Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
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Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Family/Kids, Fantasy
2h 14m
The second installment of the "Fantastic Beasts" series set in J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World featuring the adventures of magizoologist Newt Scamander. (imdb)

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Family/Kids, Fantasy
2h 14m
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Avg Percentile 26.93% from 1589 total ratings

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Rated 18 Nov 2018
Some truly splendid effects and great acting doesn't quite save this. It feels as if there was originally one movie and they decided to break it down into two parts, this being the fairly uneventful first half. It's not boring and it's pacing is okay, it just feels like a filler more than a full movie. It still manages to develop some of the central characters and it opens up for what will likely be a better movie. The first film in this universe that's just okay in my opinion.
Rated 17 Nov 2018
Fantastic Beasts: The Crime Of Having A Million Subplots. Credit where it’s due, things do actually kind of come together for a fairly interesting 30 minutes or so near the end, but until then much of the film is deathly dull, both in overarching narrative and within individual, awkward scenes. Johnny Depp doesn’t feel like he’s bringing much Ralph Fiennes didn’t in the original series. The very final twist in the last minute or so of the film is pure eye-rolling fantasy cliche.
Rated 18 Nov 2018
Crimes of Grindelwald: The Once and Future Movie. The film feels like it has no substance of its own: its value will be found either in later installments, which it's so desperate to anticipate and lay the groundwork for; and/or its worth is in previous Wizarding World (...ugh) entries, which it sacrifices itself to to namedrop every possible opportunity. I have no doubt everything is connected, this film just does a surprisingly poor job making the scattered pieces feel earned in their moment
Rated 21 Mar 2020
That's remarkable, really. A week later I had no idea whether or not I had finished it. I'm truly not trying to be facetious - this sequel was simply so completely and utterly unengaging. Well done. I'm already looking forward to the third one: 'Fantastic Beasts and How to Make Muggles Give Less Than Zero Fucks'.
Rated 17 Nov 2018
You'd expect any second movie to build upon the first one. That doesn't happen here. The relationships established in the first movie are pushed to the background and the movie focuses on sooo many new characters and their backstories that it's hard to keep track of them. It gets a bit better by the end, but even the plot itself feels like a prelude to a much greater thing - something that isn't even published yet - and it forgot to have an interesting story just on its own.
Rated 17 Nov 2018
Beautiful to look at, but what a lousy script. Also, the characters lack the charm of the Harry Potter films.
Rated 14 Nov 2018
Is this what watching HP-films without having read the books is like? So confusing - the shots, editing and plot are a disaster. Clearly film isn't the best medium for this when the result feels like a book adaptation where they had to cut all the world building out. How did they get here? How are these Lestranges related? What's actually going on? Starts nowhere and goes nowhere, and the revelations are just frustrating when the whole story is never told. Oh, and Jude Law ain't Dumbledore.
Rated 03 Dec 2018
Rowling writes scripts like a novelist for good & bad. There's oddly placed maturity for a kid's film (a gay relationship & which Scamander Leta Lestrange really loves are left ambiguous), & plotting that's very dense for a movie that spends so much time fawning over cutesy cgi animals. Unfortunately, the over-plotting results in eye-rolling contrivances (Queenie's break-up; Newt being a wanted man 1 second, the librarian giving him free reign the next) & too much time in setting up a 3rd film.
Rated 01 Dec 2018
Manages to simultaneously have too much plot and too little. It also manages to almost immediately shit on the emotional climax of the first film in a really unnecessary way. Depp is a step down from Farrell. Perhaps Rowling doesn't quite get that even if you set up greater things to come, each individual film needs its own self-contained arc - as well as more Dumbledore.
Rated 17 Nov 2018
[Stream it] This is a strangely "meh" film. It exists in the HP universe, but the story is too slow and unexciting to be a HP movie. It has the title of Fantastic Beasts, but the Beasts are at a bare minimum. It also has the Crimes of Grindelwald, but I couldn't name a single crime really. It uses the same magic from HP, but it doesn't follow the same rules. It's very pretty, Depp isn't terrible, and there's a handfull of interesting bits, but it comes off as failed fanservice overall.
Rated 27 Apr 2019
Doesn't quite do enough to justify Grindelwald - had it done so the film would have earned a bit more menace. Despite a decent length, it struggles to be any more than a prologue to... who knows. But slick dialogue in places and a plot that while unfinished is interesting enough.
