Apple TV
Dust Nuggets
Dust Nuggets
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Dust Nuggets

Dust Nuggets

Comedy, Drama
KK took the Dust Nuggets rock band from the garage to the stadium and is now in a coma from a drug overdose, reviewing her out-of-control life.

Dust Nuggets

Comedy, Drama
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Avg Percentile 0.21% from 1 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 04 Aug 2020
Vying for position as one of the worst movies I've ever seen, it was pitched to me as David Lynch meets Dr. Suess. A children's book is the catalyst for a story that takes us from nowhere to nowhere central as a rock band labelled as "alternative fusion" plays dinky clubs progressing all the way to the backstage of a presumably larger concert the budget wouldn't allow them to show. I hated the main character, the side characters, the actors themselves, the writer and the director equal

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