Everything Everywhere All at Once
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Your probable score
Everything Everywhere All at Once

Everything Everywhere All at Once

Comedy, Fantasy
2h 19m
An aging Chinese immigrant is swept up in an insane adventure, where she alone can save the world by exploring other universes connecting with the lives she could have led.

Everything Everywhere All at Once

Comedy, Fantasy
2h 19m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 65.69% from 3517 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 18 Apr 2022
Budging in line above my backlog of reviews to write one about a movie I just saw is something I've never done. I've also never given out a 98 before, but this is complete, maddening, perfection. It is literally everything you could possibly want in a movie. It's a breathtaking, singular experience from the robust laughs to the punchy, heartfelt, sincere moments, right on down to spectacular fight sequences and uniquely effective score. It made me feel like I had never seen a movie before today.
Rated 17 Apr 2022
Probably because I've been an old fart since I was a teenager, this unbridled work of excessive imagination was torture to sit through for the last two hours. Crass, ugly, loud, removed 180 degrees from what I value about art and the way art deals with life, the film still makes an impact with its overbearing free writing style, where every arbitrary, juvenile idea is welcomed and filmed. So turn down for what?
Rated 22 Apr 2022
How something this insane and absurd is winning literally every single person over is beyond me, but I’m glad nonetheless. Daniels takes the viewer on a journey that is truly like no other. Nothing can really prepare you. I found it to be a perfectly executed piece of cinema about giving your life meaning. It’s also masterfully shot, edited and acted. Yeoh is at her very best here. Definitely catch this in the cinema if you can. It’s one of the most immersive movies I’ve seen in years.
Rated 01 May 2022
A miracle movie. It’s a rush of a thousand journeys and arcs and emotions - when I was finally spit back out into this universe, I took the world in just a little bit differently. Yeoh knows this is the role of (many) lifetimes, and deserves every praise. I can’t overstate the deep resonance in its message: if infinite outcomes are possible, and you inhabit this very particular one, it’s because you choose to be here, which means you’re the best possible version of yourself. Carpe fucking ipses.
Rated 01 May 2022
OK so I ended up coming out to my mom the same day I saw this so my point of view may be skewed but it's just nothing like I've seen in quite a long time and it had beautiful and poignant commentary on moving forward in the face of a universe that does nothing but kick your ass day by day.
Rated 11 Apr 2022
While it's very on-the-nose at times, Everything Everywhere All at Once is wildly imaginative, deeply poignant, surrealist filmmaking from Daniels. Michelle Yeoh is perfectly cast in this lead role, and she handles both the ridiculous and the heartfelt incredibly well. This film is all over the map as far as genre is concerned, but the resulting blend is deeply satisfying, energetic, and highly recommendable.
Rated 31 May 2022
Equal parts hilarious and heartwarming, a rapid-fire journey through every emotion in a lifetime, or many lifetimes. The Daniels let their imaginations go wild (never thought I'd see a fight like the dildo fight in a movie!), and Yeoh is excellent in the lead, but it's Quan who really impressed me in his side role. Walking out of the theater I felt refreshed and had a renewed appreciation for the beauty of the world around me, like the day after an acid trip. Art only cinema can deliver.
Rated 23 May 2022
Appalling bad taste. I don't want movies to be like this for the rest of my life.
Rated 17 Jul 2022
It overwhelmed both the kid in me and the adult moviegoer. On the former it's full of insane action, amazing fights, and great humor. And cinematically it is insanely well made (and reminded me of the Wachowskis) in the performances, clever writing, the creative editing, and emotive soundtrack. But it tops everything via the themes. I've never seen a film so intellectually explore the immigrant experience, metaphysics, and human nature. An instant classic that I'm glad exists.
