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Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga
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When aspiring musicians Lars and Sigrit are given the opportunity to represent their country at the world's biggest song competition, they finally have a chance to prove that any dream worth having is a dream worth fighting for.
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Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga

2h 3m
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Avg Percentile 36.66% from 691 total ratings

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Rated 04 May 2021
I have an inability to accept auto-tune in musical numbers when it is inferred that they are being sung spontaneously. I call this being human.
Rated 27 Jun 2020
It's fun, wholesome, silly, weird, campy and overly-long. In other words, exactly like the real Eurovision. In fact, my biggest complaint is that it wasn't weird enough. Where are the singing grannies? The operatic vampires? The hyper-sexualixed Slavic milkmaids? The Ukrainian Drag Queens? There was a missed opportunity for the filmmakers to make some of the wildest most outrageously over-the-top musical numbers ever made and they still would've seemed completely natural within the story.
Rated 03 Jul 2020
Toss the sixty year history of Eurovision into the giant barn of things I didn’t know existed because I’m set in my ways but love ABBA.
Rated 11 Jul 2020
Spain wouldn't have been in a semi final as they are part of the big five. This single flaw - in a film endorsed by Eurovision itself no less - is unforgivable. Also, it's way too long, the "group sing" thing was horrific and did not fit at all, the whole voting sequence was painful to sit through and it wasn't funny. They also had too many different ideas and the script needed some editing to strip some of the bloat out of it.
Rated 27 Jun 2020
Unexpectedly, I mildly enjoyed Ferrell's love-letter to Eurovision by the end despite the plot being trite. While not actually that funny, the film definitely has its moments when it reaches peak silliness. McAdams delivers a great performance with her accent & mannerisms, and the Swedish singers dubbing her and Stevens are good. Ferrell felt too old for the role and his accent was all over the place. The scarf gag was predictable but delivers the best bit of physical humour in the entire film.
Rated 29 Aug 2020
Silly, inoffensive and Rachel McAdams is rather wonderful at times. Unlike many of the other reviewers, I found Will Ferrell rather restrained. I particularly liked the hometown bar scenes -ja, ja, the dingdong ones. They were funny, familiar and warmly sentimental.
Rated 06 Jul 2020
Strikes a fine balance between love and ridicule, which alone makes it far more succesful than the kind of similar Blades of Glory. Dan Stevens and Pierce Brosnan are a joy.
Rated 06 Sep 2020
I thought this was alright! Ferrell isn't acting like a complete dimwit and McAdams once again shows how capable she is as a comedic actress. Dan Stevens was definitely a highlight as well. No, I did not know what Eurovision was before seeing this. Sue me! The music works for the film and the vocal performances are solid. It is predictable and it isn't consistently funny, but the jokes and gags work when they aren't dick jokes. Still, it's clean, wholesome, charming, and entertaining.
Rated 27 Jun 2020
Better than the absolute dreck Ferrell has been in the past few years. Definitely shows that it cares about Eurovision. Songs are good too.
Rated 10 Jul 2020
Was I expecting to like this movie? Absolutely not. I thought it was going to be trash...but dang it...I had a great time with it. Not necessarily for the humor, though. I would argue, instead, it's for the music - which blends into the comedy decently. It reminded me of Will Farrell's older sports comedies in a way. Biased Score: 76% | Unbiased Score: 70% | Predicted Score: 69%
Rated 26 Jun 2020
Well... I don't like at all the comedy style that Will Ferrell represents, but I have to say, that this was an unexpectedly nice to watch movie!
Rated 04 Jul 2020
Rated 20 Aug 2020
Due to my probable score, I was pleasantly surprised by this. Dan Stevens was hilarious and Pierce Brosnan was fun. The story isn't great, but the songs really carried it for me.
Rated 03 Sep 2020
Way less shitty and way more hartfellat....heartfelt than I expected. Nice editing. Is Rachel McAdams ever not a total show stealer?
