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Drama, Sci-fi
2h 9m
Security guard David Dunn uses his supernatural abilities to track Kevin Wendell Crumb, a disturbed man who has twenty-four personalities.


Drama, Sci-fi
2h 9m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 37.93% from 1570 total ratings

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Rated 18 Jan 2019
Ho Ho ho look at me I’m SPLIT on this one. When the three are together or doing anything everything is fine and good. The rest is M Night destroying all the nice things I was starting to say about him again. This was like when I got excited for that first sequel to the Dark Knight Returns and instead an insane Frank Miller shit in our mouths. They called me Mr. Ass.
Rated 04 Apr 2019
"Glass," unfortunately, closes the door on the series and does it with the last rhaspy gasp of the Shyamalanalanaissance. The first half is slow and the second half has one of the lamest trademark twists of Shyamalan's career. Some of my score may even be biased too high because it took twenty years to see David Dunn and Mr. Glass again, but Shyamalan doesn't do the fanboys any favors, here, closing it with such finality. He'll kick himself when he craps out another, "After Earth," I promise.
Rated 09 Jun 2021
SPOILERS. This one didn't do it for me. It's well acted (especially from McAvoy), but there's so much talent wasted on characters I didn't care about. David Dunn has no arc at all and then faces one of the most disappointing deaths probably ever. I didn't find the premise all that exciting like so many others seemed too. Rarely does a third act completely ruin a movie for me, but it did here. I don't know, it's well directed but this just wasn't what I wanted out of the series.
Rated 11 Feb 2019
A denouement of not just a trilogy, but of Shyamalan's whole body of work: the plot meanders towards an ultimate affirmation of faith, of proof positive of the supernatural and superhuman, of the revelation of things once hidden. So it connects all of his works to esoteric Gnosticism, of which this is a kind of manifesto. Intellectually, I dug it. But it also represents Shyamalan's worst impulses: he is a genius of film formalism, yet feels the need to mansplain in moments best served visually.
Rated 26 Jan 2019
I can respect and, in some ways, wouldn’t even say I disagree with the criticisms many have about this film. But ultimately I just find it too interesting and different to entirely dismiss. If a movie has me sitting going “hmmmm” in the theater as the end credits roll that’s worth something for sure.
Rated 20 Jan 2019
One can almost see where the ludicrous pile of twists nearly destroys the movie. It's clearly Shyamalan at his most excessive, but the force of the material and the performances hold it together.
Rated 19 Jan 2019
I really do believe people do NOT understand Shyamalan and what he tries to tell with his movies.
Rated 18 Jan 2019
McAvoy one-ups his Split performance. Jackson and Willis are equally great with their own characters. Cinematography, sound and art direction are all brilliant. Unfortunately, some weird pacing and a really ambitious denouement prevent this from being better than the two films that brought us here. Might have been better as a really twisted two-parter to let the finale breathe more.
Rated 08 Jun 2024
You buy a gorgeous new tie, you think that it would go great with a suit you forgot in your wardrobe; this awesome suit that you have vivid memories of. then you go home, you try to put on the suit, but you got fat and it doesn't fit and it kinda aged too, it does not look that cool. When you add the tie, you look like a clown. This is how this movie felt; it might have worked but it just focused on all the wrong things. It is an interesting idea, but Split deserved a better sequel than this.
Rated 23 Apr 2019
Different way of exploring comic world heroes / villains etc But I hardly feel two hours or so was needed to spend on it The most fascinating thing was watching James McAvoy evolve into his many personalities
Rated 03 Apr 2019
Just cancerous and a waste of time at that
Rated 02 Apr 2019
To some it may feel a bit slow-paced, since we are used to constant action and fast storytelling. It is however, extremely entertaining and enjoyable. The music, the suspense, the acting, the camera work, the positioning, the dialogues... All is brilliant and captivating. The twists are perfect and I really couldn't ask anything more of the movie. Wholeheartedly recommend.
