Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
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Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Drama, Sci-fi
2h 18m
A line worker, after a encounter with UFO's, feels undeniably drawn to an isolated area in the wilderness where something spectacular is about to happen. (imdb)

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Drama, Sci-fi
2h 18m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 60.75% from 7250 total ratings

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Rated 04 Jan 2011
Dreyfuss's character is one of the biggest assholes in movie history. He just ABANDONS his 3 kids and wife to go play in space and who knows how long he'll be gone. the little boy was gone for a few few days, then the pilots were gone for 30+ IT'S selfish and what do the government say to his family if anything "Oh he um died". Let's just say he comes back after the 30 years, his wife will be dead and his kids will be all messed up and broken, but he'll come back all: "AW NEAT YOU GUYS."
Rated 14 Aug 2007
This is the film in which Spielberg portrays his own inner conflict through the character played by Dreyfuss: fantasising himself as a misunderstood artist, he is in fact a pathological conformist. Hence, after a set of conspiracy-type scenes in which he is pursued by apparently unscrupulous authorities, not only do they turn out to be benign, but Dreyfuss dons a patriotic uniform and becomes a kind of vanguard representative of the government. It is, in a sense, Spielberg's TANNHÄUSER.
Rated 31 Dec 2013
There's an alternate version of this movie where he just genuinely loves mashed potatoes.
Rated 24 Jan 2007
It's not a brilliant or insightful story, it leaves a lot of questions unanswered, and it's kinda corny. But it so perfectly awakens that childlike sense of awe and marvel. And the fact that the film manages to completely ignore the aliens for over an hour in the middle and yet still command your attention is a testament to Spielberg's storytelling skills (when he's working with the right material). After Raiders of the Lost Ark, it's perhaps his most captivating creation.
Rated 13 Mar 2011
Portrays a sense of awe and wonderment beautifully. Spielberg's themes of nonverbal communication mesh perfectly with the film's story, as nobody can quite explain the how or what of the situation but instead communicate with music, images and symbols. It's no wonder, then, that the two most awe-struck characters are Barry and the child-like Roy, who abandons his family for the mysterious extraterrestrials. Great thoughtful popcorn entertainment.
Rated 10 Nov 2007
While watching this film, I was struck by this feeling of mystery and discovery, which makes Close Encounters a more heartfelt movie than other sci-fi classics such as Kubrick's 2001. The movie does lack a good ending, but the rest of film makes up for it. Spielberg brings you closer to ufo's and aliens than any other director who has attempted to do the same, a fair reason why he's still one of the best in the business.
Rated 22 Jun 2021
As the quintessential Boomer filmmaker, Spielberg understood both 50's sci-fi & the space race era's optimism. Here, he made a film that shows extraterrestrials not as invaders, but rather a benevolent force. The Oscar-winning cinematography lifts the drama, creating a visual story that's compelling even on mute. The psychological mystery is a little weak. And the hero returning at the end to a galactic ascension is saccharine. But if the latter is your jam you'll dig this picture.
Rated 11 Feb 2010
In the 70's aliens wanted to be our friends. Now they just wanna either disintegrate us, eat us or probe us. Disco be damned, I miss the 70's.
Rated 25 Dec 2009
I'm really having trouble trying to find something I liked about this movie. It's painfully boring and has a slow build that grows into one of the worst climaxes in cinematic history. Seriously, that was a really gay climax. Too many plot holes and continuity errors for me. Features one of the worst kiss scenes I've ever seen too. So unneeded an out of place. Gross. Also I love Truffaut but there was no reason he should've been in this movie. Incredibly overrated and frustrating.
Rated 17 Jan 2008
It leaves you with far more questions than answers and so many things are simply left unexplained. The special effects are honestly somewhat dated now but the movie completely succeeds in it's goal of creating a giant sense of child-like awe from the audience. Some say there's some Christian influence in the film but I honestly don't see any of it, even Spielberg himself said if it's in there it's not intentional as he is Jewish. It's a great film that invokes a genuine sense of curiousness.
