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Romance, Drama
1h 40m
The immediate subject matter of Crash is the strange lure of the auto collision, provoking as it does the human fascination with death and the tendency to eroticize danger. Most motorists will slow down to stare at the scene of a collision; they may feel their pulses quickening and become exquisitely aware of the fragility of their own bodies. The characters of Crash carry this awareness a step further, cherishing and nurturing it. For them, a car collision is a sexual turn-on, and a jolting life-force they come to crave. (Fine Line Features)


Romance, Drama
1h 40m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 53.13% from 3406 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 13 Aug 2008
Rated 23 Jul 2009
Worthless and completely uninteresting. The dialogue is especially ridiculous and of course the premise is as well, but the film's biggest failure is how absolutely mundane and boring it is. Oh, Cronenberg certainly tries to shock with all the sex and car crashes but, beyond some faint moral disgust, it elicits nothing because of how terribly constructed the entire affair is.
Rated 21 Jun 2008
Skillfully done with some nice moments but all in all a slightly disappointing treatment of the book. More could be done visually and there's some ridiculously inappropriate music at times. Stretches the boundaries of what Hollywood accepts but not nearly radical enough for the novel. Ballard says cars, violence and politics are pornography and pornography is today's society. Cronenberg subverts this into a fetish shared by a small group of weirdos which is a wasted opportunity.
Rated 28 Jan 2007
This flick was just ok, but it made the chick I watched it with super horny and I got laid out of it, so *thumbs up* I'd say it's the perfect date movie.
Rated 23 Dec 2014
There are all kinds of fetishes, but the only thing less sexually appealing than a car crash is Elia Koteas. To analogize this, if the road were Koteas' face it would have a lot of pot holes.
Rated 24 May 2010
Sexually dysfunctional people being sexually dysfunctional. That's great and all, but where is the story and reason to care? Atmosphere is decent though, I'll give it that, and I liked the glimpses of Cronenberg's body horror themes.
Rated 22 Nov 2009
I was intrigued by the movie's refusal to attempt to explain why these characters act the way they do. At first I struggled to find motivation for their strange actions, but I gradually began to realize the effort was futile. I eventually gave in and just let Cronenberg take me where we wanted. The result is a movie filled with emotionally-distant people who seek out sexual pleasure in ways I will never understand, and a movie that has stayed with me for days. Quite intriguing.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Between Crash and A History of Violence, "Not having sex with David Cronenberg" moved up to life goal #1.
Rated 20 Jun 2021
Unforgettable. The concept is alluring and I give bonus points to films that explore provocative boundaries, though Crash gets repetitive at times with similar scenarios. I'd have liked to see fewer setups but more drawn out erotic teasing. There's something for everyone except maybe asexuals. Ultimately, the plot never really went anywhere. Fav scene: giving a demonstration/reconstruction of the James Dean crash.
Rated 23 Jul 2020
Interesting seems like a good way of saying I didn't hate the film but it wasn't my cup of tea. Would've enjoyed it more had Cronenberg focused more on the psychological state of mind of survivors following a life-threatening accident rather than their recurrent sexual escapades, which frankly becomes boring, even unintentionally funny, after a while. Give me some good ol' body horror with a tinge of sexual nastiness instead.
Rated 12 Nov 2014
Completely singular and uncompromising vision. You may not enjoy it but you have to admire its conviction. Stylistic while maintaining a clinical distance to its subject. Appropriate in a story about people desperate to connect with each other in a modern world. Cronenberg might be the best director in maintaining his focus when dealing with sex & violence. These scenes come out completely unashamed of the subject yet totally cool & surgical. A great film although tough one to truly like.
Rated 31 Jul 2009
Stupid and disappointing. Really pretentious. One Cronenberg movie I truly hate.
Rated 28 Apr 2009
Ice cold and perhaps vulgar, but not stupid and speculative, like many of it's critics seem to think. As usual with Cronenberg, the focus is on technology's impact on man, the fragile human body and distorted sexuality. It is not about car crash fetishism. At least not in my mind.
Rated 10 Feb 2024
A perfect movie (yah, I said that) that lives in the tension (and friction) between violent car crashes and sex scenes full of impossible tenderness. But make it really weird and non-normative. It's a film where you can see everybody's wounds and they can see each other's wounds, which leads to vulnerability and intimacy.