Rated 08 Mar 2019
Excellent departure from the current mold of superhero films. Lots of unexpected twists. Excellent cast. Pacing is perfect.
Rated 23 Feb 2019
Watch this to finish up the trilogy but don't expect much. I enjoyed the first 2 movies enough to go see Glass in theaters. It was so slow that I started wishing it would end already so I could go eat dinner. The Shyamalan style twist was so weak it took me a while to figure out that was all we were going to get.
Rated 10 Feb 2019
I think there's a lot more here to dissect if m night wanted to ( how we take in superheroes and how they're everywhere now), but mostly he just made an absolute blast of a film. Off the rails in only the way he knows how to do. Also, there's a decent comparison to be made between how this film empowers the people vs something like the incredibles, which subscribes totally to the nietzschean kind of world view wrt ubermensch.
Rated 10 Feb 2019
Provides a weirdly fitting conclusion to the trilogy, despite being the weakest link and showing off M. Night's twistiest inclinations. McAvoy is still incredible and I'm glad he had a chance to inhabit this role once again. It's hard to appreciate the tonal shift in the moment based on how jarring it is, but thematically a perfect ending for the movie with Sam Jackson's Glass as the main character.
Rated 31 Jan 2019
Would rather eat glass honestly.
Rated 29 Jan 2019
Glass is inconsistent as a superhero film, but not one devoid of enjoyment. The film (and Shyamalan) excels at creating tension and atmosphere. The plot acts as a deconstruction of "Supers" both as characters and as a genre, holding a mirror to modern audiences and critics - an almost forgotten aspect of film-making. The ending attempts to close the film in a way that is a hommage to comics, and this is one way the film falters. The other is when character behaviour is forgone in favour of tone.
Rated 26 Jan 2019
It gave me what I wanted. It feels different than every other superhero movie; it's a decidedly slow burn, but it was interestingly so, a nice psychological breakdown of these characters. But it also was a little unpredictable, and the plot twists were satisfying. He knew enough not to give Bruce too many lines because he'd phone it in, and gave McAvoy most of the heavy lifting. Fight scenes were gritty and that made sense. Just intrigued by this the entire time.
Rated 22 Jan 2019
I really enjoyed it and loved the overall trilogy. I only had a couple of very minor criticisms, but I will hold onto those not to reveal anything.
Rated 22 Jan 2019
It's not perfect, but it's really good! I have always loved the flirt between superheroes and social realism. Where is the line between extraordinary and being superhuman? McAvoy is once again brilliant! Sadly, it doesn't leave more open questions and subtle clues.
Rated 20 Jan 2019
It's actually a good movie until the twists try to destroy everything. Especially if you liked Unbreakable.
Rated 19 Jan 2019
McAvoy is even better in this than in 'Split', and the film begins incredibly promising with Shyamalan basically delivering exactly what any big fan of 'Unbreakable' would want. I like the middle section (in which it is suggested that the main characters are delusional) a lot too, and some of the final reveals are actually not bad. Sadly, certain parts of the unsatisfying ending don't carry nearly as much weight as was clearly intended. But this still might be the best superhero trilogy ever.
Rated 18 Jan 2019
This is a very grounded Superhero movie, which is a fresh piece of air to where we live in a world where Marvel and DC Superhero movies rely on action. M. Night focuses on the characters and the themes of living in a world where these powers are simplistic. Some decisions will leave people annoyed and surprised. Pretty much all the performances are great. The score is good, but I really wished the Unbreakable score was used. I still gotta give M. Night credit for taking risks with this movie.
Rated 13 Sep 2019
"Unbreakable" is still solid, I'm very split about "Split" however, but "Glass" left me shattered. Three movies in this franchise, and most of the run time is spent trying to deceive it's audience into thinking things that were otherwise made very clear in the first two movies?! Also - John McClane acts like a zombie, Charles Xavier tries too hard and Nick Fury is just downright boring. The beginning is okayish though.
Rated 20 May 2019
McAvoy steals the shows, but also good performances from Jackson and Paulson. Title is a bit misleading as it's not really a story about Glass in itself I found but nonetheless it had me engaged and enjoyed it up until it's very weak ending which was a complete bust for me.
