Cocaine Bear
Cocaine Bear
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Cocaine Bear

Cocaine Bear

1h 35m
It tells the story of a drug runner whose plane crashes with a load of cocaine that's found by a black bear, who eats it. (imdb)

Cocaine Bear

1h 35m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 29.05% from 612 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 30 Mar 2023
Just plain dumb fun, movies like this deserve everything and should be greenlit always who gives a fuck about Avengers sucking Moon Knight dick when you can have Meth Pope instead Setting movies in the 80s for the freshest record drops. Heart attack my ass Liotta got eaten by cocaine bears
Rated 25 Feb 2023
The bear did cocaine. The film was as advertised.
Rated 25 Feb 2023
What do you want? If it's a serious character study, a psychologically challenging narrative, or a groundbreaking demonstration of modern CGI...why would you be anywhere near a movie called "Cocaine Bear"? If it's a fun, gory, hilarious, cheesy experience, then you'll definitely enjoy! Any movie that begins with citing Wikipedia as a source is telling you right off the bat, "Don't take this seriously, just turn your brain off and enjoy!" I did, and I did!
Rated 24 Apr 2023
i was contemplating yet again what should be put on my gravestone. finally came up with something, but now i feel it would be an even better fit to review the movie cocaine bear. whatever that implies. so here we go: "expect absolutely nothing and you won't be disappointed"
Rated 15 Mar 2023
Pretty much delivered everything I could have hoped for based on the title! It isn’t exactly a character piece or a very compelling film, but it doesn’t need to be. A bear snorts/eats cocaine and goes on a violent rampage. What more could one want? The pacing was really the only thing that dragged it down for me. Easily could have included less people storylines and more carnage, but meh, dad and I laughed for the whole thing. I enjoyed the acting and the camp that is the Cocaine Bear.
Rated 25 Feb 2023
I dunno man, when I say I expected more from Cocaine Bear, I can hear the irony when I say it. But it had a neat premise you could really make a B movie with- and it just didn't do much beyond gore. Missed opportunity.
Rated 26 Jun 2023
This is good for a few laughs. I know it’s not long, but it honestly could have lost 10-15 minutes and I would have enjoyed it just as much if not more.
Rated 14 May 2023
As daft as expected but not as fun.
Rated 28 Feb 2023
Probably the most sophisticated offering to date in the meme-driven crazed animal genre. Has its moments; could use more.
Rated 26 Feb 2023
Even as shut-your-brain-off fun, I can't find the pathway to enjoyable here. It delivers what it promises because there is a bear who does cocaine. In all other ways, it falls short. Yet another "everything fun is in the trailer" offering, with a solid premise that doesn't possess enough meat on its bones to be even a moderate-length feature. At the 75-minute mark, I was ready for it to be over; once the shock-and-awe wears off, which it will, there just isn't a good movie underneath.
Rated 25 Feb 2023
fun but not sure if I can recommend to friends, don't wanna disappoint my bestie with the lack of gay drug addict daddies (this is a serious review)
Rated 24 Feb 2023
Struck me during the scene where we watch the bear in profile wolf a big pack of drugs inch by inch down its gaping gullet that this is a film with the aesthetics and values of hardcore porn. Savor the lingering shots of the white powder swirling around the bear's nostrils, caking on its snout. Relish every last gob of grievous bodily harm. In between is comedians smirking and screeching, all but telegraphing: we know you're here to waste your time.
Rated 15 Jan 2024
the movie spends an awfully long time introducing its characters. but once the action begins, it is not not entertaining.
Rated 07 Nov 2023
It's around the time that they asked, "How can we tie this into a complete story?" at the writer's table that they missed the boat on this thing. Coked up bear is enough, I promise you. A coked up bear is enough. I would say that at 65% attention this is probably perfect.
Rated 26 May 2023
Cocaine Bear is exactly as advertised. A bear raging out on Cocaine and destroying everything that gets in the way. If you are expecting anything more or less than that than I am not sure what you were expecting. The cast does a great job with the material provided. The action sequences are graphic. It is a fun movie overall.
Rated 07 May 2023
A lot of wasted potential here. Needs a bear snorting rails off a salmon or beehive or something.
Rated 28 Apr 2023
It's about what you expect it to be. Cocaine, gore, extravagant death scenes, lots of 80's rock tunes. Keri Russell in the pinkest pink jumpsuit you've ever seen in your life. Nothing too special but it passes some time and the cast is solid. The third act is pretty sweet, too.
Rated 28 Apr 2023
This isn't just bad, it's un-bearable.
Rated 19 Apr 2023
There are worse ways to spend 90 minutes. See all films I've given a lower score. Where this falters is of course you can't use a real bear but I was expecting the kind of meme seeking falling-flat-on-face of Snakes on a Plane but it's a scooch more engaging than that.