Rated 17 Nov 2022
better than porn
Rated 22 May 2022
As a kid, this was basically sold to me as pornography with car crashes. It all sounded so lurid. Well, 26 years later, I finally watched it. I can't even imagine watching this as a preteen. May have sent me down a dark path. However, despite all the nudity and sex, it's incredibly unerotic. What was I expecting from Cronenberg? It was so clinical. I did not enjoy watching this, but I don't think I was supposed to, so that's not a criticism.
Rated 17 Jan 2022
maybe the best addiction movie, and relatable as a metaphor for how everybody i date is a walking talking car crash and i kind of like it that way. relatable to someone obsessed with air crashes who's probably heard every harrowing cockpit recording out there and could quote several by heart. people who don't think this movie's hot as hell are probably zombies who've never had good sex in their lives--granted they'll be well-adjusted respectable zombies who'll live a long and normal existence.
Rated 06 Dec 2020
incredibly horny film, loses the plot in the second half but makes up for it with the steamiest car crash sex you'll find
Rated 30 Nov 2020
I suddenly realise that "queasy" makes appearances in many of my Cronenberg reviews, and here we go again - this is an icy cold, queasy exploration of sexual fetishism that frustratingly never digs into the motivations of its intriguing array of characters to explain why they adopt the behaviour they do - without added context, this feels more like a softcore porno than a compelling drama. A great cast performing at the top of their game (Koteas is a first-rate slimeball) maintain interest.
Rated 17 Oct 2017
There's two types of people: those who find Crash horny, and those who admit they find it horny. A lot is made of how weird and fucked up this film is but I've always found it relatable, warm, empathetic and yes, pretty damn horny. James Spader is my favourite wide-eyed naivete protag, and these people are my people. Let's all just make out. It's a classic.
Rated 05 Feb 2017
Hardly a pleasure to watch, which is not surprising given the themes and Cronenberg's obsession with creating uncomfortable body-related scenes. But the lack of any warmth to this film and, despite the constant erotica, closeness to the characters it actually becomes a bit of a chore to sit through.
Rated 11 Feb 2013
Sexy and repulsive, refined and crude, Cronenberg's car porn film is a gut-wrenching, almost wordless study of pleasure through pain -- or pain through pleasure -- in its constantly horny, crazy and rough way that it addresses the human body as a mechanic sex machine. The car wash sequence is one of the most impressive in the canadian director's body of work.
Rated 11 Feb 2012
How can I explain the fragile magic in exploring an obsession? The explosive triangle (which sounds so much better in Hebrew): cars - sex - death. We don't understand the characters, we don't need to - a sensation of drifting smoke and the horror visions of erotic twisted metal parts explains themselves fairly well. You enter a world which in an ugly scar is a turn-on and marriage survives through bloody tragedies alone. And you breathe-in the smell of rotten dysfunction, and you believe.
Rated 27 Oct 2010
James Spader has sex with someone's scar, her SCAR! I was never going to enjoy this movie!
Rated 18 Jul 2010
I think one has to read the J.G. Ballard book that this film was based on to truly understand the tone of it. Ballard's intent in his book was to present sex in a manner devoid of eroticism, machinelike, without any real titillation. He wanted to highlight the obsession with technology that the current generation is so fixated on. I read the book before the movie and thought it captured Ballard's message and tone incredibly accurately, so this film is high on my list.
Rated 24 Jun 2010
Not really a story and absent of any kind of message, but intriguing nonetheless.
Rated 27 Mar 2010
Simultaneously interesting and tiresome. Probably would work better as a short, instead it feels like it keeps repeating itself.
Rated 09 Nov 2009
Cronenberg's are always psychologically complex, and this is no exception. As is often his modus operandi, he takes human behavior to absurdist extremes to reveal unpleasant universalities. Don't we all kind of get off on car crashes? There are other themes explored as well, some of them rather undeveloped, but they make interesting food for thought. Of course, a lot of it is terribly silly, but most Cronenberg is.
Rated 13 Dec 2008
I hesitate to call this a good film but it is interesting, albeit a bit insane. Not for everyone but that's true with all Cronenberg.
Rated 13 Nov 2008
All the smart people put this movie down, but I thought it was brilliant.
Rated 28 Nov 2007
I usually like Cronenberg, and this is well done for what it is, I suppose. But "what it is" is very unpleasant and not all that enjoyable.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
It's a great movie to *think* about but not an enjoyable one to watch. Still, good material for term papers. Mad props for originality and Elias Koteas' creepy Vaughan.
