Fateful Findings
Fateful Findings
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Fateful Findings

Fateful Findings

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 40m
A small boy discovers a mystical power as a child. He is then separated from his childhood girlfriend. He grows up to be a computer scientist who is hacking into the most secret national and international secrets, as well as being an acclaimed novel writer. His childhood 'finding' gives him amazing paranormal powers. He is reunited with the childhood girlfriend, mystically, on his hospital deathbed... as his relationship with his current drug addict girlfriend is deteriorating. (imdb)

Fateful Findings

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 40m
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Avg Percentile 14.6% from 167 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 17 Mar 2017
My first Neil Breen feature, and while it was less bonkers than I'd hoped, this is still an impressive feat of deluded filmmaking. Breen is one of the worst actors I've ever seen and this crazy, crazy man has no sense of shame, human interaction or narrative flow. No scene logically leads to the next, it's amazing. He also plays a SUPER HACKER (we never see him hack anything) and the irresistible ladies man / laptop wrecker that the world of today sorely needs. That final segment, holy shit.
Rated 07 May 2016
There are way to many women who let Neil Breen see their breasts but only gave the audience a tease without showing us the whole thing. This isn't me being greedy and wanting to see. I'm legitimately concerned for their safety. A warning to all women, Neil Breen doesn't deserve to see your breasts. Maybe you aren't a special snowflake, but you're better than this. Please seek help away from Breen's monotone and emotionless existence.
Rated 02 Jan 2018
Friend: "What do you think of this Neil Breen guy?" Me: "Well, he can't act, he can't write, his set design is awful and his sound design is worse, he somehow manages to cast actors that can't emote, he has no idea how to frame a shot and it's doubtful he could direct a coherent infomercial, but son of a bitch does he have a lot of laptops. Let's watch another one."
Rated 26 Jan 2020
This is less a film and more an experience. This is basically "The Room" for a new decade. Looking up Neil Breen on Wikipedia and seeing that he's slightly older than my father was a real trip. Every scene asks more questions than they answer. I loved how scenes would just end without much reason. Much like this review.
Rated 17 Apr 2017
Laptop Destroying Simulator 2013. This is my first Breen. Obviously it's so bad it's entertaining HACKING, but it's not quite the room for me HACKING because there are some scenes that go on way too HACKING long and I got a little bored. If he edited it down a little bit this would be so much HACKING better. Terrible acting, scenes don't flow into one another, there's no reason why this is a paranormal political drama thriller, and the HACKING suicides are funny. HACKING. Funny.
Rated 17 Mar 2017
Kids with a shiny mushroom that turns into a box and farts + glitterbible + 4 laptops + loud hacking + many suicides + more hacking + headaches + Neil Breen's ass + NOT writing a book but HACKING + Neil Breen's naked ass in a dark cave (aka walls covered with black plastic bags) + laptop being smashed or covered with coffee + hacking + dirty pool + Neil Breen being irresistable for all the ladies + more farts = ??????????????????????????????????????????
Rated 28 Jan 2016
So far the weakest of Breen's works. But even great directors sometimes have a bad day.
Rated 05 May 2024
I am in awe. In awe! How could you do this Neil? How could you do this? Neil, you have to stop. Promise me you will stop this Neil. Promise me.
Rated 18 Sep 2018
Another smash-hit from Neil Breen. How this man is three movies into his directorial library and still unaware that his following only watches his movies either ironically or because they are hilariously bad is beyond me. But than again, after having watched all of his theatrical releases, he seems to be exactly that crazy.
Rated 16 Jun 2018
What the fuck did I just watch? This Neil Breen guy makes Tommy Wiseau look like the next Andy Milligan or Polonia brothers. Which shouldn't be a complement, but there you go. +5 points for impressing me with its awfulness..
Rated 16 Aug 2017
[CAPTAIN'S JOURNAL: STAR DATE... WHO CARES BY THIS POINT?] After suffering major casualties in the battle of Planet 9, we've dispatched a fresh battalion of our most foolhardy soldiers to defeat the enemy once and for all. Unprepared and insufficiently trained for the bloodbath that followed, those lucky enough to have survived returned home with severe injuries and irreparable brain damage. Psychiatric treatment may last months, if not years; Oh well, at least we get some free pot out of it...
Rated 30 Jan 2017
Neil Breen is close to being the next Tommy Wiseau and I sure hope he can reach those heights. Fateful Findings is indeed an even more disjointed and dysfunctional film than The Room, which works for its benefit (with some downright baffling scenes) and its detriment (with some fairly dull and overly long scenes). It feels like it's running out of a bit of steam when it approaches its end, but the climax is ... well, probably the most cathartic ending for America right now.
Rated 24 Aug 2016
Rated 17 Jul 2016
The perfect movie to watch with friends less-than-sober. One of my very favourite films ever made
Rated 30 Jan 2016
I love this garbage!
Rated 28 Jan 2016
neil breen simply could not live up to his standards this time. he may have gone too far in a few places. there's the memorable moment here and there, but altogether this is his weakest effort. all hope's on "pass thru" now.
Rated 07 Sep 2024
If you fancy watching people drop, throw or hit things, this film is for you. Other than that, while it is an improvement over Breen's similarly-themed debut as it's less boring and has a handful of nice shots, it's still hard to get over the cryptic, repetitive story, clumsy acting, abundant continuity errors, awkward dialogues, unsubtle politics, irrelevant subplots and the fact that the same-age leads are clearly 30 years apart. Oh, and the disclaimer regarding the credits is just brilliant.
Rated 21 May 2024
This is kind of a movie. Pretty painful to watch, even with friends and drugs. Amazing ending, too bad it takes 90 minutes to get there.
Rated 19 Feb 2024
Breen's latest effort is distinctively less ambitious than his magnum opus, I Am Here Now...., purporting to more successfully promote the idea that divine intervention is unnecessary to effect radical change. If we all do our part to eliminate corporate greed Breen's utopia shall be realised!
Rated 02 Sep 2023
This one fell flat and I had trouble enjoying it on any level.
Rated 09 Feb 2023
I want my time back. It's not charming; it's bad. In every way. Not good-bad. Bad-bad: pacing, performance, ego-maniacal, reductionist, ugh... please stop.
Rated 05 Apr 2022
Stop giving this man money. He is a terrible filmmaker and should be seen as such.
Rated 02 Oct 2020
By far Breen's most coherent film, it's a Lynchian style thinkpiece that never even tries to suggest answers to the many questions he poses.
Rated 02 Mar 2020
It's a magical day!
Rated 01 Feb 2020
Neil Breen tackles alcoholism and drug addiction, and realises he can get women naked for what we shall charitably call art? It's the usual god complex confusing mess, but with breasts sometimes!
Rated 06 Sep 2019
Not seen the whole thing not sure if it is a technothriller.
Rated 17 Nov 2018
Oh dear
Rated 04 Jan 2017
fav bad movie. more entertaining than the room.
Rated 27 Aug 2016
This man is a genius. And such a multi-talent!
Rated 24 Apr 2016
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