Rated 04 Dec 2018
UNBEARABLY BORING. Sat in awe at how lifeless a film with "Fantastic Beasts" in its title could be. I actually walked out which is something I'm not sure I've ever done before.
Rated 24 Nov 2018
LIke in the first one, two mutually excluding concepts battle for the center stage: a quirky, whimsical character study in the world of Harry Potter and a more familiar, streamlined and grandiose fight between good and evil. Towards the end the former forfeited and as a result, this installment finds its footing and becomes as good as the talent involved dictates it should have been all along.
Rated 21 Nov 2018
One of the most dramatically inert blockbusters I’ve ever seen - anything relevant to future movies could have been dealt with in about ten minutes, while the rest is either comically lame fanservice or dull, tired character tropes. Depp is truly awful. Occasionally there’s a good bit with a magical creature but they’re extremely few and far between. The amount of gigantic continuity errors - including one in the main twist of the movie - is telling. Even Rowling doesn’t give a shit now.
Rated 16 Nov 2018
OMG!!! There have been sequels vastly anticipated, there have been sequels that blew everyone away, and there have been sequels that did nothing but taint the memory of the original. And now, finally, Warner Bros give us the ultimate, most boringest-est sequel ever. It's so dull, taking a dump has has more twists and turns. Truly, without any exaggeration, I don't remember being this bored since I watched the original Potter movie in 2001. O-M-G!
Rated 16 Nov 2018
So, I'm 10 Potter films in, and this one left me confused. It felt just all like padding. In the first 5 minutes Grindelwald escapes. Then there are, just like the first film, random wizard stick fight chase scenes, and wall-to-wall cutesy CGI creatures. The final "big revelation" was a big " what?" to me. If you paired it with the opening Grindelwald escape sequence, together they are something that could be put on like a Star Wars opening crawl, to be followed by a proper movie.
Rated 28 Jul 2020
The greatest feat this movie accomplished was being better and at the same time even worse than it's predecessor. Eddie Redmayne really did his best by making Newt Scamander stay mostly in the background. Every character was bland and poorly written and the title giving Grindelwald suffered the most for it. Forgettable, charmless and overall just unwatchable. Can't wait to hate the sequel!
Rated 11 Apr 2020
I actually liked the first film, but this adds so many characters and so much is going on that it's extremely hard to follow. I can't even recommend this for Harry Potter fans because of how boring it is and I think it sets up any future sequels for failure.
Rated 26 Feb 2019
A dull follow-up to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016). I quite enjoyed the first one. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)... just lazy storytelling filled with monotone dialogue making things even more pointless. They barely bothered to explain why things where happening and what their objective was, so why should I care for random bits of magic? A disappointing experience.
Rated 20 Feb 2019
Outstanding production design and special effects help to create a rich and inviting universe - to tell less than captivating stories in.
Rated 31 Jan 2019
Another We Hate Movies hate watch. I have no idea what the hell was going on, the camera kept circling around to show us all the CGI in order to distract people, terrible just terrible
Rated 21 Jan 2019
The first movie was acceptable and overly kiddie but that's fine because it was a movie mostly for kids. This movie undoes the few nice aspects of the first and is a kind of boring mess.
Rated 28 Dec 2018
Well, who ever is going to watch fantastic beasts, please give me a lecture afterwards. I had no fucking clue what was going on. Incredible complicated story, a bazillion characters. What a mess.
Rated 26 Nov 2018
3 things: 1. This is not a movie, it's the only the unsatisfactory first act of a movie. 2. Nothing interesting happens, it's just characters and sidecharacters, plot and subplots moving into position but far from getting there. 3. What they did to the character of Queenie is a rage-inducing disgrace.
Rated 24 Nov 2018
I take everything I said about Harry Potter movies back. They are all masterpieces compare to this one. Not just Rowling's script is all over the place but Yates' lazy and dull directing hit the rock bottom this time. I missed the days when I thought the Order of the Phoenix was bad. I didn't deserve this as a Potterhead.
Rated 24 Nov 2018
Must have the worst “number of characters / characters you actually care about” ratio of any major blockbuster of the last several years. Never felt involved in the film’s excessive swirling subplots, tragic relationships, or eye-rolling backstories. An incoherent calamity that feels four hours long.
Rated 21 Nov 2018
I think any return trip to the Wizarding World will probably earn this grade (minimum) from me, unless it fundamentally shits its own pants. This didn't. At the same time, it pains me to wave the inaccessibility flag here. Where the first Fantastic Beasts was crafted in such a way as to be accessible to casual or late-entry Potterverse fans such as myself, this very much was not - it's too dependent on deep-cuts fan service and tough-to-follow (or rather, connect with) family trees. A down-tick.