Rated 30 Mar 2007
Cronenberg's love of all things bizarre must have driven him to make this borderline soft porn flick about car-crash-ophiles that doesn't have all that much of a point. Crash isn't bad, strictly speaking. It's just that, well, it's static and lacks development and isn't as fascinating to most of us as it obviously is to Cronenberg.
Rated 05 Dec 2024
meditation on a kinky death-wish
Rated 22 Oct 2024
Can't believe this won the Oscar over Brokeback Mountain.
Rated 20 Oct 2024
One of those erotic thrillers that are incredibly far away from anything even slightly sexy.
Rated 24 Sep 2024
One of his best... Cult all in, not recommended for the viewers who have no appreciation for "disturbing' films
Rated 05 Jun 2024
Futurism fuck club... This ostensibly softcore film is sticking with me visually as a unification of cars and people into new forms. The distance, restraint and focus of the direction depersonalizes the visceral content into a study of shapes and forms. This creates an atmosphere that feels surreal and detached, almost like a dream.
Rated 17 Aug 2023
[NC-17 version] The characters and the insane premise are all really interesting. And Cronenberg somehow makes this all seem vaguely plausible. But it is very, very boring for long stretches.
Rated 19 Jul 2023
Cronenberg dials back the pulpier sci fi aesthetics and asks what if the human body's horror is primally inherent? Oppressively pornographic and potentially nauseating in its ostensible vapidity but in truth this is the sentiment of Videodrome minus the window dressing, the pure writhing and horrifying human desire for stimulation at all costs, that which has been enabled in us by adrenaline fueling technology and so we entwine the future with our bodies to feel alive, but is it even working?
Rated 05 Jul 2023
Here's a bizarre, nasty number that is somehow compelling, though it has diminishing returns as it goes along due to repetitiveness. I really liked the atmosphere and feel of the first half or so, and while that continued, it became less effective. I think it's more or less about society's tendency to put sex together with violence and danger, though how effective it is at making its points are up for debate. Definitely an interesting experience, but you might absolutely hate it.
Rated 27 Feb 2023
Really interesting premise and a not-so-interesting film. The execution isn't the best, given it all feels so repetitive and monotonous after the 67th crash or sex scene. Props to them for including some well-earned homo erotism in there, though.
Rated 27 Nov 2022
Bro, I just got into a car accident with the hottest girl. You wouldn't know her, she goes to a different school. It is not at all surprising that the first shot of James Spader is a close-up of his face rising over the top of a bare ass. What is surprising is that David Cronenberg doesn't introduce all of his protagonists that way.
Rated 04 Nov 2022
I don't know what's wrong with these selfish, suicidal assholes, and maybe that's the point. This wooden, detached, repetitive, unenjoyable movie doesn't provide any answers, and seems to exist solely to titillate. The titillation eventually turns to boredom. Are there some grand themes in play about human behavior, our evolved monkey brains, and general dissatisfaction? Perhaps. Who cares? Cronenberg underwhelms again.
Rated 02 Nov 2022
I’m still not sure what it is that keeps me from loving Cronenberg. His movies always have so many good ideas, designs, etc, but there’s something about the execution that makes him feel, idk, impressed with himself? Like a kid who compiled an archive of images from Rotten and goes through showing you each one while pointing at the screen and grinning
Rated 27 Oct 2022
This is a masterful adaptation of an unadaptable novel. Much like Mary Harron's adaptation of the similarly unadaptable "American Psycho", it takes the more excessively and obsessively graphic language and replaces it with visual ideas that emphasize the same points. It transforms the book's excessively themes into a rigid visual style that conveys the same idea.
Rated 06 Aug 2021
Rated 17 Feb 2021
Scarface is the past. Get ready for scarfuck!!
Rated 27 Jan 2021
Decent film
Rated 22 Jan 2021
I'll take this Crash any day over the award winning one!! It's like two of my fave directors (Cronenberg and Verhoeven) got together and said let's make a twisted movie for our fans.
Rated 31 Jan 2020
I had the immense pleasure to see this with a live score performed by the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra with a little introduction from composer Howard Shore himself. The movie itself is intriguing take on the appeal of car crashes and the contradiction between the artificialness of death by crashes and human passion and sex
Rated 13 Jul 2019
People crashing cars and having sex, on repeat. Don't know what I was expecting.
Rated 20 May 2019
May 20, 2019 / __Great
Rated 02 Jun 2018
Certainly not my favorite Cronenberg, but it's weird enough to outweigh how bad it is.
