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Romance, Drama
1h 58m
Set in 1950s New York, a department-store clerk who dreams of a better life falls for an older, married woman. (imdb)


Romance, Drama
1h 58m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 62.66% from 2128 total ratings

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Rated 31 May 2016
The two most boring people in the world fall in love, but encounter Trouble. Poor performance by Blanchett (a highly over-praised actress, in my view), but greater fault lies with the dreadful writing and insipid direction (despite self-consciously deploying some 30-year-old ideas about how to frame people as trapped, and so on). Almost every note rang false, both historically and psychologically. Further evidence that making a character "want to be a photographer" is always, always a bad sign.
Rated 26 Dec 2015
I need to mull it over more, but this is likely Todd Haynes' opus, and that's saying something. It feels like Haynes has spent his entire career building to the subtle grace that fills every frame of Carol. Where Far From Heaven was a self-conscious homage to the Sirkian melodrama and all that that entails on a textual level, Carol simply is. It brings its era to life, rather than using it as a weapon. The difference is astounding.
Rated 12 Apr 2016
95 on MetaCritic??? Chillax, please.
Rated 28 Dec 2015
Yr enjoyment of this film will depend on how you enjoy yr melodrama. If you like it thick and syrupy, then this may be the film for you! While that may sound like a criticism, I actually really enjoyed this film. Rooney Mara is a delight (while Blanchett may get the accolades, I think Mara deserves them more), and Kyle Chandler nails the ineffectual masculine presence. I wish the film ended slightly differently (like, perhaps five minutes sooner), but I am also a cold-hearted cynic.
Rated 11 Dec 2015
"Carol" is a love story. It's an okay love story, but it remains a goddamn love story. Nothing more, nothing less. The fact that it portrays a lesbian relationship in the '50s leads to very little emotional tension: thanks to Haynes's artsy fartsy direction, this is extremely slow. It basically just alternates between realistically written and acted dialogues and god-awfully long, silent staring into space with melancholic music in the background. Get on with it.
Rated 26 Feb 2016
This Christmas, Santa's got a brand new carol.
Rated 25 Feb 2016
"Just when it can't get any worse, you run out of cigarettes."
Rated 15 Jan 2016
Carol is an incredible, beautiful film, with GREAT chemistry between its two leads (Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara, two of the most talented actresses currently working). It's a rare thing to find a compelling romantic drama where the leads aren't completely vapid and one-dimensional, unfortunately - but here, they actually took the time to flesh it out FAR beyond the normal "they're both attractive; they must be in love!" fare that's usually released (looking at you, Nicholas Sparks movies).
Rated 12 Jan 2016
Overall good, but lacked something. Blanchett and Mara are great in their scenes together and those are by far the most interesting parts of the film. The other segments seem to have somewhat stilted dialogue or portions of plot that feel like they are there because they knew they needed to do something in attempts to make interesting subplots.
Rated 10 Jan 2016
A gorgeous, poignant rendering of the frustration and dissatisfaction underlying the innocence and idealism of mid-20th century America. Blanchett and Mara carry the film wonderfully with their rich emotional and sexual tension boiling beneath understated dialogue and coy performances. A delicately constructed -- and deceptively elegant -- take on a somewhat stock tale.
Rated 06 Jan 2016
Not sure why everyone is going gaga over this one. Blanchett and Mara are wonderful together, and the film is carefully executed with its subject matter in the 1950s. I appreciate all of that, but in the end I remained unmoved and rather indifferent. I left shrugging, saying, "Yeah... okay."
Rated 03 Jan 2016
the movie is perfection in every sense, great chemistry between the lead ladies, wonderful directing and cinematography supported by an excellent soundtrack.. However its a bit dry, distant and never caught me on an emotional level.
Rated 23 Dec 2015
Will be completely forgotten about months after awards season. Blanchett and Mara are obviously very good (you wouldn't expect anything less from those two). I never felt motivated to keep watching this predictable affair.
