Embrace of the Serpent
Embrace of the Serpent
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Embrace of the Serpent

Embrace of the Serpent

Drama, Adventure
2h 5m
The story of the relationship between Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman and last survivor of his people, and two scientists who work together over the course of 40 years to search the Amazon for a sacred healing plant. (imdb)

Embrace of the Serpent

Drama, Adventure
2h 5m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 70.82% from 618 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 28 Mar 2016
An elegiac, clear-eyed consideration of the knowledges swept away by Western global conquest: What responsibility do we have to maintain the legacy of others? It addresses the experiential quality of knowledge: It's one thing to know the Cohiuano rite of passage, another to wake from a vivid hallucination on the top of a goddamn mountain & try to get home. An implicit critique of Cartesian dualisms, of the decoupling of signifier & signified, of amodal rather than embodied theories of cognition.
Rated 07 Dec 2016
An excellent journey (both concretely and metaphorically) through a breathtaking environment (both corporeal and existential) by a pair and a half of astounding characters (both lovable and despised). And most of all, the use of black and white takes nothing away from the pure color of the jungle. Bonus: no need to change the title when the porn version is (eventually) made.
Rated 24 Feb 2017
A beautifully-shot film whose setting and characters give plenty of insight into the cultures and beliefs of the indigenous tribes, as well as colonial history. Ultimately the film is not quite satisfying, narratively, as both white mens' journeys come to somewhat intangible conclusions. The film's overall message feels rather ethereal and cryptic, even if the themes of man vs nature, new vs old, science vs religion are plain to see. Visually stunning but not half as fun as e.g. Apocalypto.
Rated 04 Dec 2015
Dead Man for the 21st century??!
Rated 09 Jul 2017
Refreshingly understated road-trip, where the road's a river and the trip is both the journey and the goal. It's terrifically well shot, deals with it's themes subtly, and encourages an introspection in the viewer without being preachy. Also the shifts between the two parallel journeys decades apart are seamlessly executed, and cleverly illustrate both the immutability of the natural world and man's steady and destructive encroachment into it.
Rated 18 Mar 2018
Delivers on all of its narrative promises, but didn't strike me as profound. Gorgeous black and white cinematography, pronouncing moments with fluidity and grace. The dual narrative reinforces the exploration of duality in its many forms. The revelation that the film is based on true accounts in hindsight makes the film feel like it needs to compare Amazonian cultures to European in order resonate with modern audiences. Context aside, this is an accomplished visceral experience.
Rated 08 Mar 2019
It's a meditative serene song that figuratively (and literally) moves past the Heart of Darkness. An intriguing babel of languages and perspectives, a journey to something sacred with explicit references to a medley of great art ranging German expressionist cinema to Josef Conrad. In short, a wonderful, inspiring film.
Rated 03 Jun 2016
The film isn't doing its mysticism any favors by being so flat and unmusical, so affectless in its received tale about the white man's destructive legacy.
Rated 16 Apr 2016
that movie was actually took me away from my daily problems and anxieties to unknown world. director of this movie can easily be considered as very good at storytelling and emotional transfer. i feel very uncomfortable after the movie in the sense that i have lots of things detracting me from freedom
Rated 07 Jun 2016
I let myself go with white man's journey to the wholeness and unity of the universe and it gave me a feeling of greatness if not sublime. In that sense this movie could be far more than what it is, if the visual language and storytelling were also celebrating the multiplicity of nature and Pre-columbian people's ways of life, solely relying on b&w doesn't rescue the style and sometimes it got too didactic and lecture-like. But still it rests with you as a voyage, like "Dead Man" of Jarmusch.
Rated 28 Feb 2017
One of the more interesting experiments in postcolonial cinema, though many of its racial politics remain too on-the-nose for me. Can't help but feel I've seen this narrative a thousand times.
Rated 08 Apr 2016
Well-made and unpredictable, if often slow.
Rated 16 Aug 2018
Shades of Conrad, KOYAANISQATSI, FITZCARRALDO, 2001, a high school history lesson and probably a bit of Viveiros de Castro, this has at least some thematic complexity, but, as it unfolds, it proves to be a case of diminishing returns, even as it challenges and invites the audience to open up pathways to some new cosmological embrace. Despite impressive moments, it seems aesthetically a little bare (admittedly, I was watching this in a low-grade format).