Rated 16 May 2022
Hot dog, I can't plug this enough. Sometimes life is just too fucking much, you know? And you just wanna be a rock in silence, or say fuck it and break something, or enter a black hole cuz nothing matters anyways. And then someone hugs you or sweeps up your mess and damn, that pinky flick of kindness is a punch. It's the power of love in parenting, partnerships, and doing your taxes. It's holding on and letting go; it's action-(fanny)packed and hanging out at a laundromat. It's, well, you know.
Rated 27 Sep 2022
Amongst the endless possibilities in all the universes, they really really like that they thought up hot dog fingers.
Rated 01 Jun 2022
Marvel's Synechdoche, New York
Rated 27 Apr 2022
Modern in some of the best ways. There’s no way the meta pieces and kinetic shtick would possibly work any time than now but also modern in a lot more of the worst way where it essentially bludgeons you to death thematically with a thesis I find to be very annoying. Not my style of movie/humour but I have to give it up for actually making something like this. That is actually making people believe that a movie that’s original is worth seeing. I did really like the WKW sections. Thanks for that.
Rated 22 May 2022
I couldn't stand this parade for more than an hour. Kindergarten humour, incredibly cliche Hollywood dialogues, tacky action movie scenes, ... This is, in any way, not even close to how I see art.
Rated 18 Apr 2022
Simply one of the greatest pieces of art I've ever witnessed. I haven't had such a powerful cinema experience since I was 13 years old seeing The Matrix for the first time. I hate when people call movies important but I think this movie will be very powerful for those who suffer feelings of nihilism and depression. It's absolutely hilarious, touching thoughtful. Dumbstruck and in love with this movie. Now I need to personally tell everyone I know to see it in the damn cinema already.
Rated 26 Jan 2023
A total joy. There is zero point saying anything else. Maybe this is the multiverse where you star this
Rated 31 Dec 2022
The result of combining totally different emotional tones into one nauseatingly edited, seemingly never-ending clusterfuck of a film that perfectly panders to the Gen Z attention span. I won't waste any more words on this other than this wasn't my cup of tea, and never will be.
Rated 18 Aug 2022
Unbearable. It just couldn't be more ironic that a movie that thinks is "defying" the superhero franchise system works like a big anxiety crisis on deep themes turned into some sort of collection of TikTok trends and Instagram filters.
Rated 06 Jun 2022
Sappy, pretentious, unfunny montage of nonsense.
Rated 30 May 2022
I walked out of the theatre and almost fell over from sheer exhaustion and the effort of getting used to just ONE world again. Beautifully mad, stretching the medium like few dare today, with Yeoh and Quan getting to do, what, hundreds of roles each, while still managing to keep it (somewhat) grounded. It might get just a tad too sentimental by the end, but optimism and humanity is a hard sell, and this movie makes me buy it.
Rated 21 May 2022
Just be a rock. 👀 👀
Rated 25 Apr 2022
Fun, but definitely lays it on a little thick by the end. A bit too omg so random at times. Feels like the film version of a funko pop collection.
Rated 10 Apr 2022
Cinema. Weird, weird cinema. Hit me like a mack truck hauling a trailer full of bricks. This movie is why art exists. See it.
Rated 26 Mar 2022
Everything I could have ever wanted, Everywhere on the screen, All at Once.
Rated 24 Sep 2022
Shallow drama about the value of family that quickly becomes a convoluted mess - trying to juggle broad comedy with philosophical concepts that it seems to think are fresh and original but are neither - the multiverse theory having been around for decades, and the central concept borrowed from Douglas Adams' infinite improbability drive idea from 1980. It's frequently annoyingly silly, and at well over 2 hours it's a tiring experience that yields little of interest and nothing of substance
Rated 29 May 2022
Hot dog hands. Half-naked security guards. Old lady fights. Googly-eyed rocks. One of the wildest movies there may ever be, & I'm thankful that I got to see it on the big screen. It didn't quite blow my mind, but it was a thoroughly entertaining ride from start to finish despite the huge runtime. If you get the chance to see it, see it. It's fun.