Rated 21 Nov 2018
How big of a deal is it that Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald is the worst film to come out of the Wizarding World? Well, what if I told you that Johnny Depp isn't even the biggest problem with this movie? Yeah, this is what we're dealing with.
Rated 20 Nov 2018
I enjoyed The Crimes of Grindelwald more than the first film. The returning protagonists are still rather bland, but some of the new characters are intriguing; with Kravitz, Depp and Law all doing a good job. My favourite scenes were those set at Hogwarts, making it more than an integral part of the universe for me. There's more action, peril and blurred lines this time round. Obviously a prelude to the main conflict in further films, but the film remains an entertaining exercise in exposition.
Rated 19 Nov 2018
There was so much plot. So. Much. Plot. Most of it wasn't even necessary or interesting, hell, at some point they went full audiobook just to explain some of the plot. And then, at some point, you have to choose between the holocaust and Grindelwald, making him... the good guy? I'm lost. It was a decent movie though, I'll go watch the third one.
Rated 19 Nov 2018
It has unfortunately fallen into the studio trap of making an episode of a larger story instead of being a self-contained story of its own. Too many sub plots, nothing resolved...
Rated 17 Nov 2018
I really liked the first Fantastic Beasts movie. It was something more fantasy story than just a teen film. The sequel's got some nice eye candy here and there but I did not get hold on the story. Everything was shattered everywhere.
Rated 17 Nov 2018
Confusing and boring.
Rated 17 Nov 2018
Really long, too drawn out. Johnny Depp was awesome, Ezra Miller was interesting, but some of the lore keeps changing and not matching what JK Rowling made originally.
Rated 16 Nov 2018
Once again a rather simple story is ruined by too many characters and scenes. The result is a handsome but borderline boring experience. Maybe because David Yates is a one-note director, maybe because J.K. Rowling isn't a very good screenwriter. But probably both.
Rated 28 Nov 2021
I never was a fan of the childish magical Harry Potter universe, and while this spin off series may not have many children, the world within is just as wide eye juvenile as the main series, or the likes of Power Rangers, for that matter. Gripes about magic aside, this sequel is a solid step down from the first installment, it's convoluted, annoying, and boring. Pretend it doesn't exist.
Rated 22 Jan 2021
Somebody forgot to write and make a compelling well-crafted stand alone movie amidst all the fanservice and franchise building. Luckily there is the overbearing music to tell us exactly what to feel, cause the writing sure doesn't.
Rated 19 Oct 2020
The protagonists of the last film are left bumbling on the sidelines as a whole host of characters that the film makes no effort to make a viewer care about flop around in an absolute mess of a story. Shallow, poorly structured, and uninteresting. An utter flop.
Rated 03 Oct 2020
Bad film, with very bad writing. The characters are generally not interesting, the plot is unnecessarily convoluted and it's just dull. Most of the subplots lead nowhere and the whole film feels like it could have been done in 15 minutes. The final half hour or so I actually enjoyed, but it also made me sad thinking about all the wasted potential. A more creative and competent screenwriter is needed here. It kind of feels like all the bad parts of the new Star Wars trilogy, but worse.
Rated 02 Feb 2020
Wants to tell an incredibly dense, convoluted story about wizard politics and conflict, curses and prophecies, blood feuds and blood oaths, unknown and mistaken identities, family lineages and extremism. While also jamming in a few cute magical animals, and the quirky trio of main characters from the first movie, whose presence feels forced here. The screenwriter obviously loves knotted and detailed plots, but it's too much for the medium. Can't she, I don't know, try writing a book instead?
Rated 24 Mar 2019
I had quite low expectations for this movie so I didn't think it was all that bad. Rowling really sucks at writing screenplays and they shouldn't let her get away with it. A barely coherent mess of a film with so much plot that still somehow ends with nothing having happened. An awkward middle movie that doesn't have an ending. A dump of exposition and world-building instead of storytelling. I did like that it was darker and more serious and there were a few good scenes.
Rated 19 Mar 2019
I'm a big HP fan but this was very disappointing.This movie is the definition of filler.Nothing of note actually happens, it just feels like set up for something bigger.It's structured so poorly that when it ended I literally said what? because I thought there would be more.Other than Newt and the wonderful portrayal of Dumbledore by Jude Law every other character is incredibly uninteresting and literally no character or relationship is developed here is just people delivering exposition.
