32.12% from 303 total ratings

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Rated 02 Apr 2024
Big meaty kaijus slapping meat: the movie. This might be another one that's getting a friendly bounce due to most of this year operating at about a 6/10. At least this satisfies the baseline of what I want to see out of these movies. I feel though that they wasted how badass Godzilla COULD HAVE been in this story. Focusing on Kong is fine but I mean, Godzilla triple powers up just to, what, break up some rain clouds? Big let-down. At least it was cute watching him cuddle up inside the Colosseum.
Rated 29 Mar 2024
Kong: lonely, resourceful, wily, emotive, principled, cantankerous, nurturing, can communicate with other primates including humans Godzilla: a big, fat, pissed-off lizard that screams a lot Sensible to make this a Kong movie based on the characterizations. And with GODZILLA MINUS ONE not far in memory, it's nice to balance the scales with this kind of dumb, low stakes smashy-smashy fun.
Rated 30 Mar 2024
A two-hour video game cutscene. All of the action-spectacle setpieces in the Hollow Earth (which is most of them) demand direct comparison to the other recent Kong movies, always to this film's detriment. The Hollow Earth setting deprives the titular monsters of any sense of their gigantic scale; in this world, Kong is just another ape when not directly interacting with the barely-sketched human cast. Watch only if you want to see Godzilla suplex King Kong off of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Rated 16 May 2024
95 percent CGI, 5 percent poor storytelling, and 0 percent character development. So Therefore I am numbingly indifferent to what passes for our protagonists, a result of each being reduced to annoying archetype. Junk food movie for kids.
Rated 16 May 2024
I'd rather play a video game for 2 hrs than watch this garbage
Rated 07 Apr 2024
This is coming out a few months after Minus One blew everybody away. Following up one of, if not the best, Godzilla movies ever, with probably the weakest in the American Monsterverse. Still not bad though. It was inevitable that it would disappoint after that. But it’s still fun, even if it isn’t as fun as a lot of its predecessors.
Rated 05 Apr 2024
Like much of the previous Monsterverse entries, GxK excels in the bigger than life set pieces and atmosphere. Watching a clusterfuck of monsters go at it is maybe the best it’s ever been, especially with how stupid & self aware some of the sequences are. At its core though, it once again struggles to appropriately adapt its human elements into a cohesive and interesting piece of this puzzle. It feels like a sports car stuck in the mud, and it’s a good question to wonder if it ever gets out.
Rated 03 Apr 2024
Full disclosure, I went into Godzilla x Kong after having a pint of 7% cider. The film begins with Kong running from giant wolves; this scene ends with him ripping one in half before roaring to camera covered in green blood. Setting the film up as one of simple, dumb kaiju fights...with a few human characters who mainly provide comic relief and reaction shots. The film isn't technically interesting, but with pretty CGI, bright colours and vibrant lighting, it's a breezily-paced fun ride.
Rated 30 Mar 2024
Money thrown ferociously at a terrible script again. I don't like watching animals or monsters getting hurt because I'm sensitive as the dickens, but sleepy Godzilla is adorable.
Rated 31 Mar 2024
The final battle came, and I was bored to tears. So much so that I didn't care about anything that was happening and just wanted to get out of the theatre and go home. For much of the film, the kaiju weren't characters, just soulless CGI.
Rated 30 Mar 2024
What you'd expect, nothing more, nothing less. I'm glad they had less sub-plots with multiple groups of people running around this time, but the build-up to the finale does somehow still manage to feel a bit slow and meandering, despite that.
Rated 30 Mar 2024
I can imagine some fans finding the film takes too long to get to G & K meeting, but not me. Wingard should make all these films. This threads the human characters - who are 1-dimensional but likeable w/ a mother/daughter problem that could go either way - w/ an extravaganza of giant monsters fighting in various settings & in various ways. Even Kong gets a compelling storyline, which highlights why I prefer him over Godzilla who really is just a giant lizard who does nothing but fight & sleep
Rated 05 Jul 2024
2 hours of cartoon monsters fighting
Rated 14 May 2024
Way too Kong-centric for my taste. The characters were annoying and one-dimensional, The camera work sucked, and the film & effects looked cheap as hell. I like these films less and less with each one. And what the hell was with the Stranger Things wanna-be soundtrack? The story was very dumb and kept getting dumber as the movie went on to the point where I got a headache from rolling my eyes so much.
Rated 23 Jun 2024
Kaiju teamup battle CGI fiesta is the stupidest thing humanity has ever produced and I love us for it. What a really idiotic movie and universe, but after watching it I just want more, and how about we bring back Pacific Rim too for a crossover come on Universal let's get mechas involved again too.
Rated 14 May 2024
obviously bad story, but if u wanna see monolithic organisms obliterate infrastructure in high quality animation this one really fills that urge. not a lot of of irrelevant family drama you'd have to skip.
Rated 16 Jul 2024
Godzilla seems like a real NIMBY kind of guy
Rated 22 May 2024
I disliked the plot, over abundance of crazy CGI, and found most of it boring and tedious. I honestly don't remember any portion of it that I actually enjoyed. Extra points because my grand kids seemed to enjoy it, but me not so much.
Rated 24 May 2024
Wins? Nice Godzilla suplex! Cute Gozilla sleeping in the Colosseum! But, shithouse script and humans.