Rated 23 May 2022
I find the idea of a multiverse fascinating so I thought I'd like or even love this but it's just about the worst possible version of itself (in any universe). And while I do give it some points for creativity, the bombardment of painfully hopeless attempts at humor completely ruined it for me.
Rated 17 May 2022
Personally I didn't get much out of it. Most of the time it never evolves beyond whackyness and superficial interpersonal problems. Every time it dives into their relationships it does so masterfully but the core of the plot seems so distanced from them the whole movie seems completely unfocused. Most of the time stuff just keeps happening and by the end we should care about a mother-daughter-relationship that is never explored satisfactory. The daughter is just way too absent from the film.
Rated 09 May 2022
I saw this a couple of hours after I found out someone dear to me died. I was numb as I was waiting for the film to start, but oh boy, watching this was perfect. It was perfectly existential, with all the chaos, heartbreak and humor that the universe(s) throw at you. It was completely poignant, hilarious and it touched upon some very specific things that I care about. I could write books about this movie, it is hard to summarize the greatness of it. I cried for half of it, tbh.
Rated 28 Oct 2022
Hysterical nonsense. I weep for the world that has descended into a state where this is considered a great film.
Rated 15 Aug 2022
The emotional core of this movie--finding meaning in the chaos of existence--resonated with me on a level that very few movies ever really have. That alone is enough to make this a masterpiece. Aside from that, there's a ton of fun to be had. Some of the comedy didn't land for me as much as I would have liked, but some definitely did. It's just nice to see something that is wildly ambitious, and still delivers on its themes.
Rated 08 Feb 2023
Ok, so it's obvious you went to film school, but do you actually have anything interesting to say or a unique way of saying it? No, and No. This movie is too depressing, silly, and zany for my taste. Poor acting and writing make it unwatchable. Short-attention-span, know-it-all gamer culture has arrived at the cinema for no good reason, and sadly, it's probably the future. A24 has become a joke.
Rated 25 Jun 2022
No internal consistency so characters could do anything and nothing mattered. All of it was just for 'OMG so random' jokes and to show off flashy/loud editing. But here's a loud horn noise and a guy turning into a ribbon explosion in a kung fu fight, this is a good movie, see? Flash jump into a hot dog finger romance into a fake ending, that's so funny and offbeat! Brain dead nonsense. How do people like this? I've seen screen savers with better writing/creativity.
Rated 23 Jun 2022
An ambitious breath of fresh air. A 5-person VFX team working on a $25m budget outshines it's peers that have 8-10x that. The visual storytelling is nothing short of an resourceful artistic feat. Yeoh and Ke Quan deliver indelible performances that leave you rolling in laughter one moment, and wiping tears away the next. It's a family drama, an immigrant story, and absurdist existential contemplation, all wrapped up in one of the most imaginative films of recent memory. A surefire cult classic.
Rated 24 May 2022
Rated 21 May 2022
There a good idea somewhere deep inside this movie, but everything else - namely the writing, the acting, and the kindergarten humor - is unbelievably terrible.
Rated 19 May 2022
The title fits the movie, just not in a good way.
Rated 04 May 2022
I have never and probably will never see another film like this. It nonsensical and violent, while also being incredibly emotional and heart-wrenching. Yeoh and Quan were absolutely perfect, as well as a breakout role from Stephanie Hsu. Though It's pretty lengthy, It's still probably my favorite film of the year, and I can't wait to re-watch It again and again. I give 9 hot dog fingers out of 10.
Rated 25 Apr 2022
This movie is 1) a Kung fu action adventure, 2) a bonkers multiverse scifi, 3) an East Asian family drama about an immigrant mother's space and time spanning bond with her homicidal - suicidal ABC daughter, 4) a millennial stoner comedy filled with gross out humor and chaotic slapstick, 5) a homage to Hong Kong cinema, Pixar, the career of Michelle Yeoh, Wong Kar Wai, 6) a totally earnest, utterly sui generis instant classic.
