Gimme the Loot
Gimme the Loot
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Gimme the Loot

Gimme the Loot

Drama, Crime
1h 21m
Malcolm and Sofia, two determined teens from the Bronx, are the ultimate graffiti-writers. When a rival gang buffs their latest masterpiece, they must hatch a plan to get revenge by tagging an iconic NYC landmark, but they need to raise $500 to pull off their spectacular scheme. (

Gimme the Loot

Drama, Crime
1h 21m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 56.87% from 130 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 18 Feb 2014
I really like the embarrassed little smile Ty Hickson does every time he likes a girl.
Rated 26 Nov 2013
FRANCES HA is good and everything, but..... NY movie of the year right here.
Rated 08 Jul 2013
Didn't really know what to expect. I'm a fan of graffiti but it doesn't put a whole lot of emphasis on it. It's more just a part of their culture and that's great, because it adds more depth to the surprisingly compelling main characters, who hustle and grind and their relationship changes and develops naturally, not movie artificially. Compelling stuff. Fantastic, unexpected yet subtle ending.
Rated 20 Apr 2017
A promising start which eventually fades away. Follows the tried-and-trusted "limited timeframe to hustle our way to $X" formula, with a pleasantly chaotic series of trips around New York, and gritty streetwise characters. Not always perfectly realistic, but that doesn't seem to matter. It's a shame the quest story had to unravel, although they saved it in the end with a bit of a "we lost a lot but still got each other" life lesson. Feels a bit unpolished, but by no means a waste of time.
Rated 07 Apr 2015
This movie goes in all kinds of unexpected directions. Original and wonderful.
Rated 09 Sep 2014
This movie was okay. Nothing to rock the boat. The amateur actors do pretty well. Refreshing to see a small story without a flashy resolution.
Rated 07 Sep 2014
Now this was just... neat.
Rated 01 Sep 2014
Lively and packed with attitude.
Rated 15 Jun 2014
The characters are likable and the actors are believable, and there are a couple of moments that are handled delicately and confidently, one between Malcolm and an older male friend as they discuss the friend's possibly putting moves on Sophia, and another where Malcolm and Sophia discuss, possibly for the first time, what their relationship really is. It's unlikely that this will become a classic, but it's fairly well done.
Rated 06 Jan 2014
The plot is almost an afterthought - the focus here is on Sophia and Malcolm as they bullshit their way through a couple of days in the Bronx, engaging in minor hustles and talking each other's heads off. And in allowing them to stretch their legs as characters and giving priority to their friendship (and unspoken romance), it winds up being unexpectedly moving, in addition to greatly entertaining. Films minor in scope need not be minor in stature, and this is as strong a testimony as any.
Rated 03 Jan 2014
Gimme the Loot's dialogue is hilarious and punchy and probably the best thing about it. The story is unexpectedly cutesy and sweet, too, so don't go in expecting The Wire. Criticker's plot summary is misleading.
Rated 02 Jan 2014
Some scenes and dialogue feel calculated and do not entirely convince, directly contradicting its seemingly improvisational, episodic style. But the film coasts by on its distinct charm and humor and even tackles social issues to modest returns.
Rated 25 Dec 2013
I think I let my high expectations mess with me here, so a second viewing will probably be in order. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it. A pair of young graffitists (Tashiana Washington, Ty Hickson) try to raise money to tag the Mets' home-run apple, but NYC is a dog-eat-dog town. Ultimately slight, but hugely likable, with sterling work from the two leads, and a commendably accurate balance of the humor, camaraderie, and danger of the streets. Meeko, playing a cohort of our heroes, is a real find too.
Rated 07 Dec 2013
A very charming and well-written street movie with a lot of heart. It's a pleasure just spending time with these protagonists, them being so well-acted and speaking such punchy but totally believable dialogue.
Rated 02 Dec 2013
Probably too inconsequential to register on the same level as say, Kids or Paranoid Park, but still striking in the same kind of way. There's something to be said about a boy and a girl, both heterosexual, just being friends and the inevitable complications that surround that. I mean, there is a budding romance here and the film kind of capitalizes on the cuteness of their missed opportunities. It's not a tragedy, just kind of cute and awkward.
Rated 26 Nov 2013
Maybe I wasn't in the mood, or I am too old. Didn't grab my attention at all.
Rated 14 Jul 2013
The ending was above all, unexpected and sweet. Really liked it.
Rated 09 Jun 2013
I enjoyed it...interesting premise, reminded me of Kids, but without the AIDS and under age sex...
Rated 27 Mar 2013
Excellent performances. Cool soundtrack.
Rated 18 Mar 2012
"A nose-to-the-ground portrait of two believably aspirational protagonists and their constant hustle to make good on the movie's eponymous demand." - Andrew Schenker

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