Erik the Viking
Erik the Viking
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Erik the Viking

Erik the Viking

Comedy, Fantasy
1h 47m
Erik the Viking gathers warriors from his village and sets out on a dangerous journey to Valhalla, to ask the gods to end the Age of Ragnorok and allow his people to see sunlight again. A Pythonesque satire of Viking life. (imdb)

Erik the Viking

Comedy, Fantasy
1h 47m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 41.52% from 385 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 02 Jan 2008
An endearingly silly slice of Pythonesque fun that doesn't quite live up to the sum of its parts. Shame but not bad all the same
Rated 30 Mar 2024
Winsome, low-key Viking spoof has Jones’ distinct brand of Pythonesque sensibility, though it’s a lighter, less bold flavour than the boys’ group efforts; suffice to say your tolerance for this will depend on your affection for a very British, twee strain of pun-based humour - the odd stabs at more bleak and sardonic observations feel tonally out of place, even if some are guffaw worthy. Robbins is surprisingly effective as the Brian-like lead helping the film to emerge as an amusing diversion.
Rated 02 Oct 2020
Erik the Viking is a few Pythons short of a full Monty. There are a few decent gags, but ultimately the film is let down by a sluggish pace and scenes that run too long. Apparently there is a Director's Son's Cut which takes the runtime from near 110 minutes down to 75. It won't make it a great film, but it would probably make it much more entertaining. The impressive cast is alright, neither disappointing nor truly shining; Robbins just doesn't seem to be in his element here.
Rated 19 Jan 2019
It's fun, and cheesy and just misses being something better. It's still worth watching for a good time.
Rated 16 Dec 2015
Tim Robbins horribly miscast in a Python film and just ruins every scene.
Rated 22 Apr 2014
Remember how Red said that he wished he could tell us that Andy Dufresne fought the good fight and the Sisters left him alone? How they kept at him and sometimes he was able to fight them off and sometimes not? I like to imagine that Andy tried to escape reality in order to cope with this situation during his first few years at Shawshank. He didn't have to be a prisoner - he could be a Viking who disliked rape and pillaging, but mostly the raping.
Rated 31 Dec 2013
From the first, it's clear how lame ERIK THE VIKING is--even when there are good lines or bits of business, the timing is off, or the film can't help but have an extra line which ruins the rhythm of the humor (it's telling that later cuts are a third shorter than the original). And the good moments aren't all that plentiful; the story and characters are alike thin, and the cast can and does little with the material. A shame, because great care was obviously taken with the production design.
Rated 19 Sep 2013
In my distant memory, this was generally dull with only two or three laughs. Rewatching it over 20 years later, with more perspective, changed my mind. Though comedies rarely elicit my laughter, I chuckled quite a lot through most of this. It is good nonsense humor for adults, with some slapstick but mostly avoiding vulgarity, and I truly must declare it a credit to Terry Jones' Monty Python legacy.
Rated 19 Dec 2012
[Long cut] Terry Jones brings 60's fantasy film aesthetics with a dark twist. There are way too much adult themes to show it to the kids, too infantile for adults. Entertaining throughout, but nothing sticks, and I hardly remember most of the plot a few days after seeing it. I really liked Tim Robbins in this.
Rated 26 Dec 2011
This movie is not very funny. There are a few amusing moments but not enough to make it a good movie.
Rated 16 May 2011
Not a must-see. Two or three laughs were noted.
Rated 22 Jan 2011
now you see me, now you don't!
Rated 09 Sep 2010
Extra minus points for the disappointment of having so many great actors and comedians and so few laughs. I barely cracked a smile, and by the end was downright irritated at this film's ineptitude.
Rated 09 Aug 2010
Too many dramatic scenes to be a true comedy, too many silly scenes to be a fantastic adventure drama. The funny parts are truly Pythonesque, but it would have been better to stick to one side of the medal: either comedy or drama. Besides, special effects are really bad at times. Only advisable for Python fans.
Rated 19 Oct 2009
My wife said this reminds her of Princess Bride, and from her, that's an underhanded compliment. Despite its many flaws (underusing Cleese's villain, cheesy SFX), there is still an undeniable charm here - with great moments both funny and not-so-funny. My only major qualm is Robbins doing a Graham Chapman impression throughout: no one can be Chapman except Chapman.
Rated 28 Dec 2008
It's funny and amusing.
Rated 03 Jun 2008
takes all the good elements from the monty python show and puts it into a good story, and who can say no to tim robbins?
Rated 28 May 2008
Oddbal, not quite-Monty-Python-esque humour, but the bizarre story will probably keep you watching.
Rated 15 Mar 2008
Rather blah, like all too many Python splinter projects
Rated 19 Aug 2007
Great childhood movie. If you have already seen it, don't watch it again. You'll destroy a great memory.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Classic. The bit with Terry Jones et al singing and sinking into the ocean was kinda lame, but otherwise this is a pretty funny and enjoyable fantasy.
Rated 24 Mar 2007
A few laughs.
Rated 19 Jan 2007
Em honra do grande Terry Jones (1942 - 2020). Escolhi As Aventuras de Erik, o Viking para passar por esse luto porque é o filme que Jones dirigiu que não vejo há mais tempo e uma revisão se fazia necessária. E depois de ter assistido aquelas bostas de filmes do Thor oriundos da Marvel esse filme fica ainda melhor, quando se tem o fato "wit" a seu lado, nada fracassa. O toque do personagem cristão é inteligentemente engraçado. BlurayRip RARBG.


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