Rated 18 Apr 2022
S P O I L E R S This movie is Absurdism. It embraces the absurdist philosophy. And in the literal sense the chaotic nature of the characters and the way they must perform bizarre out of place actions to tap into a new parallel universe path. The editing, transitioning, blending of so many elements is unparalleled in anything I’ve seen. It started a little too awkwardly though and the bits become repetitive, but it manages to pack such a liver shot emotionally. What a ride… A
Rated 12 Apr 2022
I was sure that I wasn't gonna like this and boy am I glad that I was shocked. how can a film constantly make you smile, laugh, holler like this and still not be exhausting? from the looks of it, it isn't supposed to work but it works brilliantly! from editing to cinematography, from costumes to choreography; this is top level craft and storytelling. just incredible!
Rated 08 Apr 2022
my favorite universe contains both this movie and aging hotdog finger lesbians, and I think that is a very sensible choice
Rated 20 Jan 2024
Michelle Yeoh takes on teenage nihilism. Somewhere in one of the multiverses I am 30 years younger and 'Rick and Morty' doesn't exist. This me thinks this is the best movie ever made.
Rated 16 Mar 2023
Utter rubbish. The epitome of Hollywood's ever descending spiral into infantile, primitive, intellectually offensive drivel, full of nihilistic, arrogant and prideful satanic propaganda of self-worship and the god of Pleasure, devoid of meaning and substance, devoid of even a notion of a soul, where "right is just a box" and "nothing matters" and "we can do whatever we want." Yes, you can - and you will all answer to your God and Creator one day. So pay attention to what you feed your soul with.
Rated 01 Mar 2023
Fine mom/daughter story. What a shame that it desperately wants to be weird and smart, when it’s never anything but tedious, annoying and embarrassingly unfunny.
Rated 30 Oct 2022
In any universe, any time, any place, this is the most interesting movie possible about doing your taxes.
Rated 09 Oct 2022
The writers went on a deep journey and came back with the gods’ stolen fire to illuminate & warm humankind. Normally these things burn up in the atmosphere. You can’t normally carry a snowball through to the summer lands and you can’t bring Eurydice out of Hell because you always look back, but in this universe, the wizards who made this film kept it alive through the whole process and brought it to us so all could see.
Rated 17 Sep 2022
People say this is a good movie because they heard it elsewhere. I mean, the “Everything” part is great. Pulled me into the story and kept me interested and had me laughing. It felt like The Matrix done by Monty Python. The rest of the movie didn't hold up, felt like the creative team suffered collectively from ADHD, and by the end of “Everywhere” I noticed that my mind wandered off. A lot of talk and not enough show. Shame after such a strong start.
Rated 13 Sep 2022
I hated this movie it was stupid
Rated 30 Jun 2022
It's absurd and frenetic and the movie bounces around between moments of zany hilarity and deep introspection at an almost overwhelming pace but by the end, the movie left me with a very simple question. If we're all headed towards oblivion and nothing truly matters, why can't we at least be kind to one another? And in today's climate I think that message is more important than ever.
Rated 16 Jun 2022
It was kind of stupid
Rated 29 May 2022
This movie took too long to come out in the UK and the weeks of intense hype was bad BUT it really is a remarkable picture, overflowing with hilarious, emotional, and thought-provoking concepts expressed through incredible imaginative visuals and heart-wrenchingly good performances. Not perfect - overlong, over-expository, and too repetitive - but mostly one of the best flicks to come along in some time.
Rated 26 May 2022
Indeliberately makes a point on the west's desolate prosperity. There's all sorts of fucked up shit happening in the world, war, famine, tyranny, terror etc. etc. but we're so oblivious to these concepts that it might just as well happen in another universe. Our core problems are centered around cash, attention and LGBTQXYZ. And, contrary to the movie, the solution isn't utopia, where everyone gets what he wants. It's reality, where everyone gets that he already has more than most.
Rated 19 May 2022
I'm not a huge fan of random "anything can happen!" kinds of fantasy films, so this one wasn't gonna affect me like it has with others. The story did feel weightless to me, but I do recognise both an intensely focused emotional core and a wild sense of humour in this confidently kaleidoscopic film.
