Fox and His Friends
Fox and His Friends
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Fox and His Friends

Fox and His Friends

Romance, Drama
2h 3m
Franz "Fox" Biberkopf is a working-class guy, at loose ends when his lover is arrested and the police shutter their carnival booth... (imdb)

Fox and His Friends

Romance, Drama
2h 3m
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Avg Percentile 68.08% from 415 total ratings

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Rated 07 Aug 2008
A surprisingly blah film, one that put me off Fassbinder movies for years. He had a lot of nerve to give himself money shots (IKYWIM,AITYD) :-)
Rated 19 Jun 2022
one of his more conventional films in some ways, but there's so much shading here in the faces and gestures and postures and spatial relationships that it makes me feel like a cinevirgin... few ever did it better. "he's not the kind of man whom money makes rich".
Rated 02 Apr 2016
As if someone is trying to get more clean with a soap, but the more he uses it, the dirtier he gets.
Rated 26 May 2009
Fassbinder's sob story about an illbred homosexual sideshow performer, "Fox, the Talking Head", who lucks into a lottery jackpot and is bled dry by his deceitful, prissy, upper-middle-class lover. Fassbinder reproduces some right-sounding, catty, below-the-belt dialogue in the homosexual social circle, but this is merely a sidelight of the movie, a bonus. Essentially he uses homosexuality as a means of equalizing the characters, so as to move the focus away from the Sex War to the Class War.
Rated 02 Jan 2009
Biting attack on ultra conformist bourgeois gays, darkly hilarious, moving and, as usual for Fassbinder in his Sirkian melodrama era, gorgeously filmed.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Not that great. Seems a little too...earnest. Some interesting points but they are smothered by the overwhelming pathos. A mediocre film from his middle period.
Rated 07 Jul 2007
That it's an unprecedented exposure of gays, complete with abundant full male nudity, is not what's daring. What's daring is that it's unflattering, non-naturalistic and couldn't care less about politics. A wonderful film, though definitely flawed: Much of Eugen's patronizing of Franz could have been trimmed, they really flog a dead horse there for a while. Also the ending is possibly a bit excessive. Still it's a brilliant, ice-cold melodrama the kind only Fassbinder is capable of.
Rated 12 Jul 2023
Interesting that the character here shares a name with Franz Biberkopf from Berlin Alexanderplatz. This is a solid entry into Fassbinder's filmography, this time casting himself as the lead. It's interesting but in the end I wished there was a bit more to it.
Rated 27 Sep 2020
Estreava há 45 anos no Festival de New York. Esse é um filme muito difícil de passar por, não só pela tragédia anunciada desde o início, mas porque efetivamente todos conhecemos casamentos erigidos dessa forma vendo o filme de forma literal ou conhecemos a exploração do proletariado pela burguesia vendo o filme de uma maneira alegórica. Em todos os sentidos é um dos mais bem acabados filmes de Fassbinder, principalmente pela crueza de sua honestidade. Box OP Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
Rated 23 Sep 2020
This movie is great because Fassbinder was a great actor. His face manages to express 10 things at once almost all of the time, from an only-skin-deep toughness and a touching naïveté to a repressed pain and hunger to connect...he's wonderful to watch (and he looks good naked). Difficult to watch at times--for me, because I hate seeing good-hearted folk being ruthlessly exploited. Sadly, for my advanced stage of bachelorhood, it seems gay men are the same the world over.
Rated 29 Apr 2019
Brilliant, but almost unbearably sad.
Rated 08 Nov 2018
Class struggle romance stuff and easy political posturing stuff. An acquired taste if you like your melodramas dry, icy and abstractly intellectual.
Rated 07 Mar 2017
I got it pretty early on. Most of the film felt like an endurance test--can you continue to walk along with this oblivious or desperate guy who is so obviously being taken advantage of. Exquisitely shot, to be sure, but the characterization of the lead lacked enough to make the long journey worthwhile.
Rated 27 Dec 2015
I admire Fassbinder's honesty in how he saw human beings - with their ugly sides, complexities and imperfections - but because his motives are usually clear from the get-go, his films tend to overstay their welcome. Here's hoping that his oeuvre doesn't fall under the category: once you've seen one, you've seen them all.
Rated 21 Oct 2015
In this hypermisanthrope's version of Sirkian melodrama, with trappings of Anger, a working class lead played by Fassbinder strikes it rich, falls in with a circle of older bourgeois queers, and gets positively eaten alive. Fucking awesome.
Rated 24 Mar 2015
Which one's Steve Doocy?
Rated 08 Feb 2015
and what friends indeed. the title is like the final icy footnote on a film that avoids cheap sentiment instead aiming for the cold and matter-of-fact (meanwhile the sirkian colours surrounding are warm and intoxicating). the last scene is gorgeously shot, harsh and rather striking.
Rated 19 Oct 2010
"Make no mistake, this is the real Queer as Folk, but for all of Fassbinder's gripes with an elite gay culture's many sexual hang-ups, Fox and His Friends is first and foremost a riveting evocation of Social Darwinism in action." - Ed Gonzalez
Rated 07 Oct 2010
A rather simple and obvious telling of a working-class fellow trying to fit in the upper class tier. I thought the ending might've been bad, but it turned out to be quite the striking image.
Rated 22 Nov 2009
I knew Fassbinder was a very good director. This film shows that he's also a very good actor.
Rated 10 Apr 2009
Once more, the forces of Sirk/Brecht/Döblin collide in Fassbinder's mind and create an absolutely fantastic creation.


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