Rated 09 May 2019
Shyamalan style, not much happening then a big twist and it's over. Disappointing how little actually happened in the movie, but it wasn't awful I guess, just bland. The cinematography was great though.
Rated 07 Apr 2019
Dull, dreary effort from Shyamalan is a glum and ponderous affair; loaded with self-importance and clumsy exposition, inexplicably delivered multiple times in case we missed any of the shallow, facile philosophy at play. McAvoy is relentlessly hammy, to call Willis' performance constipated would be a undeserved compliment; only Jackson manages to inject any style into the production (when he's not knocked out in a wheelchair). Some good directorial flourishes at the start promise so much more.
Rated 03 Apr 2019
woeful ending to the series.
Rated 26 Jan 2019
I guess I'm not seeing what a lot of others are seeing. The most significant plot twists, forever the focus of M. Night commentary/criticism, all fit the narrative to me. McAvoy is a delight once again. The ending doesn't bother me, even after a second viewing. There are some awkward transitional moments in the narrative that are noticeable, but God that's a minor criticism, isn't it? Resist the urge to perform open-heart surgery on this looking for stuff to hate, and you might just love it.
Rated 24 Jan 2019
I still don’t think this totally comes together (it is terribly ponderous; the first two thirds in particular feel mostly like treading water and doing some obligatory catch-up), but it is wild that it exists and is certifiably crackers at times. I actually outright love the final showdown section, particularly the way it’s shot to completely deglamorize and “make ordinary” what would typically be the most spectacle-heavy sequence of its contemporaries.
Rated 23 Jan 2019
Glass has a lot of Shyamalan cliches, and you can kind of see him struggle to flesh out this finale because of that. Bruce Willis does seem kind of left out, and some ideas and beliefs are consistently shoved in your face without much progression to the arch. However, Shamaylan has some very beautiful cinematography, and McAvoy deserves lot of praise for his performance. On top of this, I thought this closed nicely and hit what it was going for. Pretty content with this.
Rated 30 Apr 2024
It’s impossible to take seriously or care about anything in this movie, including its commentary on comic books, and its message about treasuring extraordinariness makes no impact when placed in such a poor vehicle.
Rated 29 Jul 2022
Sigh. This is another disappointing film from M. Night, but for entirely different reasons. The twist (if you want to call it that) is...whatever. But the biggest crime of this is not allowing the 3 characters to do their thing. James McAvoy is still great in this role, but honestly, the rest of the cast seems wasted.
Rated 22 Apr 2022
Overall, it is very intriguing and suspenseful. McAvoy is once again balancing between awesome and too silly, but it works. The action scenes are weirdly made and feel more like a school project than a professional film. But the biggest problem is the weak and unsatisfying resolution.
Rated 03 Aug 2020
Shyamalan will be remembered as one of the most unbalanced filmmakers.
Rated 25 Apr 2020
re: my review of bestiaire, now we have a sequel in which the animals break out of the cage and right through the screen, if only for a few moments. rating very mutable for now lol, there is a whoooole lot of movie to unpack here
Rated 10 Apr 2020
Glass half empty.
Rated 13 Oct 2019
Not at all good, but what can you expect at this point?
Rated 11 Aug 2019
I wonder what McAvoy has to offer more. He's off the limits again. I feel guilty for hating him over the years. But luckily I have another star to hate. Yeah I'm talking about you Anya. Back to film, I didn't like the way how Unbreakable and Split got linked. They could've been seperate franchaises. Last of all, I felt 3 different emotions at the end. Overall, I hated the ending. How can you blow up everything that could be masterpieces Shyamalan? Seriously, how?
Rated 30 May 2019
Isn't it frustrating when a movie COULD have been something? It's there for Glass, almost. It's brush-it-with-your-fingertips close! I WANT Glass to be more, and I went in not even caring about this series, not the least bit invested or expectant. But isn't that where Shaymalan is stuck lately? He gets so close, but somehow meanders off. At least he's not outright sucking anymore.
