Fight Club
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Fight Club

2h 19m
An insomniac office worker, looking for a way to change his life, crosses paths with a devil-may-care soapmaker, forming an underground fight club that evolves into something much, much more.
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Fight Club

2h 19m
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Avg Percentile 75.71% from 31562 total ratings

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Rated 02 Feb 2012
If it were possible to reexperience one film for the first time, I'd choose this. In terms of style Fincher is obviously peerless. The fusion of his edginess and wry humor with Pahlaniuk's discerning social commentary is dangerously perfect. Norton is utterly brilliant (beating himself up routine, voice-over) and - once you've gotten over the most knockout-awesome use of unreliable narration ever - the quality of his performance adds poignancy to what underneath all the attitude is a love story.
Rated 10 May 2010
Chuck Palahniuks brilliant novel is brought to life by a tour de force of directing and acting. I've seen this film more than 30 times and it still amazes me. The dialogue, the plot and how both Palahniuk and Fincher hits the nail on the head with their description of the Y2K man and all the existentialistic questions that he fights with. If you haven't seen it, see it and then see it again. Oh.... And read the book...
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Great movie. Brad Pitt and Edward Norton are both superb. The style is fantastic and the dialog is immersive. All of this, combined with a quite powerful message, make for a great film. Of course there is quite a bit of violence and hilarious dark humor throughout, so it's not for everyone.
Rated 02 May 2007
Panders to a sense of male outrage about the feminization of the workplace and diminishment of male privilege, then pulls the rug out from under those most receptive to that message to reveal the arrested development, sociopathy and conformist conservatism that drive it. In paralleling materialism with identification with Tyler Durden -- the personification of a hyper-masculinity manufactured wholly by the media -- Fight Club implicitly criticizes those who hold him up as some sort of prophet.
Rated 02 Dec 2006
The makers of Fight Club can sure market a product to the angst-ridden anti-establishment crowd: The non-conformists swallow up Fight Club like the well-disciplined herd that they are. Actually the package contains nary a trace of the effective social commentary you might expect, the bulk amounting to misanthropic, skinheaded fascism.
Rated 14 Sep 2007
A fast-paced, violent and very well edited comentary on modern-day society. Pitt and Norton both deliver one of their best performances. The dialogues and the narrating are superb and sometimes need a re-watch to be fully understood. A dark, funny and very cool Masterpiece.
Rated 22 May 2007
Some of those who like this movie argue that the ending, revealing that the film was ironic all along, redeems the whole thing and transforms the politics from a kind of anti-consumption, masculinist neo-fascism into a critique thereof. Nevertheless, one still has to sit through the bulk of the film to get to this ending, and I can't see who this would appeal to other than those who, self-critically or not, are attracted to this kind of unpleasantness. I'm not one of those type of people.
Rated 27 Nov 2008
Mindfuck par excellence!
Rated 26 May 2008
I enjoy the philosophy of: "a film gets better after repeated viewing". Fight Club is no exception to this. At first I thought Andrew Kevin Walker had written the script since the character of Se7en and this one share the same despairing view of the world and its inhabitants; This is the superior film in my opinion: controversial, daring, funny and consistently engrossing. I doubt Fincher will surpass himself in the future.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
If you were to tell someone in 1999 that this movie would be considered a classic, they would've laughed at you. But here we sit, almost 10 years later, and this movie is a adored by most everyone. And with good reason. It's got an excellent story, acting, and the pace never really lets up. Nevermind the hype, this is indeed a great experience.
Rated 25 Jan 2007
Rated 07 Mar 2007
Hyperstylized and frantic but manages to never overreach. It doesn't slow down for a minute but tells its story with such clarity that it manages to never become confusing or feel rushed. Great action and a dark sense of humor from start to finish. A really impressive accomplishment from Fincher.
Rated 27 Apr 2008
Sure, it doesn't contain a world changing philosophy, just a seductive anti-consumerist diatribe delivered in slick sound bites. Good enough. The dark wit, sharp performances and sleek direction enthrall, while the plot weaves towards a waiting cliff. In Fight Club Fincher has created a spectacular mindfuck of an experience that will stand the test of time.
Rated 12 Oct 2009
The quintessential post modern movie: perfectly realized aesthetically, structure- and cast-wise, while in the funniest, most stylized, dirtiest and surprising ways capturing something poignant about masculine fear, primal urges and the consumer society we live in. World's best satire next to Dr. Strangelove.
