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Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile
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Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 50m
A chronicle of the crimes of Ted Bundy, from the perspective of his longtime girlfriend, Elizabeth Kloepfer, who refused to believe the truth about him for years. (imdb)

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

Drama, Suspense/Thriller
1h 50m
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Avg Percentile 38% from 528 total ratings

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Rated 11 May 2019
Netflix fluff that doesn't portray the real tragedy and story of Bundy and his victims. This film falls into the same narrative trap of the women it portrays by naively creating a plastic Hollywood cutout of Ted Bundy for us to gawk out without going into actual depth as to what an absolute savage this man was. The narrative tone and perspective is skewed to the point of absurdity. The director and the writers possess neither the film making skill or knowledge of Bundy to tackle this subject.
Rated 13 May 2019
I'll start with the good. Efron is incredible and completely transforms into Bundy, with the help of some great makeup. But everything else is garbage. The whole movie is conceptualized as a movie about a wrongful accusation that tragically interferes with two lovers' perfect life together, just so it can set up a final "twist" ending of his confession. Also the direction and editing are really distracting. What a missed opportunity.
Rated 13 May 2019
What a colossal waste. This film either assumes you *do* know the story of Ted Bundy, or *don't*. If it does, everything is awkward and difficult to follow. If it doesn't, you just see Bundy acting creepy but nothing of significance really happens. We're meant to see things from Liz's perspective, so we question Bundy's innocence, but then he does stuff that's clearly wrong, so... huh? Watch the documentary and ignore this garbage.
Rated 03 May 2019
To be in someone’s mind. To have complete control. It’s like the thrill of being near the executioner’s switch. Knowing that at any moment, you could throw it, but knowing you never will… but you could, never isn’t the right word, because I could… and I might… I probably will.
Rated 28 Jul 2020
It's an interesting idea to focus on the perspective of someone who needs to believe in a serial killer's innocence. However this film stumbles with that idea by alternating between Elizabeth's and Ted's perspectives (ultimately sticking much closer to Ted). Without addressing his crimes in full, his intense need to controll the narrative and play the victim lacks thematic bite. Decently acted but ultimately comes across as a bit thin, muddled and meandering.
Rated 15 May 2019
A ridiculous retelling told in a pretty disjointed way. Fun to watch, and points for originality, but ultimately dumb. Redeemed by great performances by Efron, Malkovich, Parsons, Osment and others.
Rated 09 May 2019
This is one of the rare cases where I see absolutely stunning acting, but I don't believe the characters are who they say they are. All the actors look like themselves, as if they aren't trying that hard to be their real-world counterparts. Especially Malkovich, who's just like, I don't give a @#$@ that I look and sound nothing like the real guy, that I have facial hair and he doesn't, and that I'm bald and he isn't. I'm Malkovich, baby! Decent movie, but not the best.
Rated 05 May 2019
The already existing docu-series covered all of this stuff in a more interesting way. Yet, I do find this to be very captivating at times. Zac Efron manages to do a stellar job with the way he recreates a lot of the eccentricities of Ted Bundy which make this worth watching for just that alone. I didn't really get the impression we were seeing this through the eyes of his girlfriend however. Lily Collins also deserves alot of credit for her performance. Pretty solid overall.
Rated 01 Jul 2021
What a waste of (probably not that much) money. If casting zac efron, james hetfield and sheldon in a movie about ted bundy isn't enough to point you in the right direction, I don't know what will. And it's all executed as if you're supposed to know the story anyway, but then gets so much wrong and mixed up (or deliberately does it differently...but why??!). Nah, stick to the documentaries, this movie brings absolutely nothing about anything to the table.
Rated 15 Mar 2020
A bit boring at times and I couldn't look past the storytelling perspective, where Bundy is portrayed as a nice young man, without focussing at all on what a sick bastard he actually was.
Rated 19 Dec 2019
Rated 04 Dec 2019
I don't see the appeal in telling the story in this manner. The perspective this film takes seems geared toward an audience who's never heard of Ted Bundy, which, come on, everyone has. There's no questioning his guilt. The script is weak and female characters especially are clearly not this writer's strong-suit. Malkovich is great, steals the show. The guard shouting "No touching!" might not have been written as an Arrested Development reference, but the actor definitely played it that way.
Rated 24 Jul 2019
I get Berlinger's "and the women who loved him" ambition with regards to Bundy, because his magnetism was what made him special among serial killers, but it's palpable that Berlinger doesn't know much about Liz and hasn't the imagination to flesh her out; he also feigns surprise on her part when in reality she wasn't exactly oblivious to Ted's nature. Thus we have a single memorable character in Zac Efron's Ted, and the only engaging parts of the film are those based on trial transcripts.
Rated 21 May 2019
Bad Lawmen vs Innocent Ted! If you had never heard of Ted Bundy you would think he was a victim. And the jury was out of their mind with their decision because everything's shown in the court (and the film) was in favor of Ted. Extremely shameless, shockingly immoral and stupid film.
Rated 12 May 2019
I had a big problems with the editing, we had some decisions that led to really choppy story-telling. Case in point, is the court house escape sequence where he seems to be on the lamb...and then cut to him in prison again. I guess this is a case of covering too much content and a lot of it hitting the cutting room floor. That said, Bundy stock seems to be going through a revival in 2019 for whatever reason, sell Avery buy Bundy.
