Give 'em Hell, Malone
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Give 'em Hell, Malone

1h 36m
A tough private investigator squares off with gangsters and their thugs to protect a valuable secret. He goes through hell to protect the information but he dishes some hell as well.
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Give 'em Hell, Malone

1h 36m
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Avg Percentile 37.28% from 99 total ratings

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Rated 24 Dec 2009
Again we're on a footsteps of Robert Rodriguez. Interestingly, comicly made new interpretation of touch crime guy Malone. Thomas Jane is good, as is Ving, but the babe and the rest of the crew are just horrible. Well, Doug Hutchison gave a good "the little match girl" role. I liked it. The rush start was nice but soon after that they stumbled in big scale with everything. Shame. I really expected something good.
Rated 04 Jan 2010
Didn't expect much, and didn't get it. Which is fair enough...
Rated 18 Oct 2010
a gritty private dick movie that sort of parodies the genre without actually being a comedy. it has all the right caricaturist gestures, but somehow doesn't either cut it as a comedy or a noir action flick. there's nothing actually wrong with this movie, and i couldn't even tell you what it's missing if i tried, but it is definitely missing something.
Rated 27 Jan 2010
a real film experience the fatal women, the colors, the bad guys and it doesn't take itself serious
Rated 22 Jun 2011
Combines the noir look and set pieces from such films as Strangers on a Train and The Lady From Shanghai while having the violence and dark sense of humor of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Tarantino at his silliest. Not very original and the ending is weak, but it's still very funny and a lot of fun.
Rated 02 Jan 2010
It feels like a nod to a film noir without appreciating what makes good noir. Yes it has the bad ass, tough as nails detective but it doesn't have the wit or the charm of really memorable noirs, even newer ones like Brick. Still it's an entertaining enough romp if you're fans of the genre and aren't looking for something to take seriously. When it's coming from Russell Mulcahy you can't expect much considering his track record but thankfully this is his best endeavor yet, awful ending though.
Rated 30 Apr 2010
What I found surprising is that it is directed not by some up and coming young self-taught movie geek, but someone who has been in the industry for thirty years, in and out from Hollywood. This movie is very self-aware parody/homage of a film-noir. Small budget is poking eyes. There are some fun dialogs, and the fact that it does not take itself seriously makes it fun. However, the amateurism prevents it from fully employing the potential.
Rated 13 Dec 2011
This is a fun modern day Film Noir that does not take it self seriously. The cast is a mix of oddball characters. Some of the cast are modern day and others seem like they are straight from the 1940's. This is not a perfect film but overall I enjoyed it.
Rated 04 Mar 2010
Movie is noir fun club and most watch it on that way...Shame that Max Payne didnt do same...
Rated 20 Mar 2010
It just doesn't have the dialogue or the on screen chemistry to pull off what it is attempting.
Rated 26 Sep 2010
A good, silly homage to the classic film noir private detective.
Rated 11 Mar 2010
Unapologetically schlocky private dick pulp painted in the broadest imaginable strokes with wall-to-wall cliché. However, I believe that's exactly what the filmmakers intended, so that's not necessarily an insult. It's too dumb and derivative to take seriously as a work, but it certainly passed the time. Shitloads of violence.


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