Rated 16 Apr 2023
Never has the words "based on a true story" been written with such entertaining hilarity. Actual story: bear did cocaine, 45mins later...bear died of cocaine overdose!
Rated 15 Apr 2023
Stop letting Elizabeth Banks direct movies.
Rated 28 Mar 2023
The first attack rubbed me the wrong way (what's enjoyable about an innocent woman being mauled by a bear in front of her future husband ??) but the sheer craziness that follows won me over especially the ambulance scene and Margo Martindale. Don't expect too much and you'll probably have a good time.
Rated 19 Mar 2023
What drugs did you take to make you think a movie called "Cocaine Bear" needed several B-plots? Just give us psycho Yogi on cocaine! That said, it has its moments of genuine brutal fun, and if you imagine it as a Goodfellas/The Americans crossover, all the better.
Rated 16 Mar 2023
Thinks it's silly but it's not. Not enough. Had to quit.
Rated 16 Mar 2023
I feel like once you get past the premise, which is admittedly amusing and has made every single person I know chuckle, you're left with a movie that doesn't have enough laughs to be a good comedy and not enough scares to be a good horror. It's kind of lifeless, honestly. With that said, I've seen plenty of stuff that is less entertaining than this, so while I can't give it a passing grade, it's close.
Rated 15 Mar 2023
It was as advertised, and it added a bit of crime-themes to the animal attack gig to try and flesh it out. It could be brutal at points, some moments felt more realistic, more visceral than Leonardo DiCaprio vs the bear in Revenant, though they quickly bring it back into the funny gore by turning it over the top. Liotta was a surprise, RIP. There were longer moments toward the end, I guess the novelty starts wearing off a little, but overall it was fun.
Rated 15 Mar 2023
It's difficult to think that a movie w this title could fail to meet my rather low expectations, but this manages just that. There are good moments. They include the bear. 90% of the time the bear isn't on screen the movie is a snooze. It felt like it was trying too hard to focus on the elements of the story we don't care at all about. Also RIP to Ray Liotta. What a way to go out. 5.4
Rated 13 Mar 2023
the film's standout for me was some great subtle comedy and quiet jokes amid the thrills and obvious laughs. tiktoker scott seiss was a surprising and good inclusion
Rated 08 Mar 2023
Despite its missed potential, “Cocaine Bear” is still an enjoyable and amusing ride. The commitment to its absurd premise, entertaining set pieces, and capable ensemble cast make it worth a watch. However, the film's scattered narrative and lack of commitment to its irreverent nature hold it back from being a truly great achievement.
Rated 07 Mar 2023
Utterly hilarious
Rated 03 Mar 2023
A bear on cocaine goes on a murderous rampage. When the bear is killing people, it's a pretty fun time with lots of novelty gore. However, when the bear isn't killing people the movie grinds to a halt. A pretty solid cast is mostly squandered on a formula script that offers zero surprises or interesting characters. It also kinda wastes its mid-80s setting by failing to reference or mention it after the first 5 minutes. A decent attempt at neo-Grindhouse that falls well short of greatness.
Rated 01 Mar 2023
The bear did freakin cocaine. It was nice to see this in a theatre with a bunch of idiots (myself included) who were wanting to like it. From the opening scene they were laughing, a little too much, but whatever. More gore than I was expecting and while never scary the kills are a lot of fun. The ambulance responders scene in particular. Definitely teeters into being too freakin epic at times tho. Ray liotta goes out on top
Rated 26 Feb 2023
A fun hilarious movie that did what I expected of it. Entertained.
Rated 25 Feb 2023
In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of th
Rated 23 Feb 2023
Good title. Pretty lousy movie.
Rated 23 Feb 2023
I'm wary of movies that become internet sensations before their release, and was cautious of Cocaine Bear's potential to be good. However, the movie is a fun, if not campy, B-movie with an appealing cast that delivers the promised murder-bear-on-cocaine goods with dark humor and gore. While it may not be great, it's an amusing and enjoyable film that we need right now.
Rated 17 Sep 2024
Waste of time.
Rated 05 Aug 2024
You get what you would expect from the title of this film. This film is silly with some fun and some dumb moments. It does not take it self too seriously. Overall I would recommend this movie.
Rated 03 Aug 2024
A very dark comedy about a bear on a bloody rampage after getting wasted on cocaine. It was extremely gruesome for a comedy. Not the least convincing, but still murderous fun.
Rated 25 Jul 2024
Please don't watch
Rated 03 Jul 2024
Five points for random successful bear animation and gore.
Rated 10 Jun 2024
A lukewarm attempt at a grindhouse film. All you had to do was give a bear cocaine and let a bunch of crazy shit happen. With a movie like this, you have to crank it up to 11. They cranked it up to about 6. This is a mid movie, which in this context, where the premise of this movie is to be shocking and action packed, means it is a bad movie. it missed the mark. Cocaine Bear committed the cardinal sin of cinema: it was boring. This movie is more like Dayquil Bear.