Rated 09 Sep 2020
Two thoughts: 1] Pierce Brosnan in another musical? Look out! But he doesn't sing, so I guess it's okay. 2] Dan Stevens left Downton Abbey in its prime to make movies like this?! Anyway, this is a good-natured, silly film that was rather enjoyable, but also much too long.
Rated 01 Aug 2020
Not the most inspired Ferrell vehicle, which is kind of good because reminds us of how McAdams is great at comedy. The acts look and sound pretty well-staged and left me wanting more of the competitive material -- and less of the (yet to be) couple dynamics. I shouldn't be rooting for a sequel, but what the hell, sure I am.
Rated 28 Jul 2020
The main problem with this comedy is there are a lack of funny moments. The cast do a good job with their roles but the script fails to provide many laughs. Overall this movie is disappointing.
Rated 24 Sep 2020
This film's strength is also it's main weakness: It truly loves Eurovision. This means that while it embraces the competition and its fans wholeheartedly to the point they will feel loved and enjoy this, its unable to directly poke fun at what is an eminently mockable annual event. McAdams utterly outshines Ferrell here and is the surprising heart and soul of the movie, but Will still has some moments like 'the elves' scene. Bit of a cult classic in the making here, but I'm part of the cult ;)
Rated 20 Jul 2020
I guess Will Ferrell is officially past the stage where I would find him funny reading from a phone book. I think this movie probably relies pretty heavily on a familiarity with Eurovision, which is something I had no idea was real until I paused this movie 15 minutes in and YouTubed it. I really just didn't find this funny and tapped out pretty early.
Rated 04 Nov 2021
Fun little movie. Loved the songs.
Rated 13 Apr 2023
I think you might only be able to tolerate this if you like Rachel McAdams (I do). It has some charm, but just couldn't recreate the same sense of ludicrousness that the real-life event manages effortlessly; it's all a bit too respectful and understated. Might pass the time if you are in the mood.
Rated 08 Jul 2020
I think I laughed twice. Unnecessarily long.
Rated 07 Jul 2020
Surprisingly nice with funny music and Stevens, McAdams, and Kassandra from Assassin’s Creed Odyssey all ruled
Rated 01 Jul 2020
Has a wonderful feel of Nordic camp, but weirdly doesn't out-camp Eurovision.
Rated 04 Jul 2020
I'm not a big fan of Will Ferrell and I don't like singing in movies but this is goddamn hilarious. It captures the madness of the real song festival perfectly.
Rated 01 Jul 2020
I love the idea of folk in the US being utterly baffled by this having never watched Eurovision. Learned something new: most people in Iceland believe in Huldufólk (tiny elves). Who'd have thunk it?
Rated 05 Oct 2020
This was torture for me but debatably not without some redeeming qualities. It has some optimism and absurdism that work with the subject matter. However I was constantly questioning the supposedly uncynical basis of the whole affair which made the comedy fail miserably. Being myself such a miserable cynic I find myself preconsciously receptive towards optimistic idealism but this just made me want to die inside. An existential crisis I choose to blame on the accents.
Rated 30 Jun 2020
expected a parody but got something of an homage.
Rated 29 Jun 2020
It's watchable, if only barely, but unless you have some sort of intimate attachment to either the subject or (as in my case) Rachel McAdams, I can think of no reason why you should bump this to the top of your queue.
Rated 30 Jun 2020
Ja Ja Ding Dong. Not a great movie. But it was nice to watch. the music was good and funny. The story was more average and had some flaws in my opinion. But I think I will watch it next year again before the real contest.
Rated 27 Jun 2020
Despite the comedy vacuum that is Will Ferrell, this holds up surprisingly well. There's a real understanding and appreciation of the insanity that is the ESC, that consistently comes across throughout the movie.