Rated 24 May 2024
It's a long build up but the grand final is worth it.
Rated 27 May 2024
Passes the time.
Rated 03 Jul 2024
Didn't think it is that messy and I have no problem with underdeveloped human characters in favor of kaiju fighting, but everything here seems so mid-to-meh compared to the first film -- which I don't think it's good, to be honest, but I might as well rate it higher after a proper rewatch. Portal fantasy material is ok, Kong's arc about finding home is ok, new monsters seem underused and climax feels kind half-baked and pale -- Rio de Janeiro deserved a way more beautiful chaos.
Rated 06 Jun 2024
#24#, rw2, popcorn, prequels
Rated 28 Jun 2024
what a fucking cartoon. Dumb as hell and really fun. Also the CGI is frankly really good. I wish the human aspects weren't so Marvelized though. They should make a sequel with no humans and only yelling/roaring CGI monsters.
Rated 07 Jun 2024
They could have just done a straight animation film if they were just going to do all that glossy CGI. But I'm simple. I was entertained by all the action.
Rated 07 Jun 2024
Better than I would have expected from a sequel, but still favors big budget computer generated action over character development and plot. The action is actually pretty well done, with some cool use of famous cities worldwide which serve as the backdrop for these titanic monster battles. In between the action, however, we’re treated to paper thin character stereotypes and some painful exposition dialogue.
Rated 09 Jun 2024
I love gender-bending pink Godzilla.
Rated 30 Mar 2024
Passable, and the final battle is pretty great, but it takes like 90 minutes to get to the best stuff.
Rated 04 Jun 2024
Rated 26 May 2024
I am not a huge fan of Kaiju type of movies, but I did find this one oddly satisfying.
Rated 11 May 2024
It leans into its own absurdity and delivers on the promise of giant monster action. The film is weighed down by silly subplots, clichéd prophecies and flat human drama that the talented cast can't elevate. Licensed music is haphazardly thrown in, slow-mo is overused, and the whole experience feels disjointed and stitched together from a checklist rather than a cohesive vision. Still, it's a passable and almost fun monster movie that will satisfy fans of the genre. score: 4/10 or 8/20
Rated 19 May 2024
Extremely annoying and retarded human parts, weird soundtrack, starts wrong from minute 1 also too much literal "Monkey Business" and Godzilla is now pink :/ Action was okay, once and never again!
Rated 01 Apr 2024
Spent the whole time trying to figure out if the deaf girl was wearing a Splatoon shirt (still not sure)
Rated 29 Mar 2024
3D. I like seeing kaiju slamming against each other. I don't care for the hollow earth/secret tribal people setting, the Planet of the Apes alpha challenge, the mecha Kong arm, or any of the humans. At this point the only humans I want to see in the MonsterVerse series are the ones getting crushed and live commentary/exposition from reading cave walls. Fav scenes: Kong's initial fight in the fog with other apes; fight in Rio de Janiero redeemed the film, with damage to buildings feeling real.
Rated 29 Mar 2024
Junky schlock, and even with the more evenly-paced monster brawls, I found myself drumming my fingers on more than a few occasions. Nonetheless, the joy of seeing Kong punch other titans with a bionic arm is substantial and singular to this film. I had a good time!
Rated 29 Mar 2024
Too fictitious, but at least the final battle saved this movie.
Rated 13 May 2024
Enjoy this a bit less than the previous one because I like Godzilla more than Kong and he's in it less, but this is still great. Critics are dumb on this one. The action is great. Special effects are great. It's emotional (especially Kong's arc), has fun lore, explores humanity vs nature (not saying it's deep, but it's sufficient). Godzilla on the move, trying to supercharge, is a scary idea when you think about it.
Rated 02 Apr 2024
The special defects are really well done in this film. The script is not great as the monsters are far more interesting than the humans. There are some exciting scenes in this film. Overall I would recommend this action movie.
Rated 02 Apr 2024
Cuts were too quick, monsters moved too fast, compositing team went overkill with chromatic aberration, the water simulation looked mid, and the writing was disappointing, even for a Godzilla flick. Granted, there were some cool moments and the comedic relief from the podcaster was pretty gunny, but once the third act hit he became an exposition machine. Like all Godzilla films, the human storyline was trash, but this was more of a Kong film. The fights were pretty cool at least. Overall - mid.
Rated 07 Apr 2024
Not ground breaking, but it does a good job of properly using all the monsters and, surprisingly, the humans as well; they no longer feel like tacked on additions and actually seem important to the story.
Rated 09 Apr 2024
Absolute balls to the wall CGI-fuckfest insanity from start to finish with an absurd plot and even more absurd testosterone-fueled rampaging that grabs you by the nuts and squeezes until they pop.......and i loved every second of it.
Rated 11 Apr 2024
This is a bro cop monster movie that has good fights, keeps you entertained and then ends before you realize the plot was thin as usual. I hope they make Godzilla movies forever.
Rated 11 Apr 2024
It is exactly what the the title and trailer suggest. There is great unintentional comedy in how ludicrous the human plot / characters are while the intended jokes fall flat. The action is good.
Rated 18 Apr 2024
Really suffers next to Godzilla Minus One. It's fine for some big CGI things smacking each other, beyond that, ehh
Rated 06 Jul 2024
I give this roar/roar, which makes about as much sense as this movie.


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