Call Me by Your Name
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Call Me by Your Name

2h 12m
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Avg Percentile 64.47% from 2850 total ratings

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Rated 07 Mar 2018
They want to have sex with each other. They do have sex with each other. Then one of them leaves and they can't have sex with each other anymore. If this is love than what is lust? That speech at the end seemed to come from out of nowhere. "I never had that." You never wanted to screw anybody? Also I'm struggling with the accolades for Chalamet. You think it's hard to act like you want to bang Armie Hammer? We all want to.
Rated 02 Mar 2018
One of my new favorite love stories. The sublime actors give exceptionally touching performances (not least Stuhlbarg's delivery of the father's advice to Elio), and they never come close to taking a wrong step. The writing and direction are equally flawless. Which is so rare, so very rare.
Rated 31 Jan 2018
"Let's nominate this movie to show the world we're not homophobic." - The Academy
Rated 21 Dec 2017
The sensuality of the film goes to such length that the characters exist almost exclusively in their physicality. When the father says "You were both lucky to have found each other because you two were good", that virtue can only be assumed. How good is it to knowingly break the heart of the girl who loves you? There is never any self-doubt in Elio, or in Guadagnino's upper-class langour for that matter. But there is suspended lust and lasting pain, and I think we can relate to that.
Rated 22 Dec 2017
I can't believe this wasn't called 'Italian Peach'.
Rated 01 Mar 2018
Captures the dreamlike feeling of transient youth and its exploration of new feelings, desires, experiences. The whole thing feels like a shadow of a memory, set in the languid summertime hours between noon and nightfall where the day feels like it stretches out into eternity.
Rated 22 Nov 2017
Unquestionably elegant. In rhythm and composition, it invokes tragedy, poetry, and memory with little effort - a perfect complement to a story about passive acceptance and active restraint. So for me, Call Me By Your Name is most authentic in silence. With one exception: Michael Stuhlbarg gives what may be the single best line reading of the year, a devastating coda that finds every pent-up emotion in the film and releases it gradually, delicately, with care and with grace.
Rated 11 Oct 2017
The most perfect film I have seen that's come out in the last at least 15 years and in my opinion the best gay-themed film of all time. I have never experienced a purer expression of adolescent love, lust, longing, boredom and rapture in cinema. Needs to be seen on the big screen and needs to be seen more than once for true cumulative power. A devastating masterpiece.
Rated 01 Nov 2017
The best thing Armie Hammer has done since liking BDSM porn on twitter by accident, and shrugging it off like it's nbd cuz him and his wife are into it. A luscious feature-length beer ad, with time and Sufjan Stevens adding to the love that this film has to show.
Rated 26 Dec 2017
beautiful... but did anyone else think about when Jason Biggs fucked an apple pie in AMERICAN PIE?!
Rated 01 Jan 2018
I can see its greatness, but it just doesn't connect with me -- as much as I appreciate the delicate nature of this story and how it's put on a cinematic canvas, I do enjoy a bit more going on in my on-screen relationships other than wealthy beautiful people having a fling and being mopey about it. Gorgeous opening titles, though
Rated 04 Apr 2018
idk not much really happened. I have a hard time putting weight on a romance that was like, what, one week old? I also wonder how well this would be received if it were instead about a 34 year old man banging the 17 year old daughter of the family he was staying with.
Rated 21 Feb 2018
Huh.. So I guess I have to be Spartacus and be the first to criticize this "masterpiece". It's not a BAD movie, but holy hell is it slow. I've read russian novels with more pace. An hour into the move I looked at my watch only to realize that I had only watched 15 minutes. Lawrence of Arabia was short compared to this. Chalamet is neither great nor bad, just meh. Michael Stuhlbarg does his best to save the movie. A sweet movie but the pace or lack there of kills a very sweet story. Call Me Lame!
Rated 25 Dec 2017
Can't fault how it's shot or the performances, which are universally good/great but a tad overrated. My real beef is that it's boring, nothing happens, too simplistic, no real reason to care about these characters; in real life this internal struggle is enough by itself, in a movie it's hard to care if the characters aren't worth investing in. Some bad dialogue throughout, but the awesome speech at the end by Stuhlbarg was emotional despite the movie not earning it up to that point.
Rated 29 Dec 2017
It's definitely a slow burner and people say that not much essentially happens, but it's so emotionally driven and so nuanced that it's just captivating to watch - those last few scenes are haunting. A beautiful time capsule that I thoroughly enjoyed watching.
