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Comedy, Drama
2h 15m
"Downsizing" follows a kindly occupational therapist who undergoes a new procedure to be shrunken to four inches tall so that he and his wife can help save the planet and afford a nice lifestyle at the same time. (imdb)


Comedy, Drama
2h 15m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 30.07% from 1037 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 02 Dec 2018
I would step on everyone. A rampaging toddler would destroy their entire community. Matt Damon without hair looks like the end of Friday the 13th when Jason jumps out of the lake.
Rated 20 Sep 2018
A true Anthropocene movie that amounts to a critique of "technological solutionism" (Morozov), both in terms of its ability to feed illusions of being able to endlessly maintain consumerism, and in terms of the kind of escape mechanisms promoted by Musk. Instead argues, correctly, that the only possible future lies in creating the conditions for new forms of care by cultivating the desire for such care. Negative audience and critical responses seem like reactions produced by their own nihilism.
Rated 29 Jan 2018
Rated 24 May 2019
Depressing to see its politics written off as a "product of environmentalism and classist bullshittery" or worse, "trendy liberalism". Would that it were trendy to criticize our susceptibility to engineered desires, ghastly conflation of consumerism and activism, and predilection for corporatized comfortbait and apocalyptic hysteria at the expense of direct action and local care. Payne's patented crying-closeup-that-dares-you-to-find-it-grotesque missed for many; proof to me of tonal mastery.
Rated 20 Feb 2018
Such a bizarrely uninteresting and meandering story. A global warming threat (still tens of thousands of years away in a very similar world) causes people to invent doensizing to save the world (also to become rich!). With no exploration of any of the sci-fi or miniature person related questions which arise, the movie focuses more on finding creative ways to make the last scene meaningless. Any emotional attachment to any character, location, or interaction will be tossed aside. Tragic
Rated 24 Dec 2017
Goes very in depth with how downsizing works but I would've enjoyed hearing how their tiny lungs filter out toxins and how their tiny eardrums don't explode at the sound of big people footsteps. I want a show where Christoph Waltz and Udo Kier sit on a couch and talk about European culture. P.S. I bet Stewball will hate this film if he ever sees it. He'll probably say something about Hong Chau being a pandering casting choice and complain about the environmental commentary or some such.
Rated 04 Apr 2018
I feel the movie lost it's aim after the first act and transformed from a quirky fantasy to an apocalyptic homily. I like how one reviewer said this was five movies in one (and only some of them were good), I feel that was pretty accurate.
Rated 20 Mar 2018
Not sure what the vitriol was with this film. Other than wandering in the middle a bit its a fairly clever little story on human nature and life and grass is greener syndrome. Damon is solid as usual and it has a strong supporting cast. I will say it's Alexander's weakest storyline in his recent endeavors.
Rated 20 Feb 2018
It goes down with every new scene.
Rated 27 Dec 2017
Downsizing is, quite simply, a mess of ideas that never form a cohesive whole. It wants to be about so much that it winds up being about nothing much at all. Its characters aren't interesting enough to make up for that, and its story plods from beat to beat. Its premise is solid, and there's a good movie here somewhere, but Alexander Payne, for perhaps the first time in his career, was unable to find it.
Rated 23 Dec 2017
Not sure what all the disdain for this movie is about. Granted, the humor is very dry, and a lot of the tone of the movie is mundane, but it's doing it on purpose and quite well. This is the first time I've seen an Asian female lead in an American movie, which is the best performance in this. And it's not just doing it for the sake of it. There's a good, powerful message in it, and the world is fully realized and brilliant.
Rated 20 Aug 2020
Overly-long trite comedy going the stoic, deadpan route. On a couple occasions, it flirted with being amusing, but it sure was damn hard to finish this movie. I feel pretty let down by this, I'm not a hard man to please, a few evenly spaced fart or poop jokes would have sufficed.