Rated 04 May 2022
A blast of fresh air straight up your bunghole..but in a good way, like a high-tech Japanese toilet. You might get epiphany fatigue in the third act, but each one is terrific and welcome and comes as a real relief to the glorious insanity of it all.
Rated 03 May 2022
It's a "meh" for me.
Rated 02 May 2022
Odd interweaving of juvenile humor in such a bleak story. The first half felt confident it was going somewhere, and the second half was too embarrassed to tell you it was stumbling around trying to find the exit. A clearer conflict and goal would have made me stay focused. Less recycling of flickering images and at least one universe without emo teenagers would have been nice too. Still enjoyed it overall, and was very engrossed for the first half
Rated 25 Apr 2022
Raves had me waiting for something profound & it never came. This might have been ok if I'd found all the wackiness funny, but I barely laughed. I was greatly moved twice in the last 40 minutes bc of the 2 declarations of love, not bc of its simplistic Far Left messages: "Be kind" & "Nothing matters". These are meant only for the mainstream; Woke types will feel energized to continue to smear those deemed "unkind" regardless of intent & unilaterally redefine what words mean bc "nothing matters".
Rated 23 Apr 2022
So effective that I didn't realize until after my third viewing that my favorite line wasn't delivered in English.
Rated 03 Apr 2023
I think many people will not like this film. Its so in your face and sometimes it feels a bit stiff or clunky BUT those moments are so few and far between, and the movie is SO good at showing us jubilation and fear and sadness that I didn't really care. Its an explosion of senses, a bombardment of sound and sights. Everyone is great in it, and I was so happy to see Ke Huy Quan again. I will need to watch it again just to see some of the rapid fire editing.
Rated 24 Jul 2022
A middle aged woman gets sucked into an alternate-universe hopping maelstrom of insanity during an IRS audit of her laundry business. It's the role of a lifetime for Michelle Yeoh, who convincingly plays many different multiverse versions of herself, from elegant movie star to frazzled mom to kung fu badass. Gets overly melodramatic in the final 20 minutes, but it's deserving of serious respect for how stunningly original and daring it is. An absolute blast.
Rated 18 Jul 2022
Overly long, not very interesting. A bit of a chore to watch.
Rated 14 Jul 2022
wonderfully chaotic yet comprehensible and heartfelt sci-fi comedy, that seems to come from the same mold as Rick & Morty, while still feeling like its own thing. Yeoh was great in the lead, but Curtis' antagonistic bureaucrat is the stand out.
Rated 11 Jul 2022
This was made on a $25 million dollar budget, which is really impressive. The rock scene was my favorite both for how absurd it was, and for how long it was. The title is definitely an accurate description of the film, which can be good or bad depending on the person.
Rated 08 Jul 2022
The first third and last third where very nice, the middle was not as good. The film put you in a dreamy haze in your mind and gave a wonderful experience, especially in the end quarter where it was visually magnificent and gave the same feeling emotionally, phylosophically and religiously as hubricks a space odyssey
Rated 08 Jul 2022
A well made film. Funny, whimsical, yet emotionally impactful. Clear influences from other films such as the matrix, space odyssey, Jackie Chan. The funny moments are brought out by great physical comedy, and the movie is creatively filmed. Super immersive flashback sequence. Complex plot, without being difficult to follow. Fantastic acting, relatable characters. Great fight sequences, zany Monty Python laughs. Awesome movie.
Rated 07 Jul 2022
Best viewed unspoiled. While much of the fun bits are what is getting the praise, it is Michelle Yeoh and Stephanie Hsu that make this special. They give wonderful performances that ground this with the emotional arch that works quite well.
Rated 27 Jun 2022
Watched it for 40 minutes and it seemed like nonsense. Don't care to watch the rest of it.
