Citizen Ruth
Citizen Ruth
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Citizen Ruth

Citizen Ruth

Comedy, Drama
1h 46m
An unintelligent, drug-addicted, recently impregnated woman finds herself in the middle of an abortion debate when both parties attempt to sway her to their side.

Citizen Ruth

Comedy, Drama
1h 46m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 57.97% from 414 total ratings

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Rated 09 Jun 2010
Probably Laura Dern's finest performance. A simple lampooning of a controversial issue that brings the laughs. The best part is when one of the pro-choice activists chases after Dern with coffee cup planted firmly in hand.
Rated 10 Sep 2012
I really loved this film. It's very funny and Laura Dern is brilliant in it. Plus, the ending is simply gorgeous, tying up the film and its meaning nicely.
Rated 03 Dec 2007
A preview of Payne's Election, a great satire indicting both the pro-choice and pro-life camps
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Amusing film that manages to skewer both sides of the abortion issue.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
Witty and brilliantly handled, it probably does nothing to settle the abortion issue, but in its holding up a mirror to the prominent players in the respective movements, causes us to chuckle at what a farce it has become.
Rated 09 Jun 2009
No character in the movie is even remotely likable, which makes watching "Citizen Ruth" a real joy.
Rated 14 Aug 2007
I like the message Payne sends with this one. Pretty disturbing movie.
Rated 10 Aug 2007
Not bad at all and the ending is very well done.
Rated 07 Jan 2024
Alexander Payne's first feature is an accomplished dark satire in which Dern gives an incredible performance in a tricky role.
Rated 12 Sep 2023
It's a shame that this is so hard to find these days and a much bigger shame that it is more relevant today than when it released. It's not like this is some stuffy message movie, though. It's really funny and full of energy. But, there's enough of a fixation on Laura Dern's feet in this movie to make you think Tarantino directed it. What was that about, Alexander?
Rated 29 Mar 2023
Brilliant satire, clowning on both anti-choice and anti-life folks who exploit these people (and their unborn fetuses) for political gain. Walks a fine tightrope all the way through in terms of its comedic tone and its approach to this hefty theme, but it ultimately has its sights more on the poor and drug-addicted citizens of the US and how these kinds of people have little room for arguing over topics that wealthier people have the time for. It helps that Laura Dern is so fantastic.
Rated 22 Apr 2022
The black humor is fine, but there's too little of it while both sides of the abortion debate are skewered in showing the hypocrisy that lies beneath. Dern puts on an amazing performance and probably could have won a few awards if her character had any redeeming values. It did seem longer than necessary, though.
Rated 14 Dec 2021
Ruth em Questão estreava há 35 anos nos EUA. Parece uma boa sátira, mas fiquei pensando em quanto isso nos aproxima da realidade de quando as psicopatas de Cristo da Damares e da Sara Inverno foram azucrinar no ano passado a menina de 10 anos estuprada pelo tio, aff, essa gente é perversa. Era pra rir, mas fiquei deprimida. WERBrip R.A.R.B.G.
Rated 20 Jul 2021
This movie isn't perfect, but it should be essential viewing for every American citizen living in the current climate. Which makes it being so difficult to find that much more of a tragedy. Featuring a loaded cast who all turn in solid to excellent performances (with Dern being the showstealer, she's stellar) and a thoughtful script that never insults anybody's intelligence and actually takes a measured look at one of society's most complicated social issues, it's definitely worth a look.
Rated 26 Aug 2020
Rarely has a final scene defined a film’s message so completely. Ruth really gets one over on the self-serving cretins on either side of the abortion debate who are out only to use her as a political prop, as Payne tackles the contentious issue head-on with courage and cynicism, while directing with real style. Dern plays the irreverent, inhalant-abusing waster with complete conviction in one of her finest roles.
Rated 27 Jan 2020
The movie deserves more. Excellent acting, direction, storyline. One thing I would be cautious of is of letting youngsters go on drugs by interpreting as a right from this movie. Otherwise, a must watch.
Rated 13 Aug 2018
abortionists vs. anti-abortionists. that war is fucking hilarious. watching laura dern as a drug addict of the center of this clash was absolutely amazing. perfect debut by auteur director payne.
Rated 30 Jan 2018
Payne sparks his career in what can only be described as a grey area in mainstream cinema between Nora Ephron and Todd Solondz; safe enough to be accepted and risky enough to get people's heads turning. Dern4Lyf
Rated 02 May 2017
i love laura dern
Rated 18 Dec 2016
For all its effort to make Ruth a real character among real people in a real social struggle, it doesn't do very much to develop anyone else as more than a person serving a cause, so that what's really mild stereotyping comes across as full-blown, thoughtless stereotyping with no imagination. A film that begs its characters to get to know the person huffing that paint should make some effort to present those characters also as real people.
Rated 18 Jun 2015
It was really great. Laura Dern is awesome in this, and she's joined by a fun supporting cast. I also just love the message of this film, and the ending was particularly perfect. This one may not be quite as strong as Payne's future works, but it's really good in its own right.
Rated 26 Dec 2014
Citizen Ruth, the feature debut of definitive contemporary film wit Alexander Payne, is a satire with the reckless courage to take on both sides in the abortion debate. There are no positive characters in the film, certainly not Ruth, whose preferred state is oblivion, and who perks up only when both sides start making cash offers. Whereas almost every film has a market in mind, here is a movie with a little something to offend anyone who has a strong opinion on abortion.
Rated 13 Feb 2014
Interesting idea for a movie, but ultimately it fails to make good use of its screen time. Its basically just a too close to real life portrayal of both anti abortionists and pro choice groups. Its not much of a comedy either. The only funny part was the ending, but by that time it just felt like a total cop out given what the audience just sat through. That said Laura Dern was good.
Rated 29 Dec 2013
I don't like movies like this because they don't have the balls to take any sort of side. They just skewer caricatures of each viewpoint and pass it off as comedy. Laura Dern is hilarious and fantastic, but this film is mostly cowardly and has little to say.
Rated 02 Oct 2013
Rated 30 Jan 2012
Working with such an original script, Payne finds just the right tone -- one doesn't take anything too seriously, neither baby savers nor pro-choice members -- to build an intense, awkwardly moving and funny dramedy about this sick woman and her thoughts on having an abortion. Laura is scandalously good.
Rated 21 Dec 2011
Laura Dern gives a fantastic performance in this film. Unfortunately the story drags on after awhile.
Rated 07 Jul 2011
A disappointment. It is a film both about the abortion issue and how individuals are caught between political groups, and yet it doesn't grasp at anything profound, no matter how small, or any jokes outside of bad wigs and shallow stereotypes. The only aspect which succeeds, and shows what this film could have been, is Ruth (Laura Dern) who for all her dubious qualities can be sympathised with as a bored, naive individual with nothing to live for outside of solvent sniffing.
Rated 14 Jan 2011
Rated 07 Mar 2010
Hilarious, cynical movie in which Dern plays a pregnant paintspray-huffing pinhead who becomes the rope in a tug-of-war between the pro-choicers and pro-lifers.
Rated 26 Dec 2009


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