Dream Scenario
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Dream Scenario

1h 40m
A hapless family man finds his life turned upside down when millions of strangers suddenly start seeing him in their dreams. When his nighttime appearances take a nightmarish turn, Paul is forced to navigate his newfound stardom (
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Dream Scenario

1h 40m
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Avg Percentile 54.17% from 571 total ratings

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Rated 17 Nov 2023
The problem is the fantasy gimmick becomes boring after act one. It then morphs into a commentary on how people become viral stars or pariahs. I vehemently disagree with the film's "cancel culture" argument. Most who fall into that camp are just facing the (rightful) consequences of their childish nonsense. Instead, this picture makes a tragic hero simply by having others react to his dreamworld invasions in a manic and irrational way. Marginal recommendation for Cage's performance.
Rated 10 Nov 2023
Very inventive satire on the age of the instant micro celebrity and the cynical strategies used to capitalize off of it to win people's fragmented attention. Cage's bewilderment as the absurdity of his predicament increases is hilarious, as is the central concept of the movie
Rated 03 Jan 2024
Cage is dynamite as a neurotic academic obsessed with how he's being viewed by others amidst this unexplainable phenomenon; the dreams matter far less to Paul than what role he plays in them. Fascinating exploration of digital-age fame - someone aptly used the term "micro-celebrity" - and the more cartoony it gets, the better, including the ruthless takedown of marketing and influencer culture. Because nothing's more terrifying than Logan Paul inescapably hocking sugar-drinks in your dreams.
Rated 26 Dec 2023
Philosophical exploration of the increasingly porous and contested boundary between public and private spaces. If you didn't quite 'get it', they eventually spell out the theme (for those not really paying attention) with the black-mirror-esque-dream-bracelet device. Plus Nicholas Cage on top form in a quieter, less bombastic mode. Loved it!
Rated 13 Dec 2023
Nicolas Cage is excellent in the lead role.His performance is the key to whole film. The script is very interesting and has many good details. Overall I would highly recommend this film.
Rated 17 Mar 2024
It's too bad that this doesn't have a great ending because I love the premise and Cage's performance.
Rated 30 Dec 2023
Nic Cage brings you into the paranoia of unjustly becoming a social pariah. Cage’s character handles it all pretty badly, but so does the movie. I’d have hoped for a bigger or more impactful ending. It’s just a downer, and not in a way that leaves a particularly powerful message. Extremely anxiety inducing too.
Rated 09 Jan 2024
I like that the film never tries to explain why he's showing up in everyone's dreams. It's just happening, and that's that. Oddly, Nic Cage in the David Byrne suit is also my fantasy.
Rated 09 Apr 2024
I enjoyed seeing Julianne Nickolson. Uncharacteristically, Nicholas Cage was not annoying and acted well. The plot was wacky to say the least. Not entirely satisfying or thought provoking. Mostly just weird.
Rated 23 Dec 2023
I'd be terrified if Nicolas Cage started showing up in my dreams as well.
Rated 18 Dec 2023
An inspired tour de force of cringe comedy that packs an emotional punch. It cleverly hones in our social rituals and the ways they reveal things about us in similarity to our dreams—the home of our most unrefined desires and deepest fears. And Nicolas Cage’s fantastic performance is its sharpest tool for critiquing the intersection of vanity, privacy, and fame.
Rated 10 Dec 2023
I wanted to like it a lot more than I actually did. It's very focused on its underlying commentary, but I was hoping for something more wild and off the rails based on the synopsis. Instead it just sort of meanders and goes on for what felt like too long. It has some laughs, a good performance by Cage, and still was somewhat entertaining, but I was hoping for more.
Rated 10 Nov 2023
Great movie. Thought-provoking, original and well acted. Some dark humour and a slight edge into Horror territory. Nicolas Cage does a solid performance with what is given and required from him. One of my favs of 2023.
Rated 13 Nov 2023
Excellent satire, tackling cancel culture, academia, marketing and how different tribes attempt to pull people to their side. Cage gives probably a top 5 performance of his career as an evolutionary biologist professor whose edges are so sanded down that he's basically not even there. With that acknowledged, I can't stress how fantastic this premise is. I didn't laugh as much as I had hoped, but appreciated how it dipped its toes into scifi, drama, comedy and horror.
Rated 25 Nov 2023
Bit of comedy and horror. It's a great idea but I really wish it didn't have the last 20 mins or so.
Rated 21 Jan 2024
Watching this was a bad dream
Rated 28 Dec 2023
who wastes time on this
Rated 15 Nov 2023
I really enjoyed this. Surprisingly thought provoking social commentary on social media and the importance of connecting with the people closest to you. Also hilarious and bizarre Nic Cage flick.