Rated 23 Mar 2010
Even when you look past its hyper-macho posturing, it's little more than a facile, liberal critique of consumerism which lacks the chutzpah to go for the jugular. The film is so worried about Ikea end-tables and underwear ads that it doesn't even mention class, which is a sign that your little "anti-capitalist" movie stinks. The best part is when Durden assaults a worker and threatens to kill him unless he "bootstraps" his way out of the social relationship that is capitalism. That's so Raven.
Rated 12 Dec 2006
Superb acting, great direction a fun ride and the film raises important issues. Those issues could be handled in a somewhat more complete way but it's all there for the viewer to decipher and the film is about discovering your own path rather than blindly following another's dictates anyway.
Rated 11 Feb 2007
This film have enormous fan society and I am one of them! I love David Fincher's directing style!
Rated 31 Jul 2009
David Fincher directs this stylish and savagely funny social satire adapted from Chuck Palahniuk's novel that examines an unhealhty obession with mass consumerism and the venting of male aggression. Pitt and Norton give unforgettable performances. Flawless in almost every regard, definately one of the best of the 90's.
Rated 02 Dec 2015
An OK movie that's been tainted by its legion of numbskull superfans. Undeniably well-acted and directed, but not nearly as deep or profound as it (or its rabid fanbase) thinks it is.
Rated 28 Aug 2010
This story of an insomniac's other personality creates many mind boggling situations that make the viewer question their life. While the movie is called FIGHT Club and yes does have a fair amount of violence in it, the film was clearly produced to beg a question about life; do we matter? The character played by Brad Pitt (Tyler Durdan) does a fantastic job of leading this so fight club and later on criminal tasks called project mayhem used to set the real world straight.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Movies just don't get better than this. Shines brightly on every aspect. If you dont't like this, there's something wrong with you.
Rated 06 Sep 2009
I'm completely obsessed with this movie. I rented it, watched it twice, bought and read the book, bought the DVD, watched it again and again... It's absolutely disturbing, but not in an usual way. It is very well structured, and sometimes funny, too. There is no other movie like it. This movie is the worst thing that ever happened to me.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
A decent movie, but insanely overrated by people who missed the point entirely.
Rated 02 Mar 2007
There have been a lot of movies that helped shape and mold my movie tastes, but Fight Club is the one movie I can say actually got me into film. It came along at just the right time in my life; when I was beginning to search for interesting movies that would develop my taste. Fight Club was the most stylistically intriguing movie I had seen at the time. I was just floored. No, it's not as great as I used to think, but it will always be the movie to which I owe credit for my love of movies.
Rated 10 Jul 2008
A very gritty and gruesome film with a strong cast, executed with ultimate coolness and in-your-face -attitude. One of my all-time favourites to which I have returned to many times after the first viewing. You are not your number of films rated on Criticker.
Rated 21 Jul 2007
A favorite among "the youths" as I like to call them (I'm 300 years old). Maybe I'd like this better if its fanboys hadn't ruined it for me, but really, the older I get, the more tiresome "Fight Club" and its cult of pseudo-intellectual geek boys becomes.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This dark comedy-action-thriller-drama is one of the best films to come out of the 90's if not the entire 20th century. Fight Club is the ultimate mind-bending movie trip that stays good no matter how many times you let it chew you up and spit you out. Awesome!
Rated 15 Nov 2009
"We've had no great war - no great depression. Our great war is a spiritual war - our great depression is our lives." This is the most important movie of my generation, which helps explain why it's largely ignored.
Rated 21 Apr 2007
A very well directed, brilliantly acted and often times very funny satire. Unfortunately, it stylizes and glorifies the fight scenes, which somewhat undermines it's own message that Durden's extreme is not to be admired, making it easier for people to love it for all the wrong reasons. Still good, in spite of its fan club.
Rated 26 Jul 2008
Yeah, maybe people will see that I gave it a 100 and think that it doesn't deserve it but I still think it deserves the credit it got before the backlash (and the anti-backlash... and the anti-anti backlash...). It's gripping, biting satire. It's funny, intelligent and there's great direction from Fincher. So sue me, it remains in the top 10 for me even though I've seen tons of other movies.
Rated 25 Jan 2009
They should teach this movie in school!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
What a pity it is that so many people have completely misunderstood this movie. Actually it's sort of funny. Hell yeah, guys! Let's go kick the shit out of each other and really feel alive!