Rated 12 Dec 2015
Blanchett and Mara are both excellent, but it may also be Haynes' best effort so far which is saying something. Between them, those three have the entire thing so perfectly under control down to the last little detail, making even the bits that could so easily have become clichéd melodrama look fresh and natural - those astounding last 10-15 minutes are just burned into my brain right now. The film moves with such ease, slipping into every crack it can find.
Rated 29 Nov 2015
Nothing groundbreaking, perhaps, but incredibly well written, directed and acted, and quite moving. Among the supporting cast, Sarah Paulson stood out.
Rated 14 Jun 2022
La superbe interprétation de Cate Blanchett, la reconstitution magnifiée par une photo vibrante. Les compositions au piano de Carter Burwell, le sujet sensible, traité avec délicatesse et sensualité. Et les émotions, l'amour est légion mais la tristesse et la dépression ne sont jamais très loin. La dernière scène, superbe de chagrin, de colère et d'amour toujours, de vérité surtout. C'est un chef-d'oeuvre.
Rated 28 Jul 2020
im self projecting into therese
Rated 26 Mar 2017
Whether you're a man in love with a woman, a woman loving a woman, or a beaver humping a tree - drama requires conflict. Director of this movie clearly went the extra mile to avoid any, so not to insult anyone or challenge anything and has done that masterfully. Masterfully. Only in two brief hours he proved his outstanding general tolerance as well as genuine indifference towards human characteristic to have strong contradictory feelings. Why make such movies, you ask? Why indeed.
Rated 03 Jun 2016
Yassssss pleaseee
Rated 21 Feb 2016
Carol is a beautiful story about two people falling in love with each other, losing and finding one another again. I'm so glad this story has a happy ending since it seems that a lot of "lesbian stories" are doomed to end badly. It's amazing how both Blanchett and Mara managed to express such intense feelings mostly only by their looks and gestures. This one hit me right in the feels, I'm not gonna lie and in my opinion, it's one of the greatest love stories I've seen in movies so far.
Rated 13 Feb 2016
This is my sixth time seeing it. I'm focusing on the relationship between what the characters say and how they actually feel.
Rated 28 Jan 2016
There I was...sitting slouched over with my chin on my fist propped against the armrest, watching another crappy acclaimed film. I wanted to stand up in the theatre and scream "SOMETHING FUCKING HAPPEN!!!" I would have walked out if I was alone. Woman in a custody battle beds a young girl. That's. All. That. Happens. In. Two. Hours.
Rated 19 Jan 2016
It has a gun in it, but it's such a quiet film that nothing happens. Haynes' frames the saddest close-ups and reflected shots he can in order to craft a love story full of pain and restraint. This is classic melodrama in a way that that also feels so contemporary. The Immigrant finds its twin.
Rated 15 Jan 2016
This film puts a perfect spin on Classic Hollywood melodramas by adding the era's homophobia to the personal conflict of being trapped in a loveless relationship/marriage. The road movie subplot adds a real sweetness as the characters don't even sleep together until halfway through the trip. The performances (especially Mara) are great, as is the opening and closing framing device that calls back to the picture Brief Encounter. Highly recommended and an ideal double bill with Far From Heaven.
Rated 11 Jan 2016
Beautiful romance so gentle and well acted by Cate Blanchett & Rooney Mara, but in a way the film feels unremarkable. Apart from lesbianism in the 1950s, everything else about Carol (2015) is purely routine writing without many remarkable moments. In a way the lesser approach works for the movie because it gives the two ladies a stage without distractions to build their chemistry, and Blanchett & Mara are the reasons to appreciate Carol.
Rated 29 Dec 2015
Well made but it never really spoke to me. I understood that there was supposed to be chemistry there but I never understood why. It looks nice but I'll forget it soon.
Rated 26 Dec 2015
While some of its moves are in step with typical romantic melodrama, its laser-like focus on the blossoming attraction between Carol and Thereze is thoughtfully done, allowing us a closer look into a relationship that requires itself, by virtue of the times, to be hidden in plain sight. In that way, the movie is also a study of the past, measuring the distance between 1950s New York and now. Beautifully shot, with careful attention given to faces and the looks they give.
