Chernobyl Diaries
Chernobyl Diaries
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Chernobyl Diaries

Chernobyl Diaries

Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 26m
Six tourists hire an extreme tour guide who takes them to the abandoned city Pripyat, the former home to the workers of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor. During their exploration, they soon discover they are not alone (imdb)

Chernobyl Diaries

Suspense/Thriller, Horror
1h 26m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 20.31% from 579 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 26 May 2012
Six unlikable people do unlikable things until some radiation people kill them in the dark where we can't see anything.
Rated 28 Jun 2012
If you're going to make a disrespectful, offensive, bad taste movie, instead of following the trends of modern horror by using long periods of silence followed by a jump scare and shaking the camera whenever any action is on screen (which doesn't even make sense seeing as this isn't found footage), why not have the balls to go all out and call it 'Radioactive Flesh Eaters' (spoilerz!) and have copious amounts of gore and nudity. Do these things, and I might not be tempted to fall asleep.
Rated 06 Jun 2012
Those interested in the Chernobyl incident will find a lot of stellar visuals and great production design as the unfortunates explore Pripyat. Bradley Parker does a great job of using the location to his advantage and adding more and more as the group spirals further and further down. While there are legitimately great moments of tension, Chernobyl Diaries hides behind its undeveloped script and cheap jumps scares too often to be taken seriously.
Rated 10 Jun 2013
Sure, the concept is bad, and the enemies are lame, but you know what? It wasn't a totla POS. In fact, it had a bear.
Rated 31 May 2012
"With the faux-verité aesthetics of [Rec], the American-tourists-in-Eastern-European-hell setup of Hostel, and the brain of a mushy radioactive mutant zombie thingie, Chernobyl Diaries is little more than decomposed horror leftovers." - Nick Schager
Rated 07 Nov 2012
I thought this was pretty good actually. In fact, I thought that it was a lot better than most of the 'average' horrors that I've seen over the last few years - so not sure why it has such bad reviews.
Rated 03 May 2014
A few, and I mean a few, effective horror techniques. There wasn't much more to this film.
Rated 21 Oct 2012
Didn't earn my ire until the last 20 minutes, before that it was enjoyably shitty. Oh well.
Rated 25 Oct 2012
well shot thriller.. quite predictable script but Chernobyl is the perfect set...I like the idea that the director scares us by entities that we dont see, instead of bad make up zombies
Rated 30 Nov 2012
You might actively root for their collective demise, if you could rouse yourself to care one way or the other. Go gallivanting in Chernobyl and you get what you pay for, nimrods.
Rated 01 Nov 2013
Found-footage type horror films leave absolutely no room for any kind of development in whether it be the characters, setting, etc. All you get here is shit: jump scares, shaky cam when choreography was just too much, fan film grade costume design, and more, well, shit.
Rated 12 Feb 2014
A Horror film that has a better first half than it's second and ends up falling short of what it promises to deliver, but still quite good.
Rated 11 Jul 2013
bad movie
Rated 27 Apr 2015
I liked the whole beginning, but then it went downhill and the monsters were just generic and badly done. Also, what diaries?
Rated 30 Nov 2015
A nonsense knowing no boundaries and beyond comprehension. Immense, huge, theatrical piece of crap.
Rated 04 May 2013
There were some creepy, atmospheric moments, but overall just a meh kind of movie.
Rated 03 Jun 2012
There's brilliance in the concept, the setting and the cinematography. There are indeed some fairly chilling moments, but they are too few and are cheapened every time the college kid protagonists open their mouths to utter the most inane, canned bullshit. It's worth seeing only if you get a version with dubbing in some indecipherable language.
Rated 14 Mar 2014
Why did I pay to see this?
Rated 22 Sep 2013
Dear Diary, I saw the stupidest fucking movie today...
Rated 26 Jan 2015
I really hope there would be another horror movie on Chernobyl, but that has got to be better than this one.