Rated 24 Nov 2023
You can tell by the reviews that this is a film that gets people to think about their current "societal" issues but without really addressing anything substantially. My view? How does someone who strives for recognition achieve that? what happens when people exploit that recognition? When people want to interact? When it goes bad? I am wary with this film because it seems to "address" but without suuggesting their own views. Interesting, with Cage brilliant, but comedy gold? NO!
Rated 25 Nov 2023
Just not for me. Seemed pointless as I did not feel like it really went any where.
Rated 23 Dec 2023
Enjoyable, very funny. Doesn’t quite go far enough with the concept for me (it peaks at the Molly’s apartment scene, and then the ad agency characters kind of fade away) but I still liked it a lot
Rated 30 Nov 2023
I like this film ... a lot. It uses this bizarre dream metaphor to reflect on the ways that the internet and social media have turned random people into real stars of a sort ... and on how quickly these things can turn. It does this with a type of absurd, dark comic edge reminiscent of Charlie Kaufman.
Rated 22 Dec 2023
By and large an intelligent, quirky, on occasion cringe-inducing fantasy-comedy with what I found to be a sympathetic and relatable protagonist. I think the third act stretches it a little thin and perhaps slightly overstays its welcome. Inferior to Borgli's previous film, "Sick of Myself".
Rated 02 Dec 2023
Great concept, decent commentary, leaned too hard into the metaphor.
Rated 10 Dec 2023
Synecdoche, New Yuck. Starts strong, but rolls steadily downhill after the first half-hour. As the film goes on, it grows more erratic in its tone, dubious in its thematic analogies, and aimlessly mean-spirited.
Rated 10 May 2024
One man’s disappointment, envy and resentment starts to impose itself collectively but passively, producing momentary satisfaction before inevitably resurfacing as the spirit of revenge, before inevitably being turned against him as he comes to be designated as a scapegoat. A correct deployment of Cage is combined with a Charlie Kaufman-type screenplay to produce an effective allegory about the way in which we live in a world where stupidity and madness reign, fuelled and exploited by marketing.
Rated 06 Jan 2024
Wanted this to stay funny but I'm glad it took a different path. There's a scene in act one that had me in stitches but the inventive direction it took saved it from being totally one-note, I'll give it that.
Rated 30 Jan 2024
It has its moments -- wild transition from being an internet sensation to new target of cancel culture, that fact he's loved in France after appearing in people's nightmares, one of the Disgusting Brothers as CEO of a dream marketing company created after his phenomenon --, but the A24isms kind of prevent this from being a really cool film -- Spike Jonze-directed Kaufman version of ANOES -- instead of a concept of one -- oh, let's talk about social media frenzy and its cult mentality, so boring.
Rated 15 Mar 2024
Book to read: Why zebras don't get ulcers
Rated 27 Feb 2024
Dream Scenario is strikingly contemporary. I can tell Borgli frequents many of the same digital street corners as I. References to Sapolsky, Rogan and slighted academics paints the movie in an obvious culture war color. Luckily, the movie manages to be universal, mocking, even-handed and surreal enough to break free of those muddy waters. Is Cage’s (perfectly played) pathetic professor a victim of forces beyond his control or a flawed perpetrator of his own downfall? I don’t know.
Rated 23 Feb 2024
Leaving out a certain plot turn would have improved the movie. The "ambiguous ending" is a hallmark of this type of film and totally predictable. It's lazy.
Rated 22 Feb 2024
An A24 special to be sure. I'm in the target demo for these films, so I tend to enjoy the unhinged and/or bizarre elements more than some. Cage is fantastic here and it's an interesting premise. The execution is lacking in some ways and totally hilarious in others. Overall I'm happy w the final product. 7.0
Rated 03 Feb 2024
Dream Scenario jarringly transitions between its amusing 1st act, its suspenseful 2nd act, and its frustratingly unfocused and somewhat disappointing 3rd act; yet Cage's performance remains engaging throughout. The surface level exploration of cancel culture and admonishment of social media influencers is both painful and accurate. At its core the film seems to be about the failure to live up to the promise of masculinity, and even as a satire, this makes the film fairly melancholic by the end.
Rated 17 Feb 2024
Dream Scenario is the best Cage has been in years and really explores the themes present with care. Cancel Culture is sadly a thing we see everyday instead of the harder conversations society takes the easy way out. Cage explores the depth of his characters presence in others dreams very well and the film excels because of it. Very good pacing, very interesting premise and an amazing execution of the dream sequences in comparison to the mundane reality in which Paul lives.
