Die Hard
Die Hard
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Die Hard

Die Hard

Suspense/Thriller, Action
2h 12m
New York cop John McClane gives terrorists a dose of their own medicine as they hold hostages in an LA office building. (imdb)

Die Hard

Suspense/Thriller, Action
2h 12m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 66.78% from 16325 total ratings

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Rated 28 Jan 2018
Thirty years later, it's easy to forget that Bruce Willis wasn't an action star in 1988, he had only a couple credits to his name, this was the one that put him on the top, and for good reason too. In the ensuing years, compounded with several sequels "Die Hard" has risen to the great pantheon of action movies. It's aged well too, it's just as good today as it was in '88, which is a hard thing to do.
Rated 10 Jan 2010
Willis and Rickman are the perfect hero-villain matchup in the perfect action movie. Every single plot execution - apart from how the Feds are so brazenly stupid, but that's part of the charm - and every character, even the one-offs ("Hans... Bubi!") works seamlessly. The fact that the dead terrorist's shoes don't fit him speaks volumes to McClane's enduring appeal as the hero that bleeds. Also one of the very few 80's movies that is simultaneously of its time and timeless.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The greatest action (and Christmas) movie of all time. The suspense crackles from one end to another, the fights are brutal, the screenplay hilarious, the blood flies, John McClane cuts his feet and crawls and bleeds all over, Hans Gruber is the 2nd greatest villain in cinema (after Darth Vader), and the whole thing fucking rocks. I watch it every Christmas, and will continue to do so until John McClane drops me out of a skyscraper window.
Rated 29 Dec 2015
"Hostage Terrorist, Terrorist Hostage: A Study in Duality." Die Hard cemented John McTiernan as one of the great action directors of the late 80'/early 90's. It's never outright corny, the villain doesn't twirl his mustache, and the hero always seems vulnerable and on the ropes. The holiday theme isn't entirely a joke either, in the end McClane is just trying to reconnect with his family while Gruber is ultimately focused on opening his presents.
Rated 24 Aug 2008
Arguably the greatest action movie of all time. Inarguably the Greatest villain of all time: Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber. Why? Due to lack of space & in honor of Gruber's "I am going to count to 3, there will not be a 4." here's just 3 reasons: 1. He never does anything stupid 2. He's smart (this is different & far more significant & rare in movie villains than just not doing anything stupid) 3. he follows through on his threats. (Seriously, he wasn't kidding about there not being a 4.)
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Very entertaining, well crafted, and defined clichés for a generation of action flicks. But much about it is annoying. All the "working class hero" stuff for one thing. The everyman cops have godlike intuitive abilities, but the clueless higher-ups are incompetent to an absurd degree. And the climax-after-the-climax is ridiculous, only to provide a rather weak character moment for someone we didn't care much about in the first place. It's a fantastically fun ride, but with some problems
Rated 29 Dec 2019
Normally not a fan of action films But Bruce Willis' performance really made this movie
Rated 28 Mar 2008
A great, but not flawless, action movie. The terrible ineptness of the "higher-ups" and amazing intelligence of the "working-joes" can be flat out frustrating in it's obvious attempt to force additional conflict into the movie. Thankfully the rest of the film is so good that it more than makes up for me. Bruce Willis is incredible as John McClane and the character actually has some depth. He's cool and bad ass, humorous but still fallible enough to be believable. Must see for action flick fans.
Rated 04 Nov 2007
Within its own fictional reality and universe, Die Hard rarely goes overboard with the ridiculous action sequences. The only really bad set piece in terms of ridiculousness is the "firehose incident", and even that was more just funny than anything. Most of the best action movies are so good because of how they manage to keep their feet on the ground, and not just because of the over-the-top action. Die Hard is a prime example of that.
Rated 05 Dec 2022
A lot of fun. The goodies are good, the baddies are bad, and everyone else is on a broad spectrum of likeability and competence. There might be a few things to dislike about this (see other reviews for valid criticisms), but it fulfils its primary purposes most effectively. Willis and Rickman are worth the entry fee alone. Entertaining.
Rated 15 Nov 2018
A film like a well-worked pro wrestling match or thrilling boxing fight. The protagonist is forever on the ropes, the villain is strong, focussed and capable. That real sense of precariousness gives the contrasting euphoria of the accumulating Face comebacks all the more potency.
Rated 21 Sep 2010
The ultimate action movie, it was groundbreaking in the fact that it did not feature a musclebound superstar. It was the everyman stuck in the most terrible of situations, wisecracking his way into movie history.