Rated 23 Dec 2010
Absolute masterpiece. This is simply the greatest movie I have ever seen. It is so well made and has very much depth to it. It is very deep and may take a while to grow on you, but once it does it's truly an amazing movie experience. The twist near the end will blow your mind. Be prepared for something big when watching this. It gets better and better everytime, you will always catch something new. Too amazing for words
Rated 14 Aug 2013
David Fincher scores again! I really liked the feel of the movie and Edward Norton (and the supporting cast) is great along with the unpredictable and extremely entertaining story. Iota a classic for a reason!
Rated 01 Feb 2007
If you've ever questioned your own life, authority, materialism, or society in general, then you should see this movie. If you haven't done any of those, skip the movie and go out and do at least 3.
Rated 16 Apr 2012
It's depressing to think they'll remake this in about four years and cast Channing Tatum.
Rated 09 Jul 2010
"It's only after we've lost everything we're free to do anything." It doesn't only regard consumerism and capitalism. It regards the decline of our times, the pathetic, self-pitiful decay of the century that has turned people into robots, communication into cyber-independent dealings and rendered the purpose of life worthless. A beautiful concept that paints the tragedy of our times, the pornographic easiness of our drab daily lives and the ultimate call for a freedom we shall never possess.
Rated 17 May 2008
one of the most amazing plot twists in cinema, plus meat loaf has boobs.
Rated 01 Dec 2009
Everyone says this is simply about fighting, but really there is a lot more too it then that. It is anti corporation, it is about one man needing to find away to vent his agression and ultimately giving others the chance to do the same. Pitt and Norton are perfection and Bonham Carter falls in right behind them with a beautiful and captivating performance of her own
Rated 20 May 2012
The first rule of Fight Club is that if you think it's insightful, please think a bit harder. But I can't completely hate it. While the middle-school I-don't-know-what-anarchism-actually-is fantasy bogs things down completely, the scenes of Ed Norton and Brad Pitt or Norton and Bonham Carter just interacting, playing off each other, are straight-up FUN. And everything after [SPOILERS] he discovers he's become a B-list Batman villain (Tyler-Face!) is way more interesting than what's come before.
Rated 18 Jan 2010
I can never get over the fact that those bozos walked out of that bar, saw Ed Norton punching himself in the face and said, 'That looks really cool, I want to do that too!'
Rated 30 Aug 2009
Just a great time. I've probably watched it 15 times and read the book 5 times and absolutely love both. Pitt makes a great Durden, and Norton an even better narrator. Everything is near perfect.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
David Fincher's materpiece about chaos, subversion and society, and certainly one of the coolest movies ever made. Need I say more?
Rated 26 Nov 2009
Pretentious as hell.
Rated 14 Aug 2008
Entire college-level courses could be taught based on this unforgettable slice of cinema; both on the subject of film and in men's studies. There is so much going on and it merits repeat viewings. Fincher will likely never create another masterpiece so influential, or so discussed. Edward Norton is as perfect as an actor can be and this finally made it OK for guys to love Brad Pitt. It's violent and very dark, but the dialogue and existential criticism is brilliant. And that ending: Magnificent.
Rated 29 Nov 2006
A dark, visceral, funny, and sickeningly preachy movie. Despite its numerous strengths, including grotesque visuals and a sharp wit (the narration is fantastic), it unfortunately suffers from the glaring flaw of pretension, of wanting so desperately to be about something, to have a message. Its anti-materialist consumerism critique is noble enough, but it comes by its conclusions with naive and dubious morality. Oh well, it's still pretty fun to watch.
Rated 26 Feb 2007
Ed Norton and Brad Pitt are amazing in this, and Finchers directing makes it that rare film that's even better than the book. Something about this movie just seems so perfect, even if I can't place my finger on exactly why.
Rated 22 Sep 2010
It has been picked apart over and over and I don't care. It's fun, doesn't take itself seriously (except when it does) and I preferred it to the book.
Rated 21 Aug 2007
I thought this movie was stupid. I really didn't see the point. Of course, I do not have gonads which I believe is vital component for enjoying this film.
Rated 08 Oct 2007
A bombing of ideas brilhant. Sensational, perfect and indispensable.
Rated 28 Sep 2009
I wanted to write something, but then I'd be violating the first and second rules.
Rated 11 Aug 2008
A review of this movie is almost moot at this point: if you haven't seen it you're probably doing it on-purpose. Easily one of the best movies ever made and worth the top spot on my list. Style, development, character, cinematography, and everything in between is executed perfectly. Your friends are suggesting you watch this for a reason, and they're right this time.