Rated 09 Jul 2018
The most out-there premise of Payne's filmography to date results in his most sincere and conventional film; never really capitalises on the fascinating themes and ideas inherent in its set-up, and it's a shame that such a well-thought out and detailed sci-fi concept is almost completely discarded in the second half for more conventional environmental ruminations. Still a lot of fun, especially whenever the dream pairing of Waltz and Kier as duelling Eurotrash eccentrics are on screen!
Rated 18 May 2018
Essentially 3 films. 1st is an unfunny "satire" of consumerism & a well-thought out (but dry & unnecessary) presentation of the unforeseen concerns that might arise if we can ever shrink ourselves (why humans would choose to make themselves that vulnerable is unexplained); the 2nd a Marxist parable about immigration, the selfish/clueless bourgeoisie & the noble poor; & a sort-of doomsday love-story starring climate change & a demanding shrew. I lean liberal & still found none of it interesting.
Rated 01 May 2018
For the first hour or so I was totally with this film and its interesting ideas not just in terms of sci-fi but economics (expanding your wealth by shrinking), science (saving the environment), sociology (small/big relations), etc. Then... it goes in some weird directions. Some WEIRD directions. Some weird, weird, weird, weird, weird directions. Like, you can't accuse this film of being predictable, but... I don't even know how to articulate how "WTF?!" this film's third act is.
Rated 10 Mar 2018
Not funny, nor enlightening or satirical in any way. Not romantic, neither a sci-fi and definitely not interesting. Even thought the movie tried to force feed us some thought-provoking concepts, the only thing worth taking away is that minorities will still be treated as unequal and poor, when it would cost very little to improve their housing situation. Furthermore, the selection of individuals that would create the future is lacking so much diversity, it's the only good joke in the movie.
Rated 07 Mar 2018
Yeah this definitely smells like the kind of goes-nowhere timewaster that is a decade in turnaround (Except Hong Chau is v. good)
Rated 12 Jan 2018
Half-baked story, not very funny, actors under-used, good ideas for details kept in the background, and nothing smart out of it. Forgettable.
Rated 05 Jan 2018
Payne gets so wrapped up in concepts, he forgets the critical ingredients for an effective story. Damon's character is about as bland as you can get, and though the story keeps throwing curveballs at him, it's hard to read why any of it matters when we can't even read who he is as a person. I think this translates to a messy tone, too; it's all over the place and the humor never finds its footing. This is alarming. I know Payne can make poignant dramadies, but he's slipping lately.
Rated 27 Dec 2017
A movie of big ideas with absolutely no clue what to do with them. It's got probably three solid laughs, but it never really feels like a comedy. I guess it's not surprising that the story eventually veers off to be about immigration and climate change, but this part of the story just doesn't feel like it was actually thought out well enough, or maybe it simply can't peacefully coexist with a classic Payne style story about a boring, soul-searching middle-aged white man.
Rated 26 Dec 2017
Three main issues with this one. Firstly, it has a hell of a high concept that we don't explore nearly enough of. Payne hints at big ideas but doesn't dig very deep. Secondly, Payne has been very good at writing interesting protagonists but Damon's character is a boring, passive cipher who doesn't connect us to the action on any kind of human or emotional level. Thirdly, the pacing, flow and tone are all off. It's just plain boring. Watch it for Hong Chau's performance but that's kind of it.
Rated 24 Dec 2017
Unnecessarily long
Rated 11 Nov 2017
confusingly bad. an amnesiac film that resets every 15min.
Rated 13 Oct 2017
Fuuuuuuuuck, this was a disappointment. I felt like this film had no idea what to do with the concept and it ended so abruptly like what the hell. In what could've been a so-bad-it's-good fuckfest this film turns into a product of environmentalism and classist bullshittery
Rated 23 Sep 2017
Rated 13 Jan 2023
Greenwashing on a big, or should I say small, scale. I appreciate Payne’s point about the dangers of instrumentalist approaches to human-induced climate change, and the real need for humans to radically change our conduct (it’s fundamentally an ethical issue with, of course, an important technological aspect), but he gets in his own way by fixating on the personal salvation of Paul. By the end of the film, I could not help but feel that Paul had become a Jesus-like figure.