Rated 11 May 2019
That moment...when you realize "Oh fuck, everyone's gonna think it's scenes from a some new superhero movie, I died for nothing, noooooooooo!" I seriously cannot believe a screenplay this dumb was made into a movie. Like a story for 5-year-olds written by an 8-year-old. I know it can't be easy coming up with a decent way to play dialogue this shitty. Nothing but boring, uninspired clichés (except for ATJ and SJ). Which the slow pacing and the long shots make you focus on even more.
Rated 24 Apr 2019
McAvoy is fantastic, but Glass is a boring and quite stupid film with a bad conclusion
Rated 23 Apr 2019
Glass is a sad step down for the series. And Shyamalan. For awhile there it seemed like he was in the middle of a comeback. Maybe this one is just a fluke. In the end Glass has some good points. The actors are great. Shyamalan kept some of his more annoying camera habits out of our faces. The ending has some real power. It's just a shame the film spends so much time retreading previous themes with extremely slow, uninteresting, dialogue heavy moments.
Rated 18 Apr 2019
Fuck this movie!
Rated 12 Apr 2019
If you like knowing what a film is actually about for the first 4/5ths, you're gonna hate this
Rated 11 Apr 2019
He lost his touch a while ago. He can still drum up an audience somehow.
Rated 07 Apr 2019
It looks and feels like a very cheap movie. It's the performances by the 3 main actors that raises the level a bit. As usual Shyamalan doesn't understand modern technology at all. All in all disappointing and unless you've seen the two previous ones, there's no need to watch this one.
Rated 06 Apr 2019
good movie
Rated 15 Feb 2019
As someone who's a massive Unbreakable fan and hasn't seen Split, I thought this was a completely rushed product, full of dull exposition dialogue, absolutely shittily filmed action scenes, and a bunch of other crap that doesn't make sense. The worst offense is that this should be an interesting story to explore, but Shyamalan really fucks it up with complete filmmaking and storytelling ineptitude here. A completely unsatisfying watch for any fans of Willis in Unbreakable.
Rated 14 Feb 2019
I smell a sequel.... actually just the stupidest amount of fun.
Rated 14 Feb 2019
It starts great, and then in typical Shyamalan fashion the movie simply spins out of control. If only the third act had been more, um, is normal the right word here? It's still a decent ending to the trilogy, so I won't complain too hard. Yet omg the last 30-40 minutes were ridiculous af.
Rated 09 Feb 2019
This movie certainly has a lot to pull off, it has a 19 year build-up behind it and M. Night takes it on a interesting direction.This is a movie that takes risks and because of that it certainly will be polarising among fans.For me I really like some of the directions it takes and don't like others.What I can say for sure though is that Mcavoy gives an award-worthy performance(or performances)and definitely steals the show.As for Jackson and Willis they both honour these two beloved characters
Rated 03 Feb 2019
Let's be honest M. Night Shyamalan should have quit making movies after Sixth Sense. I wouldn't trust that man to direct a highschool musical. And cinematographer, Mike Gioulakis, I wouldn't trust to film a wedding! And whoever the hell was their stunt choreographer, I hope he is in hell! This film is the union of so much bad work! But I have to say the film as a whole is actually even worse than the sum of its parts! And we have to blame that on the script which is also M. Night Shyamalan!
Rated 03 Feb 2019
Disappointing as a sequel to both films and as a concluding chapter of a trilogy. I thought this film was quite slow and boring for the most part. I get the impression that Shyamalan kind of designed the movie to actually be unsatisfying, but it still has the same result of BEING unsatisfying and also pretentious. The performances were fine. I think there were some good ideas in there, but the way in which they're presented is frustrating and tedious.
Rated 02 Feb 2019
that third act sure does... uh... go... places
Rated 31 Jan 2019
Typical of post-success Shyamalan: good ideas, bad execution.