Rated 15 Jul 2016
The desire of the white man to understand, control, exploit and ultimately overcome nature is given expression via both the queeste for a plant and the domination of the people revering it, or at least did so before having been corrupted by embracing the serpent. Slights towards regressivism in its biblical, ecological Koyaanisqatsian themes, a nuisance only due the elements conveying that being a bit shoehorned.
Rated 27 Apr 2016
This movie is too big for me.
Rated 04 Sep 2016
Rated 30 Jul 2016
Outstanding. Perfectly paced, gorgeously shot and extremely immersive tale
Rated 06 Aug 2017
Too long, the beautiful cinematography and capable direction make up for it.
Rated 14 May 2017
Road trip!
Rated 05 Oct 2019
fuck. was looking forward to this one.
Rated 15 May 2019
Cool road movie.
Rated 01 Aug 2020
Beautifully shot story about men's journey in search of a sacred plant. On the other hand shows damages done by colonizers in the Amazon Jungle. Shame that it was black and white, color would have added a lot to the visual aspect of the movie.
Rated 07 Sep 2018
i happened to watch this gem while reading galeano's espejos. made a good duo. the story without any agitation at all goes so well with the visuals and the moral.
Rated 03 Sep 2021
This is in many ways a superb film. It's a beautiful looking film, short in gorgeous black and white, partly as a device for not letting the jungle dominate the film's visuals. Torres and Bolívar, neither of whom are professional actors, are utterly convincing as two versions of the same man. Generally, it's a film that touches on very familiar themes of colonialism and the clash of different cultures, but has a fairly unique approach.
Rated 11 Apr 2016
35. İstanbul Film Festivali - Fitaş.
Rated 15 Apr 2020
Powerful story, beautiful visuals
Rated 11 Aug 2022
What a trip. It's got a mood that pulls you in the first minute, making jungle seem like a jungle even without the verdant green color. Seeing the guide both as a young man as well as an old one was interesting and having the two different timelines happen beside each other worked well for this movie. The pace is not wild, but it keeps things interesting. Creepy Jungle Jesus and the priest included. A lot of visual storytelling happening here. I feel like it will stick with me for a good while.
Rated 02 May 2017
Viewed May 1, 2017.
Rated 21 Dec 2016
"The worst of both worlds" scene in particular was amazing
Rated 26 Feb 2017
Trippad film som rör sig I en narkodimma som blandas upp med en dos indianvisdom. Det later förmodligen helt outhärdligt, men filmen är suggestiv och drömliknande på ett sätt som fångar och håller ens uppmärksamhet I over två timmar. Klara Apokalyps-vibbar. Rekommenderas.
Rated 04 Jan 2016
Rated 16 Jan 2017
Ignorant western explorers ditch married life in search of the Amazon's most sacred (read: awesome) hallucinogen, only to lose their sanity and cause the decay of the native culture in the process. 10/10, would ditch again.
Rated 17 Mar 2016
Doesn't entirely work, yet it's not often uninteresting. It moves between the two stories with grace, spending plenty of time with each one before moving back to the other, and both show very similar themes and miniature tales. It doesn't feel entirely focused, but the stories it travels through each have something new to offer about imperialism in these tribal communities (before ending on a trippy, hallucinogenic sequence. Cool).
Rated 20 Jan 2017
Perhaps best enjoyed after a cup of weapons grade caapi
Rated 08 Jun 2016
El abrazo de la serpiente [Embrace of the Serpent] (2015) is the most earthly spiritual film in black & white you'll see from 2015!
Rated 19 Feb 2024
A curious film that I suspect could have had a firmer impact if it didn't hesitate to check in with the progressive critics. Otherwise, it's something like Aguirre (or Cabeza de Vaca) by way of Altered States.
Rated 01 Jul 2016
1 Juliol 2016 - entretinguda, potser enigmàtica? Però, potser perquè l'hem vist en tres sessions, se m'ha fet poc propera. Ni tansols m'he acabat d'aclarir amb quines preocupacions tenia cada personatge. Els diàlegs semblaven una mica hieràtics, repetitius i canviant abusivament d'idioma. Tot i així, la història és interessant.
Rated 27 Oct 2016
Despite the strong post-colonial theme, "Embrace of the Serpent" has a certain grace. I thought the racial politics were overstated two or three times, but elsewhere the script is rich and refined. It also has a genuine fascination with the rainforest and its lore, an unabashed, politically incorrect exoticism, which is what I liked the most.
Rated 16 Apr 2016
Fascinating journey to the Karamakate's world, to Amazon and to the missing people of Amazon. Thanks to the story and great editing, we see the greed, selfishness and hostility of white people but what I especially love in this movie was every scene was shot poetically beautiful.
Rated 13 Jan 2019


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