Rated 10 Mar 2019
Characters are boring, plot is obvious, script is messy. Dragged too much.
Rated 27 Feb 2019
By limiting the appearances of Fogler and some of the other more endearing supporting roles from the original, advertising far more screen time for Depp's character, and completely a completely irrelevant title. The newest entry in the Wizarding World franchise is a resounding step down for the fans and Rowling. A CGI laden bore fest of a middle chapter with no beginning, middle or end to speak of. If anything the third entry better make good on all the plot points this one set up.
Rated 06 Feb 2019
As a guy who is raised by Harry Potter books and movies, I feel excitement everything about Harry Potter. First movie didn't have the H.P. materials but this one has a lot of them. Even hearing the original H.P. theme song at the Hogwarts scene gave me chills. I'm not sure if it's successfull in cinematogrophy or anything; I didn't watch it objectively. But i really enjoyed it as a Harry Potter fan.
Rated 19 Jan 2019
I love the characters and the environments they find themselves in but this was a bit of a confusing jumble. Looking forward to things being cleared up at some point. Still enjoyable if you like wizardy things.
Rated 01 Jan 2019
Wholly disappointing. Rowling should save the franchise by abdicating screenwriting responsibilities.
Rated 30 Dec 2018
Dreary fantasy film doesn't even have the benefit of good design to help it out, presenting a drab, ugly world populated by cheerless (and ultimately irritating) characters; Depp at least appears to be trying something different, with a dialled down villainous performance, but Redmayne feels let loose to indulge his most irritating mannerisms, and the film uneasily wavers between kiddie hi-jinks and some quite ambiguously seedy material (and grotesque moments of horror). A lumpy mess.
Rated 26 Dec 2018
A couple of months on, I can't recall what specifically doesn't work here, but it's a very densely plotted movie which seems to be targeted at those who are heavily invested in the Potter-verse franchise. For the rest of the world, this is a stylish but confusing fantasy drama. Again the 'fantastic beasts' are a visual highlight. I'm hoping all this exposition will pay off in the later movies of this series at which point this entry may retrospectively improve.
Rated 22 Dec 2018
okay movie
Rated 18 Dec 2018
Very, very disappointing. Just being a film that takes place in the Harry Potter universe should add a few points automatically, but everything about this movie feels rushed. Some good cinematography, some fantastic beasts, a couple of jokes... and that's it. The screenplay is a mess, the audience barely gets to invest in any of the characters, a couple of subplots are ridiculous to say the least. Wow.
Rated 16 Dec 2018
just wizarding world, pls dont change it
Rated 06 Dec 2018
It's not that it's a bad film but it's just meddling fodder. It's largely episodic and does a lot of building up, so as a film itself it doesn't really seem to go anywhere. The ideas have also become so large in itself that the "Fantastic Beasts" and likewise, Newt, is kind of an afterthought. Still, the fans of the franchise might get a few kicks from all the references and allusions to Harry Potter world.
Rated 04 Dec 2018
More one movie than the first 'Fantastic Beasts'. Everything feels more coherent. But the movie never becomes more than average and remains a CGI spectacle with some weird 'Harry Potter' lore additions.
Rated 04 Dec 2018
It had a slow start for me, but really got into it by midway and is really tied into Hogwarts and the Harry Potter universe now.
Rated 28 Nov 2018
Rowling one-ups the incestuous epilogue of the final Harry Potter with, no joke, a climactic scene explaining the complexities of a literal family tree... Major characters from the previous film get lost amongst the world-building and sequel-baiting. Still, spending time inside the Wizarding World continues to have its charms.
Rated 26 Nov 2018
Being a "middle" movie I'm inclined to cut it some slack but it was lacking in more than just seeming unfinished. Lots of other criticisms I'll use my characters to complain about Credence being a mopey character could be tolerable but he's also very boring but then there was Leta and Nagini being mopey and boring the whole movie.
Rated 25 Nov 2018
Johnny Depp has a garbage mustache.
Rated 25 Nov 2018
The best thing about this movie is that Harry Potter is not in it.
Rated 24 Nov 2018
The film lurches from scene to scene with no explanation, the characters stumble around blindly with no discernible motivation, deus ex machina is used approximately once every two minutes. To make it even more insulting, Yates spends much of the runtime pandering to the audience by tying in random aspects of Potter lore into his convoluted and nonsensical plot.
