Combat d'amour en songe
Combat d'amour en songe
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Combat d'amour en songe

Combat d'amour en songe

Drama, Fantasy
2h 0m
A prelude announces the intent to tell nine stories, all marked with letters of alphabet, with the subsequent permutations of these stories. Not only the plotlines get mutated and re-ordered, so do the actors, hats, beards, accents, manners - whatever may identify a character ceases to be such an identifier. The plot itself becomes a mystery, since there are parallel searches for the treasure, the map of treasure, which as we learn is a treasure in itself, a coin, a kidnapped father etc.

Combat d'amour en songe

Drama, Fantasy
2h 0m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 63.56% from 41 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 17 Nov 2014
Possibly Ruiz's most coherently incoherent film (so to speak), filled as it is with overarching formal concepts, dream logic, and his usual stories-within-stories, and as such might be his most brilliantly and quintessentially Ruiz-ian film, although it's neither as outright hilarious and almost inexplicably perfect as The Golden Boat nor as innately poignant and elegiac as Night Across the Street, yet it might also be his nicest looking (rivaling even City of Pirates) which also helps.
Rated 30 Oct 2021
I could only watch in ten minute intervals, but I might’ve finished in one sitting if it was in English
Rated 29 Aug 2020
Batalha de Amor em Sonho estreava há 20 anos no Festival de Montreal. Estava totalmente engajada nessa rica narrativa em que a gente tem que prestar MUITA atenção, mas lá pelo meio soube da morte do Chadwick Boseman e fiquei tão desnorteada que perdi o fio da meada, portanto a nota vai mais pela experiência do que do seu total entendimento. DVDRip no MakingOff.
Rated 16 Jul 2014
Just an exercise. It's playful, but still..


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