Rated 27 Jan 2019
Saw In isolation from 2 previous films and despite strong performances from Mc Avoy and Willis,this was just ok.
Rated 25 Jan 2019
You know how Boyhood had those actors return after like 13 years or whatever it was. Well this is like that movie except instead it was a good movie.
Rated 23 Jan 2019
The culmination of Shyamalan's efforts to strip heroes and villains to their barest iconography much like the Byzantines. Unbreakable remains the crowning achievement, but all the ideas that flourished in the first two films reach a satisfying conclusion here. Stylistically there's not much to speak of outside of the costumes, but the unique story offers a richness that's hard to ignore.
Rated 23 Jan 2019
There are strong performances and a couple of very interesting ideas in this movie, which constantly goes against the viewers' expectations, but the strange structure and some outright stupid elements in its plot and dialogue hold it back from living up to the promise of its predecessors.
Rated 22 Jan 2019
Glass continues the same of what audiences enjoyed from Shyamalan's well-performed and suspenseful predecessors, but when it's not just rehashing old ideas from the former two, this installment feels uneven and convoluted. And above all else, it's ugly and misguided at its core.
Rated 21 Jan 2019
The psychiatrist's refusal to believe & her method of handling The Beast & especially Willis' hero for the 1st 2 acts are so contradictory, it's hard to just kick back & enjoy Shyamalan's gifted writing & directing. What's made him great in the past is his lack of such egregious contrivances. However, everything is explained in the riveting third act as he proceeds to unleash twist after twist, his ability to surprise bordering on the supernatural. Mcavoy's transformations are also great fun
Rated 18 Jan 2019
Great acting by McAvoy. I couldn't help but feel extremely let down after the build up. Too much time spent in the mental hospital. Fav scene: all 3 together in the counseling session.
Rated 17 Jan 2019
The idea of low-key superheroes is still better than the execution.
Rated 15 Aug 2024
anti-superhero film
Rated 11 Feb 2024
Great Superhero Movie.
Rated 07 Jan 2024
My ★★★½ review of Glass on Letterboxd
Rated 04 Oct 2023
This was such a great ending to the trilogy nobody knew was a trilogy. It was pulpy and ridiculous and it was such fun to watch.
Rated 01 May 2023
More weirdo dialogue and nonsense plot points finally propel this story to a climactic showdown that feels about on the level of the alley fight in They Live, but not half as enjoyable to watch.
Rated 23 Aug 2022
eng; [glass]; ein sicherheitsmitarbeiter nutzt seine übernatürlichen fähigkeiten um einen gewalttätigen mann mit multipler persönlichkeit zu finden - doch unzerbrechlichkeit reicht hier nicht aus.;
Rated 26 Apr 2022
Superhero comics grown to adult age.
Rated 29 Jan 2022
This is a disrespect to unbreakable original movie , I hate it also didn't like sarah paluson at all specially her mouth when talking
Rated 06 Mar 2021
Shyamalan's Sunday school films get an ending. I can respect that. But as a film this just plods along explaining the plot to us. Scene by scene. I would prefer "show don't tell " style filmmaking, but here we are. How come they didn't use the wonderful james newton howard soundtrack from "unbreakable" is beyond stupid. Contemporary film music like in this one are perfunctory.
Rated 19 Dec 2020
The worst ending of all times. Normally no one would believe in those recordings...
Rated 18 Nov 2020
Rated 03 Aug 2020
I’m not sure there’s a single aspect to the story’s logic that makes cohesive sense. What’s more bothersome than the sheer stupidity is the tone : at once sensationalist and empty. But oh so serious. Bad.
Rated 18 May 2020
Worst film of trilogy.
Rated 13 Mar 2020
Well, that was stupid. That's all I got. Just so stupid.
Rated 18 Feb 2020
Rated 25 Jan 2020
Not bad, just very disappointing because it is totally mediocre. And like everyone else, I didn't care for the ending either. It's an average film that could've been great, if only the director, M. Night Shyamalan built a better, more interesting storyline. What a shame!