Rated 21 Sep 2020
The tone wasn't what I expected. More often charming than funny. It dragged in the middle and could have used with some trimming down, like most of my reviews. A movie like this doesn't need to be over two hours, especially if the other countries' songs aren't given much time. I'm not too familiar with the actual competition, but the screen time that was given to the music seemed to parody and pay homage to it pretty well.
Rated 28 Jun 2020
Double Trouble is a banger.
Rated 28 Jun 2020
Never really rises to the level of the first song, but it does have plenty of good moments along with the bad ones.
Rated 28 Jun 2020
Can I please get an official apology for Blades of Glory? This movie actually passed as an acceptable level of awful, in fact if I was quarantined for two weeks and ran out of stuff to watch I may even watch this again.
Rated 26 Jun 2020
Supremely silly, slight and predictable and at least 30 minutes too long, but also strangely warm and cuddly and the actual Eurovision music is so on point, it's almost scary. Much prefer this good-natured pastiche to the pageantry of the actual Eurovision.
Rated 22 May 2021
Look, it's not terrible but it's a typical Will Ferrell movie, which the younger self would have enjoyed immensely. I did enjoy and appreciate the performances the good sport-ness of Rachel McAdams and Dan Stevens, to take roles in a film like this. But the real star of this movie is the final song, "Husavik", which is actually amazing.
Rated 01 Jun 2022
Hilarious & loveable all the way through. The ending is a little cheesy, but not too bad. Weirdly culturally honest & astute for a modern comedy...up until the semi-schmaltzy cornball ending, but that's okay. Still great. Love the refreshingly realistic interpersonal dynamics.
Rated 01 Apr 2021
Eurovision konulu 1 film. Bu kadar mı kötü çekilir? Will Ferrell elindeki materyali çok kötü kullanmış. İzlanda'nın şans eseri yarışmaya giden Fire Saga grubunun başında geçenler. İzlandalılar bu filme küfür ettiklerine eminim. İlk 1 saat hadi idare eder derken, son 1 saat fecaat. Rachel McAdams'ı beğendim. Filmin sonunda, yarışmayı kaybedip, kalpleri kazınıyorlar. Aşkımı sana boşaltmak istiyorum. Ja Ja Ding Dong.
Rated 04 Apr 2021
Inexplicable overlength (and self-serious approach to its lead characters quest) hamper what could have been an amusingly light-hearted return to form for Ferrell: his ageing man-child schtick is as fun as ever, and McAdams is also a lot of fun, but there is no reason for this slight, goofy premise to slop over the 2 hour mark, especially with a laboured "final" final act that essentially repeats itself. There are some genuinely funny bits here, especially interjections by Brosnan and Lovato.
Rated 15 Mar 2021
I'd watch it again.
Rated 22 Feb 2021
Overlong but watchable and sometimes even infectious in its affable vapidity. It's weird that Ferrell is the only topline cast member to do all his own singing.
Rated 06 Feb 2021
better than expected. ridiculous but it mainly works
Rated 27 Sep 2021
It was better than I expected, mainly because Will Ferrell played a regular guy instead of a raging maniac. I liked the musical numbers, and the cameos by real Eurovision figures. I also enjoyed the nods to Icelandic nature and culture.
Rated 26 Jun 2020
Well that was a hot mess, wasn't it? Nobody was able to rein Ferrell in it seems.
Rated 18 Dec 2022
I really enjoyed this as the cheesy, silly, zany, over the top, camp Eurovision-y film that it is. This film certainly isn't one to be taken seriously and I enjoyed it. Its a case of being 'so bad its good' in a sense, I mean, don't expect it to be a deep film or anything, or full of tons of sub plots or anything but if you like daft, parody type comedies then you could do worse.
Rated 09 Jan 2023
It works because at its core it has a heart. It's right there on the poster
Rated 11 Jun 2023
Had fun—intentionally cringy, but not so much that I would quit watching.
Rated 08 Mar 2021
The tone threw me. I expected a complete farce, but I received charm and heart instead. There are some good laughs, but I craved more of them. This is an odd duck, that occassionally thinks outside the box.