Rated 03 Apr 2022
cynicism poisoning, to the point of failing to communicate its message
Rated 01 Jul 2021
Downsizing is never really all that clever, certainly not smart, and I never found it funny or its premise interesting. It's ideas are so hamfisted they hurt and aren't earned in any possible way. I didn't hate it, which I probably should considering how shoddy the themes end up being, so that's something.
Rated 07 Aug 2019
the yes: "downsizing" is the mars colony and other technological solutions to the ecological crisis, the critique is apt. the no: the movies does not know where it is going and the ending doesn't make any sense
Rated 24 Dec 2018
Is that Vietnamese character for real? Payne squanders a concept with great potential relating to the absurdity of humans wanting to continue their mass consumption lifestyles that are negatively impacting the planet by any means necessary, even if it involves making drastic changes to their physical form. The great comic possibilities of this fantastical scenario are quickly sidelined in favour of a rather dreary engagement with trendy liberal politics and an unconvincing romance.
Rated 11 Nov 2018
Interesting concept but could have gone without the preachy message in the end. Surprised that Hong Chau wasn't even nominated for an Oscar as she was easily the highlight here. Diversity, minorities in strong roles, under representation of Asian actors in Hollywood....the Academy really dropped the ball on this one.
Rated 24 Sep 2018
I suppose it's fitting so much of the film takes place in small spaces because it was made so clearly by creatives unknowingly stuck in their own little bubbles. The tone kept shifting, as if it didn't know what it wanted, and by the time we're schmaltzing over doomsday midlife hippies side by side with regressive WASPy caricatures, both played with nauseating, solemn earnestness, nothing could have brought my interest back. That is somehow miscast Damon's Everyman is almost impressive.
Rated 18 Aug 2018
on the contrary of his early works, payne try to enter in sci-fi world with his own dramatic style. but is matt damon right choice for him? no, i don't think so. also downsizing makes sharp theme transitions which damages the integrity of structure. i would prefer the film to focus more deeply on the misery of the middle class or the failure of the new utopian system.
Rated 14 Aug 2018
panders to middle class whites in its v fun first act, then turns on them for the detached, self-serving wokeness which made that first act appeal, which is a bold bait & switch mirrored elegantly by the visual and tonal structure. but it doesn't quite work, because ofc alexander fucking payne is way better at doing the first thing than the second thing, to the point where the second thing ends up feeling like more of the first thing sans humor - just the usual solemn middlebrow sermonising.
Rated 17 Jun 2018
Don't wear polo shirts to parties in which everyone else is dressed much nicer than you. I wish I had a nice outfit.
Rated 01 May 2018
Great concept, piss-poor execution.
Rated 26 Mar 2018
About five different movies, but some of them are pretty good.
Rated 15 Mar 2018
Downsizing reminded me of 2016's A Hologram for the King, in that it starts with an intriguing concept but devolves into tedious relationship drama. Ideas such as discrimination, climate change and personal consequences are handled as a checklist of scenes needed rather than the thematic elements they should be. The humour is not great either, with too much reliance on a stereotypical accent. Chau's performance is laudable, but the characters are banal and the plot facile. Very disappointing!
Rated 15 Mar 2018
Not what I expected. Starts off with a lot of humor and you think you are going to see something towards "honey, I shrunk the kids" then it takes a weird turn which I actually liked.
Rated 10 Mar 2018
Here is a ripe concept that starts off promising, and after the first act, you literally can't believe where the movie goes. This is one of the biggest high-concept disasters of all time - full of good performances, however. Hong Chau adds the only interest in the film with her spunky character.