Rated 18 Dec 2015
Moving wax figures.
Rated 13 Dec 2015
Wow, the tension and energy between Blanchett and Mara was so vivid, this alone could have carried the movie. But it didn't have to because there was so much more, from great cinematography to a brilliant score. And you can only imagine what it must have been like to live in secrecy all the time back in those days.
Rated 27 Nov 2015
Gorgeously shot, written, and acted. Haynes is an unsung master director.
Rated 26 Oct 2015
A well made, but also terribly predictable romantic drama: first they fall in love, then they encounter an obstacle (in this case: 1950s mentality). Then they fall in love again (duh!). Thankfully, it is somewhat engaging because of 1) the performances and 2) The story revolves around beautiful lesbians: imagine the exact same movie with average looking lesbians; it won't work!
Rated 04 Oct 2015
Ok, Blanchett and Mara are perfect. But Haynes is a nonesuch storyteller. In his hands, even a look scene becomes one of the unforgettable moments of the cinema history.
Rated 29 Feb 2024
The amount of talent and resources that went into making Blanchett this charismatic, attractive and enchanting seems to be inversely proportional to the quality of the film as a whole. Blanchett steals the show - yes, and the show is gone.
Rated 22 Jul 2021
'Carol' has often been praised as subtle and restrained--which the novel undoubtedly was--but that description turned out to be, as it often is, code for interminable longing gazes given a semblance of substance by an oppressively mannered direction. Since everything is shot and scored with the same incredible level of bombast, there aren't really any asperities to grab on to, and so I was left with an impressionistic blob of vague sentimentality.
Rated 22 Dec 2019
Imbued with a wistful, dreamlike tone that is quite relaxing.
Rated 05 May 2019
Not sure I get the Oscar nominations... I get the story but I found it a little too long. What I enjoyed the most was the cinematography, which was beautiful. *Recommendable
Rated 08 Apr 2019
I applaud Haynes for how good he was in breaking the male gaze. Beautiful, beautiful film.
Rated 12 Jul 2018
RIP Chantal Akerman. You are missed.
Rated 15 Mar 2018
Shaped by Todd Haynes' deft direction and powered by a strong cast led by Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara, Carol lives up to its groundbreaking source material.
Rated 03 Mar 2018
There's a breathlessness to "Carol", a sense of longing and hope behind every glance and taboo hand touch, and that is what makes it so special. It portrays a romance so loving and tender that there's nary a negative word to say about it, with performances from two actresses who make every scene their own, and with a script as delightful as any I've come across. "Carol" is overridingly special, and I feel lucky just to have been alive to see it. What a film.
Rated 21 Dec 2017
beautiful movie, and they did a great job taking you back in time to the 50's. I rate this relatively high because of the visuals, but in terms of the story, the characters didn't feel real enough, and things don't get good until toward the end.
Rated 26 Jul 2017
Lifeless film.
Rated 20 May 2017
I didn't feel anything here. The story was too simple to be engrossing on its own and the characters never had me interested. Well made when it comes to all things production related, but not a lot to hold on to for me.
Rated 08 Jan 2017
Haynes' commitment to outcasts, then and now, makes Carol a romantic spellbinder that cuts deep. It's one of the year's very best films. Blanchett and Mara should have Oscar calling for giving heroic dimensions to characters who step out of the shadows and into a harsh world that their courage just might change. I wanted to cheer.
Rated 23 Aug 2016
I couldn't connect with any of the characters. There is more style and excellent acting than substance. In other words: zzzzzzzz..
Rated 04 Jul 2016
2. Rooney Mara is very sweet. Cate Blanchett - amazing. Good pace. Good cinema voyeurism. Costumes. "What a strange girl you are. Flung out of space." On a second watch - spectacular.
Rated 29 May 2016
Period piece AND romance? This is -not- my genre, watched enough to confirm that it wasn't aberrant from my expectations, then turned it off.
Rated 18 Mar 2016
Made with a lot of restraint, just like women had to behave back then. I enjoyed how the main & supporting characters were built in a complementary manner. At times, the story dragged a little, but it rounded up nicely toward the end.