Rated 07 May 2008
Die Hard effectively established the modern action film single-handedly and quickly became the measure for all subsequent action movies. Although some elements may seem a little rough and ready this has in fact added considerably to the charm, coupled with the establishment of some iconic catchphrases and the introduction of the explosive and improbable action sequences that came to define the subsequent film series. It does have flaws, but it's so damn enjoyable that it doesn't even matter.
Rated 24 Feb 2008
I love this film, I really do. Forget the blabla, we want action. Film came out in 1988 and is still one of the best action films imo. Great performances and Bruce Willis started a great die hard series here!
Rated 14 Aug 2007
20 years later it remains one of the most entertaining and flat out best experiences you can have within the action genre. This movie sparked a thousand imitators and you can see why after viewing it.
Rated 27 Feb 2007
At one point in my life, movies were just another form of entertainment. I enjoyed them greatly, to be sure, but I never offered them much thought beyond the casual viewings I gave them; they just existed in the moment. Die Hard changed all that, odd as it may seem. It's not the most prestigious movie in the world, but it's the best action movie ever made, really entertaining, and upon that first viewing at age 13, left me in awe: Die Hard made me realize the power of movies.
Rated 07 Sep 2009
Argyle to play the lead in the inevitable Barack Obama biopic, please.
Rated 23 Jun 2009
Die Hard is the greatest pure action movie ever made. Bruce Willis is such a likable hero and Rickman plays a really memorable villain. Oh, it is also one of the greatest Christmas movies.
Rated 10 Jul 2008
To me, this one is the ultimate action movie of all time. Bruce Willis is a great (un-willing) hero and Alan Rickman's voice alone could play the bad guy. I watch it every Christmas to get myself in that cozy Christmas-mood. With explosions!
Rated 15 Feb 2008
Definitely one of the best straight action titles in cinema. Bruce Willis is great in one of his first starring roles, but Alan Rickman is absolutely menacing as Hans Gruber. A classic action film.
Rated 08 Feb 2008
Hands down, Hans Gruber is the best movie villian ever--who's actually as smart or smarter than the hero. You can keep your Hanibal Lecters and Darth Vaders...its' Gruber (or possibly Ledger's Joker). I'm tempted to knock a few points off because it did its job a little TOO well, and thus, spawned a lot of dopey imitators down the road. But I can't fault the filmmakers here for getting everything so spot on from the pacing to the casting, etc. Side note: this is my favorite Christmas movie ever.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
One of the greatest action movies ever. Alan Rickman is a kickass villain (the Bill Clay part kills me every time), and John McClane is a great everyman answer to the larger than life Rambo and Terminator types.
Rated 24 Dec 2016
The perfect action film. Literally, everything about this is perfect in every way. Also, a sexy, svelte Bruce.
Rated 21 May 2014
the definitive republican fantasy: a salt-of-the-earth everyman takes on educated european criminals, bearded corporate douchebags, callous authority figures and slimeball media men while enabling the redemption of his local killer cop buddy and reclaiming his masculinity by saving his hot wife. all very lame when we're in contact with the ground, but glorious when we're watching willis use all his physicality in negotiating this architecture and those wounds, or watching rickman do... anything.
Rated 20 Feb 2013
Now I got 100 on Criticker. Ho - Ho - Ho
Rated 31 Dec 2011
My X-Mas will never be complete if I don't re-watch Die Hard for God knows what time! Rickman as Hans Gruber is one of my all time favorite bad guys...
Rated 07 Mar 2011
Gosh, Evil Europeans threaten Mamma America! Thank God there is this funny, brave and righteous New York cop played by a shirtless Bruce Willis to blow up everyone and save the day! If you simply ignore the above plot description, you may wanna half-heartedly admit that "Die Hard" is sort of effective -overblown, suspenseful, preposterous and, yes, wickedly effective. Too bad that I was rooting for the bad guys the whole time, comparing Rickman's smoothness to Bruce's cringeworthy one-liners.
Rated 26 Jun 2010
I can't believe I haven't seen this until just now. Where the hell have I been?!