Rated 13 Feb 2018
A super cool concept, scaled down into a minimal plot that was very incoherent and misguided. Matt Damon does not really have much depth to work with so there is very little drama to be created around his character. It also misses on the satire and the none of the characters jump to life because the plot does not advance well. Just an oddity really. A rather cool concept wasted on a very small story when there is obvious potential to be explored. Perhaps a Future Television series?
Rated 03 Feb 2018
Starts off fairly solid with an intriguing concept, then it just goes haywire with so many turns in the plot that it just becomes incohesive and messy with its satire not quite hitting home. Not what I expected but can't say that I was pleasantly surprised.
Rated 03 Feb 2018
not so good
Rated 01 Feb 2018
Your everyday man and woman Matt Damon and Kristen Wiig play alongside a stellar cast including a Serbian Chris Waltz - definitely not as good in his Eastern European impersonation as he was with his multi-lingual forays in Tarantino's films, for example, but still wildly entertaining - and a wonderful Hong Chau, among others. The story is original with some great and intriguing concepts, but poorly realised. The structure and the pace is bad, and the film went in 3 directions without focusing.
Rated 31 Jan 2018
Interesting premise but nothing more.
Rated 30 Jan 2018
This was an unfocused one. Started with a very interesting premise, then turned into something else, then turned into something else again. So the downsiding part was dealt with a ton of detail and fun, which made you think that would be the focus of the film, but then suddenly it changed focus and did not have enough time for other aspects of the film. Although it was still fun, it didn't say much about all the concepts it could have talked about. What type of fucking :)
Rated 27 Jan 2018
Shitty movie with a plot that literally might as well not include the whole shrinking concept.
Rated 18 Jan 2018
Some have described "Downsizing" as a heavy-handed environmental parable. Others consider it to be a biting political satire, in the vein of Payne's other films. While both statements may be true, I see "Downsizing" as a film that establishes a scenario and proceeds to show the benefits, downsides, and repercussions that come with it. It has something to say, but it doesn't tell you what to believe about any one idea or theme. It's dry, funny, bizarre, and utterly original. Definitely for me.
Rated 22 Dec 2017
Inconsequential black comedy pretending to be consequential satire. Definitely more of a pity fuck. Or a drunk fuck.
Rated 13 Sep 2017
Charming but forgettable.
Rated 09 Sep 2024
Clever, funny, weird, inspiring, yet sometimes feels bland. But it's the compelling character, Ngoc Lan Tran, played by Hong Chau, that boosts this film to another level.
Rated 26 Jan 2024
I enjoyed it. Hong Chau and Christoph Waltz are both great in it.
Rated 20 Jan 2024
Underrated. Modern day Noah's ark story. The downsizing concept is only a hook to be able to explore other huge themes and their interaction, which it does pretty well, along with a fair dose of Hollywood cheese and tropes.
Rated 11 Nov 2023
extra points for the serbian guy
Rated 26 Sep 2023
Starts rather interesting but turns so bad that it feels like studio interference. But the producer is the director! Maybe it was star interference? Maybe Payne interfered himself? There's a very clear feeling that the material was written and cast in a way, and then directed/produced in another.
Rated 23 Apr 2023
A comedic philosophical dialogue on biological imperatives, Earth as an ecosystem, capitalism and its ability to incorporate all opposition, the choice between utilitarian Darwinian ethics or something like Epicureanism. Ultimately, how do we face death and entropy? As I see it, the small people thing is a gimmick used as a vehicle to get these questions taken out of a contemporary context. In such an unlikely and detached scenario, the issues have room to be thought about on their own merits.
Rated 17 Jan 2023
A very strange movie, but by sticking with it, there is a decent payoff at the end.
Rated 01 Nov 2022
"What kind of fuck you give me?" Um, none? Some very appealing elements, starting with Matt Damon's excellent performance (movies like "Good Will Hunting often make me forget what a damn good actor he is)...actually, a lot of good acting in general. But the unfocused polemical premise eventually removes most actual interest.