Rated 05 Jun 2023
It's mediocre and extremely stupid, but some of the songs really fit the Eurovision style. It's way too long though and the auto-tune drove me nuts.
Rated 19 Jul 2023
Not Ferrell's funniest but it was entertaining and they make a real effort to have the songs sound Eurovision-ish.
Rated 13 Feb 2024
Rated 27 Jul 2020
Probably the only movie by/with Will Ferrell that I enjoyed. Light and fun with catchy songs and a few laughs.
Rated 01 Jul 2020
Jaja ding dong.
Rated 02 Jul 2020
If you think accents are funny, then this will be your jam.
Rated 29 Jun 2020
dire. few jokes, not funny, excruciating singalong scene with celebrity cameos. another clear miss from netflix
Rated 06 Jul 2020
The problem here is that Eurovision is one of those things where it's so inherently absurd that satirizing it is redundant, this probably works best if you don't know anything about it beforehand. Also I feel like Ferrell in general has that effect where people are burnt out on his persona after the 2000's. Some extra points for Dan Stevens being fabulous.
Rated 07 Jul 2020
The idea is funny, but sadly the film is a schoolbook example of a prolonged joke. The script seems to be done with bullet points and there’s no reason whatsoever why it lasts over 2hrs. They’ve captured the Eurovision cliches and spirit, McAdams sings well and some numbers are quite funny, but they still cannot beat the real Eurovision. This film is like a continuation of 90's Direct-to-video crap with known actors slumming it for paycheck; hopefully that's not the way Netflix is heading.
Rated 30 Jun 2020
Eurovision songs and performances? On point. The attempts at conflict and drama? Total crap. And it's a half hour too long.
Rated 27 Jun 2020
I didn't have too many expectations. I watched because I love Rachel McAdams .The jokes are not very funny, the songs are not bad. Good to see old winners. The movie has tried to get somewhere between absurd comedy and romance, but has not been successful in this regard. It can be watched in a free time without thinking too much.
Rated 23 Jul 2020
One of a handful of movies I just couldn't get through. So disappointing from a Will Ferrell fan. AWFULF!!!! I did get one small laugh before I turned it off.
Rated 01 Jan 2021
Even Imdb reviewers who liked it said it wasn't Lol funny, but I thought it was Lol funny. Some said you'd have to watch Eurovision to get/like it, but I don't think so. Some said not to expect a great plot or depth, but this movie actually had a story and some twists. I really liked that Dan Stevens as the Russian competitor was not an antagonist or romantic rival, but just a friend to Rachel McAdams. Also he's amazing, I didn't even recognize him. RM was also super likeable and impressive.****
Rated 26 Jun 2020
Doesn't match the scale or the sincere silliness of the real Eurovision.
Rated 09 Aug 2020
This movie sucked! The only halfway decent part of the whole thing were the silly songs.
Rated 16 Aug 2020
You'd have to be a real ya ya ding dong to like this movie.
Rated 26 Jan 2021
#20-6#, exp3, rw3, popcorn, story, Rachel.McA!
Rated 30 Jun 2020
It's a very stupid, silly movie and not very funny either. But at least, its heart is in the right place. It started as a campy Eurovision satire and ended as a love letter.
Rated 25 Nov 2020
This movie feel trapped between trying to make fun of the Eurovision Song Festival, while also being a sincere lovely homage to it. Making it work as neither. The humor falls flat cause it doesn't go all out in ridiculing it, while the positivism is undermined by the parody. At times it feels like WF was trying to make a different kind of movie than the rest. Trying to poke fun at everything while the rest wasn't. It's annoying how much WF thinks WF is funny. It's also too long.
Rated 10 Sep 2020
Not terrible and possibly better than the shite Ferrell has been pumping out over the last decade or so. It’s way too long and would have been improved significantly with a 90 minute run time.


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