Rated 26 Jul 2015
Rated 16 Nov 2012
Chernobyl Diaries squanders the potential of what could have been an amazing location for a horror film, but everything is letdown by its screenplay: paper-thin characters, no suspense or thrills, and no scares. The movie almost assumes that it being Chernobyl should itself be enough to scare, but really the only thing scary about Chernobyl Diaries is just how awful it actually is.
Rated 22 Sep 2013
The first 15 minutes of the television program Sleepy Hollow had more special effects, more visible deaths, and more activity than the entirety of Cheyapovul Diayaies.
Rated 04 Jun 2012
In a film such as this, facets such as dialogue in the sense that it was never meant to move the film in any way. It's the minimalist tension that is perfectly executed and surprisingly gorgeous cinematography that serves as the film's centerpiece. I enjoyed the weakness of the performances because I found there to be more honesty to them that way (which seems to be exclusive to this type of film). An incredibly weak and cliche denouement does disappoint, but in the end it's an underrated piece.
Rated 04 Jul 2012
It's a shame, but this is just stupid and annoying. some of the acting is just over the top fake.
Rated 27 Feb 2013
Another day, another terrible found-footage (not really, but it's filmed in the same awful nauseating way) horror movie. There are some nice locations and cinematography in the early parts, but it's too bad half the movie makes those locations impossible to see and distracts us with stupid characters and lame jump scares.
Rated 26 Jun 2019
mistakenly downloaded as I looked for the HBO series. you don't need to watch this...
Rated 19 Jun 2019
As a subject the Chernobyl tragedy is as touchy as it is ripe for exploitation. If you're going for it you really ought to bring some creative wit, sensitivity & balls instead of stale cliches that only waste the unique setting. The least boring moments are when nothing is happening, no dialogue is heard & Pripyat is the only thing on screen. This whole trope of American tourist horror is overdue for subversion & based on a personal Ukraine tourist experience I delusionally wanted this to be it.
Rated 12 Sep 2020
rewatch. it's THE HILLS HAVE EYES only instead of The Hills it's Chernobyl.
Rated 12 Mar 2021
Surprise bear got this movie an extra star it probably doesn't deserve.
Rated 03 Jun 2012
I'm fond of horror movies and this has some good scares, but it's too poorly handled to be effective and putters out without saying much. The acting is fairly good and the characters quite believable for a horror movie. We're given some surprisingly emotional scenes but they don't feel too connected or thought out. The mutants aren't too interesting as baddies and the end is abysmal. The most interesting feature is the design. They nearly bring Pripyat to (non)life but they can't do much else.
Rated 26 Mar 2013
If the plot and character's weren't so sparse, the film would be fantastic. The setting and cinematography were top notch. Such a subtle film with such a clumsy premise.
Rated 13 Feb 2013
It's an extremely disappointing The Hills Have Eyes in Russia. I watched it for the on-location scenes of Pripyat and Chernobyl but that's all that's worth a damn. And I guess the tour guide and bear scene.
Rated 27 May 2012
Oren Peli projects have one great thing down pat - they execute minimalist tension and fear to absolute perfection. The problem here is twofold - both that there are no characters with which you are compelled to have any real investment (with the possible exception of Chris; all he wants to do is go to Moscow and propose to his girlfriend), and that the movie submits to the same old wonky character logic and decision-making that plagues the genre. Eh. It's watchable but you can find much better.
Rated 03 Oct 2012
What a waste, I could have forgiven this for being bad in the way monsters was bad, with shitty characters and story but beautiful shots of the inspirational location. This is just a complete trainwreck, badly shot shaky cam footage without any of the point of view or tension. When stuff finally does happen it's too dark to see what's going on most of the time.
Rated 19 Jun 2014
Good stuff up until the ending, of which there really isn't one.
Rated 16 Dec 2012