Rated 02 Mar 2016
Directed with real class and restraint, filmed with a gorgeous eye and carried by two completely electric performances (actually the supporting cast is brilliant as well). Together they create a thoroughly animated piece of cinematic romance with delicate and organic storytelling style. It flows and breathes so naturally you can't really think about any kind of criticism while watching it.
Rated 27 Feb 2016
This actually didn't do anything for me. The story is bland, and the praise of the two leads is unjustified. Yes, they are good, and yes they are willing to be naked on camera, but come on! Oscar nominations!? Chandler was the highlight and he wasn't even worthy of an Oscar. *Okay
Rated 22 Feb 2016
While the story may be the least formidable of Haynes's oeuvre, it is one that is told with a complete mastery of its formalist tendencies, from its sublime photography that recalls Far from Heaven's evocation of a Technicolor-splashed '50s era to a piercing, aching, swelling score. Mara and Blanchett's relationship is examined with such clarity, their performances simmering with untold desires and abandoned dreams, that 'Carol' transcends the expected and the typical of so many love stories.
Rated 22 Feb 2016
Blanchett wears a single expression for most of the scenes and the only noteworthy thing in the story is that it's a same sex relationship. That's just not enough in this day and age. Nice music and cinematography though.
Rated 20 Feb 2016
Exquisite filmmaking from Haynes. His highlighting of hands and eyes humanizes the characters in their confined spaces. Blurring (through windows, especially) and the overall grainy image creates a fuzziness around the events that only adds to the confusion everyone is feeling. The overall story focuses on the budding relationship within the context of an imbalanced power structure, even as both are open to the relationship...this creates an alternately hopeful but also troubling conclusion.
Rated 19 Feb 2016
There is nothing new or extraordinary in the movie, but the directing, acting and costumes are great. Cate Blanchett may be my woman crush, I have to admit.
Rated 16 Feb 2016
que filme bonito
Rated 07 Feb 2016
Its power doesn't stem from its subject matter but how Haynes narrates it; he not only records the intimate and magical moments between Carol and Therese in a phenomenological way which stretches those moments to eternity, but also breaks the dictates of any kind of "gaze" in cinema. That's why people speak about the delicacy of shots and the feeling that every scene is a unique and sublime moment, the cuts in the movie seem to dissolve in each other like a weave made by tender touches.
Rated 04 Feb 2016
Mesmerizing, with an electricity that crackles under the surface. The aching and wanting is never given as a way to crush the characters under the machinery of a calculated melodrama, instead swelling to a satisfying conclusion that lingers with you. Also, you'll notice Carrie Brownstein's name in the opening credits and wait a long time to see her, at which point you will think "ok, sure, why not, there she is."
Rated 25 Jan 2016
Rooney Mara's scenes strongly reminded me of Audry Hepburn. Cate Blanchett was elegant as usual. The pace is slow, almost glacial at times, partly due to Cate's slow refined delivery & slow sedate music. The story was subtle & complex. The naive girl is inexorably drawn to the elegant older woman at first glance. The passion scenes were great, as was the range of emotions. Some excellent dialog & convincing plot. It was easy to get invested in Mara's character. The ending was a bit abrupt.
Rated 24 Jan 2016
The acting was just as good as you'd expect. The only thing longer than the knowing glances was the length of this movie. Beautiful costumes and attention to detail. But by the time it concluded I was grateful it had a happy ending.
Rated 20 Jan 2016
Subtle and subdued--though perhaps, at times, too subdued--CAROL is an impeccably rendered romance that excels in tracking all the precarious little steps on the journey from infatuation to obsession to love. Haynes once again shows how to evoke sadness and catharsis without getting bogged down in melodramatic capital-T tragedy.
Rated 18 Jan 2016
It never touched my heart.
Rated 17 Jan 2016
Visually quite interesting to watch, colours, cars, costumes. An interesting topic and well acted but overall a bit dull.
Rated 16 Jan 2016
I used to be in love once, but then I took an arrow to the knee.