Rated 17 Aug 2007
Now Fight Club is not a bad film by any means, but the extremely massive cult following this film has is ridiculous. Sure the story is good, and the acting from Pitt and Norton were good, but I could spot that twist from a mile away, to me it was kind of obvious. Fincher's direction is quite good, but I believe that Seven is the better film.
Rated 31 Jan 2012
This movie has it all: great performances, great deep in meaning story, fun, action scenes, violence, romantic appeal, maniac appeal, comedy appeal, interesting twists, fantastic pacing, great editing and cinematography. It is the whole package.
Rated 25 Jan 2009
Becomes exactly what is trying to make a parody of.
Rated 26 Dec 2014
In the first hour and 20 minutes I was torn... I saw great acting, great cutting and a little bit of why this movie is so iconic, but mostly I just felt like I was watching a random "guys" movie. Then it hit me! ...Like I think it does everyone... Fantastic!
Rated 14 Jul 2009
Well, we all know the first (and second) rule about Fight Club... ...But I'll take my chances. What can you really say about Fight Club. It's got everything. Great acting. Great Directing. Awesome story. Drama. Action. Comedy. Important message. Foreshadowing plot. Excellent twist. It's just an all around fun movie that you can watch over and over again.
Rated 14 Aug 2008
Brilliant film about the soulless juggernaut that is capitalism, and the barriers that blockade the truth of self realization for so many young men and women slaving for a pay check only to live comfortably in a mediocre lifestyle controlled by the government and it's agents.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This is Jack's incredibly overrated movie.
Rated 29 Nov 2006
One of those rare cases when a movie is on-par with the book, and heck, it may even be better. Don't get me wrong, I love Palahniuk's work, but the movie captures the energy and isolation that the book sort of missed. I do wish however that Uhls would have made Marla's character more of a romantic interest than a sexual one (as she was in the book), but this is still one of my favorite adaptations ever.
Rated 29 Mar 2009
No overacting by Brad Pitt, Meat Loaf having "bitch tits", and a fantastic ending that I did not see coming. A masterpiece.
Rated 29 Nov 2014
Epic movie inspired many across the world. Good story and picturisation.
Rated 31 Dec 2007
It's not a bad movie, but if someone tells you that this is their favorite movie, you can pretty much walk away knowing that you aren't missing anything by not continuing a conversation with them.
Rated 12 Dec 2009
You will never get tired of watching this movie again and again.
Rated 27 Aug 2008
Could've been so much better if you cut a huge chunk out of the middle: all the miscellaneous "funny" nonsense the duo gets into.
Rated 25 Jan 2007
I am Jack's rabid fanboy.
Rated 22 Feb 2007
Pitt and Norton at thier best in a great film.
Rated 26 Jul 2010
Showy, but not stylish, smartass, but not smart, ambitious, but ultimately hollow. "Fight Club" is interesting but, at the end of the day, too tongue-in-cheek for its own good. It tries to make a comment on a serious subject matter and simultaneously inject it with black humor but it ends up ideologically confused and the jokes are half-baked and fall flat. It is entertaining, there's no denying that, but definitely not as edgy or sophisticated as it intended to be.
Rated 20 Jan 2010
Eye opening and an extremely entertaining movie experience
Rated 13 Mar 2021
Fight Club has a big big big problem. It should criticize the ideology spread by Tayler as much as the book does, but watching the movie you feel connected with populist ideas and you surprise yourself cheering for the destruction of financial buildings. So 84 is all because Fincher technical work: it could have been way higher in case of a better work passing the correct message
Rated 07 Mar 2013
A brilliantly subversive film about escapism and repression. Manages to be bitingly critical of the anarchic, hyper-masculine ideal that most people assume the film endorses.
Rated 25 Jan 2020
it's a very well done film and whatever, but you know that feeling when you watch a film everyone says is a masterpiece and then you don't really think it is and well yeah
Rated 23 Jul 2020
It was good in High School. Has an iconic ending.
Rated 28 Jul 2011
FIGHT CLUB may be a satire on our society, it may be an anarchistic (or fascistic) manifesto; I haven't quite decided. What I have decided is that it is a great film. It features Brad Pitt, a fine actor, at his best, and Edward Norton, a frequently annoying actor, at HIS best. The script is coldly hilarious, and in tandem with David Fincher's brilliant direction, plunges the audience into a world that is both fearsome and exhilarating. It's a long film, but it's absolutely worth every second.
