Charlie's Angels
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Charlie's Angels

1h 58m
Reboot of the 2000 action comedy based on the 1970s television series. A new generation of private detectives working for the mysterious Charlie. (imdb)
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Charlie's Angels

1h 58m
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Avg Percentile 22.79% from 349 total ratings

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Rated 06 Mar 2020
I don't care for this badly written, poorly cast, ineptly filmed, and blatantly pandering piece of cinema, because of course I'm a raging misogynist.
Rated 18 Nov 2019
Charlie's Angels is a good-enough time to not be objectionable. There's some good comedic moments among a generally dumb screenplay, and the chemistry between the leads is good if not great. The women-in-a-man's-world elements are not subtly handled at all and feel more forced than natural. The action choreography is subpar at best, often relying upon quick edits and shaky-cam that mask what's really happening.
Rated 12 Jan 2020
Its obnoxious plot and dialogue would be tolerable if it weren't so boring. It's pretty ironic that the best action sequence (still subpar, but at least one can actually tell what's happening) was given to a guy, but that in itself at least makes it funny, if unintentionally so.
Rated 15 Nov 2019
Writer/director Banks drops the deliberate camp of the 90's version (& the comedy she does write always lands w/ a thud) & takes the more "realistic" approach of recent Bond & MI films. Unfortunately, unlike either franchise, her action scenes are never better than average (esp the fight scenes). Dialogue & chemistry between the 1-dimensional leads (Badass, Comic Relief & Techie) also always seems forced. Its only distinctiveness is its in-your-face feminism leaving us w/ a very dull Bond film.
Rated 02 Sep 2022
"Are we on a boat?" "Yeah." *Cue reflective pop music*. This odd scene with Sabina making funny faces with a little girl exemplifies the fun femme B-movie charm that K. Stewart in particular brings ("I need you to exhibit some attention-seeking behavior." "I have so many ideas!"); it's just a shame the rest of the script is such an awkward mess, especially in the second half (see the unecessary asides with Fatima and Langston). Good fight choreography though, and the Brok break-in was well done.
Rated 12 Feb 2020
Wow this was terrible. The film felt more like a cross between a bad Bond film a an Austen Powers movie. The effects are bad, the jokes are bad, the fighting is sloppy and poorly fun. When the comedy fails and the action is worse then you have some serious problems with the movie that none of the cast could elevate.
Rated 26 Nov 2019
The kickass women lead to some great moments, but the script is untidy. Elements are introduced and never carried through (see most of the attempts at characterization and relationship) and twists and thrills are rarely polished, and the whole picture feels underwhelming as a result.
Rated 23 Nov 2019
Rated 21 Mar 2020
Saw this a couple of weeks ago. Can barely remember anything about it other than the vomit inducing and unnecessary 'pro women' intro scene and credits. Thankfully it improved after that but CA2019 still didn't amount to anything more than a bland mediocre action flick. That said, the three angels were surprisingly watchable and the kindest thing I could say overall is I would still actually watch a sequel, not that there is likely to be one based on the critical reception and box office.
Rated 05 Apr 2020
cheap entertainment. I'm not gonna give it an open recommendation, hell no. But if you're like me and you'll watch anything and you've hardly any taste at all -- well, this movie won't punish you for taking the chance.
Rated 20 Mar 2020
It was fun and upbeat, but everyone was a panicking idiot considering they're supposed to be highly trained operatives. Hopefully the sequel keeps the same great style but pairs it with better writing. Nice flip on the villain. I loved the wardrobe and the accessories. Fav scene: training during the credits.
Rated 18 Feb 2020
It is indeed mediocre but quite entertaining at least, and the protagonists are really cool tbh (particularly stewart and scott, i love them omg), but yeah it's not good sadly. It's also not terrible imo like some people (mostly white straight cis males) say it is.
Rated 26 Jan 2022
I'm a gay little slut for anything with a strong female cast, and this has exactly that. It's definitely not doing anything new and it's definitely been done better in other films, but the cast is likable enough with great chemistry. All of the characters are pretty likable, and I surprisingly really liked Ella Balinska. Nothing too special, but I still found myself enjoying it. I give 5 Kristen Stewarts out of 10.