Rated 23 Feb 2010
(after repeat viewings) The 1st hour is flawlessly executed, yet the film loses some of its momentum once the laughable police forces enter the frame (FBI, deputy chief Robinson). Willis is great though and Rickman is deliciously vicious in his 1st film role. Great, if sadly flawed. Also: "Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs..." lol
Rated 11 Feb 2008
Alan Rickman is such a quintessential villain. He makes the role. Any fool can play a bad guy, but Rickman brings it to a whole new level. Here, he's your intellectual jack-of-all-trades badass. In Robin Hood, he was a sadistic mofo. His role in Harry Potter makes the movies palatable for those who aren't fans. I'll see a movie if I know Rickman's the antagonist.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Do you remember that part where he has to walk on all that broken glass with his bare feet, and there's nothing he can do about it, so he just has to do it? Do you remember that? That was awesome.
Rated 26 Dec 2020
Way better than I gave it credit for in my original rating. I'm up 30%. A lot of fun.
Rated 14 Dec 2020
Ok. Come on guys. It's not that good. It's ok. I guess for your typical action movie, pretty decent?
Rated 15 Apr 2017
Die Hard is the perfect representation of what a great action movie should be.
Rated 07 Feb 2017
The protagonist carries the movie as well as any challenge that is thrown at him. I like the concept of infiltrating a skyscraper.
Rated 08 Nov 2015
One of the best action movies and best Christmas movies of all time. McClane isn't some badass super cop or generic action hero, he's simply a guy caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, and thus is much easier to relate to than most action movie protagonists. Gruber is a highly entertaining and memorable villain, not much more I can say. And yes there is plenty of action but it never grows stale, and neither does the humor which is also plentiful. Yippee ki-yay motherfucker.
Rated 04 Oct 2015
In so many ways, the paradigmatic action movie. What really stands out watching it now is Alan Rickman's acting as Hans Gruber. Just a perfect level of camp charm to his often-imitated performance, head and shoulders above everyone else in this one. I also really enjoyed Kamen's soundtrack and the use of Beethoven's 9th as a motif throughout the film. The one thing that hasn't aged so well is the moronic police chief and the lackwit FBI agents. The writing for their characters feels forced.
Rated 12 May 2013
Typical and predictable one-man-army action film. There are a lot of clichés in this film that made it quite tiresome. The one-liners this film is famous for don't really appeal to me either. All in all there isn't really anything interesting or particularly memorable about this film.
Rated 01 Jul 2012
Everyone in a tie is a dickhead: the movie
Rated 18 Feb 2012
Probably the most frequently cited "favorite movie" that I know of. And well-deserved. It's the action genre at its finest. Fun action, good quips, and most importantly, great characters that you root for and against.
Rated 12 Oct 2009
The golden standard for action movies. I can't think of a single aspect of this film, being pacing, writing, acting or set pieces, that isn't executed to perfection.
Rated 01 Aug 2009
By now it's a cliche to call this the greatest action movie ever, but it's absolutely true. What it lacks in depth it makes up for with spectacular action scenes and a dry, memorable sense of humor. Its influence is incalculable but none of its many imitators have ever surpassed it. Some of the supporting police officers are a little too annoying but all is forgiven once Bruce Willis or Alan Rickman comes back on screen. "You should've heard your brother squeal when I broke his fucking neck."
Rated 26 Jun 2009
How can you not enjoy this Christmas classic? Action, suspense, romance, random gunfire and one of the worst attempts at an American accent from the great Alan Rickman. For the few that haven't seen this, watch and see how many of today's action cliches have been ripped off from this.
Rated 30 May 2009
Die Hard!!THE Action Highlight in the late 80's. Bruce Willis plays exactly what he stands for, the dirty anti-hero in a white dirty rip-shirt with cool verdicts.Rickman; on the other side is priceless,too. Still unrivaled today. CGI go home, that's the way action has to feel like.
Rated 17 Apr 2009
Strong argument can be made that this is the best action film of all time.
Rated 26 Oct 2008
All action movies must be judged by this
Rated 15 Aug 2008
Best action movie - "Yipee Kiya Mother$#@*&%"
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I can't help but watch Die Hard whenever its on TV. The essential Christmas movie? You decide.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The beginning of one of the most awesometastic action trilogies ever, Die Hard is a super entertaining film. Bruce Willis is extremely cool as John McClane, and his performance is top notch throughout his one-man fight to save not only a bunch of hostages, but his wife, and Christmas too! Really good!
Rated 10 Feb 2007
The definitive action film.
Rated 10 Aug 2022
This is not a Christmas movie
Rated 28 Dec 2021
Fuck this is good. Almost every single thing is paid off, the acting is good, there's unpredictability all over, the jokes never overshadow everything else going on, & it doesn't pull punches- people you don't want to see die get killed. Of course, most of the important players make it out okay, but there's still suspense in wondering if they will. The fights are cool. Al & John are the best buddy-cops ever. A true Christmas classic,. and easily one of the all-time actions films.