Rated 11 Jul 2019
"This means something. This is important." There's this incredibly compelling sense of mystery and discovery, yearning and wonder throughout the film; it's got the nuts and bolts scenes of typical sci-fi investigation but there's a wholly human element here too, as evidenced by Roy's tragic arc (it was just tragic-a gross negligence, really-that the film ultimately didn't paint it as such; that certainly would've added some fascinating nuance to the triumphant final scene). Wonderful camerawork.
Rated 01 Apr 2018
we're introduced to dreyfuss extolling the virtues of PETER PAN to his agnostic family. soon, that family is long forgotten as he leaps into (or invents) an adventure that could only be the product of the silver screen (no coincidence that the triggers for this obsession are audiovisual). it plays as subversively in the jaded, ironic '10s as i imagine it did in the cynical, paranoid '70s, earnestly locating the face of god in the process of creating and consuming art.
Rated 19 Oct 2017
Of Spielberg's earlier works, this is probably the most difficult to watch today. It just doesn't hold up well to repeat viewings. I still enjoy Jaws and E.T. because they get the human elements right. It's the journey of their discovery that makes them special. Not so much here. The protagonist, who is a complete jerk-off, is not someone you'd root for. Also, I do wish they'd have gone with a more menacing spaceship; the colorful goofy-looking saucers screamed kid's movie.
Rated 23 Feb 2013
Spielberg challenges Demme and Scorsese. It's not one of the great concert movies, but Spielberg's "Yanni in concert" is undoubtedly visually impressive.
Rated 04 Mar 2012
I loved this when it came out, but stepping back and revisiting it makes me wonder what I thought was so great about it. I thought it was engaging when I saw it some 30 years ago but it just does not hold up. There are a lot of perplexing events and many pot holes that hurt the suspension of disbelief. The acting is good and the theme engaging, but so much about this movie really should have been better.
Rated 08 Jul 2011
If it is not his most accomplished and polished film, it is probably the one that people will look back on as quintessential vintage Spielberg. The Magic, the aliens, the broken homes, the distant fathers, and the gripping scenes of suspence. One particular effective scene is when the mother comes to the terrible realisation that her house is under alien attack, and her child commands his playmates to "Come in through the door!". This is for better or worse the godfather of 'The X-Files'.
Rated 28 Oct 2010
Generation X with flying saucers. More than anything, I always thought this film was about the breakup of a family. Why is Richard Dreyfuss so willing to completely abandon his wife and three kids? Because he has nothing else to live for? He wants more than a nice family, a house in suburbia and a comfy job working for the city? What does that say about the world he lives in? Maybe I'm over-thinking a fun popcorn flick, but I find it quite sad.
Rated 30 Jan 2009
probably the most overrated spielberg film. the special effects and the cinematography are exceptionally good for its day, but the story seems to drag on for an eternity, and doesn't avail to anything satisfying in the end. except for the fact that extra-terrestials were into groovy jazz and gangsta signs.
Rated 10 Sep 2008
The same joy and wonder directed toward the innocent child and the UFOs is shockingly absent in most of our human characters. I have always been distressed and sad after watching this film - Spielberg turns Drefyuss into a Real Boy by whisking him away, an escapism with hints of celestial suicide.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Spielberg, please make more films like this.
Rated 15 Oct 2020
Close Encounters is an excellent film.
Rated 28 Aug 2016
Yo that dude has a wife and kids
Rated 27 May 2014
The most overrated film of all times!
Rated 17 Feb 2014
Ultimately a reflection on mankind's eternal curiosity, Close Encounters takes the meditative nature of late 60's/early 70's sci-fi but gives it a flair the Spielberg of this era was known for. Dreyfuss's character IS selfish, but I can understand, and in a way, empathize. I liked this quite a lot.
Rated 05 Nov 2008
I think I fell asleep watching this.
Rated 05 Sep 2008
The pacing of the film's first hour has occasionally been criticized, but I believe the pacing is perfect in order to adequately experience the frustrating tension and eventual awe that the film's final act delivers. Truffaut is a pleasant addition to a strong cast that adequately conveys the bizarre mix of emotions to be experienced in truly extraordinary circumstances. This, combined with Douglas Trumbull's amazing effects, ultimately creates one of the most hopeful films I have ever seen.