Rated 08 May 2024
It was quite funny and surprisingly gory, but in the end it felt a bit slight and forgettable. (but loved how it was referenced in the book The Angel of Indian Lake so at least there's that)
Rated 29 Apr 2024
Does what it says on the pack.
Rated 15 Apr 2024
dei gostosas gargalhadas. a cena da ambulância é boa demais
Rated 14 Mar 2024
I'm the Cocaine Bear and I do c-c-c-c-cocaine! Yeeeaaaaahr baby! I DO COCAINE! (Seriously dude, a lot of cocaine.)
Rated 26 Feb 2024
What a boring movie for such a crazy concept. It had some cute/fun scenes, but it's very underwhelming.
Rated 15 Feb 2024
The ambulance scene is the only worthwhile part. Shout out to Scott Seiss and his great retail worker videos.
Rated 24 Jan 2024
not so good
Rated 09 Jan 2024
At times mildly amusing but there's ultimately just not enough here to justify a feature. None of the characters really distinguish themselves, though Liotta is kind of fun in a very limited role. None of them really have a ton to do, though. There are longish portions of it that are pretty surprisingly boring given the premise. There's just not a ton here, but it's about what you'd expect from the concept.
Rated 27 Dec 2023
The characters were annoying, each and every one of them but the bear was cool. Honestly, I lost interest in this about an hour in.
Rated 26 Dec 2023
The real cocaine stash is the friends we made along the way. And also inside a terrifying grizzly bear.
Rated 21 Dec 2023
Better than Snakes on a Plane but still falls short of its 'potential' due to Banks' creative limitations.
Rated 10 Dec 2023
Pretty fun man vs nature monster movie that doesn't try to be more than it needs to be.
Rated 03 Dec 2023
Films with a silly concept are sometimes enjoyable to watch because they are so silly. This isn't one of those films
Rated 26 Oct 2023
A few laughs, but generally poor
Rated 13 Sep 2023
Similar to Snakes on a Plane or Sharknado, this is a movie that doesn't have high ambitions beyond its silly logline. It's a mixed bag, but the cast has great comedic timing and chemistry, so a lot of the dialogue scenes are pretty funny. At times, the gross-out gore feels a little over the top, but how much can you expect from a movie called Cocaine Bear?
Rated 27 Aug 2023
It's a pretty fun movie, though I think I was expecting even more of the funny bits. Some solid gore here and some decent laughs, but the pacing wasn't all evently matched at times. Introducing some of the characters seemed unnecessary since you know most of them will die anyway, like yeah, just bring in the bear! COCAINE BEAR.
Rated 17 Jul 2023
My expectations were tempered by very negative reviews, and despite my middling rating, I have to disagree with them. What did you expect? The movie has a few slower moments but delivers a lot of silliness that made me laugh frequently.
Rated 04 Jul 2023
Plot 10/20 Fiction 10/20 Casting/Acting 10/20 Worldbuilding 9/20 Entertainment 12/20
Rated 23 Jun 2023
Needs more bear
Rated 11 Jun 2023
This is what´s called a horror- comic. Fun to watch of you can imagine being 15 years old again and drink some bears with a friend that has an immature side. The ending is an anticlimax. I takes a turn and becomes sentimental for no reason. Should have stayed on a high. Therefore not 70 but 65
Rated 02 Jun 2023
Didn't care for any of the characters. Not enough bear.
Rated 09 May 2023
Probably the biggest gap between "expectations vs. outcome" that I've ever experienced at the movies. Stupid cocaine bear
Rated 06 May 2023
Gradually won me over via commitment to goofy premise.
Rated 28 Apr 2023
Well, there is one good scene... but most of the time you watch boring people talk about boring stuff, while you are waiting for a bear to show up.
Rated 27 Apr 2023
Movie with really nice ideas, worth a watch when you're into something light. The bear is a cutie pie.
Rated 26 Apr 2023
Very funny barely true but completely original film that takes a story to the extreme
Rated 18 Apr 2023
Nothing of value here.
Rated 12 Apr 2023
Hilarious concept. Starts off decently and is fairly likeable till the mid portion when the entire thing goes downhill to stupidity.
Rated 08 Apr 2023
The title is accurate, the bear did cocaine,
Rated 04 Apr 2023
Knowing it was a comedy, I didn't expect this much uncensored gore. I think going back and forth between silly, cheesy comedy and gore porn (with the occasional window into how absolutely terrified you really should be of bears) just.. doesn't mesh well. Actually, everything that goes on in this movie is like, tangentially related and inconsequential. Maybe to be expected when you see it in a movie like this, but then why bother putting it in? It doesn't add any interest. /shrug Can't recommend.