Rated 08 Jun 2022
This should have been an amazing stylized popcorn flick, but instead it insists on being a deep emotional family drama. Because of this the cool sci-fi martial arts elements (while done excellently) steal too much focus from the family drama elements, making them shallow and underdeveloped. Don't get me wrong, overall I liked it and had a really fun time. Visually there is a lot to love, and Jonathan Ke Quan was great. I just maybe think the extreme hype is a tad unwarranted.
Rated 06 Jun 2022
“There’s only one rule that I know of, babies - ‘God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.’” - Kurt Vonnegut, GBY,MR. The expository curve is steep, but from the spilling out of the multiversial chaos when Evelyn begins to seize her agency, it is transcendent: the payoff is exactly the message the nihilist in me needs to hear again and again: “The only thing I do know is that we have to be kind. Especially when we don't know what's going on.” Waymond is an absolute, perfect treasure.
Rated 05 Jun 2022
seems like a weird try to have a thoughtful connection with modern popcornish audiences on topic of obvious human stitches that bind us with others.
Rated 19 May 2022
Everything Everywhere All at Once utilises a messy premise to conceal the core plot of a mother accepting her daughter's depression. The film contains a lot of artsy, conceptional ideas with jokes that are ordinarily reserved for the writers' room ("everything bagel"), but Scheinert & Kwan's relative restraint and skilful editing make for a genre-crossing film that is entertaining and touching rather than pretentious. The cast is good, though it's Quan who's MVP for me.
Rated 17 May 2022
There's a GQ interview with Michelle Yeoh tearing up talking about how she finally got to make a movie where she could be funny, be real, be sad. That's my endgame; make a film for someone I've looked up to all my adult life to show everyone what they're capable of.
Rated 17 May 2022
Bursting at the seams with creativity. I'm glad we live in a universe where The Daniels are able to secure funding for their unique brand of buttplug-bagel-googly-eyed wackness
Rated 24 Apr 2022
While it was repetitive at times, and prob could have been a lot shorter, its a very well made film and the acting was quite strong. I never knew what was going to happen next, I mean how could I, idek how they came up with some of that.
Rated 19 Apr 2022
I had high hopes for this movie the minute I had seen the trailer, I am pleased to say they were fulfilled.
Rated 16 Apr 2022
Diminishing returns with each revisit, particularly in its wackier plot conceits that occasionally feel more silly than outright clever or funny, but the emotional through-lines of this still completely work for me. I guess the novelty and surprise of that first viewing can’t ever be duplicated, but I still have warm feelings for this film, mess and all.
Rated 14 Apr 2022
This movie is funny, depressing, action packed and very moving. Truly something else, see this on the big screen like I did if you can.
Rated 13 Apr 2022
Was that a middle finger to Nietzsche?
Rated 09 Apr 2022
Does every Chinese American film need to have a Wong-Kar Wai homage? It certainly feels like it. Anyway, I'm just glad Daniels seems to be establishing themselves as a successor to Gondry and Jonze.
Rated 27 Mar 2022
The best acid trip experience that can only be felt once in a lifetime!
Rated 18 Jul 2024
An unexpected treasure of a movie that bounces between serious and goofy and vulgar and emotional, but in a way where all the loose parts come together to form this wonderful sort-of-kaleidoscopic experience that left me exhausted in the best way. Knowing how much of the effects are practical and/or low-budget made me appreciate it even more.
Rated 08 May 2024
As audacious as you can get; but somehow it keeps everything together. It has crazy concepts, "what they were thinking?" style scenes (I have never thought that I will see a Martial arts Scene with two guys with dildoes sticking out from their asses, but here we are), and yet it is quite touching. It also tells something quite profound about family life particularly the relationship between a mother and daughter. Something that is definitely worth rewatching it has lots of craftmanship in it.
Rated 26 Feb 2024
Love the main themes: the double-edged sword of uncompromising kindness and the wisdom in embracing absurdity. Refreshingly astute mediation on modern life, and a beautifully nuanced depiction of modern inter-generational relationships strained by the increasingly rapid change in core values and morals between parents and children.