Rated 31 Oct 2015
Those who champion this as Cronenberg's cult classic at least have an understandable reason: it's arguably the last of his original format. Sexual psychology abounds, draped in darkness and colored with Cro's body horror tastes in a mangled orgasmic car Crash. What's missing though, Is his ability to contextualize this psychology through human beings instead of meaningless vague generalizations. Once the metaphor is finished being constructed halfway through Crash has nowhere to go. Who cares?
Rated 13 Apr 2015
Isn't it fantastic how much a story can achieve by just stick to its own look of the world? The only thing thats normal in Crash is the act of penetration: people penetrate people - in all, I mean, ALL Kind of holes, matel penetrats people, people penetrate cars, cars pentrate people, cars penetrate cars. Penetration as the only social stage in life. Penetration as the ultimate stage of balance. No matter if it leads to death or the creation of life.
Rated 04 Feb 2015
A concept that works better as a novel but this is a very respectable adaptation. Sick to the point of being unwatchable but thoughtful enough to make you keep watching (like most of Cronenberg's 20th century films). Not one of his essential films but if you're not gonna read the book you gotta see it at least once.
Rated 23 Jan 2015
A fluid and, considering most of the material, somehow cheerful exploration into the minds of people who have given up on finding meaning for their lives and seek thrills instead. Of course, this has everything to do with sexuality and how impressible people with no set course can be.
Rated 02 Jan 2015
David Cronenberg #5
Rated 27 Sep 2014
Crash is one of David Cronenberg's strangest films and it's difficult to enjoy. Like so many of his other films, there's an underlying metaphorical meaning and philosophy. And as your understanding of his films grows your admiration for him as a filmmaker does also. This is a detached exploration of sex, violence and obsession rather than a developing story with a conclusion. And although it's incredibly disturbing and in absolutely no way likeable, it's still undoubtedly interesting.
Rated 20 Aug 2014
insightfull subject
Rated 12 Aug 2014
I praise the film's daring exploration of one of the deepest, darkest, least communicated subjects (fetishes), and the last line and the following closing shot are both emotionally haunting.
Rated 12 Jul 2014
None of the haunted obsession of jgb's work generally, and doesn't wield the acute precision of his prose, but also hardly very interesting taken on its own terms-- still, some of the hate this has gotten historically is pretty silly. [shrugs] idk. Just don't care for it.
Rated 17 Nov 2013
Owns the peculiar over-arching theme of an emotionless combination of bent metal, contortionist sex & death. Blurring the sudden trauma a collision puts a body through and what we do to each other during making fuck. Crash carries along merging the two in a series of simulated collision-porn, actual automobile impacts and lots of uncomfortable car sex (gender regardless). Bringing new meaning to auto-eroticism, Crash is another solid niche effort from Cronenberg.
Rated 11 Nov 2013
JAMES: What about the reshaping of the human body by modern technology? I thought that was your project. VAUGHAN: A crude sci-fi concept that floats on the surface and doesn't threaten anybody. I use it to test the resilience of my potential partners in psychopathology.
Rated 07 Oct 2013
Rated 03 Jun 2013
A very flaccid and stoic film, which also happens to be narratively intense and formally focused. I suppose the whole enterprise takes 'fetishizing as abstraction' to its logical conclusion: sexual fetishizing abstracted into a purgatory of perpetual ennui. (With a color scheme dominated by Reds, Whites, and Blues, mind.) Even Spader's acting sucks. If this NC-17 film will get any rise out of you, it will be discomfort - but since it aims for that mark, it succeeds.
Rated 26 Mar 2013
Review can be found here:
Rated 18 Mar 2013
Interesting and morbid film. Cronenberg's detached, voyeuristic style is put to good use here, with plenty of sex but none of it in any way arousing. Instead he explores the blurring of the lines between life and death with some gruesome imagery - and the more gruesome imaginations of our characters. I was going to say the characters don't develop enough but the last act of the film really clicks and makes you understand what you were watching in the first place. Almost a romantic drama, too!
Rated 21 Jan 2013
Crude, unnessary film with a couple who get their rocks off by car crashes! Not for most people, and while it was quite interesting it's nothing I would ever see a second time.
Rated 20 Jan 2013
* Casting, Acting : 8 * Script : 7.5 * Directing, Aura : 9.5 * Ease of Viewing : 8.5 * Naked Eye : 9.5
Rated 19 Jan 2013
Obvious Oscar bait is obvious.
Rated 20 Oct 2012
I'm pretty sure it's the only film where you can see Elias Koteas lick James Spader's leg, so it has that going for it.