Rated 15 Sep 2022
This does romanticize Bundy big time which is bad. But it is really well done.
Rated 24 Jul 2022
A rather good cast is wasted on a poor script, choppy editing, and stock filmmaking. The story is told more like a highlight reel rather than a cohesive, flowing narrative. Everyone, including Efron and Collins' characters, are mere sketches of human beings reacting to plot points. This all makes it difficult to get invested in the goings-on. The climax provides everything that the rest of the movie is lacking, but it's not so strong that the rest of the movie is worth sitting through for it.
Rated 17 Mar 2021
Stellar performance but cant make up for the shortcomings
Rated 21 Oct 2020
spoiler alert: turns out he did it
Rated 31 May 2020
Intriguing (even audacious) view of Bundy should have been a fascinating glimpse into "gaslighting", and how far we might go to believe in the ones we love; unfortunately the film seems to buy into Efron's chillingly magnetic and charismatic portrayal - when the performance is this good, it's hard to carp, however building up Efron's screen-time in favour of Collins means the film has an emptiness at its core - neither character is developed sufficiently for the audience to maintain interest.
Rated 19 Feb 2020
This movie should definitely be enjoyed along with the docomentary series "Ted Bundy Tapes". Whereas in the documentary you unravel the life of Bundy more or less in a chronological order through the eyes of his paralegals and police, in this movie you see things more from Bundy's own (warped) perspective. Zac Efron does a great role work so that you nearly want to adhere with Liz that he's innocent.
Rated 06 Jan 2020
Rated 05 Jan 2020
This dramatization of the hunt for Ted Bundy tells the story from the perspective of his romantic relationship, and I found myself considering his potential innocence much like his partner did. The choice to tell the story in this manner was refreshing to those that know the true story well, though the execution falters here and there, especially in the first half.
Rated 13 Nov 2019
Surprisingly boring and poorly directed. Efron is good.
Rated 05 Oct 2019
Underrated. You almost don't see any murders during the whole movie - it is mostly just about someone who can act like a normal guy and who wants to start a family.
Rated 24 Sep 2019
Whilst an enjoyable, well acted romp, particularly the courtroom scenes, this film looks at Ted Bundy's history from the viewpoint of his "poor deceived" girlfriend, who either wantonly ignored, or was ignorant of the truth. This means that the film is sanitized to the point where it is just a repetition of Bundy saying "Honestly, it wasnt me, Liz!". It tells us nothing about Bundy, his motivations, his history; nor indeed Kloepfer herself, who is as poorly fleshed out as Kev Bacon in Hollow Man
Rated 07 Sep 2019
After 'Conversations with a Killer' Berlinger gives us a watchable but unnecessary feature-length dramatisation of the same events. Ostensibly from the perspective of his longtime girlfriend, in reality it's just another film on the Bundy murders: not a bad one mind - fairly engrossing with a good performance from Efron - but understandably nowhere near as fleshed out as the four-part documentary series. If you have to pick, that's the one to go for.
Rated 02 Sep 2019
*Gente branca adora ver filme sobre serial killer* Sinceramente não entendo quando vejo as pessoas reclamando que esse filme humaniza ou romanceia Bundy como se fosse algo ruim, esse filme é ponto de vista feminino sobre ele, das mulheres que conviveram com ele - não é da polícia, do advogado ou do FBI, é baseado na biografia da namorada dele, é lógico que ele seria humanizado ou romanceado, Sherlock! E é justamente por esse tipo de ponto de vista singular que o torna um filme interess
Rated 01 Sep 2019
Seri katil, mahkeme Özetini okumadan izledim, sürükleyiciydi. Ünlü bir seri katilin hikayesini kız arkadaşının gözünden aktarıyor. adamın filmin sonuna kadar inkar etmesi acaba sorusu uyandırıyor. Tabii ismi duyunca kim olduğu anlaşılıyor.
Rated 19 Jul 2019
A game cast, particularly Efron and an unrecognizable Scodelario, is not enough to lift up an otherwise bland biopic.
Rated 13 Jun 2019
A bland and thoroughly uninteresting take on Ted Bundy with poor dialogue and bad pacing. At least Zac Efron is good.
Rated 22 May 2019
The title isn't fitting because the movie doesn't elicit that response from the viewer as much as you'd expect or as much as it should. entertaining but left viewing with mixed feelings on it.
Rated 21 May 2019
It was interesting. Zac Efron ruins my emmersion.
Rated 20 May 2019
Interesting perspective but this didn't seem to dig very deep Performances were convincing.
Rated 20 May 2019
I liked the performance of Effron in this movie and the overall execution of it. Though it fails to go into detail on the real horror of the matter, I did like it. If you're going to watch this movie expecting to see actual murders, discover gruesome details or be on the edge of your seat: make a hard pass on this because this was never the point of the movie.
Rated 18 May 2019
okay movie
Rated 17 May 2019
First and foremost in this review, Zac Efron. Did not know that he had this sort of performance in him! He does a great job playing the charismatic serial murderer. This movie shows you a different side of the whole narrative, A time when people really did not know if this guy was innocent or not. Master manipulator until the end. He held on for as long as the lie could save him. Ted Bundy had groupies at his trial. Good looks and charm allowed this guy so much freedom to do evil. scary thought.
Rated 09 May 2019
Zac Efron's performance is actually remarkable, but the film is pretty dull.
Rated 08 May 2019
Rated 06 May 2019
It's quite riveting and Efron's performance is fantastic. But it's overlong and humanizing a misogynistic serial killer makes me uncomfortable.
Rated 04 May 2019
This plays like a good Lifetime film. I have no idea how true to the real story it is, but unless you're a serial killer enthusiast, it doesn't really matter. The script is well written. The acting is surprisingly captivating. Best of all, it's not too long and moves quickly.


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