Rated 27 May 2022
Que c'est mauvais... et ça se prétend féministe, la honte ! Elles ne sont même pas vraiment jolies, c'est pourtant la base non ? Jonathan Tucker en méchant tatoué et Lana Del Rey à la bande-sonore, c'est tout ce qu'il y a à retenir de cette version.
Rated 06 Jul 2020
This film could have used some more exciting action scenes. The script could have used a rewrite as well as the main characters aren't very interesting. Overall this movie is disappointing.
Rated 26 Feb 2020
I didn't enjoy this version of Charlie's Angels. The action is tepid, the direction poor and the dialogue middling. Stewart, Scott and Balinska are pretty decent, but it's Banks contribution in every facet of the production that I found insufferable. None of the humour worked for me. Banks' attempts at misleading are painfully obvious, prolonged, and badly acted. I'm unsure if the film's theme of feminism is a clever reflection of a male-dominated genre, or just blissfully unaware in its sexism.
Rated 16 Nov 2019
It's really not that difficult to have fun with this movie, and even though I'm not walking out of it having seen something revolutionary, what I DID see, I'd be down to see more of! Fight choreography could use some work in places and it's not the smartest screenplay, but it has wit and a bit of warmth and is propelled by yet another really solid showing from Stewart. Do I mean Patrick or Kristen? I mean both: K-Stew is pretty good throughout, and "haming-it-up" Patrick is best Patrick.
Rated 08 Apr 2024
Moderately cringe, every time they had to have the villainous male characters leeringly tell the women to smile or whatever it was uggh yeah I get it, I get the message. Beyond that it’s kind of like a crappy take on John Wick with more jokes (albeit fewer jokes than the 2000 version). Not actually a K-Stew movie despite her being first billed and most prominent on the poster; Naomi Scott is the main character. Crappy either way tho!
Rated 02 Jan 2021
I like older movies of Charles Angles then this new move. Sabina Wilson is a party animal, but she also has a number of skills. Jane Kano is a former intelligence officer and Elena Houghlin is a trained scientist. The trio are brought together within the secret Townsend Agency where they are assisted by Bosley. The three female private detectives undertake a perilous mission in which they visit various countries and learn to work together as a real team.
Rated 10 Jan 2021
The most recent reboot of the Charlie's Angels (2019) is hardly a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but having recently come off watching the entire Twilight Saga, I most definitely prefer seeing Kristen Stewart in this kind of action flick!
Rated 12 Jan 2021
the plot is generic and forgettable overall. They were a bit hammy on the empowerment at times: I'm a woman and yet it felt like a Kotex ad at moments. In hindsight, I forgot the entire plot only months later, so it is even worst than I supposed
Rated 06 Jan 2021
Pretty darn enjoyable. Both Stewarts really elevate this, which is a little surprising for me as Kristen can get a little rote. The best songs from the soundtrack are unfortunately during the credits.
Rated 31 Mar 2020
Loved it!
Rated 11 Jul 2021
Everyone involved is let down by the dumb plot.
Rated 27 Jul 2021
Enjoyable action movie but not really memorable.
Rated 21 Nov 2021
2021'de #IzlediğimFilmler : 308. Charlie's Angels (2019) İçinden İstanbul geçen filmlere karşı zaafım var. Dünya Sinemasında İstanbul kitabından görünce, gösterime girdiğinde burun kıvırdığım bu filme bir şans vermeliyim dedim, iyi ki demişim. Eğlenceli.
Rated 26 Jan 2022
The dialogue lets this down.
Rated 19 Aug 2022
Gay ass Kristen Stewart got me feeling some type of way. But also it wasn't a spectacular movie you know?
Rated 11 Mar 2023
It tries to be cool, funny, filled with John Wick -like action, with a cool soundtrack and a group of characters that stand out from each other and that have sides to them. The only problem is that... it doesn't really achieve any of those things. I love seeing a good female action hero, but for the most part I was just making a cringeface at the poor jokes and the over-the-top badassery of these ladies. No fault of the actors. Just a bad script. And a horrible soundtrack.
Rated 04 May 2023
You know what? I had a good time. It was dumb, it was mostly vibes, nothing really matter, just enjoy the ride.