Rated 17 Aug 2008
One of the lamest alien films ever. And the ending sucks so much... well but that's actually Spielberg's trademark.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
About the point at which Spielberg turned to syrupy goop.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
That tall skinny alien near the end used to scare me nearly to death. It still weirds me out.
Rated 10 Jul 2007
In a broad sense, it portrays the events in a very believable way. The atmosphere of unsettlement (as opposed to outright hysteria) drives the movie really well. On the other hand, the individual characters are all easy to sympathize with. Richard Dreyfuss is awesome. Spielberg is also really good at building curiosity and a sense of wonder.
Rated 11 Mar 2007
When I watch this I'm a kid again. Jurispathic, you're such a buzz-kill.
Rated 13 Mar 2024
There’s a lot of dated behavior to gnaw through that puts the movie on thin ice, but once it gets more serious a very strong feeling of wonder and intrigue takes over. And unlike the poor attempts at comedy, that feeling of wonder is heartfelt. The alien communication scene is fantastic in visuals and sound, and that spaceship? Now THATS an alien spaceship!! This is also one of the best John Williams scores i’ve heard
Rated 26 Jul 2023
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" demonstrates the ability of a film to create a captivating tale without violence. It's a movie that can draw you in repeatedly, yet the magic of the initial viewing is unrepeatable.
Rated 28 Feb 2021
Too long
Rated 06 Oct 2020
It's a mystery, as much as it is a sci-fi, maybe could have even worked better with a more loosely tied ending
Rated 22 May 2019
Director's Cut. The soundtrack was amazing. The movie's atmosphere was dreamlike toward the end. The use of light fluctuated between wonder and annoying. Barry was very frustrating. I feel like this movie leaves me with more questions than answers...that the mythology could have been explored more. Strong start, lags in middle. Scary at times. Alien design was a clunker. Fav scene: the ending, which was quite flawed but still very stylized. I guess I just had different hopes for first contact.
Rated 12 Feb 2018
Certainly has some very memorable images and novel ideas, none of which makes a lot of sense. I'm getting the vibe that Spielberg really wanted to make something deep and philosophical in the vein of 2001 but with really, really annoying kids instead of homicidal AIs.
Rated 02 Sep 2017
I came here for François, Vilmos, and Bob, and they did not disappoint. The rest of the film however is messy. The farther it went along, the more my interest waned. I knew it was a Spielberg film when the climax was a bunch of white dudes staring into a bright light. Also, why create such heavy familial stakes if Dreyfuss is just gonna abandon his? However, everything is far more interesting when viewed through Villeneuve's comment that the film is metaphorical for the labor of filmmaking.
Rated 04 Aug 2017
I like this one much more than E.T., which I suppose makes me odd. In any case, I love every minute of it, maybe that five-note leitmotif brainwashed me. It deserves its place among the one hundred cheers.
Rated 19 Jun 2017
I think this movie is bit overrated, probably revolutionary in its time but by todays standard's too naïve, and has lost the surprise effect. The action didn't make too much sense story wise, but it was entertaining.
Rated 24 Feb 2017
This film has some slow spots but also some very interesting moments. Richard Dreyfuss is really good in the lead role. There are a number of suspenseful moments in this film. Overall I would recommend this movie.
Rated 06 Jul 2016
Although I loved the first hour, I thought the movie got really, really slow about halfway through and never quite picked back up all the way again. The climax was just too damn long, and the payoff, though good, doesn't reach the same heights as the sheer weirdness, paranoia, and yet at the same time childlike wonder of the first hour. Also Richard Dreyfuss' character is AWFUL.
Rated 28 Apr 2016
Although nothing really happens here and the plot is extraordinarely thin, this film grabbed my attention and never let go because of the mystery it offers. This is some real storytelling.
Rated 05 Jan 2016
Too many retards went full Dreyfuss after seeing this.
Rated 14 May 2015
'Close Encounters' in an alien film that transcends UFOs and little grey men; it's tale of obsession and spirituality that uses iconic sci-fi visuals in a way that was groundbreaking at the time--and said visuals are still awe-inducing to this very day.