Rated 07 Aug 2012
Sex with women, men, wounds, cars, and machines.
Rated 19 Jul 2012
Sure, the main idea is quite interesting but the way Cronenberg handles it is disappointing. There are intriguing scenes/interactions, but ultimately the plot -accepting that there actually is one- leads nowhere and the central concept is mostly left unexploited. Not to mention some scenes are just unbelievably silly -although, sadly, I don't think Cronenberg intended it to be that way.
Rated 25 May 2012
Crash is interesting only because of its subject matter. After you get past that, there's little to keep you engaged and I ended up becoming bored thanks to the lack of a real story and the poorly developed characters. There needs to be something to keep the audience watching your film, and Crash didn't have anything. It might be a controversial film thanks to the sex scenes, and the car crashes feel more real than many other films, but Crash isn't worth your time.
Rated 18 Apr 2012
Great Movie!
Rated 03 Apr 2012
Rated 11 Feb 2012
This is why I love older Cronenberg movies. They are always very unique, interesting, shocking and meaningful. He's not afraid to show things visually, where other directors might just imply or allude to it. The atmosphere he creates in this movie is great. The concept is a bit unrealistic, but most of his movies are. I love how it shows how sexually motivated people can get. Fetishism at an extreme. After watching something like this, it's easier to sympathize with a rapist or pedophile.
Rated 30 Dec 2011
A lot of people love this but I found it dull and had a TV movie quality about it.
Rated 02 Dec 2011
Rated 16 Sep 2011
Preachy oscar-bait garbage.
Rated 21 Aug 2011
It's offensive and disgusting, but also so beautiful.
Rated 20 Jul 2011
CRASH deals, as Ebert put it, with a fictional fetish; car crashes as turn-ons. But David Cronenberg presents a world where this seems wholly legitimate. Not for the sensitive, CRASH is a mightily perverse work, bolstered by fine performances, especially Elias Koteas' Vaughan, both disturbing and magnetic. Excellent makeup as well. Only complaints: Holly Hunter's performance seems a bit off, and some of the plot threads (including hers) aren't too well resolved. Otherwise, a fascinating work.
Rated 19 Dec 2010
Very creepy, and surprisingly engaging.
Rated 03 Nov 2010
i had the option to watch the nc-17 version or the r version... guess which one i picked. teehee.
Rated 26 Oct 2010
alt alt for belærende og så hader jeg, at filmens forløsning, da det ser allerværst ud skal komme fra gud/skæbnen!
Rated 26 Aug 2010
Good movie, but depressing. And overhyped. It's a one-time see.
Rated 22 Jul 2010
Cronenberg's sexy and disturbing film erases the line between soft human flesh and compact metal, discovered through the emotionally-devoid, but sexually-frightening lives of it's upper-class characters. I don't know about you, but this film drove straight up my alley.
Rated 16 May 2010
Awkward sex quota: off the charts.
Rated 08 Mar 2010
I respect both Ballard and Cronenberg as well as Spader and Hunter but this just didn't work on the silver screen.
Rated 31 Jan 2010
the premise is actually somewhat interesting if youre a weird enough person. but its still poorly executed. not awful though
Rated 22 Jan 2010
This one doesn't quite work for me. I understand that it's about sex, death, and a bizarre kind of cultish posthumanism a la Videodrome's "new flesh," but most of this just feels too silly. It's not supposed to be about mere car crash fetishism, but when all these characters do is drive around like maniacs or morosely fuck & kiss each other (and their scars) in auto wreckage it just feels like the theme is repetitive, stretched out awkwardly... If only it actually felt erotic instead of gross.
Rated 15 Jan 2010
Rated 15 Jan 2010
Hmmmm...It's certainly unusual. But is it "good"? Not sure yet. Anyway, it is original, as evidenced by the line, ""Can you imagine what his anus looks like? Describe it to me." I thought I'd only ever hear that in a Mel Gibson film.
Rated 26 Nov 2009
Not Cronenberg's best. But really interesting.
Rated 22 Nov 2009
taking the sex-cars metaphor to the next level.
Rated 23 Jul 2009
Feeding of the parts of humanity most of us want to supress.
Rated 19 Jul 2009
Good, if a little meandering.
Rated 17 Jul 2009
Cronenberg delivers the usual mash-up of twisted sex and "healthy" dose of violence in dramatic and disturbing fashion (literrally). Essentially a combination of Basic Instinct and Secretary with an NC-17 rating. intriguing, but not in a good way.


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