Rated 06 Jan 2018
Apricot Pie: French Film Student Edition. Starring Armie Hammer as Shannon Elizabeth.
Rated 06 Jan 2018
Call Me by Your Name invokes all of Luca's best filmmaking moves and shows him at probably his most reserved and purposeful. I will argue that Stuhlbarg's monologue is the most important portion of the film, with the wildly utopic vacuum of Elio and Oliver's romance being ancillary at best. Unlike Moonlight, Call Me's political purview is incredibly limited and borderline apolitical, an outlook that seems to pander more than inhabit such a tumultuous time period for queer bodies. It's ok, eh.
Rated 06 Jan 2018
A near-perfect, timeless movie. The last 25 minutes are sloppy--less of a climax, more of a dissipation--but I can't think of any substantive criticism of it prior to that (although, personally, I should have liked to see a sliver more of sexuality, which is oddly lacking). Languid small-town living is captured perfectly, as is the tentative romance between the leads. Call Me By Your Name will be responsible for many tears and yeast infections.
Rated 28 Jan 2018
The cast is undeniably excellent, the direction is intimate and the script is poignant... but it's just too damn long. The story could've easily been told in 30 minutes less screentime.
Rated 05 Feb 2018
An exceedingly stylish and well acted romance that ultimately rings hollow. I can't imagine it being very affecting for many in the LGBTQ audience: it centers heavily on the beauty of upper-class European lifestyles at a time just before the AIDS crisis with a protagonist with an enviable support structure. Clearly they wanted to make a movie about gay characters that eschewed the tragic tropes of the genre, but it just doesn't ring true. We're told it's an exceptional romance; I don't see it.
Rated 05 Feb 2018
A beautiful portrayal, but occasionally almost too real to the point where it becomes umcomfortable. I think it changed gears a bit too fast, jumping full on into a very intense relationship with an amount of intimacy I would have liked some more acclimatization to. It's a wonderful film anyway. Stuhlbargs ending monologue should win an Oscar on its own, I don't care which one.
Rated 20 Feb 2018
There is only one star of the show here and that's the Italian countryside. Switch one of the guys with a girl et voila, a hollow vessel of a film. It's all quite linear and no one really changes or gets tested, no hurdles to overcome. I cringed quite a bit throughout and I'm not even homophobic *cough* peach. It's an alright film, yet terribly overhyped.
Rated 26 Mar 2018
Two people longing for each other's peach in the overly romanticized Italian sun. Good for them, but I disliked both characters too much to really be involved in the ‘story'. The film lacks actual scenes of romance, it is all implied. What I can see now is mainly lust, and that's nothing to be crying about.
Rated 27 Feb 2018
Standard gay coming-of-age tale with nice settings, subdued performances and a general air of good taste and sympathy. It's not bad by any means, but I need a little more from my movies than there not being anything overtly wrong with them. I wish I could say that I hold most other things in my life up to the same standard, but who am I kidding- I'll drink anything.
Rated 27 Sep 2017
Call Me By Your Name is a pretty good movie that fails to become great due to a lack of strong characters and emotional hooks. You can probably do better than Call Me By Your Name, but it does have a lot to like. Check it out if it interests you.
Rated 14 Dec 2017
This was not a bad movie by any means. The story just wasn't my cup of tea. The story was beautiful, the setting nostalgic, the acting top notch and everything felt right. But nothing happened. It was simple and it did everything great, but that was all. There were no hurdles or defining emotional moments, other than them getting what they wanted. It wasn't as satisfying as it should have been. Although Stuhlburg's monologue at the end was devastating and brilliant and absolutely perfect.
Rated 21 Dec 2017
I can be resistant to portrayals of the charmingly wealthy but there's something so nostalgic and dreamy about Elio's summer, like a time in your life you take years to realize was special. Guadagnino's direction is incredibly sensual, capturing the romantic rush of every glance, gesture and touch. Extraordinary performances as well, with Chalamet in particular showing immense talent and sensitivity for his age. The final shot of this film will stick with me forever.
Rated 23 Dec 2017
Heart explosions. Measured, quiet, and yet not to be tamed. At times this felt like the most pure depiction of infatuation since "Before Sunrise". The Scenes set to Sufjan's beautiful music and Stuhlbarg's closing monologue will be cinematic treasures that I'll hold with me for life. Bravo.