Rated 13 Apr 2023
Rather incredible, all things considered. Took me a while to break into it but, even though I thought some elements fell a bit flat, as a whole it was a joyously absurd riot.
Rated 11 Apr 2023
I hate this century.
Rated 24 Mar 2023
buney olom
Rated 20 Mar 2023
Just think, this is the purile nonsense that "It's a wonderful life" would have been if they had highframe rate cameras, manic editing techniques and an inability to recognise completely unnecessary gross out 'humour' back in 1946. That's not to say it wasn't mildly enjoyable, but it's like a recent review i read of a Taylor Swift concert; "oh, she had 16 costume changes and dived into a vat of porridge!".. yes but what was the music like? Surely the story comes first or am I just old fashioned?
Rated 12 Mar 2023
It has some redeeming qualities, but it is not enough to overcome its significant flaws. The confusing plot, lack of character development, and weak representation of cultural and social issues make it a forgettable and unsatisfying watch.
Rated 06 Jan 2023
It seems churlish to say there is too much of everything, everywhere all of the time here, but it makes the film a bludgeoning endurance test rather than particularly enlightening; individual mileage clearly varies, but the Daniels’ script is philosophy for the TikTok generation: scrolling rapidly past multiple, dizzying ideas without really bothering to engage or connect in any more than a superficial way. However, it is a genuine delight to see Quan’s enthusiastic return to the screen!
Rated 20 Dec 2022
Very strange but also great. I'd love to watch it again, there's so much going on. Some funny scenes in it too.
Rated 19 Dec 2022
Remember when you first saw Being John Malkovich and it was ground-breaking and you recommended it to people and we all agreed it was strange and good? This is that for now.
Rated 07 Oct 2022
In a way, the movie this reminds me of the most is 2014's Birdman, with the caveat that I realized MUCH quicker with this one, that I respect it more than love it. I respect the artistic direction, I respect the willingness to go more and more absurd, and I even respect the hustle of "hey, multiverse, that's hot right now, let's do that". But I can't pretend that this was more than a visually-interesting, unique movie, that I feel completely detached from emotionally. It didn't get me there.
Rated 11 Sep 2022
The first two acts were brilliant, nothing like i ever seen, but lost me at the third act. It could be a bit shorter and more to the point toward the end and it definitely didn't need to lecture it's viewer! But overall it is still a unique, well-thought, well-acted, meticulously directed one hell of a movie!
Rated 26 Jul 2022
A massively insane collection of psychotic thoughts expressed as a a movie. Some of it was so off the wall that it simply defies explanation. There is a message here, but you have to sit through a virtual kaleidoscope of mixed up nonsense to get to it. I can't rate it much higher, because at it's heart it is pure nonsense and an utterly random movie.
Rated 13 Jul 2022
While it times it is very engaging other times you find the film making you stare at the screen thinking "Why is that necessary?". Those moments dont stop the film being a technical delight as they weave in and out of different universes effortlessly and give the cast some phenomenal material to work with. Michelle Yeoh is great as is Jamie Lee Curtis. As the film progresses it does get a little lost in the absurd and that stops it from being a true masterpiece.
Rated 10 Jul 2022
Absolutely silly but Michelle Yeoh really carries the premise into believably. Stephanie Hsu should get a ton of accolades for her part as well. The middle sags a bit like most films, but they manage to pull it back together and even incorporate the anemic husband in it in a major way. I'll never get used to hot dog fingers. The auditor award was way too obvious at the beginning. Fav scene: Raccooncoonie.
Rated 09 Jul 2022
It is every bit as great as people say it is.
Rated 05 Jul 2022
it is a really good movie. i dont know why but i comparison it with i heart huckabees
Rated 04 Jul 2022
A visual spectacle that teeters on the edge of extreme silliness and being deeply insightful. As I like movies that make the most of their medium this one must get a high rating.


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