Ere erera baleibu icik subua aruaren
Ere erera baleibu icik subua aruaren
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Ere erera baleibu icik subua aruaren

Ere erera baleibu icik subua aruaren

1h 15m
An abstract hand-painted on film extravaganza predominantly featuring patterns of dancing drops, specks that suggest satellites, flying saucers, or rushing bodies of water, and its combination of color and 35-millimeter 'Scope (with about half an hour in black and white) yields the kind of spectacle one associates with musicals and SF epics. (Jonathan Rosenbaum)

Ere erera baleibu icik subua aruaren

1h 15m
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Avg Percentile 85.38% from 13 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 31 Aug 2022
Rapid specks of color gone before you can even processes them, visual noise where you almost start to see patterns, overwhelming sense of nothing and everything: truly and experience. The one complaint I have is that I had to keep pausing and skipping because the flashing lights were giving me a bad headache, but still it is really good


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