Rated 04 Jan 2018
Dammit, Bown, you beat me to the "Italian Peach" joke!
Rated 06 Jan 2018
Easily one of the most beautiful films I've seen over the past decade with a sort of Linklater knack for creating tone through landscape, music, and intangible moments. It's overly lush in every shape imaginable. However, I found the characterizations to be quite disconcerting. It unfolds with the same sort of adolescent perversity as Lolita. The lust of the "twink" characters for the older boisterous male seems unrealistic and perpetuates a reality in which men like Spacey seem justified.
Rated 02 Jul 2018
I haven't cried watching a movie in a long time. The end phone call and onwards hit something deep in me. The whole movie was amazing. It's the perfect type of movie for me... a slow burning, summer-y 80s period piece with wonderful fashion and scenery, led by an intelligent romantic falling in love.
Rated 03 Jun 2018
Ordinary coming of age and summer love story but gay version. Nothing special in particular.
Rated 17 Feb 2018
On the one hand, there is some absolutely fantastic filmmaking. The camera movement is intimate, but never intrusive. The music (both diagetic and non-) is beautiful and punctuates scenes just when it needs to. The acting is great, especially Chalamet and Stuhlbarg. And yet, the complete lack of conflict or story leaves a film that is less than it could have been. Probably an unfair criticism coming from a guy who loves Linklater.
Rated 20 Feb 2018
a.k.a. "Bicycling. Swimming. Fucking". I can't think of a more unremarkable movie.
Rated 22 Feb 2018
Warm, sensual, and delicate, CALL ME BY YOUR NAME builds on a strong foundation of terrific performances and assured direction. While not necessarily among cinema's greatest love affairs--the drama is too subdued and the sparks don't appear as bright as director Luca Guadagnino thinks they do, while Hammer and Chalamet's age gap seems wider than advertised--there is a daring personal dimension to film's sexuality. This is a movie absolutely bursting with love.
Rated 22 Feb 2018
Reminiscing over this film as I tossed and turned in bed all night unlocked scores of bottled-up feelings and searing memories I'd lost sight of for quite some time now. Anyone with whom this story fails to resonate is just expressing the personal tragedy of never having loved in the way love should exist - every lustful gaze, every wistful longing for connection, the giddy euphoria of falling in love and the inevitable heartache that comes with it. Chalamet as Elio is a quiet revelation.
Rated 24 Feb 2018
The spirit of Eric Rohmer looms over this sexy and leisurely coming-of-age set against a seasonal countryside idyll. It's just an immensely pleasant film to take in, so filled with affection and idealism, completely free of cynicism, even in the depiction of pent-up desire and first love lost, a cathartic embrace of melancholy.
Rated 28 Feb 2018
life's a peach and then you gay.
Rated 15 Jan 2021
Definitely the most overrated film of the 21st century so far. Boring and too long.
Rated 15 Mar 2018
Intimate, engaging, educational. A very nice piece.
Rated 19 Mar 2018
I knew there was something off about Joaquin Phoenix in this movie
Rated 08 Sep 2017
Everything was well done, but I just wish there was more going on to help tell the story. It felt too simple, too straightforward. Will probably be forgotten easily.
Rated 30 Oct 2018
Very atmospheric, stuffed with dolce far niente and all the coming-of-age confusion and sexuality that one can expect. It's as romantic as Great Expectations or Bertolucci's Dreamers. Ladden with the cliches, but quite enjoyable to watch nonetheless. Made me re-live some of the sweet teenage angst, which is always nice,.
Rated 10 Oct 2017
heartbreakingly true.
Rated 08 Nov 2017
Some may call it a little long... but for me, a truly stunning film. Guadagnino is the best today at portraying passion, often in subtle, unspoken ways just as much as his sex scenes. The way his camera lingers on a spectacular view, or a rich still life scene. Chalamet and Hammer are revelations both, especially the sensitive, prodigal teen with a unique vision of love. Fantastic work from cast and crew in a story packed with nostalgia for those endless teenage summers, and ones that got away.
Rated 28 Mar 2021
Perfectly distills the jittery and rug-pulling ecstacy of falling madly in love. Full of inconspicuous moments that hide a vast subterrenean network of conflicted feelings. Loved it. One of the most interesting sex scenes I can think of. That dad monologue though! As wonderful as it was in form and content, but man, did it really have to go all Forrest Gump lessons for life?