Rated 10 Apr 2022
I like the premise, I like Matt Damon, but this film took neither of them anywhere. In fact I only watched this a few days ago and am already struggling to remember what happened: it toys with a whole host of issues but doesn't stick with any of them, meaning you’re never given a plot to get into. The setup means no impressive special effects are required either (‘Honey, I Shrunk the Kids’ this aint). And while her character might be mildly entertaining, Chau’s voice is bloody annoying.
Rated 31 Jan 2022
Couldn't stand it more than 20 minutes.
Rated 13 Oct 2021
Fishes in too many ponds at once but has some very nice idea throughout.
Rated 12 Aug 2021
Host ratings: 44 / 60 / 46. Podcast review link:
Rated 30 Dec 2020
Abysmally bad.
Rated 02 Dec 2020
Probably a better film than my score would indicate... profoundly ambitious and at times perhaps even profound. Unfortunately, Payne is also a mediocre director unfit for the scope of this material. His bland mediocrity actually serves the strip mall/McMansion American midwest of the first half (he's unusually empathetic toward this milieu), but is wholly inadequate when the scope literally requires a greater perspective as the narrative progresses. Also, the music is just way over the top.
Rated 05 Jun 2020
A crazy movie that tries to tackle way to many things at once, while it forgets to explore its own core premise to any meaningful degree. There are good performances in here (Hong Chau's character, despite the accent, is a true highlight), but overall this is far from Payne's best work.
Rated 15 May 2020
Starts off completely boring, then becomes kinda fun and ends all over the place. The premise is kinds useless and tries to dance on too many parties at once. The highlight is definetly Hong Chau, though her accent is borderline rascist, and Christoph Waltz, who at least looks like he had fun.
Rated 03 Apr 2020
It's quite easy to see why this was a flop at the box office, and it IS too long, unfocused and a disappointment coming from Alexander Payne, but there's something refreshing about a film which seems to wander without any rush, introducing new characters and taking the story to unexpected directions. It's not a clear comedy - but there are amusing moments and characters - especially those played by Christoph Waltz and Hong Chau. It actually felt quite relevant during this corona lock down.
Rated 15 Feb 2020
They did surgery on a grape. Surprisingly interesting once it moves past the gimmick. Nothing extraordinary, however.
Rated 01 Jan 2020
Great idea but laid out cold and then ignored for the second half of the film. Too many national stereotypes for my appetite. Great idea though.
Rated 01 Jan 2020
the mini people are very cute. I love their mini world and their mini things. it's an interesting device that is used to explore an important issue, but done in a way that feels a little half baked. matt damon's very lame character is probably the biggest thing dragging the movie down, the movie wraps up with his half hearted character arc suddenly existing, mattering, and being concluded. I wish matt damon was in less of this movie and every other mini person was in more.
Rated 24 Nov 2019
Once more for those in the back: "overpopulation is not the problem, capitalism is". Downsize the wealthy!
Rated 11 Nov 2019
Rated 26 Oct 2019
Seen 2x
Rated 25 Oct 2019
Wasted potential
Rated 07 Aug 2019
Pretty interesting and original concept. Some questions they asked are very strong. But Downsizing doesn't give anything else. Could've been so much better, it feels like they ruined it with some spoiler-ish things I can't tell. As my final; those characther developments are so bad. It's impossible to have a sympathy over anyone. Don't let the strong casting fool you too, they were on screen for like 5 or 10 minute tops.
Rated 20 Jul 2019
Interesting but so very flawed
Rated 22 Jan 2019
This would've been a lot better if it had been a "bugs life" with people. Seeing actual wheelchairs, bottles, cars and the like just pulled you out of the stupid story on a regular basis. Not really interesting, never gripping, and casual in all the wrong ways the best thing about this movie is that it's innocuous.
Rated 28 Dec 2018
Don't be fooled by the trailers for this film. The story moves away from the characters being shrunk and becomes more of a emotional drama. The script needed more work, it is a bit all over the place. Matt Damon seems miscast in the lead role. Overall this film is disappointing.