Rated 13 Feb 2024
Cage delivers one of his finest performances in a truly original genre bender.
Rated 08 Feb 2024
Nicolas Cage is finally good, the tone amusing and it's more or less constantly entertaining despite a much weaker second half.
Rated 09 Feb 2024
Nicholas Cage shitted and camed in his pants for a meager 73. Was it worth it? (yes)
Rated 29 Jan 2024
Cage puts in a great shift and watching things play out is as funny as it is frustrating. Much like another recent stylish film - 'Leave the World Behind', I felt the third act doesn't know what direction to head and doesn't quite stick the landing.
Rated 23 Mar 2024
This movie was an interesting blend of comedy drama much less so horror, and it made me laugh quite often with its subtlety. It’s quite a unique film.
Rated 25 Mar 2024
Plot 15/20 Fiction 14/20 Casting/Acting 17/20 Worldbuilding 11/20 Entertainment 15/20
Rated 28 Mar 2024
It's darkly funny, extremely inventive, and has some good commentary on social media today.
Rated 30 Mar 2024
Up until the last twenty minutes or so, this movie is brilliant. The ending, while very much in line with the real-world cycle of fame and controversy, is too anticlimactic and somewhat ruins the entire experience. But I still think it was pretty great.
Rated 31 Mar 2024
A very promising first-half rapidly unravels, as Borgli struggles to find a sensible place to land what otherwise would be a highly ambituous piece of arthouse cinema. Instead, the flick dissolves into an inchoate amalgam held together by a very fine thread of a credo that advertising and cancel culture is bad, and love and family is good. Still, it's ultimately not the worst addition to the whole dreams-and-maketing arthouse subgenre (for that, see Strawberry Mansion).
Rated 31 Mar 2024
Looks like Dream Scenario is a manhood movie that argues that contemporary culture treats men as empty signifiers, projecting on them whatever good and evil they see in society. Perhaps on a more generous reading the film treats men as a feminine category; it is radically plastic and anti-foundational. Today, manhood as such does not exist, whether you are an academic, a dad, a macho dude, or a loser, doesn't matter. You are almost redundant in today's world. Interesting yet underdeveloped.
Rated 05 Apr 2024
Entirely concept and Cage's performance. There are a few genuine laughs and some interesting ideas about the construction of celebrities. Overall, it's like watching Being John Malkovich made by people who didn't understand what made that movie good. Feels like a short film with 60 minutes padded on.
Rated 14 Apr 2024
Wow, another movie which only Cage can pull off. If you like actor Cage you'll enjoy it. How he manages to choose these kind of scripts and turn it into a performance like this is incredible. The guy is a master in his craft.
Rated 15 Apr 2024
periergo cage
Rated 28 Apr 2024
Dream Scenario has way too brilliant of a premise to be executed in such a lackluster, muddled way. It does a couple of interesting things with the concept but largely squanders it and spends way too long focused on all the wrong things while majorly overstaying its welcome (spent the last 30 minutes wishing it was over) and taking itself far too seriously on the schmaltzy side of things. I'm dreaming of a scenario where Charlie Kaufman wrote/directed this concept instead.
Rated 15 May 2024
Rated 06 Jun 2024
I wish the "being canceled" part of the movie were less realistic and as surreal as the rest of the movie.
Rated 30 Jun 2024
Not a good script
Rated 31 Dec 2023
Brilliant concept, often funny and the premise is legitimately terrifying, but it falls apart a bit in the third act. I was reminded a bit of shows like Lost that set up mysteries and questions so brilliantly and then just aren't quite sure where to go with the scenario they've concocted. It's a good film but feels like it could have been something truly special if the last act had matched the quality of the first two.
Rated 20 Oct 2023
filmekimi'23 - atlas 1948
Rated 05 Dec 2023
Based on the premise I thought it would be Charlie Kaufman-esque, but nearly nothing in the whole film is entertaining. The poster says: "Pure comedy gold, Nicolas Cage has never been funnier"; but it wasn't a comedy? It's about fame, it's about cancel culture, and ends with a "you don't know what you have until you lose it" scene which was strong. A big problem is the main character is boring and weak and we don't root for him, or against him, or really care at all what happens to him.
Rated 07 Dec 2023
good ideas just floating in the air and up for grabs for someone to edit the movie for the filmmakers.
Rated 08 Dec 2023
I'm not the biggest Nic Cage fan, but I liked Adaptation well enough, and this seemed stylistically similar, so I gave Dream Scenario a chance. And yeah, that's pretty accurate. Stylistically there's a lot to like here. I just can't get over the Nicholas Cage of it all. He feels miscast like he's in search of a more over the top movie. Imagine Someone like Paul Giamatti in the lead role, and you can instantly picture everything falling into place and just generally working a lot better.