Rated 04 Apr 2023
After the dreadful "Charlie's Angels" reboot that wasn't, I was expecting absolutely nothing from this. Turns out the (extremely) low expectations worked in its favor, and I ended finding it surprisingly funny often enough.
Rated 03 Apr 2023
it was alright
Rated 01 Apr 2023
Bu senenin en absürd filmi olabilirdi. Ama bu kadar yavan film beklemiyordum. Uçaktan atılan kokain paketlerini yiyen ayının etrafa saçtığı dehşeti izliyoruz. Kalan sağlam bizimdir mantığıyla ilerleyen film, ayının teen slasher katili gibi olması hayal kırıklığı. Scream filminin orman versiyonu. Keri Russell da çok kötü. Alden Ehrenreich'i beğendim. Filmin sonunda, çocuklar kurtuluyor. Oku bakıyım AYI. Oku Bakıyım AYI. Yalnız kızlar AYI. Hadi erkekler AYI.
Rated 26 Mar 2023
I wanted many more laughs than I received.
Rated 22 Mar 2023
As a comedy, it just wasnt funny. As a thriller you knew that it was not meant to be taken seriously, so wasn't in the least bit thrilling. This was really disappointing. All the "humour" was derived from gruesome dismemberment (unless I missed a lot because of the poor sound quality) and that CAN be funny, but the script missed so many opportunities. The ambulance scene had potential but there is nothing comedic about scraping someone along a road. Just watch the trailer, you wont miss anything
Rated 21 Mar 2023
Margo Martindale est à se pisser de rire ! Sa mort était brutale, et la scène de poursuite sur Depeche Mode vaut bien à elle seule le visionnage. Dommage que le reste ne soit pas du même calibre. On se demande parfois où peut bien se cacher l'ourse, et la mort de Ray Liotta est à l'image du dernier acte, trop simple !
Rated 19 Mar 2023
A Hollywood movie where the words "å faen" is uttered. As ridiculous as it wants to be. Over the top absurd and violent, to the point you can't take any of it seriously ,and you don't care, for you just want to see what madness comes next.
Rated 19 Mar 2023
Genuinely fun. The movie sets up a lot of enjoyable set pieces to explore the absurdity of its concept and there's a colorful cast of characters that bounce off each other and the titular bear in interesting ways. It unfortunately does cool down in the third act where the bear is pushed to the background in favor of completing character arcs, but otherwise it's a solid B-movie.
Rated 19 Mar 2023
I made a mistake. I didn't get super high before watching this film. You have to, you will have a better time.
Rated 19 Mar 2023
Amo demais filmes que tratam de mommy issues, embora muita gente ache "corny" ou algo que o valha (como muita gente reclamou do último filme dos Daniels), para além da premisa engraçada de um urso louco de pó, há o paralelo entre a mãe humana e a mãe ursa para além da questão do "homem versus natureza". Jeanne Dielman é meu filme favorito e também lida a questão materna de forma drástica, por mais filmes dirigidos por mulheres que contemplem essa questão e que se enalteçam no próprio simbolismo.
Rated 17 Mar 2023
This thing is a lot of fun. The bear is high throughout the entire film and it is bloody as hell.
Rated 16 Mar 2023
One brutal stand out scene that makes the whole thing worth it (the ambulance scene and what precedes it). Weirdly gore-y given what you’re expected but mostly dull
Rated 15 Mar 2023
Wasted opportunity. A shoddy exposition that's trying too much, a good second act and then a third act that doesn't know how to tie it up. Not a gorefest, not enough of a "decade salute", not enough comedy to be meta. Has its moments but the trailer promised way, way more.
Rated 12 Mar 2023
The movie has some intriguing elements and memorable scenes, but it suffers from a lack of coherence and believability, as well as uneven pacing and underdeveloped characters. While it may be worth a watch for fans of action-thrillers, it's not a movie that will stick with viewers in the long term.
Rated 12 Mar 2023
It gets kudos for turning the real life story into an action/horror-comedy. And at times that works, as both the ambulance chase & final section have some genuine scares and suspense. But for far, far too long it is painfully unfunny--partly because there's too many subplots and flashbacks. Also, for a piece set in 1985, it includes some anachronistic dialogue (and doesn't use the era's Drug War well). Still, it advertises what it is: a bear high on coke. Marginal recommendation.
Rated 01 Mar 2023
You'll like this more if you're an 80's kid. Really amusing first act. The dismemberment scenes were creative and graphically realistic. When the film tries to be funny, it's pretty god-awful, and the writing in parts is mystifyingly off kilter. Still. It's called Cocaine Bear.
Rated 01 Mar 2023
How do you start with this title and concept and make a film this dull? Isn't this an exploitation film? Exploit something!
Rated 27 Feb 2023
The best possible movie to end with "In memory of Ray Liota".


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