Rated 19 Nov 2018
It tries to be a Harry Potter movie. It's in the magical score and the stunning visual effects. Eventually, it just ends up becoming an incoherent blend of new characters, Potter references, and computer graphics. There are some great ideas in here, but it's executed in such a convoluted manner that it's near impossible to dissect.
Rated 18 Nov 2018
Fucking aimless.
Rated 17 Nov 2018
Well, this was a surprise. This year's most clever take on fascism comes from the Harry Potter franchise. No, but seriously; this movie is supersmart about how it portrayed Grindelwald and the dynamics between magics and mugglers and hardly anyone are going to recognize how clever it is, because I'm not sure the movie itself even realizes what it's done. But yeah, us, the people who grew up with Potter has become adults (kindasorta) and this is a grownup movie.
Rated 17 Nov 2018
Much more interesting than the first with what seems like much more of a purpose as well.
Rated 17 Nov 2018
There are many good moments courtesy of Rowling. However, they never coalesce into something great because she just tried to cram way too much into the movie. Regardless, the biggest problem is the direction; the second half of HP is good in spite of Yates and I really hope that this is the last Wizarding World film he directs.
Rated 16 Nov 2018
Many sequences of people walking in Paris without accomplishing anything meaningful and many unnecessary character development (why should people care for the Lestrange family apart from fan service?) while leaving more deserving characters with close to no development. Even when things get going, the action scenes fell very flat and the climax is only an information dump with no real pay-off (except from some cheap twists). A disappointing disaster after a promising first film.
Rated 23 Aug 2024
Rated 25 Jul 2024
Rated 14 Jan 2024
It is on par in terms of story with the other movies in the franchise. There are a lot of complaints about subplots but it works here to try and flesh out all the moving parts and introduce the key players. People overthink the purpose of these movies and it can kill franchises. It was original, the cast is great. Jude Law is perfect as a younger Albus Dumbledore and I like seeing famous wizarding families and their ancestry. Well done. Enjoyable if you love these stories.
Rated 21 May 2023
Visually great, but I was confused to wtf was going on all the way through.
Rated 21 Apr 2023
Much better than the first one and Johnny Depp is fantastic. But again, you can fix this movies with the simple solution of not having Eddie Redmayne
Rated 10 Mar 2023
What happened here? It has all the components of the first Fantastic Beasts but lacks a lot of the, for lack of a better word, magic of it. Sure, it has magic, and it looks good, and the acting is good, but the plot meanders and feels a lot more lifeless. It starts off relatively cool but then sinks into mediocrity. I still think the supporting characters are not nearly as good as in HP. The lore/setting is still endearing, and I enjoy this as a whole, but it's a notable step or three backward.
Rated 12 Sep 2022
I am disappointed
Rated 09 Aug 2022
Very disappointing sequel, as it mostly fails to build upon the couple of ideas and relationships that worked in part 1, but instead doubles down on the Ezra Miller character by making him central to a super convoluted (and super dumb) mystery plot.
Rated 23 Jul 2022
Cinematography that makes it hard to focus on any shot, showing a bunch of overlapping, shapeless plots that mean you won't be rewarded for trying. Intrigue, adventure, horror, wackiness - all tried, all failed. Layers of disturbing racial undertone, paired with a commitment to centrism in the face of metaphorical Nazis and also the specter of real ones. And above all, nonsensical lore, crammed into every corner. Harry Potter's worldbuilding was contradictory but evocative; this is just nothing.
Rated 05 Jul 2022
It's becoming very clear that the new additions to the Harry Potter -franchise are all about the looks and not that much about substance. Magic works in whatever way seems convenient and secret relatives and plot things just bump out of nowhere because they are, also, simply convenient. No attachment to the characters or the story at all, just boring stuff with some pretty visuals. Meh. Just big ol' meh.
Rated 22 Apr 2022
Not a huge fan felt like less beasts and the politics got super intense.
Rated 11 Apr 2022
Opinión personal: 6.5 Actores: 7 Guión: 6.5 Planos/técnicas: 7.5 BSO: 6.5 Otros:5.5 Iluminación:- FX:7 Director:5 Humor:6 Vestuario:5 Total: 66
Rated 09 Apr 2022
It feels sort of messy but also empty, without a very clear plotline to follow. There are some great moments but it doesn't feel cohesive enough. I like the direction that they are going darker and gloomier like with the Harry Potter series. Hopefully the next one will impress me more. At least Jude Law gets the spotlight who was fantastic in this one as well.