Rated 16 Jan 2016
A movie about being in love that will easily be overlooked as something completely more complicated, perverse and uninteresting. Some of the best uses of subtextual direction and writing. Everything is very good but that last scene.
Rated 08 Jan 2016
How much do you value originality and avoidance of cliches in your story? Because literally everything else in Carol astounded me, except for the actual events that take place on screen. I would say I dug the cinematogs more than even The Revenant. Not out of sheer beauty, but because of a consistent ideology to the coverage (it helps having a mature, competent director at the helm). The two leads are spellbinding (their dialogue fails them in stretches), but how is Rooney considered supporting?
Rated 07 Jan 2016
The writing, direction and cast are all impeccable. Towards the end I was starting to not care too much about what happened to Carol and Thereze because they didn't seem to. That last ten minutes though...
Rated 05 Jan 2016
It's only simplistic and predictable if you're looking at the broad strokes and ignoring the nuances. And this movie is all about nuance. The acting, the cinematography, the art direction, it all contribute to a perfectly-realized, highly-coordinated piece of cinema. It's elegant and moving, which is what really matters.
Rated 05 Jan 2016
Carol is a compellingly crafted and deeply problematic movie. It features one of the best actresses of our era presiding over a delicately nuanced, deeply probing look at society and relationships in the 1950s. But when we examine its core premise, alas, Carol loses its attraction long before we even need to start discussing its same-sex protagonists or their skin-heavy bed scenes. When a love story doesn't know what real love is, how can we trust it with anything else? (
Rated 02 Jan 2016
better than joy however they are diffrent type a movie but for my expectations they were same. which is take us to an other comparison. rooney mara better than j law
Rated 01 Jan 2016
Carol is just like any other movie about lesbian affairs but with really good acting.
Rated 01 Jan 2016
Really captures a sense of both time and place, aided by the stunning cinematography and the strong lead performances. It's vibrantly shot and romantically told, making it a near-perfect piece of filmmaking. Didn't grab me on much of an emotional level but it's undoubtedly an effective story told with heart and ambition.
Rated 31 Dec 2015
"one of the years exellent directings"...good job man
Rated 25 Dec 2015
I find there's a problem sometimes in films dealing with homosexual characters as they are painted as impeccable characters capable of doing no wrong. Carol seemingly shirks this convention only to return to it at the end. Disappointing. Nevertheless, Blanchett and Mara are wonderful in their roles and the faded colors capture the unspoken discrimination those in the minority had to face during the 1950s.
Rated 19 Dec 2015
And the award for lesbian movie of the year goes to...
Rated 19 Dec 2015
The most important element in a story like 'Carol's' is the chemistry between the two leads, and Mara and Blanchett have it in spades, resulting in a moving picture that has both dramatic and sexual tension. This, coupled with the social relevance of the film's material, is what elevates the movie's more familiar genre tropes.
Rated 15 Dec 2015
Slow but sure and very precise.
Rated 06 Dec 2015
A movie obsessed with perfection. And it succeeds.
Rated 30 Nov 2015
Perhaps the film loses its way at times, but never for long; it's a beautiful and heartfelt piece of work. I would be very surprised to see this one snubbed at the Oscars.
Rated 27 Nov 2015
Plays out like a perfume commercial, but that's probably the best way these unspoken desires could've been played out, honestly
Rated 22 Oct 2015
This movie is absolutely incredible. Watching two people fall in love has rarely been so rewarding. It's a lush and generous experience that deals in pure beauty, and not the flawless isn't-life-beautiful kind, but the kind that's born out of genuine, human, living, breathing characters. The best love stories make the viewer fall in love with the people they're depicting, and this movie succeeds with flying colors.
Rated 03 Oct 2015
3 Ekim 2015, Filmekimi &
Rated 10 Sep 2015
There's an (appropriately) unspoken chemistry between Blanchett and Mara. All they need to do is make eye contact for a scene to be riveting.
Rated 09 Sep 2024
I’m usually a sucker for Patricia Highsmith stories but this one fell short for me. The lack of chemistry between Blanchett and Rooney was part of the problem; the rest may have been a too-subtle script.