Rated 24 Aug 2009
Fight Club is just so perfectly made I cannot name a single flaw in the whole movie, including acting, directing, scripting, camera work, music. And one of the best endings I have ever seen in a movie; probably, because I was overwhelmed with the moments that preceded it. Probably the only movie I have seen which is better than the book it is based on. And the book is great.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Unbelievable. If you haven't seen this movie already, you need to. If you're looking for a nice, light watch this isn't the movie to pick. It's dark and twisted, but done outstandingly well. My third favourite movie on my entire list.
Rated 17 Feb 2014
Decent critic about modern society lead by consumerism but bit overhyped and overrated. But must say script and dialogues are very good and acting is topnotch.
Rated 15 May 2011
This movie met me in a strange time in my life.
Rated 18 Jan 2010
I cannot praise this film enough. Funny, intelligent, unique, brilliantly directed and paced. It has a stellar cast, with Norton and Pitt giving some of their all-time best performances. And lets not forget about that famed plot-twist. A must see modern classic.
Rated 03 Jun 2010
The best movie secretly about homo-sexuality ever made.
Rated 07 Mar 2011
Brad's best film by far. This is an Uber cool movie with an awsome plot. If someone asked me what my favourite film was... I'd probably say this one.
Rated 03 Jul 2009
Can't talk about it. Refer to rule #1
Rated 04 Feb 2009
Very entertaining, full of dark humor and a nice little twist towards the end.
Rated 22 Aug 2016
This is basically a movie set to Nine Inch Nails' The Downward Spiral. It's beautiful, ugly, amazing, and horrible all at once. I love it.
Rated 23 Jul 2010
The only reason this doesn't get a perfect score is because someone had ruined the ending for me. He must have forgotten the number one rule of Fight Club..
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I am Jack's overwhelming obsession with this movie.
Rated 08 Aug 2009
Yeah, it can be a little heavy-handed, but then again you're not meant to agree with Durden, and people that do are stupid. Ignoring the philosophy, it's a very good film with great performances from everyone involved.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Fincher, the best young director in this moment.Movie had collapsed in the cinemas but later on brought by cable TV and instantly became a cult. Pitt kicks ass, Norton amazing. Screenplay rocks the world. No sun EVER! Masturbation is self improvement, selfdestruction is the answer.
Rated 30 Sep 2014
This movie has an expiration date of: when you're not 16 anymore.
Rated 24 Jun 2008
A rare film that is better than the book, shares my interest in soap making and is clever and surprising. Blah, blah, blah, sweaty shirtless guys smacking each other around. Enough said.
Rated 18 Jan 2013
Great use of film as an audio visual medium. Really enhances the unique story.
Rated 28 Apr 2011
An absolutely incredible, mind-blowing trip of a movie that doubles as a hilariously dark and scathing social satire. This and The Social Network rank as director David Ficnher's absolute best work.
Rated 08 Aug 2021
It's odd that this satiric commentary on white male stature & violence ended up being embraced by Film Bros. Scenes like the IKEA apartment explosion hit the right notes--making it Gen-X's version of The Graduate. But it loses its way as it goes on and becomes sophomoric, as if it were appealing to the audience's dumbest teen boys. Still, David Fincher bravely made a movie with a keen visual look, a great soundtrack, and a funny ending. Marginal recommendation, even if it hasn't aged well.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
No other movie has been more applicable to my generation. No other movie has been more thought provoking for me. And, Ed motherfucking Norton.
Rated 02 Sep 2008
Does not hold up over repeat viewings: it's all tenacity all the way through, and the technique is sometimes hypocritical of its message.
Rated 15 Mar 2008
A movie about life's lowest points, about hitting rock bottom with nothing left but resentment for one's creators. An exploration of a universe that exists only in industrial alleyways, parking garages and the basements of bars. A glamorization of self destruction, a cold examination of consumer culture and a celebration of male bonding through violence set to a breakbeat soundtrack. This could have been the worst movie ever made, but directed as a comedy, it was one of the best.
Rated 17 Nov 2010
Very smart, disturbingly satirical, appropriately hip and slick, weirdly entertaining, and filled with humour so dark you might fall into it. Feels like a different film each time I watch it, but never any less brilliant.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It's not as mind-blowing and amazing as it was when I was 14, but it's still a really cool and original vision, with endlessly quotable dialogue and two great lead performances. The Raymond K. Hessel scene is as intense as anything in all of cinema, and damn do I love it.
Rated 02 Mar 2009
Don't talk about Fight Club.
Rated 17 Feb 2010
The film takes a shot at consumerism, anti-consumerism, alternative belief systems, and social rebellion. It's a bit self indulgent at times reveling in its cleverness a bit much but it's a solid piece of work.


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