Rated 27 Dec 2021
They tried to pack way too much in here and it turned into a mess. I kid you not, it was easier to follow the plot of the next thing I watched, which was the finale of "Charlie the Unicorn."
Rated 02 Oct 2021
This film is a disgrace to filmmaking.
Rated 06 May 2021
More like the crimes of JK Rowling
Rated 30 Jan 2021
In 1927, a few months after the events of the first film, Gellert Grindelwald has escaped and is persuading allies to his side. This with the promise of elevating wizards above all non-magical creatures. Any hope to stop him rests on Albus Dumbledore and his good friend Newt Scamander, a former student of Dumbledore.
Rated 12 Jan 2021
Things happening eventually, with occasional action scenes. Given the potential, this is just flat.
Rated 05 Jan 2021
eng; [Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald]; um einen hardliner von zauberer zu schnappen, verschlägt es den magischen zoologen und seine freunde nach frankreich - wo sie einen familienstammbaum finden müssen.;
Rated 27 Nov 2020
my initial resistance to these movies was the casting of Guy Fieri but nevermind that concern, it's no more ridiculous than what Rowling herself does
Rated 19 Jun 2020
The film doesn't tell its story very well, especially for a family/kids genre movie. There are a lot of pieces missing that make it hard to follow. Lots of fun visual effects make the fantasy come to life.
Rated 04 Jun 2020
Rated 17 Apr 2020
This is 95% setup and and 5%... I don't know what. Just because a lot of films come in series now, that doesn't mean they shouldn't have a standalone plot and conflict. *facepalm* Look, J.K. Rowling sucks. All of the characters are boring af. If not downright offensive, like Nagini. The Fantastic Beasts were nice. Too bad the story wasn't about them. Ugh. And meh.
Rated 15 Mar 2020
No fantastic beasts, just soap opera drama and general cringey weirdness.
Rated 29 Dec 2019
I didn't like the first FB, and this one did nothing to make me reconsider my opinion of the franchise. Characters aren't properly introduced (never mind kept consistent), plot lines go everywhere, and then there's a lot of CGI to make us ooh and aah in the hopes that we'll forget there's supposed to be a story in here somewhere.
Rated 14 Dec 2019
14.12.2019, İstanbul
Rated 23 Nov 2019
Successfully recreates that aspect of the Potter films where it feels like there is a more coherent longer story that was chopped up into movie length. Grindelwald gets the scene Voldemort never had: where he makes a convincing case to convert wizards to his side.
Rated 28 Oct 2019
İlk hikayenin kaldığı yerden devam ediyor. Aynı kadro iş başında. Bu sefer hapisten kaçan Grindelwald ve Credence'i durdurmaya çalışacaklar. Yanlarında eski dost Dumbledore olacak. Filmin içinde çok fazla öykü var. Hatta öykü içinde öykü. Gereksiz diyaloglar da çok. Fantastik filmlerde her zaman görsellik önemlidir. Görsel açıdan çok başarılı. Ama konu anlatımı vasat. Filmin sonu arkası yarın bitiyor. Oysa biz seninle evimize ejderha alacaktık.
Rated 21 Oct 2019
Story was all over the place.
Rated 05 Oct 2019
Competent | •Entertaining | •Pretty well acted | ?Lacks freshness and charm I found in the first one - Redmayne's young, magical David Attenborough performance + all the charming creatures = captivating, amusing & heart-warming first time round | •This just more of the same + not as good | So, it's Fine
Rated 27 Sep 2019
A needlessly convoluted story with a weak ass villain and a bunch of unlikable uninteresting characters I cared nothing about. This could've easily been an hour shorter and nothing would've been missed.
Rated 07 Aug 2019
The biggest disappointment for a HP book and filmlover. While the first movie was still decent, this was just convoluted and boring. The best points and beats the 1st movie made were redacted immediatly, characters were only a hull of what they once were, there were so many unnessecary new characters, plot lines and relationships. Thinking about this movie makes me so angry. I could go on and rant about it for hours but I would just advise others to spare themselves from watching this mess.
Rated 04 Aug 2019
The first one had some fun parts but that is mostly lost in the sequel
Rated 01 Jun 2019
I love the previous entry, but this is a snooze fest. I despise Redmayne, he is in my book the worst actor ever, but Depp wants the title…


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