Rated 17 Dec 2018
This would have killed if released in the early 2000s. Now, it seems like a good premise with a preachy and aimless second two acts. Watch for a great Udo performance.
Rated 30 Oct 2018
a movie made for small people
Rated 18 Oct 2018
there's quite a lot i love about this film, but i love it the most for its scathing criticism of eco-fascism and liberalism. most layered portrayal of a disabled vietnamese political refugee i have ever seen.
Rated 15 Oct 2018
Could be much more. And this wins the price for the most out of place plot points ever.
Rated 01 Oct 2018
Rated 23 Sep 2018
What a great idea, I thought at first. Then the movie's clock started spinning. The story makes absolutely no sense. Well, it does, but it's really awkward. The movie has some deeper premises but overall silliness forced me not to take them seriously (middle class, consumerism, environmental issues, economic and "they're" different consequences of shrinking...).
Rated 09 Sep 2018
Eğlenceli izlemelik, Udo Kier ve Chrishoph Waltz'ın karizması yine iş başında. Hong Chau ise muhteşem. İzle ve unut filmlerden de olsa şans verin. İstanbul sürprizi de enteresan olmuş :)
Rated 28 Aug 2018
Interesting through the first act but loses its footing in its obvious attempts to make Matt Damon seem like a cool guy.
Rated 26 Aug 2018
My first thought when I got out was: "This could have been so much better!" The concept is solid, but the rest was...just empty story with no good takeaway.
Rated 20 Aug 2018
It was a bit disjointed and meandered along, but the premise was interesting enough to keep my attention for it's longer than necessary run-time. Payne should have fine tuned the story and downsized it's scope, but it was an otherwise enjoyable movie.
Rated 03 Aug 2018
Let's get small and rich at the same time. More reviews here :
Rated 21 Jul 2018
This is not a comedy. So much could have been done with the concept as a comedy, but instead it's... it's... I don't know what it is, besides long [too long] and rambling
Rated 13 Jul 2018
Did not know exactly what to expect. Has a great sense of humor and makes some creative points. One of my favorite Matt Damon movies so far.
Rated 01 Jul 2018
I don't think this movie deserves the negativity it gets. Probably has to do with mismatched expectations. It has a lot of thoughtful material, but the comedy doesn't mesh and can be in poor taste. There isn't a cohesive message, but it's here to provide questions not answers.
Rated 25 Jun 2018
Entertainment: 3.5/4. Spirituality: 1.5/3. Sustainability: 3/3.
Rated 02 Jun 2018
DOWNSIZING is a flabby, disorganized, and painfully oblivious the-way-we-live-now treatise that struggles to reflect normal human behavior. It's hard to take a movie serious when it goes to such painstaking (and boring) lengths to set up a conceit that's abandoned halfway through. In its place are "exotic" foreigners and POCs teaching Matt Damon's dumpy Everyman to loosen up. There are much, much better ways to stay woke.
Rated 31 May 2018
Rated 19 May 2018
Like fucking someone because they resemble your ex. I miss having new Charlie Kaufmans to watch :(((
Rated 17 Apr 2018
Boring cinematography, bland editing, bad writing, lots of broad acting, silly accents, unfunny jokes...and it's all so fucking cringeworthy and in your face, I'm not sure if Alexander Payne (who I don't know much about) is super-cynical and making fun of dumb, generic movies, or if he's just a boring idiot. I mean, the scenes, when Hong Chau's character is being emotional in her takes-you-out-of-the-movie ridiculous fucking's like Dr Evil being sincere or something...
Rated 15 Apr 2018
eng; [downsizing]; ein mann will sich mit seiner frau verkleinern lassen, und diese prozedur soll den planeten retten - doch letztlich sucht er einen neuen sinn des lebens.;
Rated 02 Apr 2018
cool concept, funny writing. the norwegian hippies were kind of weird but overall a chill movie
Rated 29 Mar 2018
nunca antes na história dessa terra plana um filme conseguiu ser tão bocó


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