Rated 30 Apr 2021
This movie is so fun and quotable and recommend it to everyone. It's truly Bruce Willis at his finest. Die Hard goes hard y'all.
Rated 29 Jan 2021
Classic movie. Great for date night.
Rated 26 Dec 2020
Rewatch: An excellent action thriller. It also happens to have John McClane and Hans Gruber, two of the best film characters ever.
Rated 07 Nov 2020
guns don't kill people; they allow scaling elevator shafts, creating new points of entry, and enabling last ditch forms of long distance communication. oh wait one may have killed a kid
Rated 01 May 2020
One of the greatest action movies of all time.
Rated 21 Oct 2019
I really like this movie. Bruce Willis is shooting up Terrorists who's holding his wife and her workers hostage.
Rated 21 Jan 2019
A solid action movie, especially for the time, with just a bit of 80s/90s camp to it. Aside from the classical nostalgia, I don't think it is that remarkable on a modern watch.
Rated 29 Dec 2018
C/R - What a treat to see this in the cinema. Great fun, the ultimate action film. It's genuinely pretty close to perfect. Alan Rickman is the only aspect I'll call out for extra special praise, but it's all great. Yippee Ki Yay!
Rated 28 Dec 2018
Classic action movie with cool fights and Rickman stole the show. Having great antagonist is even more important than having amazing hero. This movie set the bar way to high for all upcoming sequels.
Rated 28 Dec 2018
Yes was very predictable, much like all movies of this genre, which did spoil it a bit, but is 100% a Christmas movie that I would watch over and over again every year. Is Die Hard with a Vengeance set on Christmas Day?
Rated 08 Nov 2018
Aside from a half-baked romance story, Die Hard manages to perfectly combine action suspense and Christmas sentimentality like no other film has yet achieved.
Rated 13 Sep 2018
Simplicity can be a fantastic ally in the right circumstances. Die Hard is simple... and all the better for it. By not going over the top, the threat is treated with the appropriate degree of seriousness and helps us identify with McClain's attempts to save the day as a normal guy, not an action hero. The script is also so refined that the quiet character moments between Willis and Rickman are good enough to be their own movie.
Rated 24 Aug 2018
Cheers to blue collar workers.
Rated 06 Jul 2018
A quintessential action film, this does get a bit silly-but Willis is a top form here, and Alan Rickman is the perfect combination of intimidating and whimsical. For many, it's the ultimate Christmas movie.
Rated 13 Jun 2018
Gripping, clever plot points, meaningful. One of the great action films.
Rated 17 May 2018
Expecting a cheesy 80s action film that doesn't live up to expectations, I couldn't have been more wrong. Bruce Willis is great and the tension is real. Alan Rickman deserves the real credit here and this is a truly great film.
Rated 04 Jan 2018
The beginning may be a little slow. Die Hard is a hard hitting and massively entertaining action film for the holidays. Or any other day. The quotability and rewatchability are raised to a new standard with this film. Held together by some terrific action moments and perfect mano-a-mano performances from Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman.
Rated 23 Dec 2017
The dialogue is easily what pushes the movie from good to great. Great action/thriller scenes even if some push into unbelievable territory.
Rated 26 Aug 2017
Well crafted action film whose impact has somewhat waned from its countless imitators and the decline of the franchise in the ensuing years. This is the original ordinary-man-takes-on-a-group-of-terrorists-in-a-confined-setting actioner, directed with lean efficiency by McTiernan, who is perfectly comfortable securing the narrative blocks firmly in place before unleashing bloody mayhem. He makes skillful use of the Nakatomi setting, and Willis is at his charming, unselfconscious best.
Rated 07 Mar 2017
Best pizza ordering joke ever.
Rated 09 Feb 2017
My favorite Christmas movie.
Rated 09 Dec 2016
A steadily building plot (police and FBI involvement flesh out the initial lone man vs. terrorist drama) with interesting turns (John's ironic confrontation with Hans is a memorable one) and great characters (Al the cop adds a down-to-earth amiability to the bloody proceedings), along with Willis' entertaining banter ("Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker") and macho heroics throughout separate this from your standard shoot-em-up action flick and keep you engaged throughout its lengthy run-time.
Rated 05 Apr 2015
I'll tell them I think they're European on account of their clothing labels and their cigarettes. Not the fact they're speaking German as, due to being an American, I have absolutely no idea what that noise is coming out of their mouths.