Rated 29 Nov 2020
This is actually the first version of Charlie's Angels I've seen. This action blockbuster is nothing special, apart from its female cast and not to subtle feminist message, but it entertains sufficiently and has it heart in the right place. Kristen Stewart tries way too hard to make a lastnig impression. Naomi Scott and Ella Balinska fare way better in adding humor plus hearth to the movie and in kicking ass.
Rated 04 Nov 2020
I enjoyed the McG films, but this is horrible. The action is plain and dull, the plot is TV level writing and the casting is embarrassing. Balinska is decent and shows some action star potential, the rest of the cast are terrible, with Stewart failing spectacularly at acting cool and fun.
Rated 13 Jul 2020
Proving that inane and vapid action movies are not the sole purview of men, this certainly proves women are just as capable of crafting hideously chaotic and mind-numbingly dumb "entertainments" as any of their male counterparts; it's sad to see P Stewart attempt to inject some style and class to dialogue beyond rescue, while it's clear from the rest of the cast that the writing was on the wall with all and sundry reduced to bored (Banks herself) to hyperactive (K Stewart's embarrassing effort).
Rated 27 Jun 2020
oh wow
Rated 20 May 2020
Rated 24 Jul 2022
With expectations so low, this was bound to be okay, and for the most part, it was. There were no issues with the cast, directing or even the plot, it's just not spectacular, and the setting is a little weird in that the "Angels" haven't really formed yet.
Rated 21 Mar 2020
I wasn't able to finish it. The angels were simply too annoying and... what story? No thank you. I walked out.
Rated 13 Feb 2020
I'm stunned to the point of speechlessness...
Rated 06 Jun 2020
Apart from Kristen Stewart this film does not have much going for it, but small moments of humour and action made me stay to the end (admittedly I watched it on a flight).
Rated 02 Jan 2020
The overall plot is the movies biggest weakness because every twist is entirely obvious from the start. But the dynamics between the girls and the humour worked pretty well for me. So it's a fun action comedy that has slightly too many pandering 'Girl power, yay!!!' moments, but overall it is perfectly fine.
Rated 20 Nov 2019
Good action movie. Your typical action, Story and betrayal. This a reboot of the 2000. Don't want to give anything away. Stay tuned for the mid credit scene.
Rated 17 Jun 2020
# the movie isn't that bad but is definitely cheesy with an easily forgettable plot and lazy fights considering it's a spy movie. Kristen's performance was really great though, It was really unexpected for me because I have never seen such performance from her before.
Rated 17 Mar 2020
Pstewartbosleylol+Photoshoppedwithothercasts:P+ohthey'reallbosleyslol+all3today-hardtopayattention-dontcareaboutthem+hardlypayingattentionlol+PSmadeEBseemlikevillainbutitwashim+angelshelpthatweresecretlyhelpingthewholetime+samehottestOGonewelcomesher+rondatrainsherlol 40
Rated 13 Dec 2019
Bilimi kötüye kullanma filmlerinden. Aynı konuyu en baştan bir daha anlat. Üç melek, hayatı kolaylaştıran yeni 1 elektrik cihazının, teknolojik bir hatasını önlemeye çalışıyor. Hızlı kurgu tekniği ile iyi sahneler çekilmiş. Fakat casting hatası göze çok batıyor. 3 melek, acemi çaylak gibi. Filmin ikinci yarısı İstanbul'da geçmesi sevindirici. Ana karakterin kötü çıkması üzücü. İyi action kötü senaryo. Adeyyo lalalaleyo adeyyo.
Rated 18 Nov 2019
Strangely devoid of women apart from the three leads and Banks, this bland grrl power pablum packaged in mostly generic action is more concerned about how it relates to the idea of Woman than actually making a fun film. Jonathan Tucker and the action scenes he's in are great, and the flirtation between Balinska and Centineo is cute, although barely there; it's a shame those parts weren't in a better movie. This thing desperately needed more of the campy cheeky sexiness of past incarnations.
Rated 15 Mar 2020
I dont know why I am giving 5 point. I guess there are even worst movies from this one and I gave them 0. So I don't want to be unfair. Maybe you can make worse than this one Elizabeth Banks. Keep working, you almost there.


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