Rated 08 Dec 2023
Well written, well acted, and perhaps prescient in regards to the future we are buying for ourselves.
Rated 11 Dec 2023
Cage does it again.
Rated 25 Dec 2023
2023'de #IzlediğimFilmler ; 216. Dream Scenario (2023) Nicolas Cage'in muazzam performansı için bile izlenir. Sosyal medyanın durumu ve gücü üzerine harika bir kara komedi. 7/10
Rated 26 Dec 2023
+ editing +protagonist
Rated 27 Dec 2023
Charlie Kaufman invades a Frank Capra film: Cage gives one of his most gently sweet and goofy performances, and his growing mix of wonder and horror of his scenario well handled by Borgli's screenplay; it's disappointing that the film never really digs in to the societal implications it raises - Borgli sets up the pieces before awkwardly backing way and leaving the film without a decent punchline. Navigates some tricky tonal shifts masterfully, and includes surely *the* fart gag for the ages!
Rated 27 Dec 2023
Charlie Kaufman's vibe. And the best comedy role in years by Cage.
Rated 28 Dec 2023
Like so many high concept movies it starts off great but eventually peters out without really knowing where to go with the idea. I had fun for the first half, and almost completely tuned out when the bracelet showed up. Cage is good.
Rated 29 Dec 2023
audiovisual 79 acting 87 overall feeling 87 avg 84
Rated 30 Dec 2023
Absolutely mesmerising, there are so many ways it can be interpreted in a situational and normal way (not like some abstract art bollocks). The soundtrack is super and immersive. The acting is absolutely real. The film has comedy and some cringe as we get to personally know Paul. Then it flips and we see horror as the world turns on this beloved man. His life is smashed and we empathise as he is completely confused. His character is a normal man with flaws and its a tragedy of sorts. Truly great
Rated 25 Jan 2024
As Borgli did with Sick of Myself, he carefully and amusingly crafts a satire that really works at critiquing modern day woes, this time with cancel culture and the responsibility and burden of victimhood. The film works terrifically with its satire and comedy, as well as the more emotional moments it works its way towards, and the malleable Cage certainly helps with all this. "I wish this was real". Probably my favorite final scene of a 2023 film.
Rated 03 Jan 2024
very good up to a certain point, then loses its way. Cage is excellent
Rated 05 Jan 2024
if a guy keeps making unwanted appearances in my dreams, i would also cancel the shit out of him
Rated 05 Jan 2024
So, I guess this what it would be like if we all dreamed about E.O. Wilson? On a more serious not, you could interpret this film in a metaphysical way in that it seems to suggest that generals/universals are real even if they don't exist; Paul Mathews is a general that is real in that he appears in dreams but is existent only as an individual that localises/specifies the general. And the difference is stark! In other words, it appears as though Borgli is a realist and not a nominalist.
Rated 19 Oct 2023
filmekimi 2023 kadikoy sinemasi
Rated 07 Jan 2024
Sorta slight but very fun!! Cage is so game
Rated 08 Jan 2024
A wickedly inventive satire that blends comedy, horror, and sci-fi to hurl jabs at cancel culture and the cult of celebrity. This awkward, eccentric film is one that will make you laugh while simultaneously causing a great deal of discomfort.
Rated 09 Jan 2024
A lovely outrageous thought experiment
Rated 11 Jan 2024
Rated 13 Jan 2024
Not a big Nicolas Cage fan, but he absolutely kills it. However, the movie wasn't much memorable for me. It was fun and good time killer, but that's about it. It loses its track at some point as well. Nowhere close to Borgli's previous work "Sick of Myself".
Rated 16 Jan 2024
Rated 21 Jan 2024
I enjoyed this movie a lot, with its Gondry-esque visual weirdness, a career performance from Nic Cage, who seems to be in sort of a career renaissance lately, and a great soundtrack by Owen Pallett. I disagree with people who think this movie is making a statement on cancel culture; I think there were some throwaway bits of comedy around that. Instead, Cage's character as a downtrodden man who finally gets the recognition he always wanted only to become more miserable in the end is poignant.
Rated 24 Jan 2024
this movie feels like a black mirror episode that is too long. Cage is okay but some of the more absurd expressions- such as the open-mouth shock- take me out of the experience. The idea of this film has so much potential but is completely overshadowed by the horrible attempt at commentary about internet fame and cancel culture. Despite this, the film is visually stunning, especially in the nightmare/dream segments. This movie had potential but fell short.


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