Rated 12 Jul 2014
Yes this movie is great but it's so annoying when people refer to it as their favorite Christmas movie. Whenever someone says it they have this smug satisfaction like they've blown your mind because you weren't expecting an action movie to be said.
Rated 18 Feb 2013
Best Christmas Movie Ever. Of All Time.
Rated 22 Dec 2012
The most impactful action movie of all time. Die Hard really is quintessential watching for what makes an action movie entertaining. Bruce Willis is perfect as the every-man caught in an extreme situation, Alan Rickman pulls off the perfect calculating villain and when the film is stuffed with great characters and zingy one-liners, you just can't help but be hypnotized for all of the two hour duration. There is nothing I enjoy more than seeing Dwayne being butt-fucked on national television.
Rated 02 Dec 2012
John McClane , a perfect action-hero with unrivalled wit.Bruce Willis at his best.
Rated 12 Jul 2012
Simple, executted to perfection, exciting and lots of fun. A complete winner.
Rated 01 Jul 2012
The first and the best simply because he's really more of a regular guy and damn it it's just sooo much fun to watch.
Rated 05 May 2012
I love this film so much. I love the jokes in it, I love the little hints of Christmas songs in the dramatic score, I love the way over the top moment when Al shoots someone. Everything about it is wonderful. This is a terrible review but I don't care. My favourite action film of all time
Rated 25 Mar 2012
Have you read the book?
Rated 26 Dec 2011
One of the better action films out there. Alan Rickman is great as the villain. Bruce Wills is also very good in one of his best roles. The action scenes are great and the movie is extremely exciting.
Rated 10 Apr 2011
Proof that action movies can be great and original and not just cliche garbage. Its more than just gun fights and CGI, its about love, friendship, and taunting terrorists who want to kill you.
Rated 23 Mar 2011
Arguably the greatest action movie ever made, Die Hard runs taut from start to finish with an unwavering tension and ferocity and launched Bruce Willis into an international action superstar.
Rated 11 Jan 2011
Well the explosions were fun and there was a lot of action. That helped try to balance out the lacking of a story line here. Willis had a solid performance, that will stick with me for awhile. I never knew that Family Matters was a spin off of Die Hard. It is too bad Bruce Willis never made a cameo on the show with Urkel. I wonder if I watched this movie when it came out if I would have given it a higer score. For me it showed its age in some spots. Still though happy to finally see it.
Rated 15 Dec 2010
classic action movie!
Rated 25 Sep 2010
One of the best action movies ever, Willis is great as the hero and Rickman makes a good villain.
Rated 19 Sep 2010
Pretty good standard for an action flick, but a fair bit behind Hard Boiled which I consider to be the bench mark for this style. The second half was the highlight in the way that it seethed with power like a symphony of destruction. It did fall flat in some parts, though, the sequencing was an issue. It's mostly overlookable though.
Rated 31 Aug 2010
The crème de la crème of action movies. Outrageous, but not tawdry; funny, but not cheesy.
Rated 27 Jul 2010
Walk hard, punch hard, fall hard, hobble hard, quip hard, glare hard. He's hard. I'm hard, throbbing hard. It'll make you hard too.
Rated 06 Jun 2010
Action-packed and well-executed, this film has excellent performances from both Willis and Rickman, enacting a script that is written almost to perfection. It is held back only by the weakness of some secondary characters, especially the incompetent police chief cliches.
Rated 20 Mar 2010
One of the best movies of the genre. It is better than others because of showing the possibility that the lead actor can also die along with the whole ex-wife angle. The funny dialogues were indeed entertaining.
Rated 27 Feb 2010
The best action movie ever made. Done.
Rated 06 Feb 2010
favorite action movie i can see it again and again and again
Rated 25 Jan 2010
Action at its best. By far the best in the series, is a great star vehicle for Willis. Solid suspense and a great villain.
Rated 23 Dec 2009
One of the greatest action movies ever made. The plot, characters, and action are nearly flawless. Bruce Willis plays one of the greatest action movie heroes ever, and Alan Rickman plays one of the screen's best bad guys. The banter between Willis and VelJohnson could have used a bit of work, but that flaw is easily forgotten given everything that the movie does right.
Rated 10 Nov 2009
Boring. Too much suspense leads to boredom.
Rated 16 Jul 2009
Probably one of the better action films ever made. Very smart and very sly. Yippie-kye-yay.


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