Rated 04 Feb 2015
Like Interstellar, its cinematics are awe-inspiring, with visual effects and cinematography that are perhaps timelessly impressive on a jaw-dropping out-of-this-world scale. And like Interstellar, the characters have taken a back-seat to this, with the confusingly created character of Roy Neary making me feel incredibly uncomfortable during his bat-shit scenes. Yes, Spielberg, it was wrong for him to ditch his family so he could hang out with aliens. And I hated that kid.
Rated 30 Dec 2014
Rough around the edges but lots of classic Spielberg. No depth at all to the plot which left me feeling bit empty after the slow plodding build ups, but still engaging. visually great. Found Richard Dreyfuss and his character incredibly irritating. Apparently there were no non-white people around in 1977 who weren't the 2 men collecting the bins.
Rated 25 Jun 2014
Wondrous and awe-inspiring, traits Spielberg has relied on for his whole career. The mystery and promise of the encounters sustain the entire movie, plus it's hard to beat the combination of Dreyfuss and Truffaut, early Spielberg, Douglas Trumbull, and John Williams. They make the film masterful even before the aliens arrive. Which is good, because the ending is far from perfect; see BillyShears' review for the biggest issue, and see ET for Spielberg getting it right the second time around.
Rated 25 Nov 2012
Here's hoping real aliens are as cool as these dudes were.
Rated 15 Nov 2012
The movie retains a striking originality. Dreyfuss' performance (the key to the film) here is amazingly convincing and you can just feel the wonder and madness of his experience. Charming, gripping and awesome (in the literal sense).
Rated 10 Jul 2012
Close Encounters' most iconic bits (the theme, the mashed-potato sculpture) have been so thoroughly absorbed into the culture that it's easy to forget that its treatment of aliens as peaceful beings rather than warmongering monsters was somewhat groundbreaking in 1977.
Rated 19 Jun 2012
Starts off quite promising, until one of the gayest Scifi endings I've ever seen. Really.. *spoiler* the ship and humans play music with eachother, and eventually some small aliens get out with sharp nails that just begged to be sunk into juicy human flesh. But no, instead another alien emerges and smiles to the people... Some of the dialogue really felt unnatural. The two likable characters were the French dude and his interpreter, but other than that I didn't really care.
Rated 11 Jun 2012
Okay, so what if it's 30 minutes of plot stretched out to two hours, or it has a terrible kiss scene, or its boring and corny as hell, or if the climax was rubbish, or if the aliens are bizarrely prone to groovin', because that spaceship was all like woah soooooo awesome duuuuude. Overrated. Score is not a grade.
Rated 14 Nov 2011
One of the finest made movies about fanaticism and true belief. Also one of the most perfectly made films ever. I saw it as a kid and liked it. As an adult I realized it for the masterpiece it is.
Rated 21 Sep 2011
Spielberg is neither the subtlest nor the most intelligent of filmmakers, but he is undoubtably a master of his craft, as he demonstrates in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", a surprisingly slow-burn and understated alien film that manages to fill you up with awe whether you're a child or not. Spielberg's impressive direction, the innovative visuals, Williams' iconic theme and the resonant story compose a memorable, fully enjoyable and astounding piece of pop entertainment.
Rated 06 Sep 2011
I really got sucked in and was dying to find out what happened next. The great acting and music didn't hurt either.
Rated 23 Jul 2011
Be a lot better if it made any sense. Humans are individually selected by the aliens to go to the mountain, and then when they get their the US Air Force is waiting for them?
Rated 08 May 2011
Masterful 1st act followed by a a pretty good 2nd and 3rd. Still has the power to awe.
Rated 01 May 2011
Builds and builds and eventually gets there. That guy had a family, then he kissed another woman, and went up with the aliens. What happened to the family?
Rated 08 Apr 2011
One of Spielberg's absolute best. Richard Dreyfuss gives a wonderfully manic performance, but Francois Truffaut and Bob Balaban somehow steal the show. This is one of those rare films that manage to deliver just about everything a person could ask for in a film. Wonder, excitement, terror, awe; Close Encounters is close to perfection.
Rated 25 Sep 2010
One of my favorite science fiction films as it deals with real people. No action heroes or far away worlds.