Rated 23 Dec 2017
Movie of the year. Unforgettable and Timothee Chalamet is a star.
Rated 25 Dec 2017
an elegant masterpiece. best coming of age movie ever shot.
Rated 27 Dec 2017
Gorgeous, romantic, heartbreaking, unforgettable. The last shot is acting for the ages.
Rated 28 Dec 2017
It will be faded in memory by passing time.Chalamet was the only reason i watched it till end.
Rated 29 Dec 2017
Just the touch Merchant-Ivory was missing. Lord have mercy. James!
Rated 29 Dec 2017
Quietly explosive masterpiece!
Rated 29 Dec 2017
I loved this entire movie except that I can't stand Sufjan Stevens' non-voice but despite the numerous grand moments this all comes down to a Stuhlbarg monologue that might very well be considered a great monologue of cinema in just a few years. Michael Stuhlbarg might be our greatest living actor. Also, I've been defending Armyhammer for a bit now and it's really damn nice to see others finally agree.
Rated 05 Jan 2018
Gorgeous movie that ultimately doesn't quite grab me - almost everything goes unspoken up until the very end. Which might be as it should be given the time period, but I wish I'd gotten just a bit more... something.
Rated 07 Jan 2018
yellow hair guy was awesome and he deserves more than peaches. ijustloveit! low elio
Rated 14 May 2018
Mopingly awkward
Rated 12 Jan 2018
A very slow burn at times, and it even borders into frustrating, but it all ties up brilliantly behind a cast that turns in extraordinary performances
Rated 12 Jan 2018
Wildly surpassed my expectations. Timothée Chalamet is downright transcendent - the last scene alone should be enough to win him an Oscar, even though it won't. The screenplay is concise, straightforward, enthralling, and an endless wellspring of emotion. This might be the only sexual tension on film that's ever felt real to me. It had me squirming. And Michael Stuhlbarg's monologue is simply the greatest single scene in any movie I've seen in the last year. Jesus, what a great actor.
Rated 23 Jan 2018
It's almost unfair how beautifully captured the subtleties of love are in this film. I think you have to go through certain life experiences to have an even deeper connection with this brilliant screenplay. Towards the end, the father's monologue is so genuine and brutally honest - I made an everlasting connection with it.. I would say the natural, slow, organic build of Oliver and Elio make this one of my favourite films and thus, favourite love story.
Rated 25 Jan 2018
It's nice to look at, but that's the Italian Riviera for you. The performances are good and it's a fine script with a few powerful and well realized scenes, so it has all the credentials to be a great film. However, at its heart it's not much more than a generic coming of age tale of love and loss. It's not bad by any means, but there's nothing original about it other than the fact that the two leads are the same sex, and that really isn't original these days.
Rated 27 Jan 2018
A sensual, erotic coming-of-age journey. So much of this film is based on the emotion, and luckily, we don't get a long monologue about a character's "true" feelings for the other. It's refreshing to have a film about gay characters that isn't either maudlin or depressing.
Rated 28 Jan 2018
Touching honest real film making. Timothée Chalamet's performance fully embodies that of a confused teenager coming to grips with who they are. The final shot and Stuhlbarg's monologue are heart wrenching.
Rated 29 Jan 2018
Framed against the sun-drenched Riviera, the insignificant details that weave themselves into infatuation--Oliver's playful converse, loose summer shirts, and awkward cycling technique--are, through Elio's curious and desirous gaze, captured beautifully. I had the rare sense of sharing in something truly private on-screen and left the cinema emotionally battered, in the best possible sense.
Rated 31 Jan 2018
To suggest that our sexual impulses should be guided by something other than our immediate emotions--or to believe that some forms of sexual expression, such as homosexuality or premarital sex are not what God intended--is anathema to mainstream culture today. In contrast, secular society wants us to believe that such radical individual sovereignty is the ultimate prescription for happiness.
Rated 31 Jan 2018
Superb performances by Hammer and Chalamet, in a meandering, nuanced and emotional movie.
