Demons 2
Demons 2
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Demons 2

Demons 2

Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 32m
A group of tenants and visitors are trapped in a 10-story high-rise apartment building infested with demons who proceed to hunt the dwindling humans down. (imdb)

Demons 2

Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 32m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 39.3% from 236 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 12 May 2020
Stick around for the gooey demon nonsense. Put on the Smiths in an Italian schlock fest and you’ll get a dance party going, I do it and lol it’s depression baby. The biggest demon in this movie is that neighbour who lets her dog out in the apartment hall to wander. Blood and guts rinses right off, old dog piss reeks good lord.
Rated 29 Jan 2020
I'd like a collage of all the horrific things that happen to fingernails in this two film series (no, I do not acknowledge 1991's Black Demons). I like the idea of High Rise not being about class warfare but rather demons. Lots and lots of demons.
Rated 26 Mar 2017
Its isolated, corporate / conglomerate / cosmopolitan setting is so Cronenberg, so Dawn of the Dead, and so Die Hard, even its seizure-inducing neon strobe child demon birth scene could not distract enough from the bothering allusions to other sources. Would make a great companion piece to Shivers. Also, it's mildly racist.
Rated 03 Jul 2020
Upping the ante from the last movie by expanding the scope to a whole apartment complex full of people ripe for demonic possession, "Demons 2" is a fine sequel to an already fairly entertaining movie. The effects are decent, the music is deliciously dated, and it's plenty scary from the start. I might be in the minority here, but this beats just about everything Argento or Fulci directed, and it's a sequel at that.
Rated 10 Oct 2019
Very similar in many ways to the first one, although they managed to shoehorn in a bit more random nonsense and influences from other films. Despite the gore and icky creature design, the 80s party dancing is probably the most offensive aspect. The superb Bobby Rhodes comes back in a virtually identical role to the one he had in Demons. This is a riot of a film, assisted by the health and safety nightmare of a setting, and will be very appealing to fans of its predecessor. Naff but lots of fun.
Rated 25 Apr 2016
Pretty much the same exact thing all over again except, quite paradoxically, it manages to be more incoherent yet less insane. Also, there's a bunch of popular films they forgot to rip off in the original like Alien, Gremlins, Videodrome, Dawn of the Dead and Die Ha... wait, no way!
Rated 15 Jul 2017
The biggest problem with this sequel isn't that the movie isn't as good as first film or the fact that it plays a classic Italian style "homage" to maybe a dozen or more 80's movies. Instead the fact that the movie didn't rightfully pick up right where we left off at the end of the first with our motocross samurai hero next to his new companions; militia grandpa, "Carl Grimes", and young blonde on their journey for survival in the demonic post-apocalyptic world; this was seriously disappointing.
Rated 08 Jan 2008
Has some good moments like a zombie child giving "birth" to a gremlin and a Circle the Wagons moment in the building's garage, but the majority of Demons 2 is terribly inane. No big change in gore from the first 'Demons' -- it's still great.
Rated 24 May 2007
Absolutely hilarious to see people getting mauled set to "Panic" by The Smiths
Rated 17 Nov 2017
Maybe watching it right after the first wasn't the best idea, but after Demons I needed more. The first bit wasn't quite drawing me in as much as I expected but at about an hour it really gets going. With the strobe lights and the child demon and why are there so many neon signs in that apartment? It's basically the first film over again and in this case I don't think that's a problem at all. It's still a ton of high energy fun, but just doesn't quite do as much for me as Demons did.
Rated 22 Sep 2015
Not as good as the first film mainly due to the fact that there isn't really any gore this time around. The fact that this is even closer than the first film is a plus however. It's still pretty boring and hasn't aged well not that this was that well done even by mid-Eighties standards. This is more of a remake than a sequel, down to the punks driving around in a car and the same black actor rallying the troops.
Rated 21 May 2012
So, this is where [REC] came from, huh? Lamberto Bava is the Lon Chaney Jr of directors. He never brings a hell of a lot to the table, but is capable enough to stay afloat. This one's fun enough. We get some nice music (though I wish they had saved "Panic" for the demon attack scenes), a few creepy moments, and a good setting well used. I'm impressed with his Die Hard-ish use of space. The surreal meta-reality of the TV bits is very well done, too.
Rated 07 Apr 2021
It's not nearly as fun as the first one and everyone is soo damn stupid you want them all to die, but there are some cool moments here as well.
Rated 07 Apr 2021
Changing the setting to a claustrophobic high rise isn't a bad idea, it just gets a bit lost in a movie that's mostly about people randomly turning into demons. Still some good action even if the trick is getting threadbare.
Rated 06 Apr 2020
Just can't measure up to the original. It's still quite good, but lacks that charm the first film had.
Rated 15 Oct 2011
It feels like a rehash of the original and yet I hold this up asthe superior. Its lacks the gore of the original - strangely the demons just bite and run - but replaces it with a sense of anything can happen and that no one is safe. The glimpse of meta from the original is skewered even further through the use of the television as an instrument of evil, and the soundtrack goes as far as including The Smiths. Sadly Morrissey isn't heard over a demon attack but its inclusion is enjoyable.
Rated 20 Jun 2010
Identical to the first film, except the setting moved from an old movie theater to a high rise and the fact that the first film wasn't this cheap. Soundtrack was about the same quality as the first Demons, opting for new wave instead of metal this time; Smiths fans will be amused.
Rated 23 Aug 2008
worth a watch
Rated 11 Jun 2023
Completely lacking the magic of the original. Slow, unexciting, worse story, characters, music, gore. Just a step down in every area. You think it's going to be a zombie movie in an isolated environment like an apartment building, but it's really just a few random scenes in the building, little sense of awareness of what's happening or how the outbreak is moving. We get even more thinly-written characters to follow, combined with slow pacing and not much happening. Such a disappointment.
Rated 19 May 2020
This is a downgrade from the first in every possible way. The acting is worse, the dubbing is worse, the effects are worse, the story- which is basically just a total retread of the first film with minor cosmetic differences- is worse. Everything is worse. The characters are flat & lame, the "Oh no this person is a demon now betcha didn't see that coming" twist is done to death & then some, & the setup is really dumb. It isn't terrible, just so much worse than the the original.
Rated 16 Sep 2019
Rated 08 Jan 2013


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