Rated 30 Aug 2010
There's something curious about this film, and least of all it's the aliens. Maybe it's the pace or the characters, which is enjoyable but at other times seem a little off the mark.
Rated 02 Jun 2010
Good all family entertainment leading to spectacular audio-visual experience. It might be just me, but visual effect are way ahead of today CGI. One of the best SCI-FI movies, especially for those who longingly gaze at the stars.
Rated 04 May 2010
Still just as awe-inspiring, terrifying, and moving as it was when I was twelve.
Rated 11 Apr 2010
there are a few scenes in this movie that are absolutely fantastic. The scene with dreyfuss stopped in his truck at the railroad tracks. The scene with the kid opening the door to extremely bright lights. the final scene of the movie is fairly solid even though it's drawn out for way too long. But i just felt that this movie didn't hold up through time. I just saw it and i can imagine it was a much different experience in 1977. I was dozing off though a good portion of it.
Rated 24 Mar 2010
I'm such a fucking buzz-kill.
Rated 14 Dec 2009
Plodding. 40 minutes of plot extended to over two hours. The final sequence is the best part.
Rated 26 May 2009
Spielberg surpasses all of his sci-fi forerunners in the only way he knows how: in material things. He has costlier, more spectacular special effects, including some really wonderful nighttime skies; he has bigger and brighter spaceships; he has louder sound effects and background music; and he has the largest number of world-renowned cinematographers ever assembled on one list of credits (six: Vilmos Zsigmond, William Fraker, Douglas Slocombe, Laszlo Kovacs, John Alonzo, and Frank Stanley).
Rated 17 May 2009
boring... maybe it was a good film in the 70s
Rated 04 May 2009
It has a bunch of cool ideas but like most everything Spielberg does it feels too commercial and doesn't really amount to anything other than a fun movie, like Independence Day. It's slow to start and long though which really hampers it even being an awesome fun movie, it's lost between being hard sci-fi and a summer blockbuster.
Rated 30 Mar 2009
Certainly one of the best in the genre. It is a novel experience, unique and magic in which we are immersed in a reality totally fantastic. A movie well directed and a very well built, with effects very well done.
Rated 09 Mar 2009
movie was garbage
Rated 08 Feb 2009
I've tried to watch this multiple times, and I just can't make it
Rated 18 Jan 2009
Steven Spielberg, please go back to making good films like this one. We know you have talent, it'd just be better if you used it once in a while.
Rated 18 Dec 2008
Just boring.
Rated 24 Nov 2008
I get why this movie is significant, but it also happens to be terribly boring.
Rated 15 Jun 2008
Although Close Encounters of the Third Kind has gained a very high reputation over the years and has many iconic scenes, it is surprisingly lacking in some areas and is terribly slow paced. The shared idealologies, parallels and physical forms between the aliens and humans also seem a little too contrived under the context of a first contact. However the portrayal it paints and the way it goes about it has thrust it to a much higher level than any similar film has managed before or since.
Rated 01 Mar 2008
Man was this a visual treat. The space crafts were just so perfect. But when it ended I was somehow just underwhelmed, but for no particular reason. It certainly deserves its iconic status though.
Rated 22 Aug 2007
Some cheesy moments (particularly the early UFO scenes) but enjoyable overall.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
One of the most enjoyable, watchable movies ever made, start to finish. Great, ordinary, believable characters in a believably extra-ordinary situation. That finale with the mothership singing along is one of the great payoffs in all cinema. Plus I love watching Teri Garr melt down.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Spielberg proved he was great with Jaws, here he proved that he had range and depth and the expert eye of a cinematographer. Dryfuss is excellent once again. Garr is very good as well. The scenes in this movie individually have become classic, and the simple musical theme (do de do de dum) still resonates. Granted the special effects are dated now, but the movie is still an imaginative classic.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
The effects are pretty dated now, but it's still an amazing experience. Before Spielberg collaborated for Indiana Jones, this was his adventure. Make sure to take this ride.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Far too drawn out for me to even consider slapping on the "masterpiece" tag. And, there will always be the personal trauma connected to this movie--my mom confiscated my electronic Casio keyboard a punishment for playing that gods-damned 5-note riff day and night.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I remember when I was little my grandma yelled at me for making a mountain out of my mashed patatos. I just wanted to be like Richard Dreyfuss! My grandma was kind of a bitch
Rated 08 Jul 2007
Every time I see this movie, and I've been coming back to it more and more, my appreciation grows. Quite possibly the best film score ever written. Awe and ecstasy enshrined in every frame.