Rated 14 Jul 2019
I might lose hipster cred for this one but this is just way too indulgent for aimless stylish wandering. Feels like everyone needed a gay romance to get all horny over and this happened to be lying around
Rated 11 Apr 2018
It's a beautiful story; shot, performed and delivered in an equally elegant and affecting way. The performances, not just by the two leads, and the chemistry they all share are almost perfection. Set with a beautiful backdrop of the Italian countryside and a story of first love, the film really comes together really well. If nothing else, stay for the beautiful and heartfelt speech by Elio's father (Michael Stuhlbarg), it's really something.
Rated 03 Feb 2018
A hypnotically honest whisper that runs out of things to say.
Rated 03 Feb 2018
What I think works the best is the sense of time and place, which it evokes masterfully and with full confidence. The central romance itself seems a bit unbalanced... almost as if more time could have been devoted to it. But the ending, and the emotions it releases, is about as perfect as can be.
Rated 04 Feb 2018
We're getting close to the point where films with this subject matter are in danger of saying nothing new. I had my doubts through some of this film. It wasn't until about the last two scenes that really cinched this up as cinema worth studying and talking about. This isn't to say the rest of the film isn't engaging, but rather the ending elevates it. Chalamet gives the best performance of the year. This is one of those films that would've totally fucked me up a few years back. Stays with you.
Rated 13 Jun 2019
Beautifully tragic. There's so much to love about this movie; the beautiful shots, the subtle hints between Elio and Oliver, the fantastic acting, the time Elio and Oliver spent together. There are so many things that are so very sad too; the goodbye, the shame Elio felt, the conversation between Elio and his father (which is for me the also most powerful scene in the movie) and that ending just ripped me apart. A really good movie.
Rated 05 Feb 2018
60 minutes of dull introduction, 60 minutes of below average love story and a strong ending with a sublime and moving Stuhlbarg monologue.
Rated 01 Apr 2018
a teenage wish-fulfilment fantasy, radically (if unsubtly) sidestepping the usual conflicts and disapprovals, cultivating a safe space for exploring a love that would typically be forbidden. maybe it should be forbidden, though (in the novel the underage protag analogises himself with a rape victim)? the way it's breezily enabled may speak less of liberal idealism than immaturity (esp. given the cringy sufjan music cues and adorably lame script), which makes it kinda self-defeatingly creepy, no?
Rated 10 Feb 2018
"Call me By Your Name" is at once simple and complex. It sneaks up on you. This film doesn't succeed for the elegant cinematography, or the beautiful adapted screenplay, or even Chalamet's brilliant performance. It succeeds because it is one of the most emotionally authentic films of this decade.
Rated 15 Feb 2018
The surrounding luscious nature gives a suited backdrop to Elio's awakening sexuality. His cravings are tangible and familiar. The film's message is simple yet important. Be free to feel, love and explore when you have the chance.
Rated 19 Feb 2018
This was a really nice, beautiful coming-of-age film. The direction and cinematography are gorgeous. Really good performances from the two leads, and I have to give a shout-out to Michael Stuhlbarg, who really is good in everything he's in. There's not much plot to speak of, but that doesn't matter when it's so elegantly presented - true cinema. And it's great to have a gay romance be the focus of the movie, yet still not be a big deal within the movie.
Rated 14 Jun 2020
I thought this film was fine. It's a very attractive, mostly well-acted film (I still don't buy the idea that Timothée Chalamet is much more that a bundle of annoying ticks) that was a pleasant watch, but I didn't connect to it. It felt emotionally empty to me, which I'm well aware is the exact opposite of how most viewers felt. Chalamet and Hammer acted out a relationship that seemed summoned out of thin air to me.
Rated 22 Feb 2018
This film would have been far better than what it is right now. Even though the actings were very good, their emotions, the depth and meaning of their relationship do not pass to the audience enough. We can not get into the perspective of Elio or Oliver rather we stuck with the director's perspective and it just does not work well. That's why I think, there is one long shot showing the fact that Elio is suffering because of his love. Still I have to admit music and cinematography are just great.
Rated 26 Feb 2018
Most incredible to me is how non-judgmental every single character is about the relationship. (In fact, the only judgment seems to come from Elio about the two gay guests.) It just occurs naturally - and beautifully, being filmed in a Paradise-like Northern Italy - although the tension is ripe. There's a lot to unpack about sexuality despite more being shown than told. The ever-present flies throughout the film, and taking place in '83, suggest something darker than the sad goodbye.
Rated 01 Mar 2018
The peach part really disturbed me; he kept throwing the peach pits on the floor like it was nothing.
Rated 01 Mar 2018
is it better to speak or die?