Starts off with pretty a good story and you really get the sense of being in the middle of no where. Unfortunately as the story progresses it descends into the usual nonsense. If it had kept on track it wouldn't have been half bad.
Rated 06 Feb 2013
Beautiful camera work, some stuff i haven't seen used that way before to scare, but awful plot!
Rated 05 Aug 2012
The absolute star of this film is the eerie setting of the ghost city Pripyat, probably one of the best places in the world for a thriller. The rest is far less interesting: clumsy actors, predictable script (except for the end maybe) and ridiculous 'creatures of the night'.
Rated 03 Oct 2012
We don't get enough horror movies about Chernobyl. Not as bad as people say it is but could have ditched the found footage and been a lot better. Also the ending is crap
Rated 14 Jun 2012
Rated 03 Dec 2014
Good ending!
Rated 29 May 2012
I wonder how much say Peli really had in this. You look at the other two writers and they're known for "mockbusters" (read: shit), and this movie, specifically the dialogue (read: WE GOTTA GO BEFORE THE RADIATION KILLS US), definitely feels similar at times. Now, there is some tension, I agree with TheRealJ-Ro that there is good minimalist tension but ultimately, who gives a fuck? Plus, there is some terrible acting here and there.
Rated 07 Jul 2012
I'd be pissed about the portrayal of my country and people if I was ukrainian. (apart from that, great premise that stupidly fell flat under all those jump scares and zombie stuff and some reaaally bad dialogue)
Rated 25 Jun 2012
The plot is flawed and the characters are paper-thin, but the real problem here is that the movie is a complete bore. The actors are generally average-to-good but they can't elevate the totally un-scary story.
Rated 26 Dec 2012
Although the setup was good and there was some notable tension, this movie was certainly made by stupid people. The characters are bland and uninteresting and the only name i remembered was Yuri. They make hundreds of questionable if not stupid decisions. And the "zombies" are quite controversial - quick and sneaky at one point but slow and chubby in a minute. Really unoriginal stuff. And the russian was so fake it hurts.
Rated 20 Oct 2012
I heard horror stories about how the terrible second half completely kills the movie, so I went in with my guard up. And honestly... it wasn't that rage inducing. Pripyat is atmospheric and creepy, and while the second half consists mainly of screaming people running away from ugly humanoids, it gave me nostalgic flashbacks to my dating history. A bit bland all in all, but the setting and mood were pretty sweet.
Rated 11 Feb 2013
This movie isn't that bad at all. Okay it's not a second "Evil Dead", but Parker has chosen a really uncommon and thrilling setting for this one. I've watched this one in cinema and some szenes were really creepy. It's definitely worth to give it a try. There are many many worse horror movie out there.
Rated 13 Oct 2012
The mutant fish monsters would have been awesome if they were featured more (or if they actually killed someone instead of being almost pointless to mention). The overall result was predictable, and it took the most absolute boring route to get there.
Rated 18 Oct 2012
The dumbest most annoying pisshole who looks like a bad actor doing a Vince Vaughn imitation lives until almost the end. That's all that's really notable about this. There's not even interesting gore, kills, or tits and ass scenes. It's just a bunch of shitheads running through urbex sites screaming at each other and saying annoying things. The cgi bear was also laughably bad.
Rated 12 Sep 2012
Po tym filmie oczekiwalem wiecej, stylem przypomina inne filmy tego rezysera.
Rated 07 Jun 2016
Could have been one of the best horror flicks if they didn't overdo it by combining mutant monsters with ghosts and zombies.
Rated 07 Jul 2012
It's "Wrong Turn" with Ukranians instead of hick Appalachians and radiation instead of inbreeding, which sounds like a marked improvement, but was simply carried out sloppily.
Rated 06 Jan 2013
Filmed in hand-held camera style. Suspense/soft-horror about a group of American 20-something tourists who go on a dodgy tour to Chernobyl and encounter more than they bargained for
Rated 04 Jul 2012
Very poor.


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