Rated 20 Jan 2020
m. night shyamalan’ın şu harika hikayeyi ne yazık ki vasat bir senaryoya kurban ettiği film olmuş. halbuki split ile ümitlenmiş, “kral geri döndü” demiştik. şu filmin muazzam bir üçleme finali olma şansını, shymalan acayip bir kafayla vasat bir seyirliğine dönüştürmüş.benim için hayal kırıklığı oldu. yine ilgiyle izledim filmi ama bu biraz da önceki iki filmi çok sevmemle alakalı bir durumdu.
Rated 01 Dec 2019
Shyamalan had an epic high concept in mind, he just forgot to bother to make the movie entertaining. "Unbreakable" is the only one of the trilogy I'd recommend.
Rated 05 Oct 2019
Ok, the end of the movie was pretty cool, but the rest was just horrible. WTF?
Rated 04 Oct 2019
Way better than "Split".
Rated 30 Sep 2019
A long, boring build-up to nothing.
Rated 22 Aug 2019
The push back against M. Night's surprise trilogy conclusion really is probably heightened by the era of Marvel. Fans of Unbreakable were suddenly excited to see a character shake some dust off of his shoulders and get to work on Acting-Class-McAvoy. Instead, as per usual, M. Night gives us a movie at his own pace with a message that is timely. The 60 plus minutes of subdued tone is sometimes clunky but totally fascinating. "It's okay to be different," wins the day.
Rated 06 Aug 2019
The setup was interesting, but didn't buy the ending at all.
Rated 04 Aug 2019
Split is one of my favorite movies, but unfortuneately did not live up to my expectations.
Rated 14 Jul 2019
watched Split just to watch this afterwards. and is no good..
Rated 17 Jun 2019
I thoroughly enjoyed James McAvoy his performance in this. This movie really shows what he can bring to the table. I did like the plot and the movie.
Rated 12 Jun 2019
McAvoy turns in a phenomenal and award-worthy performance as over ten different characters, and transitions flawlessly between each one several times over. I was blown away by him. Willis is fine, and Jackson is great. Visually, it's a stunning film with great use of color and some really clever cinematography. Story-wise, it's better than Split, but it gets too ambitious for its own good and especially falls short in its ending. For the performances and the overall ride, it's worth a watch.
Rated 08 Jun 2019
Unbreakable ve Split'i birleştirip, 3 ana karakterin yanına 3 yardımcı karakter vererek tek bir göz ile aynı filmi anlatmayı başaramayan Shyamalan, Glass ile başlarda eğlenceli gözükse de kendini açtıkça kötüleşip izleyiciyi sıkan bir film çekmiş. Görsellerde ve filmin posterlerinde de olduğu gibi filmde hafif ton renk sorunları var, kendi içerisinde can çekişiyor Glass.
Rated 19 May 2019
An underwhelming overall experience, but still a decent addition to the trilogy. Super hero films come in basically one flavor, popcorn CGI extravaganza's and this has been a welcome diversion from that , if nothing else. McAvoy is amazing, a strong cast is strong, the only real let downs are the dragging middle section of the film, and MNS's obsession with explaining the twist to us verbally for the most part. It's not going to convert anyone, but I for one was happy with the series.
Rated 11 May 2019
actually not that bad
Rated 10 May 2019
I almost stopped half-way because of stupidity, but I'm glad I didn't. The ending is pretty good.
Rated 09 May 2019
Rated 03 May 2019
Decent film with fantastic filming and imagery. Quite disappointed with the story and acting; does not come close with previous venture. Weak twist ????
Rated 28 Apr 2019
shamalan artık saçmalamasan
Rated 28 Apr 2019
A fitting coda to the Unbreakable Universe. Shyamalan is clearly a fan of comic books/superheroes and explores a thematic way to ground them into modern reality. He succeeds, and though this movie has the name of his worthy supervillain "Mr Glass," it gives equal billing to all the main characters from the previous two movies. Like Chronicle, it is a worthy different take on the superhero film than that of the regular DC and Marvel takes.


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