Drive-Away Dolls
Drive-Away Dolls
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Drive-Away Dolls

Drive-Away Dolls

1h 24m
Jamie regrets her breakup with her girlfriend, while Marian needs to relax. In search of a fresh start, they embark on an unexpected road trip to Tallahassee, but things quickly go awry when they cross paths with a group of inept criminals.

Drive-Away Dolls

1h 24m
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Avg Percentile 32.14% from 246 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 24 Feb 2024
Strange but whimiscal new age lesbian rom com that brings a sort of awkward freshness to the genre. It's kind of like Thelma & Louise if they were screwing like rabbits and taking acid the whole time.
Rated 27 Feb 2024
Unserious effort by Coen and wife. Between the completely unjustified psychedelic screensavers, Windows movie maker ass transitions, and all other B-movie affectations -- this mostly just gave off mid-life crisis vibes. Also a nearly unwatchable performance by Qualley b/c of that atrocious accent.
Rated 18 Mar 2024
Taken beside THE TRAGEDY OF MACBETH, we can now delineate which brother is the Goofus and which is the Gallant.
Rated 14 Mar 2024
The Big Lezbowski
Rated 28 Feb 2024
This is a fun film that does not take it self seriously. The two leads Margaret Qualley and Geraldine Viswanathan have great chemistry together. There are a number of clever references to other films and literature. Overall I would recommend this film.
Rated 22 Sep 2024
A generous interpretation would say that the reason I didn’t laugh is because I’m not a part of the intended audience.
Rated 06 Jun 2024
The Coen brothers clearly need each other. I must, however, applaud whoever came up with marketing a somewhat lacking film as "a tribute to B movies".
Rated 14 May 2024
A very goofy and very horny take on an Americana crime comedy (you’ll never guess what’s in the suitcase), with lots of over-the-top screams, creative scene cuts, and queer sex punctuating the classic odd couple road trip humour (Jamie and Marian, but also the henchmen of course). Its script needed work though (some scenes end in weird places; the time given to the pointless trippy interludes should’ve been used to develop the main duo’s relationship enough to justify their eventual marriage).
Rated 13 May 2024
Hit-or-miss: the comedy is mostly hits, the stylistic choices wildly vacillate (silly wipes fun, psychedelic intermissions bad), and the character work mostly misses (that is, there is none, there's only sex obsession). Witticisms, pointless 60s inserts, and horniness run long; this could have been a tight twenty minute short film.
Rated 26 Mar 2024
I am in complete disbelief at how terrible this is and its hard to conclude anything except that Ethan is a total fraud.
Rated 15 Mar 2024
Not as bad as the reviews, some bias in there. Actually funny; good performance by Viswanathan. At 1hr20, no drag, or waste, a lean comedy!
Rated 12 Mar 2024
Kind of feels like a parody of a coen bros/90s caper film. A few laughs, but still has a dated feel to the whole thing.
Rated 12 Mar 2024
I laughed a few times and this was an entertaining romp, but, man, does it have serious problems. Ethan gets in his own way with stupid psychedelic sequences, where ONE of them was MORE than enough but he kept returning to the well, amateur looking transitions, and other odd camera/visual choices that contribute nothing. The plot, for what it is, is silly and okay, though this would have sunk if Qualley and Viswanathan weren't endearing together, especially Qualley. Completely forgettable.
Rated 27 Feb 2024
Light, Sapphic fun and friendship on the road in fascist times. As was first stated in the groovier '70s by those fighting another fun-sucking Floridian (Anita Bryant), "A day without lesbians is like a day without sunshine."
Rated 24 Feb 2024
Bro, what the hell were those transition effects?
Rated 23 Feb 2024
Firmly establishes Ethan Coen as the dominant authorial voice of The Ladykillers (complimentary).
Rated 13 Sep 2024
The premise is ok, but the script is asinine. The characters are impossible to connect with. It is just so obvious they are actors acting. No immersion at all.
Rated 05 Sep 2024
Difficult to rate, kind of feels like it's missing something, but is that mainly because I know it's just one Coen brother?
Rated 04 Sep 2024