Rated 22 Feb 2007
Great film.
Rated 16 Sep 2024
First watch. Director's Cut. Decent. Was never truly floored by any element, even some of the excellent imagery—striking shots suffuse the whole film. The mothership coming over Devils Tower just about got me there. The choice of protagonist is puzzling, as much as I now love Richard Dreyfuss—and I do. So much of the background to this tale happens off screen in our other storyline, and I can't help but find that stuff far more interesting than Neary's vague obsession. Gotta love quaint aliens.
Rated 19 Jul 2024
Seminal work from a master filmmaker.
Rated 10 Apr 2024
40yr anniversary DC. While the finale is somewhat lacking, the suspense, visual marvel (except for the animatronic), ambiance and unpredictability of this piece is very addictive.
Rated 08 Oct 2023
I really liked this movie. I liked how it caught me off guard at times - when Dryfuss' character went with the aliens, when he kissed the woman who wasn't his wife, and the whole scene with the dirt and trees through the window. I loved the innocence of the movie. The military seems to listen to reason. The three escapees are tranqued instead of shot. The aliens are being communicated with instead of attacked. These are things that we would never see in a modern alien movie. It's a treasure.
Rated 12 Sep 2023
What's really monstrously significant about this film is that Spielberg just casually invents an entire genre of distinctively 1980's filmmaking a full three years before the decade begins. "Jaws" gets a lot of credit for inventing the genre blockbuster, but that's more of a fact about the economics of filmmaking than a stylistic one.
Rated 22 Jul 2023
The opening was promising, but the film overall felt disjointed and uneven. Characters driven by visions or obsessions can be great, but here it just felt like a lot of shallow behaviour with milquetoast payoff. I didn't feel wonder or intrigue at the ending; just that I was watching a sanitized, out-of-touch fantasy driven by a trite idealization of "child-like innocence." I'd have liked a happy-ending first-contact story that actually inspired hope, or was even just thought-provoking.
Rated 22 Jul 2023
Fetishistic. Insipid. Disjointed and contrived in a way that's fueled by lead poisoning. Had a lot of potential, but it turned out to be diarrhea. I hate this movie.
Rated 19 Jun 2023
Points because I love sci-fi. Also, it's Spielberg, so there are some good shots and direction overall. And John Williams, too. However, the film is probably about an hour too long. Maybe the impressiveness of this in '77 (visuals, sheer size/scale of everything) elevated its appearance in the public eye. But viewing this for the first time 45 years later, it leaves a lot to be desired. Too much fluff and not enough substance or atmosphere.
Rated 15 Mar 2023
However impressive this movie was for its time it is really aged. "Oh man a vacuum cleaner moved by itself" is not going to hold up.
Rated 08 Mar 2023
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind" is a compelling film that has stood the test of time as a classic science fiction epic. Spielberg's directorial genius is on full display throughout the film, exploring themes of familial separation through the stories of its characters. While some tonal shifts and character development issues are present, the film's overall impact and achievement cannot be overstated.
Rated 09 Sep 2022
So that scene in Monster vs. Aliens is a reference to this? Cool, now I get it :)
Rated 22 Aug 2022
very ooky spooky, it wasn't my fav but also space is scary
Rated 21 Jan 2022
Boring (but watchable?), hasn't aged well at all. The effects look cheap now, the designs are boring (the mountain looks pretty cool), but most offensively the film just doesn't make sense. So many plot holes, illogical choices. I was asleep 50% of the time and didn't miss much in terms of story. Lots of yelling and noise. Weak female characters. Super weird kissing scene. Probably the dumbest and worst first contact film I've seen. Watch the infinitely superior Contact (1997) instead.
Rated 25 Nov 2021
Ambitious but confused. Falls flat for the most part except the family scenes, which were a nice combo of both surreal and realistic.


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