Rated 24 Mar 2018
What a gentle love story! Sublime, sensual and rhythmically slow yet not boring. Affluent family style and kind understanding, even with wordless complexity, of protagonist's parents doesn't hurt the atmosphere. What I like is that the movie really lives in the moment, as is with good, bad, dreams and demons. Occasional pretentiousness is forgiven!
Rated 04 Mar 2018
An incredibly nuanced and subtle look into love. This is a movie that I will definitely have to revisit at another time, but I will say that I liked it. With wonderfully portrayed ideas and concepts, great and subtle acting, and some of the most beautiful cinematography this year, it is no wonder it is an Oscar contender. That being said, it often feels to be more a sum of its parts than a full movie. I liked it a lot, but it feels incomplete somehow.
Rated 04 Mar 2018
Beautifully photographed romance can't overcome a lack of chemistry between Chalamet and Hammer, and a dire lack of plotting or incident -- this might not be as problematic if the characters were more fully developed and fleshed out; as it is, this feels like a desperate attachment of significance to what ultimately adds up to a juvenile infatuation. Perhaps if Hammer was a more convincing 20-something, this would play more convincingly.
Rated 07 Mar 2018
Hits coming-of-age-and-confused-sexuality-and-love-and-loss by the numbers. Very confidently, and very prettily, but still painfully, undeniably, by the numbers. I promise you will enjoy the film more if you make a checklist game out of it to keep track of every clichéd beat the narrative hits. Have fun!
Rated 08 Mar 2018
Rated 10 Mar 2018
Feels like a relaxed, European style fling. Had a few long takes that I really enjoyed.
Rated 14 Mar 2018
Call Me by Your Name offers a melancholy, powerfully affecting portrait of first love, empathetically acted by Timothée Chalamet and Armie Hammer.
Rated 19 Aug 2018
Quite well made, but overall I couldn't connect with it. Some parts also jarred - like the father role, who seemed to have been cut from another movie, and the much too modern sounding Sufjan Stevens songs that got foisted between the 80's fare.
Rated 11 Apr 2017
It's just like so many romance films young attractive rich people in cool places having a fling. Not my favorite but I thought most aspects of this film were well done.
Rated 22 Apr 2020
The best part of the movie is at the end when father is talking to the son.
Rated 07 Nov 2017
The sun-drenched Mediterranean informs the relationship here in a not dissimilar fashion to the way that the [initially] bleak, harsh Yorkshire landscape did in God's Own Country. Hammer & Chalamet are both excellent, even if I think the origins of their relationship are slightly rushed. Otherwise, a languid, charming, funny, and affecting summer-holiday of a film.
Rated 04 Aug 2018
It's not really a "romance", though, is it? The older character just seemed to be coercing the relationship out of boredom. A bit more Lolita than Breakfast at Tiffany's. The film needed to give more depth on this dynamic rather than relying on a sub-Sigur Ros soundtrack and sappy, generic "gay experience" sentiment. Chamalet's excellent portrayal of inexperience saves it somewhat but a missed opportunity all in all.
Rated 14 Jan 2018
This (good) movie is clearly not made for me. So who am I to judge.
Rated 08 Jan 2021
I resisted watching this for a few years because it was sandwiched between Guadagnino's inferior "Bigger Splash" and "Suspiria" remake, but I'm quite glad I finally caved because it's a considerably better script. A lot of it doesn't seem like it should work, but it somehow does, on the strength of the logical and parsimonious dialogue.
Rated 03 Feb 2018
The setting/time period are beautiful and intriguing, Chalamet and Hammer perform their roles very well, and the Cinematography is impeccable. Yet something is missing. For as much as this film gets right it just fails to entertain. They do a superb job of making it feel like everyday life, but in doing so it just makes the story drawn out and boring. The movie could have easily been at least 30 minutes shorter and not have lost anything.
Rated 23 Jun 2024
Well done overall with a really strong last 20 minutes or so, including the father’s amazing monologue. I hope Chalamet does more art house movies like this.
Rated 21 Feb 2018
Would be just another bland teenage flick without the *gasp* homosexuality. The direction fails to create subtle sexual tension between the characters, making for awkward posturing.
Rated 29 Jan 2023
Beautiful movie about a summer love we all might experience at least once in a life time. Well scripted, well played.
Rated 31 Oct 2021
Utterly boring.


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