Both leads are great in this Coen-helmed roadtrip that leans well into the wacky. I can't say I ever felt that the protagonists were ever in much danger, which is a problem, but their charisma was enough to propel this. Handsomely filmed, of course.
Rated 10 Aug 2024
I can see a Coen Brothers movie in there somewhere, but it's D-minus grade Coens. It starts with the forced, quirky, strange-talking lead. I snickered a few times, but so many of the attempts at comedy do not land. At all. And all of the little surprises that are sprinkled in fall flat too. I hope the brothers reunite very soon.
Rated 26 May 2024
Hard not to like (I went in knowing it’s a low-brow broad comedy so my expectations were at the right level) but there’s not much more to it than likability. The central relationship is quite sweet and believable, but the meat of it takes up about 5% of the total running time, and the rest is dumb gags and a silly plot. Kinda fascinating the way this seems to reveal how explicitly dichotomous the two brothers’ filmmaking sensibilities are. Intolerable Cruelty suddenly makes a lot more sense
Rated 02 May 2024
Pretty fun bawdy sex whatsit but way too scattered. I generally liked Qualley, although I get why her performance isn’t loved by many, but Viswanathan and the rest of the cast are way better tbh. I watched this this morning in between waking up early after four hours’ sleep and then drifting off again and then forgot I did until just now!
Rated 13 Apr 2024
Fairly rough 80 minutes that suggests either Joel was the brains of the operation or the Coen sense of humor has just plain fallen behind the times. Generic low-level criminal shenanigans and misunderstandings, meh. Only proper lesbian action is in the first 5 minutes; every sex scene after is tepid PG13 shoulders-up stuff. Very disappointing, this movie should have been much nakeder & filthier. Margaret Qualley is gradually becoming a clone of her mom circa Groundhog Day, which is interesting.
Rated 05 Apr 2024
There’s a certain few inspired sequences but mostly just annoying. It is very obvious that it is a dated script.
Rated 01 Apr 2024
Both Coen bros have each achieved career lows with their solo films. Some jokes do land, and the two hitmen feel closer to that Coen bros quirkiness, but the rest of the film feels like a Nickelodeon show, though with more lesbian sex scenes. The central couple experience no growth or characterisation as they shriek their way through this film of an uncaring nature, contrived plot, and annoying scene transitions. My least favorite 'lesbians on the lam' film of 2024.
Rated 31 Mar 2024
It works way better as a lesbian sex comedy -- leads are just brilliant and way bigger than anything happening in the story -- than the typical talky Coen caper flick. Editing nearly ruins this. Second half feels less fun than the first.
Rated 27 Mar 2024
apt description of what would happen if there was a matt damon's penis dildo replica somewhere
Rated 19 Mar 2024
I like the premise and a lot of the component parts, but Drive-Away Dolls didn't really grab me at first the way I was expecting it to. I found Margaret Qualley's character to be rather affected and slightly over the top. However as the movie progresses I think her character as well as the rest of the film becomes a lot more enjoyable. Geraldine Viswanathan is as lovely as always. While I ultimately ended up liking the movie, I think the screenplay is just missing that extra spark.
Rated 18 Mar 2024
Not bad overall but not nearly enough Beanie Feldstein.
Rated 17 Mar 2024
I feel like this is being underrated a bit. It's a very dry, deadpan comedy with some fun performances and good chemistry between the leads. While it's not always laugh out loud funny, the screenplay is consistently clever. The MacGuffin makes no sense and is the primary reason, I think, that this is called juvenile by some, but it doesn't particularly matter. Entertaining if you have the right sense of humor.
Rated 06 Mar 2024
Disappointing. It didn't really do anything particularly well. Plot seemed to have lost interest in the second half. Pacing was weird since they got to Tallahassee so quickly. Transitions were out of place and seemed like filler. The leads rescue the film somewhat, but the B-plot with the henchmen was more classic Coen. Fav scene: Beanie Feldstein fighting back against the CJ Wilson's home invasion.
Rated 27 Feb 2024
Just a bad movie
Rated 26 Feb 2024
What a cliche mess.
Rated 24 Feb 2024
Unfunny and shallow on every level.


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