Rated 26 Aug 2024
Watched this on a plane so i wasn't really in the right state of mind for this type of movie, but I really enjoyed it regardless, very good movie.
Rated 26 Jun 2023
Well made and acted, but just painfully slow through most of its running time. I feel like there's a really great movie in here but it just misses getting there due to the pacing. It's a gorgeous looking movie that really drops you into the time period. Despite its' flaws, it's not bad. Blanchett and Mara have wonderful chemistry.
Rated 08 Jan 2022
A film that, admittedly, takes a while to get the hooks in but the final third turns this into a marvellous piece of work. There's an aching, restrained way to how this is shot (and it's shot beautifully) which gives it a wistful, dreamlike tone. Blanchett is often not my cup of tea but she is wonderful here, especially as her vulnerability comes to the fore.
Rated 24 Nov 2021
Carol was an awful lady, and Rooney’s character wasn’t exactly setting the world on fire, either.
Rated 06 Aug 2021
????????????????/????have sex????
Rated 12 Mar 2021
Beautiful imagery, beautiful score, perfect soundtrack. But, some spots of unnecessary drama and restrain, taking away from the romance. Otherwise lovely film.
Rated 25 Jan 2021
Carol is crafted with nothing but pure love. Painstakingly precise cinematography, with meticulously curated set design to match. Blanchett oozes charisma, and Mara while less showy has an equally mesmerizing charm. While nothing about this movie is sparse or minimal, everything about this movie is subtle. Haynes often lets the artistic aspects do the talking and forgets to tell a more engaging story. In many respects captivating. Just not the overall masterpiece it clearly should have been.
Rated 10 Dec 2020
This was very well done; lot of attention was put on the period details, cinematography, Blanchett and Mara were good and I especially liked Carter Burwell's score. It was also very tastefully done, and not as graphic as you could expect based on the subject matter. The characters and their motivations remained quite distant and in the end I ended up admiring the film more than actually enjoying it.
Rated 06 Dec 2020
pov: Cate Blanchett sweeps you, a waif, off your feet, and you protest not at all, a sequence ripped from the dreams of gay girls
Rated 05 Dec 2020
This was a good one. Blanchett and Mara are so good with just the way they look, that it was enough. I felt their feelings. It was directed and shot really well, with the disconnects being shown greatly with camera work. A really good one.
Rated 14 Sep 2020
Well done in many aspects, I especially thought the music was good. But it was slow and boring, and I didn't think there was enough development of their relationship to be believable. SPOILERS: It get's a little bit better towards the end and picks up slightly. But I also nearly always dislike the beginning with the ending thing. It's pointless and annoying.
Rated 19 Jul 2020
Very slow, which is not necessarily a bad thing but it doesn't have enough on offer to make it worth it. The end in particular didn't do much for me, aside from a 'that's it?' feeling. I enjoyed parts of the film, particularly Rooney Mara's performance, but was let down by the predictability of the plot and side characters. I also think the music was too melodramatic and improperly placed throughout the film. Wouldn't recommend it, although there are much worse films and I did partly enjoy it.
Rated 22 Dec 2019
The film was very good but left me a bit cold. It's not speaking my language.
Rated 10 Nov 2019
An exercise in squeezing every ounce of sentimentality out of austere romance filmmaking. The detachedness of the period piece and the heteronormative standards make every small glance and touch feel more valuable than it actually is, and when the film finally breaks into intimate sex it's a great moment of catharsis.
Rated 05 Oct 2019
Rated 11 Aug 2019
I didn't like either of the lead characters.
Rated 25 Jan 2019
I don't think I've ever seen a film that has so accurately captures the combination of sheer joy, terror, and erotic excitement that comes with falling in love, only to pull the carpet from under you, and depict how far-reaching the consequences of love can be, especially within the societal expectations of heteronormative patriarchy. I don't even normally like these kinds of slow, subtextual films, but under the tender hands of a master film-maker like Todd Haynes, they can be cinematic magic.


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